lolita jacobs mini skirt street style garance dore photos

Mini Time

9 years ago by


It’s FINALLY warm in New York (and by warm I mean we are pouring sweat with the slightest movement, since spring only lasted three days, but don’t worry – I’m going to stop my New Yorker meteorological weather rants here right away) and it’s finally time for me to get out my favorite thing – mini skirts.

Wearing a mini skirt is the surest way to put your inner thigh in direct contact with the sticky seat in the taxi stay cool and look super feminine even in flats. It’s also a subtle way to tan your legs, and to test out your laser hair removal (a total fail for me this winter – I only managed to go to two sessions and it looks like I didn’t do anything at all, except that I actually got rid of the equivalent in dollars of about two pairs of Louboutins.)

(Uh oh, I think we need to talk about legs super soon)

Anyway, I’m a fan of the mini skirt, and I definitely plan to wear one every day until the end of summer.

viviana volpicella mini skirt street style garance dore photos
lolita jacobs mini skirt street style garance dore photos

On Lolita: skirt and jacket, Coperni Femme; boots, Saint Laurent.

On Viviana: dress and coat, Valentino; sunglasses, Ray-Ban; bracelet, Aurélie Bidermann.

Translated by Andrea Perdue


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  • Love mini skirts and the golden one with booties is perfect! Love the 70s vibe!

  • J’adore les mini-jupes moi aussi! Ca va bien à ma petite taille et ma petite morphologie! <3
    Et comme tu le dis, ça permet de bronzer en douce!!!
    J'adore l'argentée!
    Belle soirée, bisous

    Le monde des petites

  • Pour nous ce n’est pas encore l’été mais je ne désespère pas ! :)
    La mini argent est vraiment très jolie, et puis quand on est pas très grande comme moi la mini a l’avantage d’allonger la silhouette.


  • I definitely agree: as soon as the weather gets hotter I end up craving skirts, shorts and dresses. BUT (’cause there’s always one) i also always end up looking at my non tanned/skinny/hairless legs. In the end, what started as a “yay spring has finally arrived” turns out as a “why am i big bonned, white and have portuguese genes?”
    So yes, we need to talk about legs here :) :) that would cheer my up

  • Charlotte May, 18 2015, 9:53

    Everything you said!

  • Soleil May, 18 2015, 9:35 / Reply

    Moi aussi <3!

  • Love the silver, foil fabric skirt. The mini skirt is back if only spring would actually show up here in England!

  • I love mini skirts but I prefer young ladies wearing them.

    What happened with laser Garance? I did it a couple of years ago and my legs are always beach ready! It was the best beauty investment ever (a groupon for 8 sessions) and now I only apply body lotion and sunscreen from

  • Charlotte May, 18 2015, 9:49 / Reply

    I have the similar love affair with mini skirts! But I don’t think they are a summer piece. I love them every season of the year!

    PS. Thanks for reminding me the take my very very similar silver Zara skirt out for a walk!

  • Charlotte May, 18 2015, 9:51 / Reply

    Also, you looked super sexy and beautiful during the Cannes Film Festival! (Saw your picture on Instagram!)

  • Francesca May, 18 2015, 10:07 / Reply

    That skirt is totally my style! Fun and playful with a does of edge! Would love to have it in my wardrobe!

  • I used to love mini skirts… but then pregnancy happened. And then stretchmarks in inner thighs happened… Can someone please address this issue… I am super desperate :(

  • Pregnancy happened to me too, and though I didnt get stretchmarks, skin changed and is way less firm. In the summer, I use mini skirts with fishnet thighs, either black or skin colored it’s not too hot, and you feel less “naked” with them. :)

  • Loulou May, 18 2015, 10:18 / Reply

    Yes could we have more infos on the laser thing please? like which one is best for legs, underarm and face?….
    Any possible side effects etc…I am sure many of us would be very interested. Thank you x

  • nyorker May, 18 2015, 10:51 / Reply

    You have to go to the right laser hair removal salon, and Beam Laser by the Time Warner building is the best.
    Started by two Brazilian sisters who knew everything about getting rid of hair. Seriously, they make it all go away!

  • I adore the metallic – and am totally feeling your pain about New York – the weather is awful, but we love it!

    Warm Regards,

  • Jane with the noisy terrier May, 18 2015, 12:04 / Reply

    Sadly, that ship sailed a long time ago. Wear them while you can, before your knees start looking like Sharpeis!

  • As long as you have nice legs… can wear mini skirts and it will look fantastic….
    Yael Guetta

  • Quelle jolie mini jupe, j’aime la couleur et sa forme trapèze :)

    Bisous from France,

  • Bravo a toi Garance, every time I come to the site I love the layout more and more. Good luck with your mini’s. Did you get some tan on your legs when you were in Cannes? Hope so.



