9 years ago by
When I interviewed Laetitia a few years ago at Cannes, we both looked completely different. Our hair was longer and I remember she was wearing a red mini dress…
I love to see how someone’s personal style evolves over time, and this move to short hair (ok, so maybe I’m a bit biased) and the jumpsuit (yep, super biased) is a very cool and elegant one. Even if it’s probably because of a movie that Laetitia went short.
It’s also the world’s worst kept secret that I love jumpsuits, but the ones I actually wear are loose fitting and a little more worn in.
This one by Dior is a totally different take, and you probably need a Laetitia Casta body to pull it off…

Photos: Sandra Semburg
She is georgeous!!! And the hair decision was all hers (“j’ai fait ca pour moi-même”), I read it just yesterday in Elle (french) or Madame Figaro (have bought a whole pile of french magazines at Charles de Gaulle the other day – – they are soo great – I’m into them for two evenings now). Bisoux, Sol
If I had her body I’d wear it in all shades of colors!!
XOX, Gap.
Cette coupe de cheveux lui va à merveille!!!
Le monde des petites
I Love Laetitia she is a beautiful and very elegant woman(like you Garance:) , i also think that when you are as beautiful as her it can work for you short hair..especially when you are all makeup and dressed like in this pictures…i also think that as we grew older it’s not easy to have short natural light and no makeup…we need our hair to cover and to “smoother”our face…and it takes long time for the hair to grow from short to long ……so make sure it’s something you really want before you cut your hair…..
Yael Guetta
Laetitia has been a favorite model of mine for years. I love her new look! So modern and chic, she looks like a sexy fighter pilot! (although I am sure she can pull off anything.)
Great photo,
Perso je ne suis pas super fana de ses nouveaux cheveux!! Elle perd de sa féminité!!
I agree.
I think she’s gorgeous, and that the only reason she can pull off such a horrible garment. Sorry, to me it looks like a trash bag, and a very expensive one too. It’s a good thing she’s (I repeat) gorgeous, and that thing doesn’t ruin her.
I totally agree!
She’s stunningly beautiful and her outfit does look like a bin bag…
This is so true.
She is so beautiful and elegant! I’ve always admired her natural beauty. And I strongly disagree with Yael Guetta who wrote above that short hair are not easy to have when we grow older. I think that it all depends on style, personality and… a haircut!
I must confess I am partial to short hair and lately I have been experimenting with adding some volume. I love her entire look…and I am glad to see from the comment above that the decision was heres. It is a big decision to go that short particularly when you have long hair. I also think that older women can carry off short hair (of course I would say this!) depending on the color and their features. The finishing touch is that jumpsuit and I for one am glad they never go out of style.
Accidental Icon
She’s so beautiful and elegant! I love her short hair!
Si j’avais le corps de Laetitia, je ne porterais QUE des minis rouges!!!!!!!!
Très franchement, sa nouvelle coupe ne lui va pas du tout et lui fait perdre en féminité. Quant à la combinaison Dior, c’est un vêtement affreux, et je me demande qui un truc pareil peut mettre en valeur.
Having followed her career since she was a winsome teenager, it’s interesting to see what a lovely woman she has become. I always admire beautiful women who adapt their style as they get older, rather than cling to a look that worked for them in their early 20’s. With her perfect bone structure, she will always be beautiful, no matter her age (just don’t go the plastic surgery route, s’il vous plait! As for short hair, I think the reason so many older women opt for it (and by older, I mean late 40’s and beyond) is due to hot flashes! After a few bouts of those mind-numbing, sweaty “power surges” you can’t help but dial your hairstylist’s number and insist that he/she cut it all off!
love what she’s wearing
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Mais FRANCHEMENT Garance, est-ce que ton corps est si différent de celui de Laetitia ? Je n’ai pas l’impression !
je la préfère avec les cheveux longs mais sinon oui elle est superbe, c’est l’une de mes préférées, je la suis depuis longtemps :)
She is amazing. I feel like the way she dresses symbolize feminism a bit.
Elle est belle, de ces beautés qui gagnent en profondeur en vieillissant, quelle élégance, quelle femme!
J’adore sa combinaison, e t la ceinture également!;)
She’s always been a quintessential French woman for me and she will remain one no matter her age or style.
