On the heavy sole front, I loooooove these Chanel sandals – their fine leather straps give them a perfect lightness.
I love them so much that I’ve tried to find them everywhere, but they never have my size.
Garance, they are absolutely beautiful. They are perfectly of the moment (with this Birkenstock craze happening) and perfectly classic and chic. Ah! I need these!
Yes, I love them! The espadrille detail in the sole is beautiful, I love the colour and the shape of the sandal. It’s one of those sandals that make your feet look cute and sexy and understated.
Imagine the imprint of the logo on a sandy beach!
Hmm somehow i don’t really like sandals with uhm what do you call that little “hole” on the thumb? But probably my feet is the problem. Je ne sais pas.
I think they would be very uncomfy…withe the heavy sole and the thin straps I’m sure they will cut your foot…That’s why birkenstocks always have wide straps…. http://www.theflaneuse.com
Personnellement, je ne suis pas fan du tout… Un mélange de birk et d’espadrille, bof, surtout si on imagine le prix. Je préfère largement les espadrilles Chanel, qui sont les seules à ne pas me faire saigner des yeux!
Mafalda ? http://www.mafaldadotzero.blogspot.fr
N’aie pas de regrets, Garance. Elles ne sont pas mal, ces sandales, mais sans plus. Rien d’extraordinaire : juste une semelle de liège avec trois lanière de cuir.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Garance, they are absolutely beautiful. They are perfectly of the moment (with this Birkenstock craze happening) and perfectly classic and chic. Ah! I need these!
Major CRUSH for these! I love everything that’s CHANEL so maybe I’m a little biased…
Paris-New York Fashion Blog
The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog, NEW POST! Pink Shorts
The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
Xoxo Cory
i’ll stick to me birkenstocks :)
Elles sont super belles! Mais je préfère ne pas savoir le prix!
tip top ! perfecto !
Yes, I love them! The espadrille detail in the sole is beautiful, I love the colour and the shape of the sandal. It’s one of those sandals that make your feet look cute and sexy and understated.
Imagine the imprint of the logo on a sandy beach!
Garance, thanks for sharing. So Chic & sustanaible luxury
Best YRP
Sole sister – they’re PERFECT for white now!
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Un beso
elles sont trop cool j’adore!!!
Elles sont super originales, le prix aussi je suppose :)
Des sandales minimalistes Chanel a un prix maximaliste !
love these sandals.
If you do manage to find a pair in your size, please take a photo of you wearing them!
I loved it!
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:
They are cute!
Major love! I especially love they don’t have the logo super visible.. beauties.. how much are they going for?
I love them! Where can i find them?
J’aime pas la semelle :(
I love the sole, love the colors, but think that the straps could be just a little bit wider to be more in balance with the thickness of the sole.
Now you’re talking.They look better on than the other Chanel espadrilles, I reckon.
YES! Love the thin white straps! And I’m such a sucker for the big toe strap sandals. :)
they make my heart squeeze with happiness! love them <3
Vraiment magnifiques!!!
I love them, simple and nice design
moi j’aime bien, mais surtout la lanière sur le pouce (le reste, le blanc en shoes, je suis pas fan..)
Hmm somehow i don’t really like sandals with uhm what do you call that little “hole” on the thumb? But probably my feet is the problem. Je ne sais pas.
I think they would be very uncomfy…withe the heavy sole and the thin straps I’m sure they will cut your foot…That’s why birkenstocks always have wide straps….
Perfect, no more!!!
With love
Elisa – My Fantabulous World
Love love love them
MAIS OU LES AS TU TROUVÉES?!!! ELLES SONT FABULEUSES!! moi qui cherche désespérément une paire de sandales blanches simples mais chics!!!
Adorable and elegant! x
Personnellement, je ne suis pas fan du tout… Un mélange de birk et d’espadrille, bof, surtout si on imagine le prix. Je préfère largement les espadrilles Chanel, qui sont les seules à ne pas me faire saigner des yeux!
Mafalda ?
Elles sont splendides,
elles combinent un tas de détails qui les rendent irrésistibles!
kind of perfect indeed!
Trop belles…et trop inaccessibles probablement
I do not like low sandals with a horizontal strap across the ankle. They make my legs look short. It s different with high heels.
SUPER GARANCE J’ADORE CE GENRE D’ESPADRILLES!!! Seulement voilà…Où peut-on les trouver quand on habite en province (en l’occurrence à Biarritz?) XOXO
I love them!! Comfortable and chic!
beautiful! =) xx
Cute and petite sandals :)
They are beautiful, but, Garance, now imagine a crowd of bloggers rushing into Chanel boutiques to buy a pair! :) And all because of you. ;)
N’aie pas de regrets, Garance. Elles ne sont pas mal, ces sandales, mais sans plus. Rien d’extraordinaire : juste une semelle de liège avec trois lanière de cuir.
I don’t like them. They look on the cheap side x.
j’aime pas du tout franchement
They are kind of perfect, but I don;t think I will ever afford to have Chanel shoes!
Tahiti Street Style (flowers, colours, white hats, long hair, skin caressed by the Pacific sun):
Mourage absolu…
Chanel, forcement … ;)
Is it possible to buy them through the internet?