Word association? The pumps… The pain? The cold? Oh, they are beautiful… but in this city full of cobbled streets and with a temperature of minus 10º all I can think when I see those pumps is cold feet and ankle injuries! I have to wear boots all the time, snif.
They are sooo pretty. But really, here’s my confession: I just cannot walk in them.
Here’s my reader’s question for you, Garance:
How does one walk in heels without breaking ones legs and arms and pretty much everything?
These Celine are beautiful, I’ve tried them, and could hardly stand in them. Just no support, pretty much impossible to even walk in them!! HELP. Surely I’m not the only one hating to walk in heels???? Do you train for this? :D My max heel height and minimum width is reached with Isabel Marant heel-sneekers. It’s THAT bad.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Simples, élégantes et efficaces ! Parfaites !
sweet! :)
Beautiful! xx.
I love them, cute! The pattern on the floor is cute as well!
The first thing I thought of when I saw this picture was the Amy Winehouse song “F Me Pumps” …. lol… I LOVE THAT SONG!! Do you know it? It’s good!
Much love,
NEW POST: http://www.19rivoli.com
love it!!!!
They’re stunning! So classic.
These are perfect in my eyes. Just perfect. Joy! : )
Ces Céline sont juste splendide et le carrelage graphique les fait bien ressortir !!!!
Mais où est ce ??? :D
I think the whole picture is beautiful! But those shoes are stunning yet simple and classic!
The shoes are beautiful, but I’m a little obsessed with the floor. I’m looking for tile for my kitchen and love this look.
– Meredith
You never can get a hold of too many black pumps..
Oh les beaux souliers !!
J’adore la photo ou Jessica les portent, elles apparaissent comme la perfectitude de l’illustration de mode.
your sense of style is pretty amazing-
utmost perfection…
love this Celine shoes, so chic!
new post! le divorce de Balenciaga!
I wish i know how to walk with heels :( Any good tips ?
Elles sont belles, mais j’aimerais bien les voir portées… Si tu as encore une amie magnifique à nous présenter ;)
Justement j’en cherche et j’hésitais entre les jimmy choo et les louboutin… je pense que je vais aller regarder celles-là elles sont tops tops!!!!
So beautiful, sexy and classic. :) A must have.
Ces escarpins sont tellement feminines
Ah, these truly are the perfect pair of pumps… elegant and sexy with the just the right dose of rock & roll. Phoebe Philo is a genius.
Beautiful shoes!
Jolies shoes ! :)
La perfection existe :)
Sublime!! love shoes so much!!!
Love! Love! Love!
Word association? The pumps… The pain? The cold? Oh, they are beautiful… but in this city full of cobbled streets and with a temperature of minus 10º all I can think when I see those pumps is cold feet and ankle injuries! I have to wear boots all the time, snif.
Très chic! j’adore!
Cool pumps!!
I am in love! They are a perfect one! Want them!
They look perfect !
des escarpins noirs, pointus, fins, joliment décolletés sur les côtés, des talons très hauts. et fins.
Ils sont simples et magnifiques…
These cut out pumps are classic! So is the floor design which resembles the chevron look which I am becoming obsessed with!!! Fun post–love love it!
-Lauren at adorn la femme
As soon as I saw this photo I thought how striking the shoes looked against the geometric floor.
They are wonderful. Classic and yet modern and sophisticated!
fashion – beauty – DIYs
an amazing photo. the ground and the form of the shoes become a great composition. just beautiful.
le rêve !!
I like the pumps. Have a nice day.
oh. so. perfect. been searching for a pair like this within my price range since forever!
Stunning shoes. Classic and elegant. Love the picture as well.
These pumps are perfect my lovely!!!
Simply beautiful & chic!
Les carreaux de ciment !!!! Ensemble très chouette
Quelle tentatrice diabolique tu es, Garance, en nous présentant ces escarpins. Une pure merveille !… La perfection faite escarpin.
Aïe ! Qu’est ce que c’est beau !
On continue dans la lignee de la simplicite et de l’elegance.
Belle photo avec ce carrelage astucieux.
et le carrelage!
Ces escarpins sont superbes ! parfait, ils iront avec tout !
belle photo, avec ce carrelage en fond c’est très chouette :)
magnifiques! elles sont de cette saison(hiver 12/13?)
perfection http://www.fashionissue.cz
Perfect! x
Gorgeous and Chic!
Ok, ok, je ne crie pas. Putain c’est les chaussures de mes rêêêêêves ! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[gorge raclée] : “combien?” :)
Oh god, I’ve been looking for pumps like these little pearls of perfection for months now. Must have. Must save!
They are sooo pretty. But really, here’s my confession: I just cannot walk in them.
Here’s my reader’s question for you, Garance:
How does one walk in heels without breaking ones legs and arms and pretty much everything?
These Celine are beautiful, I’ve tried them, and could hardly stand in them. Just no support, pretty much impossible to even walk in them!! HELP. Surely I’m not the only one hating to walk in heels???? Do you train for this? :D My max heel height and minimum width is reached with Isabel Marant heel-sneekers. It’s THAT bad.
Magnifiques chaussures!
Théa Unknown