This is genuinely the only outfit that’s ever made it onto this site, Tommy Tom, and The Sartorialist. And that includes everything Anna Dello Russo and Giovanna Battaglia have every worn. Ever.
Thanks for putting a name to a face. Rock on, Laura!
Coucou Garance!
Du plat!! Yeaaaaaah!
Je vais être une fashionista, moi qui porte très souvent mocassins, derbys et bottines plats?
J’adore sa tenue!!
À bientôt.
Well, this perfection is summarizing so nicely why Celine rules. It’s basics with such a cool edge.
That dress is 2 years old, but so timeless. I’ve got it and wear it with devotion ;)
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
OH MON DIEU C EST MA SOEUR!!!! Tu es la plus belle Laura, je t’aime
Elle est magnifique!!
Pretty please, tell me what you think of my blog? Bisous from Paris!
Xoxo Cory
i like the dress! :)
so cool. quelle est son email?
Its The Girl In The Denim Dress!!!
This is genuinely the only outfit that’s ever made it onto this site, Tommy Tom, and The Sartorialist. And that includes everything Anna Dello Russo and Giovanna Battaglia have every worn. Ever.
Thanks for putting a name to a face. Rock on, Laura!
And Phil Oh on, and probably more. Perfection.
Ho mon Dieu , c’est ma fille .. Tu es la plus belle Laura .. Je t’aime?
Gorgeous frenchy!! :)
She lookso classy and chic which is special when wearing denim on denim. beautiful! Xx
It’s Céline, and the perfection is explained!
Love the jean on jean look.
Ah you really know how to spot them. So beautiful. Simple and sophisticated. Love her!
Ali of Dressing Ken
The portrait is so beautiful! Love her eyebrows and green eyes!
Oh mon dieu c’est ma… nan jdéconne! très jolie et ça fait chaud au coeur ces deux petits messages d’amour dans les commentaires ;)
All I’ve been wearing is denim…but never on my legs! I’ve never been a “jeans” girl, but I’m totally a chambray chick!
Your Friend, Jess
so beautiful! Love her eyes
Awesome photo!
J’aime beaucoup son look, elle a beaucoup de charme!
Mafalda ?
Adorable avec un faux air de charlotte casiraghi je trouve ;-) Quant à la chemise, elle est simple et efficace
Coucou Garance!
Du plat!! Yeaaaaaah!
Je vais être une fashionista, moi qui porte très souvent mocassins, derbys et bottines plats?
J’adore sa tenue!!
À bientôt.
Nice look/. Great day.
J’adore ses chaussures!! On les trouve où? On les trouve où? On les trouve où? On les trouve où? GARANCE, ON LES TROUVE OU LES CHAUSSURES DE LAURA????
Gorgeous denim dress and beautiful loafers!
Très jolis ces différentes nuances de jean!
Well, this perfection is summarizing so nicely why Celine rules. It’s basics with such a cool edge.
That dress is 2 years old, but so timeless. I’ve got it and wear it with devotion ;)
J’aime beaucoup son look très dénim !
Des bises !
Laura est superbe et son look parfait !
Love her dress!!
j’adore le look !!
Très sympathique comme robe ! Un brin androgyne et déontracté Un bon mélange !
On dirait Charlotte Casiraghi sur la 1e photo, c’est ouf!
Sa tenue est sublime !
Très jolie. Simple. les SHOES, VIENNENT D’OÙ?????? MERCI!
bonjour Garance, d’où vient sa très jolie robe???
merci de ta réponse!!!
Yes! Those shoes…would still love to know the brand!!