12 years ago by Garance Doré
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From the Archives: Tonal Dressing

Eloquent Héloïse

Vicki in Morocco

Tracy in Morocco

Rituals at the Hammam

Georgia on the Go

l’Hôtel El Fenn

Marrakech Style!

les couleurs c’est magnifique! Tu nous donnes envie de voyager!
C’est magnifique toutes ces couleurs devant les arbres gris ! :)
So interesting photo. You must be in amazing places.
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I love how the bold colours of the clothes laying out to dry pop against the muted hues of the landscape and, of course, the burst of purple of the lady’s coat too.
It’s a moment captured that brings the mundane things to life. Thanks
Hey Garance, wondering what the atmosphere is like in Morocco? I mean, I’d love to visit but there have been terrorist attacks and tourist kidnappings and stuff recently. Don’t mean to scare you, but I’d really love to know how you perceive the situation there at the moment (because we all know the media exaggerates).
This is a beautiful photograph! There is something wonderfully whimsical about it.
I love it! Who would have thought laundry could look so pretty!? xx
Canonissime…. Toujours au maroc?
I love de variety of bright colors in this pic it reminds me of those wonderful summer days!!!
and I must say that this is the best way to dry your clothes…
Les couleurs sont magnifiques et donnent vie au paysage terne!
Ca se passe bien a Istanbul? J’ai hate de voir les photos!
Ma-gni-fique !!! la lessive comme œuvre d’art ???
Eh oui, on utilise comme on dit chez moi “les moyens du bord” ! Sur les rochers à Istanbul, ça doit sécher comme neige au soleil :-)
WOOH ! j’adore toutes ces couleurs qui se marient si bien avec le terne des arbres…. poétique…
Merci de nous faire partager votre voyage, et de vraiment aller à la rencontre de ce pays… ça donne envie de voyager et de découvrir le mode de vies de nos voisins.
What a great photo!
Great pic! I’m loving these Morocco photos!
You know what?
I love your blog, thank you for capturing this. The sun is so essential.
I’m really intrigued and wonder why don’t they hang the clothes on a cord? Doesn’t laying them on rocks make them dirty? With all the dust in the air?
The picture is beautiful, I have to admit.
Wow–it’s like a laundry rainbow. Gorgeous photo, Garance.
Such a great photo! Did you by any chance see the rug farms where they make and wash the rugs and then lay them out in the fields to dry? This photo reminded me of them, but at the same time it really looks like they’re growing crops of rugs on their farm. So beautiful!
I love this photo for the same reason I loved the one taken from far away of just buildings, pops of color that jump out from the natural hues of the landscape/buildings.
amazing photo! (all of them really… thanks for sharing your morocco trip!)