On the Street…Louise
10 years ago by
It’s really hard work being a street style photographer.
I’ve been doing it for years, so I know what I’m talking about. You spend your life outside, so you’re at the mercy of the weather, you sometimes waste whole days looking for the right shot and never finding it, you end up having to deal with grumpy people, and plus, you can really hurt your back, because the cameras we use are super heavy and you spend all day carrying them around.
Not to bring it all back to me, since this article is dedicated to Louise’s style – that’s what happened to me – I kind of hurt my back carrying the camera around, and that’s why you’ve been seeing photos by other photographers on the blog recently – which makes me super happy, by the way. It’s a great opportunity to be able to share this space with people whose work I love and respect!!

Add to that the ambiance of fashion shows, and the fact that street style photographers have gradually been replaced by paparazzi, and you get very, very far from the easy atmosphere of the good kids who just loved fashion that we had a few years ago at fashion shows.
People push and shove each other, they yell at each other, and most of all, everyone is fighting to get the exact same shot. It can be terribly frustrating.
Like, after the third time being elbowed by an excited muscly dude, you quickly start to wonder what you’re even doing there.
Oh, and let’s not even talk about how much trouble it is to figure out what kind of clothes you should wear.
How to be pretty but comfortable and professional all at the same time? Pretty much a headache.
That’s why when I see a girl who stands out in the middle of the craziness, I can’t help but admire her. There’s the fabulous Sandra, of course, whose photos you may have noticed recently on the blog, and I’ll introduce you to her soon, but there’s also the lovely Louise – always chic, always sweet, always smiling.
So this morning, I wanted to send out a big kiss to all of the cool, smiling, brave girls who dare to stand out. You inspire me!!!
Translated by Andrea Perdue
Je viens de prénommer ma fille Louise…
I’m one of those girls…just in Milan, but I’d love to take pictures all over the world…I don’t like to be pushed so hard, but that’s a part of the pleasure..right??!
XOX, Gap.
En effet, ça ne doit vraiment pas être facile!!!
Elle a vraiment beaucoup de mérite!
Superbe la première tenue! J’adore! <3
Le monde des petites
those eyes! and the cool job! :)
Wise words!
On me dit très courageuse et très très singulière mais je ne suis ni cool, ni souriante avec les êtres humains qui dans leur immense majorité me consternent. Par contre je le suis beaucoup beaucoup avec mes chevaux, même si je suis aussi exigeante. J’ai tout de même droit à un bisou ? :D
Bienvenue à Louise alors ! :)
Très jolis look à la fois chics et confortables !
A great friend of mine is a sport photographer and he is telling the same things…at the same time like everywhere..
it’s nice to meet the same people every fashion season..i believe there are friendship ..that are created and it can help to get the best place for the shooting or even just taking care of the material while you do something else…
Love her look you can see she loves fashion and she likes not only taking pictures …
Yael Guetta
I love the combo of Louise’s hair with her glasses. She looks like a super cute Velma from Scooby Doo!
Beautiful hair…you can tell the texture is really lovely…;))
I’m so impressed by this post! The photos, writing, and just how the website is working–the photos transitioning into the words. It’s very unique and works well!
love her style
Such a beautiful face! I’d love to see her photos where does she publish them?
I totally agree, this is definitely inspiring! Lovely pictures x
Love her! I know it is hard work.
love her style
Hi Suzanne. You can see my work on Polaris.journal.com. Thank you for the beautiful pictures and sweet words Garance! :)
Bravo Garance!!!!!!!!!!
I’m one of those girls, too, except not really – I’m a 56 year old woman. And yes, it is hard work!
This is so nice, Garance! We love Louise! Just had an interview with her a short while ago: http://www.silksofine.com/street-style-photographer-to-watch-louise-nordtorp-veng/
J’adore son ptit look Boyish, et j’adore ses lunettes bordeaux: serait ce la couleur de cet Automne-Hiver? Maybe ;)
J’aime tout: Louise, son air adorable, son look et les photos géniale que tu as pris d’elle , on s’y croirait, vraiment vivant !! ta mise en page photo/textes est super aussi !
elle me rappelle un peu ma soeur :), beautiful photos and texte, merci !
Great post and I hope all of the street style photographers know that WE APPRECIATE ALL THE HARD WORK! You make it possible for all of us to live the action outside the shows (which is just as important as what is happening inside the shows) and even though the paparazzi are seeming to take over, the work of the true street style photographers will always stand out because you have the eye to capture the details :) thank you thank you thank you
Yeah Louise is always sweet and chic! Lovely post! And I agree with you Garance it is very hard work as I am doing it since 2008, but I love it!
Acielle, XX
Mais du coup, y a t-il un endroit où l’on peut voir les photos de Louise…?
Very beautiful shots! So natural!
