
11 years ago by

I love white for summer because it’s soft and fresh, but I think this is even fresher than fresh.

This bleached shirt… Doesn’t it make you think of clouds? It’s from Anthropologie. I love it…

PS : Can we talk about my secret love for Anthropologie? The clothes aren’t really my style, but I could spend hours in there, looking at the books, dishes, soaps, and I think I could spend all my money on…bowls. Yep, I love their bowls. I’m crazy about Anthro bowls. I have way too many bowls, but who cares. I can’t stop. Just keep on bringing on the bowls, Anthro, I’m there.

PPS : The white jeans are from J.Brand.


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  • It’s not my style either but once in a while I’ll find the most precious piece. I love Anthropologie. I use my bowls to store my jewelry lol


  • Perfect shirt!! So “cloudy” :-)

    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog, NEW POST! Pink Shorts
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • i like her white ballet shoes better than the shirt :)

  • I love the bowls in Anthropologie, too! Want to mix and match to create a beautiful Scandinavian aesthetic.

    And white. Yes. White white and more white. Cannot have too much, especially in the summer.
    My recent ode to white:

  • Oh dear!
    I’m total white addicted in summer!!!

    P.S. J. Brand jeans are the best!

    With love
    Elisa – My Fantabulous World

  • Oh! Je pensais être la seule à collectionner les bols!
    Mon plus grand fournisseur étant le Maroc, J’ai des bols (trop beaux) de toutes les couleurs (mais vraiment toutes…) ramenés au fils des années par moi ou mes proches…
    Mais j’en ai aussi des terrrrrribles de chez Bloomingville…
    Le problème avec cette collectionnite aïgue : Mon petit rikiki appart ET mon mec :)
    (je file sur Anthropologie)
    Bise Garance!

  • Ce look est vraiment frais et reposant grâce à cette chemise, j’adore! Et je comprend que tu te ruines en bols chez Anthropologie, il y a tellement de choix, et ils sont tous beaux!

  • anthro is the best … everything about it….displays are amazing….my house is filled with anthro treasures…soaps..bowls…plates..books…glasses…everything is like a special piece of art….love love love….happy day everyone xoxox

  • this blouse has such a great pattern!

  • I love white on white on white! You look hot while staying cool!

    But I especially love her flats! Where are they from?!
    Your Friend, Jess

  • not my style at all! as if it was locked up in a closet since the 1990’s and someone was bored to go shopping! that’s only refering to the blouse because the jeans are adorable and the ballet flats to die for!!!

  • So much to love about this picture, the beautiful bleached out blouse, the cool white jeans, and the darling flats. And your comments about Anthopologie…I am rather old for their demographic ( by a few decades!) but have said many times that I could live in their stores. The displays and merchandising always strike a chord with me, and I’m with you on the bowls, books, knobs, and so many great little treats. Might just have to make a visit.

  • I know what you mean about Anthropologie. Fashion-wise, it’s not my style but whenever I passed by one of the stores, I had to go inside and would spend hours browsing every rack. They just have the most whimsical cute little things. My favorite section was the books; they have a very stylish selection.

  • OMG Anthropologie… don’t even get me started. I live in Australia (where we don’t have Anthropologie :'( !!) but when I visit London to see my Mum’s family I could spend hours (and a fortune) in there – have so far carried a massive platter, a pie dish and a vase back to Australia in my hand luggage xxx

  • I love the way you style your photo, i learn a lot from you. Thank you.

  • Somehow I thought this girl looks like Britney Spears, if she decided to go wholesome rather than…. Britney.

  • Beautiful!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:

  • Moi pareil c est l enfer je suis obsédée avec leurs accessoires et avec leur bols!!!! ils sont canons je suis contente de voir que je ne suis pas la seule!!!

  • J’aime beaucoup le sourire et la fraîcheur de cette jeune femme… Ainsi que sa tenue!
    Mafalda ?

  • moi j’aime les ballerines!!! c’est quoi la marque?

  • Porselli, I guess

  • I wish for Anthropologie stores in Norway. A visit is never boring as there are so many items to admire.

  • White and bright colors are always good in summer. This shirt with some shorts would be perfect to me!

  • Haha, and I love making metal bowls!

  • What a beautiful photo, love her spontaneous smile. Love the outfit, the shirt is indeed perfect! xx

  • J’adore Anthropologie ! J’ai eu la chance de réaliser mon dernier stage à NY et je suis tombée dingue de ce magasin, et effectivement les fringues sont particulières (mais on peut du coup y trouver quelques perles), mais la déco, les bijoux, tout… j’ai adoré! et d’ailleurs j’ai passé mon temps à prendre en photo leurs vitrines, toujours très inspirées…

  • That shirt looks peeeerfect. Nice photo.

