9 years ago by
I had been dreaming about spending more time with my team for a long time. As a super invasive boss (I love hanging around their desks and keeping them from working) it was kind of the logical next step of my invasion. So I contacted One Fine Stay, which also seems to be the logical next step for apartment rentals – they’ve got a sublime catalog of apartments and houses that will make you want to go on vacation right away. Go check it out, it’s great.
Ok, except for one thing. It wasn’t vacation, it was fashion week, so my team and I didn’t actually see each other very much – we were always running off in opposite directions.
But there were some lovely little moments, like when I stole Erik’s last candy and he looked at me like I’d killed his puppy (he was right – YOU SHOULD NEVER STEAL THE LAST CANDY). There was also the unforgettable moment when our messes, Chris’s and mine – (Chris came to join us at the end of our stay) (Chris is almost as messy as I am, but not quite as much, since no one in the world could be messier than me — I was touched by grace from birth) started to take over the entire apartment (Brie and Erik are the two most organized people I know), and the times when we were all sitting around the table, and Brie and Erik were giving me advice about my outfit.
It was cool. I love living with people. I lived with my best friend for six years, and it was probably one of the times in my life where I laughed more than ever. Living with people helps you get to know them better. It creates unforgettable moments. It makes you closer.
Well, I mean, I like living with people and sharing my life with them. I don’t know about them, though – they may not love living with me. Ahahahah.

Erik’s highlights:
1. G told me how worried she was about me when I had been out ALL night, drunk, at some dirty, gay sex club. … I had been asleep since 10:15pm, just 20 feet from her bed.
2. No matter how many heels were scattered about (no, but really, how can there be SO MANY half pairs everywhere? Where did the other shoe go!?), my ‘work’ area was never touched or disturbed.
3. Each morning started with Nespressos, butter with some baguette and a “I promise I’ll clean my stuff up later” from G…
4. Trying to figure out where Brie is hidden in that bed. Imagine white sheets with just a few perfectly highlighted strands of California hair peeking out.
5. Chris’ ultimate grocery shopping… Until he arrived, our options were mostly Nespresso, champagne (thanks One Fine Stay!), butter (Président, mmmm!) and stale baguettes.
6. Garance in that jumpsuit … … …

Brie’s favorite memories:
When we first arrived, Erik and I had to christen the space by performing a much talked about dance routine for the entire team back in New York. To say it was a hit would be an understatement. Waking up every morning to have coffee and a piece of bread with butter and jam was perfect calmness before the madness of each day began… Which normally started with something like “Which shoes should I wear? Do you have another bag? Any cool little black socks? Yes… No, that’s cool!”
For me, living with Garance, Erik and, of course, Chris was kind of like being home with family, which I think what staying in an apartment together is all about.