Thank you for introducing us to Louise. Could you tell us, please, what shoes she’s wearing in the photo where she’s wearing jeans and a vest?
Merci beaucoup et bisoux –
Effectivement très jolie et différentes des autres!
Bisous à vous les filles et à G!
Beautiful and great style!!!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
La photo de Louise avec la liquette et les bottines : j’adore !
Ce sac! Quelqu’un sait d’où il vient? Merci :)
Super cute style – practical as well!
And when your back heals, it’s good to continue delegating and collaborating with other artists. Outsourcing is part of building a business and a brand.
Love you and your site, even crush a little bit. That said, we photographers have it very easy. Yes, it’s a crazy job but don’t complain about how hard it is. Try being a maid at a cheap interstate hotel, a waitress at a dive diner in Oklahoma feeding 4 kids….thats hard. Wearing great clothes and hanging out with fabulous people, eating great food and vacations in capri/Paris/Spain is not hard……
carry on.
These portraits show more than just style, they demonstrate personality as well. Louise is a total Betty and has me wanting a sharp bowl cut stat – but, Garance – you forgot the to link to the work you ‘love and respect’. Louise’s photography is at http://www.Polaris-Journal.com
These portraits show more than just style, they demonstrate personality as well. Louise is a total Betty and has me wanting a sharp bowl cut stat – but, Garance – you forgot the link to the work you ‘love and respect’. Louise’s photography is at http://www.Polaris-Journal.com
J’ai un ami qui est photographe dans un autre contexte, celui d’évènements sportifs qui peuvent durer des heures, voire des journées entières. Pareillement exposé aux appareils lourds et à la météo, un peu moins à l’agressivité des autres photographes;
Mais il faut être clair, d’abord il est très sportif lui-même, a le dos suffisamment musclé (sans être body buildé) et fait pas mal de gainage (à quoi sert votre yoga les new-yorkaises???).
Mais il sacrifie aussi son “look” et utilise les bons sacs à appareils, moches mais ergonomiques. ;)
Et il n’a jamais eu mal au dos!
Donc si vous voulez durer en tant que street style photographe, il faut peut-être apprendre à sacrifier un peu votre style! La petite Louise, elle risque d’avoir un peu mal au dos plus tard aussi, avec ses appareils à bout de bras!
I recognized weeks before, that some photos were done by Sandra Semburg. They go perfectly with the spirit of your blog: colorful, fresh, spontaneous. It’s high art choosing the right partners as you did!
J’aimerais aussi beaucoup voir ses photos.. Any link ? :)
Chère Garance,
je suis partie à Bali l’an dernier avec mon D700 et (entre autres) un 28-300 génial mais qui pesait lourd sur l’épaule. Et puis en mars dernier je suis passée chez Fuji, avec le X-T1 c’est le bonheur, petit boîtier (je peux le transporter dans mon sac normal, c’est dire), capteur APSC, léger et qui fait des photos de dingue. En plus ils ont une gamme optique géniale, dont un 56 1.2 qui est semble-t-il incroyable (pas testé encore, les optiques, même moins chères que chez Nikon-Canon, ne sont pas données). La nouvelle version est prévue en octobre, donc bientôt, je t’encourage à tester… (pour la partie traitement des raws, pour le moment j’ai quitté lightroom-photoshop, parce que Capture One Pro traite beaucoup mieux les raws -fins détails entre autres- et que le rendu est vraiment sympa, on verra plus tard si Adobe fait des efforts pour améliorer son traitement). Tu me diras? Ce serait dommage d’arrêter la photo à cause du poids des appareils alors que la solution existe…
Just love the green sweater and shorts.
I love the layout on this post. The transitions
are original, clever and fun.
Oh please! Oh please! Louise! Where is this dream of a green sweater from> Need it for the freezing days here in Germany!
Hi Angela, sorry for the very late reply! If you are still interested the sweater is from Isabel Marant, maybe you will soon be able to find it on sale? ;)
I’ve tried street photography just once in Milan especially outside Dolce&Gabbana catwalk and it has been quite fun, lot of people, “photographers” and dressed up like carnival, I’ve been pushed lot of times but I enjoyed it… for once ;)!
I follow your blog for so long and each time is a big pleasure… my dream? became a photographer and I really hope to find the courage and leave my actual (no satisfaction at all) life one day (I’m working on it).
I also took a pic of you that day in Milan (September 2012) and you’ve been so kind, I was talking no stop “I always follow your blog, I love your style etc etc).
p.s.= I love Louise style.. what about that double color shirt? Do you know the brand?!? Thanks ;)!
J’aime beaucoup son style ! Et ton article répond à la question que j’avais posé il y a quelques temps concernant l’apparition de photos d’autres photographes. Si c’est pour des raisons médicales, je ne peux que te féliciter de savoir mettre un frein passer un peu le relais ;)
Simply gorgeous!