I heart BURBERRY! Every collection of their are absolutely fantastic, super cool and all the other amazing words you can think of! And Cara’s panties are very very cute!
Jolie les jupes mais certainement pas confortable… j’imagine comment ca doit coller lorsqu’on passe de la position assise à debout!!
Comme d’habitude, tes photos sont super :-)
Ha, love the “big girl” panties! I’m always drawn to hearts but haven’t worn a piece of clothing with hearts since I was 12 and I think I’ll keep it that way :)
I heart hearts too. The color and pairing it with leopard print takes the sweet edge off. But I like sweet. I object when its so much so that you can almost feel the sugar rotting the teeth right out of your head (metaphorically speaking).
I know the subject isn’t food but I think this flavor observation could be applied here. People used to be wary of spicey, presumably thinking it unsophisticated and covering rather than enhancing flavor. I think people are the same with sweet. Now spicey is quite common (at least in big city restaurants and homes) and maybe sweet will take the same route.
Les coeurs : jolis mais on doit très vite se lasser…et la jupe transparente pourquoi pas si on veut se faire “remarquer” et si ça ne colle pas aux fesses une fois que vous serez assise..?? et raz-le-bol du léopard : ils ne sont pas capables de trouver autre chose ?
thoughts: cute but not wow. hearts are gonna be so easy to knock off… get ready for trendy hearts polka dots galore. not emotional. the best thing about these photos is karlie kloss.. how amazing is she?!
I loooooove the outfit Karlie Kloss is wearing. I’m already looking for a look-a-like fabric as I never, ever in the history of ever can afford that blouse, and I love it so much..
I like how they are neutral colors instead of pink or red. I think it’d be fun to DIY the heart trench coat with a less expensive coat (from H&M, maybe).
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
I heart BURBERRY! Every collection of their are absolutely fantastic, super cool and all the other amazing words you can think of! And Cara’s panties are very very cute!
I heart that you heart the hearts!! Beautiful collection
Xoxo Cory
instantly recognisable! :)
tu as raison ca fait super jolie! et cara tout lui va! elle est trop belle cette fille!
I like the hearts as well. they were unexpected, kind of whimsical and not very serious for an established fashion house.
Jolie les jupes mais certainement pas confortable… j’imagine comment ca doit coller lorsqu’on passe de la position assise à debout!!
Comme d’habitude, tes photos sont super :-)
I really love Burberry style, it’s a big inspiration for my!!
Cette collection est vraiment magnifique, et les coeurs ne font pas du tout gnan-gnan! J’aime beaucoup le mélange coeurs et léopard!
J’ai adoré!!
Hearts are sweet… but maybe too sweet for Burberry? I prefer much more polka dots ;)
Loving Burberry!
Ha, love the “big girl” panties! I’m always drawn to hearts but haven’t worn a piece of clothing with hearts since I was 12 and I think I’ll keep it that way :)
the heart clutch is so cute!!! im totally fawning over it right now! ^_^
I heart hearts too. The color and pairing it with leopard print takes the sweet edge off. But I like sweet. I object when its so much so that you can almost feel the sugar rotting the teeth right out of your head (metaphorically speaking).
I know the subject isn’t food but I think this flavor observation could be applied here. People used to be wary of spicey, presumably thinking it unsophisticated and covering rather than enhancing flavor. I think people are the same with sweet. Now spicey is quite common (at least in big city restaurants and homes) and maybe sweet will take the same route.
I love it.
Pardon me for having Downton Abbey on the brain (I’m still in shock over the finale), but I swear that’s Mary Crawley in the front row!
I know it is! Mary Crawley!
Waiting for you in Milan!!!
Je t’attends à Milan!
La transparence de cette jupe est incroyable. j’aime les créations originales comme ça dans les défilés !
That was really so nice fashionshow and I like that harts on outfits. Have a great day.
I heart Burberry and each of these photos!! I need the heart clutch!!
Les coeurs : jolis mais on doit très vite se lasser…et la jupe transparente pourquoi pas si on veut se faire “remarquer” et si ça ne colle pas aux fesses une fois que vous serez assise..?? et raz-le-bol du léopard : ils ne sont pas capables de trouver autre chose ?
thoughts: cute but not wow. hearts are gonna be so easy to knock off… get ready for trendy hearts polka dots galore. not emotional. the best thing about these photos is karlie kloss.. how amazing is she?!
Ce jeu de transparence, c’est d’une beauté!!!!!!
Love it!
usually i don’t really like these kind of rather ” childish” prints, but it’s incredible how chic bailey made them look. great show in general !
new outfit post
Aah Cara ! J’adore ce qu’elle dégage :)
Haut les coeurs pour le manteau trench et le clutch et la chemise…. !
I just wrote about this too, 2 days ago. I’ve always liked Burberry and the hearts were quite a surprise coming from them. You can see my post here: http://joyacoustics.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/spring-dreams.html
I heart Burberry……. I HATE the word “panties”!! xxo
Burberry really never goes wrong. Love these hearts – my fav is the coat.
We <3 Burberry!
Burberry show is alway my favorite, and again this season I wasn’t disappointed ! Amazing post as usual ! xx
Totally with your on the heart print, love it! xx
Totally with you on this, loved this print! xx
Il y a genre 20 ans j’avais une chemise Equipment avec des coeurs et d’ailleurs j’ai vu qu’il la rééditait !
wow I love them too because somehow they don’t look cheesy!! I guess the key are the more grown-up colours that they are printed on…
Merci pour ces photos! J’ai repéré ma future pochette Burberry !! So cute les cœurs!
OMG! Is that Michelle Dockery in the front row? I HEART her! =)
Yes! I thought I was the only one who caught that :)
Love it!!
definitely into them! espectially that clutch!
january, x
I loooooove the outfit Karlie Kloss is wearing. I’m already looking for a look-a-like fabric as I never, ever in the history of ever can afford that blouse, and I love it so much..
I like how they are neutral colors instead of pink or red. I think it’d be fun to DIY the heart trench coat with a less expensive coat (from H&M, maybe).
Proving that hearts are for more than Valentines.
I heart them too! Love, love, love it! http://www.flaircat.com
Ce défilé était magnifique, Cara était superbe dans tout ces look!!
exactement mon avis!
Mélanie Laurent et Frieda Pinto au Front Row… que de beau monde !