I love this post! What a wonderful and positive working environment and the apartment is just beautiful!
it’s really beautiful!
Love this post too
Garance, puisque “Chris” apparaît maintenant dans ton blog…. il a falloir revoir ta présentation dans la partie “About>Meet Garance”… Ton précédent amoureux est encore mentionné !
La bonne entente dans le milieu professionnel, amical et familial est une benediction. Profitez-en !
Quant a l’appartement ? J’adore ! J’y emmenagerais en un clin d’oeil tellement il me plait ainsi que la sobriete du mobilier.
Thanks for sharing your joy with us! You look like a nice little family and these photos remind me of the breakfast I shared with you at the studio. Sublime apartment, especially the white tones and the art works on the wall xo
I love getting a glimpse into all of your personalities – so fun!
Warm Regards,
First of all, what does Chris say? Second, as the mother of a professional trumpet player, I can only say that I hope he remembered his practice mute. Thirdly, Erik should be called “Erik the Brave” and I, too love the jumpsuit.
Ha! :)
I don’t really like renting appartments when travelling… I lvoe room service too much. But One fine stay sure has amaizng properties!
By the way: G in that jumpsuit… GORGEOUS!
L’ambiance est tellement cool, j’aime beaucoup l’esprit de votre équipe!
J’adore ça la rigolade, la cool attitude, la joie, la vie simple quoi!
Bravo pour cette equipe qui donne envie…
Bisous et Happy Easter
The team is really energetic and positive! It’s so cute!
Support and love from HK
(That’s because she kept us hyped up on French candy, too!)
That’s it. I’m moving in with my best friends. :D
wow, beautiful these interiors!!!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
such a simple minimal interior — love it
Garance, you look fabulous!
I have been following your blog for 4 years now and I must say you look better than ever, especially with short hair! :)
You look radiant, confident, even more stylish, and peaceful overall.
Greetings from Turkey
J’adore cet appartement, et c’est vrai que moi aussi j’adore vivre avec les gens, je trouve que c’est génial :)
Garance! The jumpsuit is perfection!details?? x
Super appart!!! Et une ambiance de travail géniale!!! Vous avez beaucoup de chance!!
(oooooh ces fauteuils 60s Brasil design… j’adoooore!!)
I start every day with real bread, butter, jam, French press coffee and hot foamy (whole) milk. Best way to start. Of course, especially if it’s white bread, I’m famished by 11 but then it’s almost lunch…
Dying to know about “Garance on that jumpsuit” Photos, details?! :) S x.
“Garance in that jumpsuit” not on! :) S x.
Désolée de jouer les rabats joie mais la seule chose à la quelle je pense est: au secours le carrelage, il y des (pauvres) voisins en dessous?
How cool! I’ve contacted One fine stay after you’ve posted about them on Instagram. I was looking for a summer apartment in Paris. Unfortunately, they didn’t have one in my area but nevertheless they were so beautiful!
La question essentielle est : ¿ D’où vient cette superbe combi que porte Garance?
C’est la classe ultime!
The family looks really happy , and I like the decoration of the house
Lawrence , Uk , newcastle
The one fine stay website is a great place for design/decor ideas. All they’re properties are very cool.
Garance, my dear…
… you sound like a nightmare boss!
Interrupting work to chat? Do you also then stress about deadlines? I hope not.
Creating messes in communal spaces that the neat people (who are also your employees) will end up having to clean up to do their work? (I notice that in all of the photos the apartment is spotless!)
Inviting your significant other to join… were they free to invite theirs?
I’m sure that your charming self smooths over many things, but it can be really hard for employees who have no space to be “off.” I hope you are as conscientious as possible that, as you are writing paychecks, socializing with you comes with more than a little pressure to “perform” – whether you want it to or not!
Just checking…
Sérieux tu es la boss que l’on rêverait toute d’avoir (je peux travailler pour toi et venir à NYC, dis? ^^)! C’est vraiment génial de faire cela, un peu comme une colo vacances en pleine fashion week. Ta combi Garance est ajkhgkhij meaning TROP trop belle! Vous êtes tous beaux au studio de toutes façon. ;) (je follow Brie sur insta et je la trouve tellement cool!) C’est génial que tu as vécu avec ta bff pendant 6ans, j’aimerais trop faire ça! L’année dernière quand j’ai déménagé en Angleterre pour étudier, j’adorais vivre en coloc, j’ai rencontré une de mes meilleures amies, une Suédoise trop cool et on se tapait des fous rires de malades. Cette année, j’habite juste à côté de mon autre meilleure amie et comme je déteste mes colocs (oui la coloc peut rapprocher comme éloigner, beaucoup éloigner les gens, surtout ceux en couple/chiant à mourir/asociale :/), je passe mon temps chez elle. Notre rêve est de déménager à NYC, d’avoir un chat et une vie fabuleuse. En attendant, hier on regardait Sex and The City ensemble et on commentait comment elle est Samantha et moi Carrie, aha. ;)
Nevermind the gorgeous apartment, where is Garance’s jumpsuit from???
You all are just the cutest! <3
love love this place, can only imagine how one can work and play. getting away with people you work with is also very sweet. You see another happier side, it’s a really cool idea!
wow, I can not imagine how someone can work and play together. It is two different things. But sometimes the satisfaction of doing something that causes someone will be willing to always do the job. This may be called with job satisfaction. maybe.
You all are just the cutest! <3
it’s really beautiful , i love it .
You all are just the cutest! <3
its beautiful i love it <3
love it thanks its amazing
thnaks for share
its pretty i like it
J’adore ça la rigolade, la cool attitude, la joie, la vie simple quoi!
Bravo pour cette equipe qui donne envie…
Bisous et Happy Easter
super design j’adore!
I can not imagine how someone can work and play together. It is two different things. But sometimes the satisfaction of doing something that causes someone will be willing to always do the job. This may be called with job satisfaction. maybe.
I really like how the house looks, thanks for the pics
i would like to tank you for this amazing post
best regards