It’s Cold!
9 years ago by

It’s ridiculously cold in New York today, and we had been wanting to explore all the options for the cold fall weather for a while now, so we went to Central Park with Danica and Vania the other day (did you see the colors in the park? It’s seriously the most beautiful season…!!!) to give you an idea of how we really like to dress when it’s freezing outside.
No heels, lots of layers, and a slightly tomboy look. You know – real life, right?
What about you? What do you wear when it’s super cold outside?

Vania wears : Leather Shearling coat, Coach; Jeans, McQ Alexander Mcqueen; Boots, Hunter / Coat, Woolrich John Rich & Bros.; Cardigan, Sayaka Davis; Denim Shirt, Mother; Jean, Mother / Vest, Canada Goose; Plaid Shirt, APC; Waxed Overalls, 3×1; Pattern Jacket, Zara .
Danica wears : Red Plaid Coat and Grey Plaid shirt, Woolrich; Military Green Shirt, Zara; Khaki pant, Mother; Brown leather boot, Feit / Faux fur coat, Elizabeth & James; Stripe Shirt, Commes Des Garcons.
Translated by Andrea Perdue
I love that belted burgundy cardigan!
I love the cardigan…
XOX, Gap.
Love the fluffy coat!!!
It is starting to get cold in Paris too!!! Want to be in summer!
Le monde des petites
they have such nice smiles! :)
no more heels in Paris too :(
in fact, hunter are the new heels
Wonderful shooting!
Nous ici à Bordeaux on attend désespérément le froid (et pas la pluit !) en tout cas c’est mon cas !
L’hiver c’est l’occasion de sortir les gros gilets, les bonnets, les grandes écharpes, les pulls chauds et douillets,les robes pulls … et j’en passe.
Des vêtements chauds, confortable et réconfortant ! En gros un style cocooning !
Brrr !
Grâce à Uniqlo, à ses doudounes et gammes heattech (depuis les tshirts jusqu’aux chaussettes), je ne crains plus l’hiver à Paris :-) !! J’ai aussi les boots hunter, mais je les garde pour les temps de neige
Les boots fourrées camel sur la photo sont très accueillantes !!
J’ai aussi des cuissardes pour mettre jupes et shorts et changer des pantalons, toujours un gros pull (idéalement coll roulé en cachemire), j’adore les pulls, et puis bonnets, casquettes en laine, écharpes et gants, et hop !
Vive l’hiver bien au chaud !!
The mini Hunters are very pretty!!
love so much the fur :)
It is getting seriously cold in London too (though it never gets as cold as NYC out here). I need gloves !!!!!!!! Any nice ones out there?
Shop emerging designers from around the world!
Fantastic photos!
My Fantabulous World
love all the plaid and coats!
giveaway on my blog!
Love these photos!
Such cool looks! Well, it is cold in my city as well. So, guess what I am wearing? Yep, layers, no heels (my toes are always freezing in heels when the temperatures fall below +5 Celsius), a slightly tomboy look and SCARVES. So thankful for not working in a place with a dress code! All the perks of being self-employed ;)
Great outfits! Nice pics!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Girls are so beautiful and authentic! Even without make up they look wonderful.
And I like your styling ideas. I wear loads of layers too. What else can help in winter?))
BarbarianMe Blog
Danica is gorgeous – not that Vania isn’t, not at all, they are both very lovely! But Danica is so in between the sexes,the irritation is nice : )
Love Central Park such a great place in the city,love the pictures,i just think that a tomboy look is nice when you are still very very young…
Yael Guetta
THANK YOU for such an honest post! When it’s cold out, reality sets in and you must layer layer layer layer layer. I’m from Minnesota, and it already feels like January here. It’s hard to dress fashionably when you need to keep warm, but you’ve shown that it’s possible with this shoot. Love!
Bravo to finally have REAL street style….we all KNOW that no one is really going around in 5 inch pumps in a snowstorm no matter how much the bloggerati would have us believe that they are! I have been screaming BS for years!
What a pretty crew you have! Love the looks.
Très beaux looks :-)
Love the sherling jacket! My mother and I found a similar 70’s vintage one just yesterday. She grabbed it first but I’m trying to get her to swap it for something else…
J’aime beaucoup ces propositions pour l’automne, si cool! Les photos sont super jolies. Merci
I don’t think so many of us want to look like a little boy in winter. Garance you would not dress like this? I prefer a more chic and cozy look, even without heels….xo
Perfect timing. I have no ideas for a winter boot that is not super-ugly but yet will keep my feet warm and comfortable!
Hi everybody! I’m over the age of forty and I’m not in need for a youngsters attitude. But these combinations are the perfect look for a autumn weekend outdoors, breathing freedom of movement and really the best way to stand the cold in a stylish way. Who would choose this look for a business lunch or evening date? But why narrowing our style-repertoire.
Remember the Zara-Video with Lucy Chadwick for Zara (
Il fait froid aujourd’hui dans le sud de la Floride,( ciel gris, vent, 60 degres F.) Parka olive, jeans et bottines pour aller au cinema et dejeuner avec les copines. :=)
Les photos sont belles surtout la 4eme.
OK. This is not cold weather dressing. I’m sorry. They look lovely, but in cold weather you should not leave your head uncovered. Its terrible on the hair, so you need a hat or a hood. A parka with fur/faux trim and something that covers your butt. Also, gloves. Beautifully made gloves are the unexpected treasures of cold weather. Wool, silk, down, leather. Cold weather can be very luxurious.
Ces couleurs sont superbes, j’espère un jour pouvoir aller à New York, cette ville me fait tellement rêver.
En tout cas très belles photos.
J’adore vraiment tes articles Garance!
Les couleurs de l’automne sont splendides mais bon là je décroche un peu, tes modèles ont l’allure des amis de mon fils ! :-) (enfin pas que l’allure, l’âge aussi !). Je ne suis pas sûre d’aimer le fait qu’ici ça ressemble de plus en plus à un magazine en ligne, mais bon, je suis fidèle depuis si longtemps et j’aime ta personnalité et ton talent, mais je dois dire que je suis frustrée de ne plus avoir d’article plus incarné, comme avant. Je sais….il faut accepter que les choses changent ! :-(
Gros coup de cœur pour le 1er look ! J’aime le côté jean troué avec leggings en dessous tellement il fait froid, et les bottes basses pour avoir les pieds au sec. On l’imagine aussi bien en ville que pour une ballade à la campagne avant de retourner se blottir au coin du feu.
Le blog à boire au bureau
Yes to the shoot, and YES to models of color !!
nice shoes!!
These looks are missing scarves, gloves and hats! I can’t stand bare neck from October on, and I live in central Europe.
great taste in clothing
trés jolis looks !
très surprise par contre de la ressemblance étonnante de la parka carreaux avec ma parka favorite Sessun achetée il y a 3 ans !!!
l’inspiration voyage apparemment …
Love this post. It’s so true and I cannot understand how some people are still not wearing cold-ready clothes in New York! I’m all about the layers – camisoles, sweaters, knits, sweatshirts, socks, boots, jeans, pants, coats, scarves, gloves, beanies. Anything that will keep my body temperature as normal as possible. Thumbs up :)
J’aime beaucoup l’hiver, et la neige. Ils sont très classes les modèles :) ! Perso, je suis très chemises, et je ne rate pas une occasion d’en mettre.