  • In love that´s this look
    Is so lovely

  • Trop canon la minijupe ? Peux-tu demander à la belle Lolita si c’est une de la collection présente, car je ne la vois pas sur le site Coperni ! Merci :)

  • La mini c’est la féminité à son paroxysme!! La question se pose souvent par rapport à l’âge, mais je dirais que temps qu’on à les jambes on garde la mini!! ;-)

  • At some point and I dont know when, no more minis……….

  • I used to wear minis when I was a teenager an then I kind of got shy about showing lots of skin. But now I’m in my third decade and I think-why not! Soon I may not be able to so I’m going to show off while I can :)

  • jessica May, 18 2015, 1:54 / Reply

    You can’t just stop and start with laser!! It won’t work if you do that… You have to commit to going every 6-8 weeks (it depends on your hair growth cycle) and you need to do it for minimum 6 sessions in a row. Also make sure you go for a proper laser, not IPL, which doesn’t work as well at all.

  • How cool is Viviana?
    I love her style so much, very inspiring me!!!!

    With love,
    Elisa – My Fantabulous World

  • Katherine May, 18 2015, 3:12 / Reply

    As others have said, you have to stick with the laser sessions! As was explained to me, only about 20% of your hair is growing at any given time, so whenever you get the laser treatment, it’s only getting the hair that’s actively growing at that time. That’s why you need to go back a minimum of five times, then perhaps more depending on your hair type, color, etc. I’ve had 3 underarm sessions and 2 leg session now. Each time, for the first week or two after I see a difference, then new hair starts to grow. But after my 3rd underarm session is seems to be staying clear for longer, and the regrowth is more patchy.

  • Even though I love mini skirts and shorts I don’t wear them. I think my legs are not that perfect to be that exposed. Love it but it’s not for me

  • Helena May, 18 2015, 3:50 / Reply

    Yes, minis can be amazing… If you are under 40 and have a perfect figure. otherwise you may look quite patetic.

  • Minis look great and I admire those who can wear them… I can’t though as my legs are that bit too thick and stumpy. Have fun those who can wear them though!

  • Je suis d’accord avec Helena MAIS je vais avoir 40 ans et j’en porte encore, tant pis pour le pathetique ;-). NY j’arrive dans 2 jours. I <3 your blog Garance.

  • MarieG May, 21 2015, 6:03 / Reply

    57 ans au compteur, grande pour ma génération, ronde, carnation de châtain clair.
    L’hiver, c’est du court avec des collants.

    Les collants, je les enlève dès que je peux. Et je continue à porter des jupes et des robes, pas mini mini, mais au-dessus du genou, malgré mes formes.

    Une dictatrice de la mode a dit il n’y a pas si longtemps que passé 40 ans les femmes ne devraient plus montrer leurs genoux – j’ai failli m’étouffer; à vrai dire elle devrait disparaître après avoir dit quelque chose d’aussi stupide et définitif.

    Mes genoux ne sont pas très jolis, mes mollets non plus et je me suis cachée pendant des décennies derrière des jupes longues ou midi, jusqu’à ce que je découvre que je préférais le court et que ça m’allait aussi bien, si ce n’est mieux, que le long. Bye bye complexes.

    Pour les poils, j’ai de la chance. Châtain clair j’ai dit. J’utilise un genre d’Epilady depuis une bonne dizaine d’années; du coup, ils se sont raréfiés, un rapide passage tous les 10 jours et basta, y compris maillot et aisselles (un tip: si les poils aisselles et maillots sont trop longs les premières fois, les rétrécir tout d’abord avec un coup de ciseaux; cela évitera qu’ils ne s’emmêlent dans l’Epilady avant d’être arrachés – c’est ça qui fait mal).

    Le bronzage des jambes, c’est non. Le bronzage en général du reste. J’ai épuisé mon capital soleil. Quand j’étais gosse, nous ignorions tout du danger des uv et on cherchait simplement à nous protéger de la douleur des coups de soleil, On utilisait donc de la graisse à traire (si, si) ou de la Nivéa pour les mains.

    Donc jambes blanches ou si vraiment nécessaire un lait à bronzer. Très peu, et souvent mélangé avec un lait neutre, sinon ma peau, malgré le gommage préalable, a tendance à avoir des endroits nettement plus foncés que d’autres.

    Belle journée

  • I am a big advocate of any length skirt, for any weather. In summertime, I just can’t do the ankle boot with skirt look. I prefer my toes to breathe. I do not care at all for socks (a native of MY, I now reside full-time in AZ so this isn’t an issue for me, at all.)

    Adore this piece! Well done.

  • Les photos sont comme toujours superbes !
    J’aime bien les minis mais pas sur moi :)

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