I love these kind of oversized dressy trousers I’ve seen around. But geez are they hard to pair with shoes. I don’t think the pointy shoes are working with ’em.
What does? Loafers? Might get a bit butch. And other kinds of shoes just seem to drown underneath those kind of trousers. Would love to hear suggestions.
J’aime beaucoup mais malheureusement, c’est le genre de vêtement qui en m’irait pas. Je mesure 1,52m et je m’interdis de porter de l’oversize pour éviter de me tasser!!!!
Des bisous de Dubai
Wow on the trousers! Do we think they are high-waisted too?
Also — a general question…in many of your and other fashionable blogs I see these great soft wool coats with sleeves that are shoved up or turned up….what winter coat does that! Is is only wool/cashmere that is sooooo soft? do tell ‘cuz most of my sleeves have too much interfacing, facing, lining, buttons to ever do that —
Tout en fluidité et légèreté. Ca ne va pas à tout le monde mais quand on arrive à la porter c’est wouhhh et grande classe. Faut l’assumer et même si j’adore ces fringues, si je les porte ben j’ai l’impression de faire grand-mère ;)
Alors là je suis désolée, mais ça ne marche pas du tout pour moi ce style, on dirait un chapeau des gardes forestiers canadiens! OK, je sors!
Mafalda ? http://www.mafaldadotzero.blogspot.fr
I am so happy to see this photo, because I just bought a Max Mara jacket just as long as the one she is wearing in the photo in heather grey. It comforts me , it’s m first designer coat! So happy!!
As long as the shoe is elegant, have an elegant toe, &c. it will be fine. Even if it is a lace-up.
Same with boots. And elegant foot and it will look fab.
Mind you you go downstairs in baggy pants. Rushing about as usual I have gotten tangled in mine a few times and nearly gone head first. You must descend like a lady.
I love the billowing fabric and gender-bending vibe of this outfit. Channeling the AW13 boy meets girl trend to perfect – try to do the same on girlinmenswear.com
Le chapeau est de trop mais le style est super!
j’aime bien la dégaine des filles à Stockholm. J’adore Stockholm , et Helsinki… les valeurs, leur mode de fonctionnement au travail et le glog aussi:-))…dommage qu’il fasse nuit à 3h de l’aprem en hiver sinon j’aurai démenager là-bas depuis longtemps….
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
I love these kind of oversized dressy trousers I’ve seen around. But geez are they hard to pair with shoes. I don’t think the pointy shoes are working with ’em.
What does? Loafers? Might get a bit butch. And other kinds of shoes just seem to drown underneath those kind of trousers. Would love to hear suggestions.
So daring, laid back, “long hair don’t care” kinda vibe… Love it!
Xoxo! Cory
Sharp black pumps? Also…I know it rains in Sweden…the pants are dragging something fierce!
J’aime beaucoup mais malheureusement, c’est le genre de vêtement qui en m’irait pas. Je mesure 1,52m et je m’interdis de porter de l’oversize pour éviter de me tasser!!!!
Des bisous de Dubai
Jul du monde des petites
it’s a great outfit if you can pull it off! :)
J’adore cette photo et le style de cette fille!
Are you going to Oslo too? :)
Fantastic choice of lipstick, it really suits her.
Great style, I really love her long camel coat!
WOW! Fantastic look! Great play of beige and grey and so comfey.
Wow! Is this the best menswear look ever, or what?
Style impeccable masculin/feminin/ de cette jeune femme, sans oublier le glamour du rouge a levres
Wow on the trousers! Do we think they are high-waisted too?
Also — a general question…in many of your and other fashionable blogs I see these great soft wool coats with sleeves that are shoved up or turned up….what winter coat does that! Is is only wool/cashmere that is sooooo soft? do tell ‘cuz most of my sleeves have too much interfacing, facing, lining, buttons to ever do that —
Grey and camel is always awesome. But I think her proportions are not on point.
Your recent photos have really wanted to make me book a trip to Sweden
Very original look !
Lovely look! It looks really good on her!!
Great look! I love this kind of style!
Have a nice day!!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Tout en fluidité et légèreté. Ca ne va pas à tout le monde mais quand on arrive à la porter c’est wouhhh et grande classe. Faut l’assumer et même si j’adore ces fringues, si je les porte ben j’ai l’impression de faire grand-mère ;)
that’s amazing style ! I love it.
Super jolie photo.
j’adore le gris, le beige, la dégaine.
Mais, je trouve le chapeau un peu grand, non ?
la Bise
She is so original and I like that oversiyed outfits. xa
“Don’t wear beige— it might kill you.” Sue Kreitzman
Alors là je suis désolée, mais ça ne marche pas du tout pour moi ce style, on dirait un chapeau des gardes forestiers canadiens! OK, je sors!
Mafalda ?
More i look at your pics from Stocholm,more i feel like being scandinavian.
Wow! I’ve been amazed with this boyish look taken to extremes. Justly, I am preparing a post about this style. Kisses!
pas fan du chapeau enfoncé sur la tête, mais fan du manteau!
pas super fan de la tenue mais le gilet est pas mal.
I’m sorry, while I’ve always been a fan of hats, this new trend of cartoonishly oversized hats is just ridiculous.
J’ai l’impression qu’ils ont de l’Acne en intra veineuse. Ce qui est plutôt cool.
Mais une djellaba et des rondini font plaisir de temps en temps ;)
Wow!! Awesome shot and beautiful style! I love the loose pants and the camel coat is amazing!
Amazing photo!
omg swedish style is not chic at all!
waoo What a style! hard to wear but so stylish
I am so happy to see this photo, because I just bought a Max Mara jacket just as long as the one she is wearing in the photo in heather grey. It comforts me , it’s m first designer coat! So happy!!
I very rarely see such an elegant girl walking down the street. Love her, love girs wearing masculine clothes, it’s sexy and chic.
Jana H
As long as the shoe is elegant, have an elegant toe, &c. it will be fine. Even if it is a lace-up.
Same with boots. And elegant foot and it will look fab.
Mind you you go downstairs in baggy pants. Rushing about as usual I have gotten tangled in mine a few times and nearly gone head first. You must descend like a lady.
I love the billowing fabric and gender-bending vibe of this outfit. Channeling the AW13 boy meets girl trend to perfect – try to do the same on girlinmenswear.com
Le chapeau est de trop mais le style est super!
j’aime bien la dégaine des filles à Stockholm. J’adore Stockholm , et Helsinki… les valeurs, leur mode de fonctionnement au travail et le glog aussi:-))…dommage qu’il fasse nuit à 3h de l’aprem en hiver sinon j’aurai démenager là-bas depuis longtemps….