The simplicity of the style is wonderful and the touch of red lipstick finishes the effortless chic of this summer look. Looooooving the stripy shirt, is it linen?
Aleks Kop ‘Wandering Minds’
In the past it was difficult for me to wear short and boots. Now I’m so addicted to this style…
Great pic
Check my post on French quintessential woman :
Bon je me répète, mais elle est encore une fois sublime cette photo ! Sa pose, sa tenue, son rouge à lèvres, casual mais so chic, et tellement New Yorkais :)
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Love her style.
i love her lipstick! :)
Love her style!
And the lipstick color is gorgeous! It brings the dark red touch to the outfit! <3
Le monde des petites
ahh j’adore!! ça me confirme mon envie d’investir dans des belles bottines noires, j’adore la façon dont elle les a intégrées dans un look estival :)
merci pour l’inspiration et bon weekend les filles!
xx tiphaine
Beautiful girl, beautiful picture and beautiful boots! Do anyone know where they’re from?
Love her style! So pretty and such fabulous boots…
xx, Kristi
And don’t forget her lipstick. Great colour!!!
The simplicity of the style is wonderful and the touch of red lipstick finishes the effortless chic of this summer look. Looooooving the stripy shirt, is it linen?
Aleks Kop ‘Wandering Minds’
Love the summer style and red lipstick is always a good thing.
Priscilla Joy
Dutch Caribbean
Great style!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Ces bottines sont splendides, elle est parfaite! j’aime beaucoup la chemise un peu large et confortable :)
I love this girl.. she has a natural elegant ,nonchalant..and this is something that always win…
Yael Guetta
This is just perfect: young, fresh and effortless.
In the past it was difficult for me to wear short and boots. Now I’m so addicted to this style…
Great pic
Check my post on French quintessential woman :
The red lip… I am in awe!
She pulls off the crisp shirt and cutoff jeans juxtaposition so well, and looks so effortless doing it…
Wow ! Quelle allure ! Et quel beau rouge… d’ailleurs, quelle en est la référence ? :)
That red lip kicks this look up 10 notches! Love it.
Perfect summer look, perfect bench, perfect red lips ! <3
Beautiful relaxed style and love the touch of the red lipstick xx
She’s beautiful, i like the shoes. But I think these jeans are too short for a grown up.
I loved it!
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:
love this photo
That shirt!! <3
amazing shot
Bon je me répète, mais elle est encore une fois sublime cette photo ! Sa pose, sa tenue, son rouge à lèvres, casual mais so chic, et tellement New Yorkais :)
I think her face and make-up do not match the rest of her. Her head is old-world movie star and the rest of her is skater gurl.
Love your blog!
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:
Love her shoes!
J’adore sa chemise citronnée, on a envie d’y plonger!
Very Nice Blog. Very Pretty and Beautiful Picture..
I love her black ankle boots! Can anyone tell me where I can get some similar?
Suggestions for a velvety, blood red lipstick similar to what she is wearing? (pretty please)