She’s a stunning woman – and typically very stylish – but in my opinion, she’s dressed like my aunt, who assembles her outfits from the cast-off bins at Goodwill.
J’adore Taylor car elle est audacieuse, et n’a jamais peur de prendre des risques, quitte à se planter ! Elle ne porte jamais de total-look, ni de it-truc hyper identifiable ! Bref, une vraie styliste…et elle est sublime !
Taylor is beautiful. But nope! I can’t get behind this look. The proportions are all wrong for her. It just isn’t flattering…not that every outfit needs to flatter, but this doesn’t have any elements to make up for it. It’s a “miss” in my book.n Gorgeous girl though :)
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
A real masterclass in layering!
i love her in sneakers!! so cool! :)
Je fais defiler la photo : j’aime la coiffure, le pull, la jupe puis……gasp ! Dommage. Des boots auraient bien termine cette belle tenue.
new post up,
I love her style! Taylor Tomasi Hill is always stunning <3
She always has a great style, even when it is cold!
She’s a stunning woman – and typically very stylish – but in my opinion, she’s dressed like my aunt, who assembles her outfits from the cast-off bins at Goodwill.
There’s the skirt and pants combo to keep the legs warm, comfy and cute.
Great style!!!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
nice layering!!
Wonderful sweater!
Taylor is always amazing !
I love the sweater !
Someone knows who it is ?
I just love her style and her smile, she’s so gorgeous!
She looks so nice. Perfect sweater.
Ma grand-mère s’habillait quand même un peu comme ça pour rentrer les vaches de la pâture vers 1960 ;-)
Elle était sans doute loin de se douter que 50 ans plus tard son “style” serait qualifié de GREAT ou encore de GORGEOUS !
Mamie, tu me manques <3
:-D :-D :-D
Un mélange très harmonieux !
Like the layers concept, she looks fantastic
Terrific !! Too bad about the shoes
She is such an inspiration!
J’adore Taylor car elle est audacieuse, et n’a jamais peur de prendre des risques, quitte à se planter ! Elle ne porte jamais de total-look, ni de it-truc hyper identifiable ! Bref, une vraie styliste…et elle est sublime !
J’adore cette association, c’est vraiment original une très belle surprise et beaucoup d’idées !
I like her skirt!
Animalier print accessories on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion Blog
Looking cool! :) Loving the combo of elegant and comfty pieces!
Whats not to love!
I truly admire her style. Seems like a very interesting person.
Taylor is beautiful. But nope! I can’t get behind this look. The proportions are all wrong for her. It just isn’t flattering…not that every outfit needs to flatter, but this doesn’t have any elements to make up for it. It’s a “miss” in my book.n Gorgeous girl though :)
She is very nice and always stylish…but this look is wrong, nothing matches, no proportions, etc. No like this time :)