Une vraie beauté ! Mais je la préfère avec les cheveux longs, contrairement à toi d’ailleurs !
La combi est en revanche parfaite, et au contraire, je pense que ce genre de tenue irait à bien plus de monde qu’on pourrait le croire. Bon après, ça reste du Dior … :)
La combi est sublime!
So beautiful…her bone structure is exquisite and has a lovely softness to it. Your fashion week photos have been so fun, Garance! :-)
Même si cette combinaison lui va très bien et que j’adore les combinaisons en général, la texture de celle-ci me rebute un peu. Pour ce qui est de ses cheveux, je croyais que c’était à cause de son rôle d’Arletty qu’elle s’était coupé les cheveux.
Sur ces photos, je ne la retrouve pas, peut-etre a cause de sa coupe trop BCBG. J’aimerais la voir en jean, T-shirt et les cheveux indisciplines.
De toutes facon, la beaute sereine de Laetitia Casta m’a toujours beaucoup touchee.
She looks gorgeous, she’s such a beautiful and feminine woman! When a woman cut her hair, unless it’s for a role in a movie, something changed. That what often happens to me, when I cut my hair I need a change.
I don’t particularly like the jumpsuit but she would look good with anything!
Pour répondre à ton interrogation, j’ai vu une interview d’elle dans une émission télé où elle mentionner qu’elle avait fait cette coupe pour elle. Elle voulait du changement du coup elle a choisi de tout couper.
Je n’aime pas du tout cette combinaison :/ pourtant c’est le style de fringues que j’adore, mais là ça ne passe pas.
I love her hair and yours! I recently cut mine, as in super short too and I’ve received a lot of positive vibes from people! Blogging about my new look soon!
J’adoore: on se dit “voilà une femme, une personnalité assumée”
Je la préfère nature avec sa belle chevelure… Ce nouveau style la vieilli un peu à mon avis… Dommage !!! Cela dit elle reste très belle :)
She looks the same yet totally different. Elegant and easy hair, love the jumpsuit
Ah, not so sure. I clearly applaud her embrace of a new identity, not crazy about the entire look. Perhaps the jumpsuit is a bit too contrived–like the idea but her beauty is complex and just want to see her radiant face! Would have preferred a jumpsuit less complicated and more flattering to such an amazingly beautiful face.
Gorgeous! I love the short hair.
Laetita casta est trop belle, depuis le début…sa coupe par contre la viellit, dommage…
Da-dame ! Limite déguisée ! Ca l’a vieillie…
Elle qui brillant par sa nonchalance, son naturel et ses looks “saut-du-lit-pour-aller-chercher-les-croissants-le-samedi”, c’est dommage mais bon, faut pas être contre les changements, surtout dans ce milieu…
Perfection! A true Muse!
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J’aime beaucoup Laetitia, je me souviens même de l’interview que tu avais fait sur elle à Cannes! Mais je suis désolée, je suis pas d’accord avec toi, je trouve que au contraire cette coupe la vieillie et le tissu de la combi fait cheap… :$ Mais bon, elle a un magnifique visage donc ce n’est pas une catastrophe en soit (mais jète la combi Laetitia ^^). Je pense qu’elle devrait s’approprier peut-être plus sa coupe et essayer quelque chose de plus “funky” avec du mouvement comme toi tu as su le faire et c’est super réussi sur toi! :)
You got me here. Short hair need a) a great face, b) a nice smile, c) some gutts. Both you and Laetitia seem to have it all, thus enjoy! The jumpsuit she is wearing is another story, not my piece of cake, but when one looks like she does discussion is irrelevant.
A big kiss from Greece!
Love her look – elegant and grown up. Jumpsuits can be tricky, but she pulls it off. Very confident.
she looks so gorgeous and unique ! amazing!
je trouve qu’avec cette coupe de cheveux, Laetitia Casta ressemble à Simone Veil (jeune, of course)…je ne la trouve pas vieillie mais moins juvénile et plus affirmée. Elle affiche dans ses interviews un sacré caractère, cette coupe correspond pour moi à un “je suis comme je m’aime” bienfaisant !
She was and is such a sexy chic lady!
LOVE Laetitia – her evolution in style is gorgeous and inspirational and yet she always has that classic beauty.