  • la nouvelle collection KENZO a des clouds :)))

  • Ideam pour moi, j’adorais Anthropologie quand j’habitais à NY… les poignées d’armoire, les livres en tous genres, les mugs… et parfois aussi les petits bijoux. .faudrait que je regarde si ils livrent en Europe tiens. Merci pour ce bon souvenir.

  • Avec une copine, on passe des heures a fouiner chez Anthropologie, la decoration du magasin y est aussi pour quelque chose.

  • Salut,

    J’aime beaucoup.
    À bientôt !


  • princessglee August, 6 2013, 3:53 / Reply

    I said the word “Anthro” to my husband while discussing some fashion related work stuff the other day. He said with a confused look, “anthro, huh?” When I responded with, “Anthropologie, boo,” he then teased me about trying to really hip. now I no longer abbreviate…to civilians, anyway.

    Love the bowls too for storing lipsticks, jewelry, perfume samples, small portions of really decadent desserts.

  • She’s a cutie, love that smile.

    Street Lookbook

  • Just bought some nice shirts & a pair of white lace capris from there – but you’re right, the bowls
    and books are just great.

    blog: The Girl Who Would be King:

  • la chemise est cool, elle est top pour l’été.

  • Agrr moi aussi j’adore le tye & dye bleu effet nuage, j’ai tout un tas de fringues comme ça de chez Isabel Marant… par contre j’ai pas de bols en ce moment :-)))

  • jill japan August, 6 2013, 6:39 / Reply

    I am a first time responder AND an old lady BUT I LOVE your style and ingenious mind AND am also a collector of bowls and Anthropologie has the best! My theory is that we love bowls because we have wombs! HAHAHAHAHA

  • Yes, Anthro. I love it. I enjoy going there, it is so relaxing. I love the style too and have many clothes (too many) from there. It is a bit expensive for my budget but I usually get their style on sale. The only thing that makes me sad is that they also work with sweatshops, meaning their clothes are not ethical, they are still made in China…

  • I love browsing around Anthropologie, not so much buying because their style doesn’t often match with mine. But it’s always nice to window-shop.

  • I love bleached shirts but I find that I never wear them much once I actually purchase it. But I guess this goes for pretty much most stuff unless they’re a solid color. I may be just boring. :)
    P.S I love anthropolgie too!! I never really buy anything but I always look through their cute aprons and kitchen ware. :)

  • Hahaha, I’m the same. I’ (un)lucky enough to have Anthropologie and Wholefoods (but thatbis another story) really close to work…my boyfriend keeps asking me if our bowls breed or something…

  • I looooooooooove Anthropologie! We don’t have it here, so I stalk them in Pinterest ;) Their clothes are not my style either, but they have so many beautiful things. Last year I visited their store in London and I spent almost two hours there. I even loved the smell!!!

  • Susiebelle August, 7 2013, 5:54 / Reply

    It’s a great shot of a fresh summer outfit. I like what Japan Jill said about the bowls but it reminds me of an anthrolopolgy class from 30 years ago. The professor said women created the first pottery to hold what they collected and breasts were the first molds. So there you go!

  • Perso, je me javellise moi même une chemise en jean….moins cher, plus fun! En même temps, je ne me fais plus trop confiance niveau fringue…..depuis que j’ai regardé à tête reposée ce que j’avais acheté hier :-(: un jogging (l’ensemble) vert anis avec des inscriptions dorées dessus. Je le javellise tu crois? Ou je ME javellise?

  • Love bleached shirts. Do I feel one of your DIY videos coming on? We are overdue!

    (Another bowl collector here, too…)

  • Ah! Oui, les bols! Je viens de les découvrir sur leur site. Merveilleux!
    Une autre collection que j’adore c’est les petites assiettes à dessert. Qu’on peut trouver souvent dans les brocantes. Mais Paola Navone en a fait des merveilleuses aussi, chez Conran, avec des échantillons de couleur. Sans doute un souvenir des dînettes enfantines…

  • Ohh I love Anthro too!! Everytime I go there (which is quite often) I spend a long time browsing and listening to the nice music they play.. I could spend a fortune there (in home stuff and accessories mainly) if only most things weren’t a little bit too pricey for my pocket! I do buy candles from them quite often though, they smell like heaven and last long :)

  • Anthopologie–so much fun! I was just in the downtown DC one yesterday and bought a beautiful maxi dress which i can’t wait to style! the “Condesa Maxi dress”. I really enjoyed everything about this look–I love white jeans!

  • michellehovet August, 16 2013, 11:12 / Reply

    Ladies come to Denver, and go to a thrift boutique called Second Love. Great second hand Anthro stuff at super cheap prices. Plus, they thrift like they are looking for the original items Anthro copies.

  • J’adore ! Que penses tu des autres imprimés nuages?

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