12 years ago by
Fugu is a poisonous fish that, if not perfectly prepared, can cause death. Only certified chefs in Japan have the right to serve it.
I mean when you look at it, you already feel a little threatened, don’t you ?
12 years ago by
Fugu is a poisonous fish that, if not perfectly prepared, can cause death. Only certified chefs in Japan have the right to serve it.
I mean when you look at it, you already feel a little threatened, don’t you ?
wah, envy envy!!!! sushi here i come!
May be poisonous but it taste fabulous. Worth the risk! As long as the chef is experienced!
that must be the blowfish! great photo…
Very creative approach to…………… To an aquarium)))
It doesn’t scare me much to look at, but I don’t think I’d ever have enough courage (or stupidity? All a matter of your point of view….) to actually eat it. What a crazy concept…
Eek scary! I don’t think I’d be eating it if I were you Garance xx
But Garance, the real question is: did YOU eat one? And what did it taste like?
They definitely look creepy.
~Natasha Fatah~
I don’t know if I would dare enough to eat it!
disais* ;)
Just remember, every trained chef has to make it for the first time!
Oh ! C’est assez affolant…
Tu vas essayer? j’aurais trop peur! (moi=flipette)
@Jane & her noisy terrier I guess they learn to do them and have a scientific method to know if the sushi is poisened or not (they do not actually eat it ^^), after you’ve done that thousands times and all your sushi are tested negative, I suppose you can be called “experienced”.
Sa scary!
Yes please let us know if you tried a dish with such fish!
J’avais déjà entendu parlé de ce poisson, mais QUI peut vouloir manger ça et risquer sa vie pour quelques instants de délice culinaire?!
Voilà qui me paraît incompréhensible – et visiblement je ne suis pas la seule. Un tel risque pour un plaisir culinaire?
Mais je me souviens de mon étonnement à l’écoute d’un correspondant étranger venu du Japon à Paris – j’étais journaliste à l’époque- qui avouait ne pas bien comprendre ce qu’il y avait de si exceptionnel dans la truffe après une dégustation organisée dans un haut lieu de la gastronomie parisienne…
Bref, le goût n’est pas encore mondialisée et conserve des mystères. C’est parfait. Sinon quel intérêt de voyager!
Ces poissons sont photographiés avec sensibilité ;-) Quel oeil, Garance!
mon dieu! je ne savais pas
Et tu en as mangé?!! Tu es toujours là, donc ça devait être un bon chef non?!
Jamais je me serais tentée à ce genre d’expérience!!!
BRAVO GARANCE, une fois de plus, une super WOMAN!!
Mon voisin du dessous, un fiscaliste japonais, possède le diplôme qui permet de cuisiner le Fugu.
Mais je ne lui ai jamais demandé de nous en faire un.
Peut-être un jour… Mais un peu plus tard.
j’aime la photo : les poissons sortent de la noirceur et attaquent le passant!
Avais tu lu Havana Room ? Le fugu est au coeur de ce bouquin que j’avais oublié… Excellent. Merci de me l’avoir rappelé. Bon séjour !
I didn’t try fugu while living in Japan… but I did eat fish sperm! My friend told me what it was after I had eaten it. And honestly, it doesn’t taste as bad as you’d think.
hmmm…wander whats the statistics on that…..
as in …was there any time in their history where one of these certified chefs said “whoops!”
that is kind of a scary concept. i don’t know how i feel about eating something that only certain chefs have permission to prepare!!
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
I’m pretty adventurous about food, but this is a delicacy I’ll be avoiding! Are you going to try it?
Actually, one of our neighbours is Japanese and not a trained, certified chef; and he prepares his own fugu. He has Chinese friends who go out fishing, and if they catch any fugu they will bring it to him and give him half the catch if he prepares their share for them.
Last time he had some he gave us some… his wife assured us it was fine, that she had eaten his fugu many times. “One time he cut corners and we got vertigo, so he’s very careful now.” It’s very delicious. Very mild. He gave us fried salmon belly, fresh sushi, and fugu (which he recommended boiling), and the fugu was my favourite.
Plus I love being able to say I’ve eaten ‘backyard’ fugu :P
In the 7 years I lived in Japan I ate a lot of unusual things – horse, shark, sparrow’s nest etc. – but I was never brave enough for fugu. I’ve heard that it is very bland. And just recently the Japanese government has changed the chef regulations – the three years training course is no longer required!
Heureusement qu’il y a une réglementation pour le préparer alors. :) On doit toujours avoir une petite montée d’adrénaline du coup en commandant du fugu, non ? ;)
Cette coiffure est juste extraordinaire ! C’est sublime ! Quelle chance d’avoir eu un petit aperçu de ce moment magique !
haha I’ve been eating fugu since I was a little girl (including unmentionable parts of the fish) and I’m still alive! It’s totally worth the risk. Promise. :)
You have to try it… in soup, tempura, fried a different way, raw (wrap the momojioroshi, chives and some boiled skin in it), and if you’re reaaaaaally feeling adventurous, you can try the unmentionable parts :)
ahhhh I want to some now!! I need to go to Shimonoseki (city that’s famous for fugu)!
love the photo!!!!!
Ca me donne bizarrement envie ! ;)
All I keepwondering is if you tried it?
xoxo lorena
Yikes! That sounds like extreme foods or something! I’d rather take my risks and adrenaline rush at sample sales! Haha!
Yeah, it’s quite scary… And it’s quite risky to order that, I guess. It’s like Russian roulette. ;)
im quivering in my gray pants ;)
xo dina
I love the two images in one approach to the picture. And I don’t care how experienced the chef or wonderful the taste, I ain’t eatin’ fugu! (Now you’ve had your okie-fied speechifyin’ for the day! lol)