dree hemingway great lengths garance dore street style new york photos

Great Lengths

9 years ago by

The thing about summer is, often you’re searching for an item of clothing that will look appropriate and somehow simultaneously act as a heat deflector. Which, more often than not, leads you to a mini or short shorts.

It’s easy to forget that even a mid-length hemline can be just as breezy. Think of all the movement you create when you walk! And how instantly you’re also that much more put together, like you made an effort despite that towering stack of denim shorts your friends are all too familiar with. It’s nice to see women opting for longer lengths, I think it goes right along with this resurgence of a more feminine silhouette I’ve noticed. That classic 50s housewife vibe modernized: not so strict, and ideally worn with a shoe you can dance in.

tiffany reid great lengths garance dore street style new york photos

veronika heilbrunner justin o'shea great lengths garance dore street style new york photos

Now maybe a longer hem isn’t for everyone, but there is definitely a way to wear it no matter you’re shape. It’s all about embracing something different and seeing how you feel. Maybe you’ll feel like a cast member of Big Love (mostly Chloe Sevigny, but even she made that look work… sort of), but mostly it’s just great inspiration to see all the unique ways friends we love like Kate and Veronika are dressing for warm weather. May it be an ankle-length dress layered with a tee and army coat, or a shift over pants….

And, like Garance spoke about in her Editor’s Letter this month, change is all about evolving – even if you start with a longer hemline.


So, what do you think? Is it time to embrace longer lengths and say good bye to the super short skirts and shorts? Or will you always love wearing a mini in the summer?

kate foley great lengths garance dore street style new york photos


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  • Tout nouveau pour moi mais effectivement hyper agréable, par exemple une robe t-shirt mais structurée un peu longue, c’est aéré du moment qu’il n’y a pas trop de tissu étouffant.
    Il y en avait une super chez Monoprix vert de gris, un peu élégante.

  • Oui tout à fait! Surtout si ce sont des couleurs claires, ça permet de ne pas absorber la lumière!
    Par contre, pour moi, c’est plutôt du court (ça ne me va pas les coupes longues…Trop petite en taille!!!)
    Bonne semaine

    Le monde des petites

  • The lovliest sky blue color…so cool

  • Longer clothes shade the body, unlike short shorts and minis. Dresses are cooler than tight shorts. I learned this lesson long ago from my mother, and she was soooo right.

  • patrice June, 15 2015, 9:48 / Reply

    I love this! I recently bought a midi length white collar dress and I am obsessed with it. For some reason, it also drives my husband crazy. He says it’s much sexier than all of the mini-dresses I typically wear.

  • Such great points! I definitely have been loving the midi this season – and honestly, don’t feel super confident in super short things.

    Warm Regards,

  • I am obsessed with long skirts right now. You still feel fresh, without the awkardenss of wearing something to something short: you don’t have to worry about how you sit, and how you walk atc… And it so classy too :)

  • C’est drôle parle ue moi j’étais une inconditionnelle des minis hiver comme été (jupe ou robe) mais là j’ai deux petits un de 2 ans et l’autre de 9 mois et avec l’arrivée du printemps/été et la disparition des collants je me suis rendue compte à quel point c’était pas du tout pratique, j’ai pas envie que tout le monde voit ma culotte et avec les bébés il faut être réaliste, on est obligé de se pencher, s’asseoir par terre, lever les bras, etc. Du coup j’ai commencer l’évolution vers le short, que je traite comme si c’était une jupe. J’adore avec une chemise ! Et hier je me suis surprise à prendre une jupe en jean au genou, droite, et avec un t-shirt décolleté aux épaules et des sandales je trouvais que ça allait pas mal, et ma culotte restait du domaine privé !

  • Je suis à fond pour ! C’est féminin et pratique en ville et puis ça fait presque une décennie qu’on n’a pas lâché nos minis, il serait temps de passer à l’heure du midi :-)

  • Depuis une quinzaine d’années, sous l’influence des Rihanna, Britney Spears et autres starlette, on a vu un déploiement de vulgarité, d’exagération dans le dénuement et le «sexy» et de vêtements qui n’avantagaient absolument pas les femmes et j’espère que cette ère est révolue.

  • vanessa la belge June, 15 2015, 11:19 / Reply

    Franchement, je trouve ca hyper classe !!! Et puis ca permet aussi de cacher une cuisse un peu molle ou un genou pas au top. Mais pour pouvoir le porter avec du plat, il ne faut pas mesurer 1m62, comme moi, sinon ca tasse vite la silhouette je trouve.
    Je pars donc en quête de talons beaux ET confortables qui me permettront d’être belle et élancée toute la journée!

    Merci pour ce post qui m’inspire et conforte mon choix d’être plus féminine :)

  • Jane with the noisy terrier June, 15 2015, 11:43 / Reply

    I’m not fond of my knees (beyond their usefulness!) so I’ve been a fan of longer lengths for a while. Happy to see more options available. Once you’ve become “une femme de certain age” it becomes more and more difficult to find lightweight summer dresses that aren’t short and sleeveless. Nice to see more options are now available!

  • So glad the midi lengths are back! They just make me feel more feminine and more classy. Even received a compliment on mine as I walked down the street in the French Quarter recently. The dress was a little floaty, definitely just midway between knee and ankle, and I was dressed for a dinner date with my husband. Cool, too, for the warm humid weather. That dress goes everywhere with me – on the plane, to work, out to dinner (even a wedding rehearsal dinner recently!), just bumming around in warm weather. So much more flattering for women d’un certain age than mini’s and shorts.

  • Cecilija June, 15 2015, 1:00 / Reply

    I like it in theory, but midi and long just don’t work for me. Not flattering on my body at all, I look as if I am wearing a sack, plus I don’t feel like myself at all. I inevitably get self- conscious and end up hardly waiting to go home to change. The shorter a skirt/shorts – the better a look in my case. I guess it just has to do with body proportions.

    Once I was driving in a car with a friend and we caught a look of a woman in her 70s dressed in an unusually short shorts for her age (bit it look really good!). We looked at each other and simultaneously said – “This is you (me) when you (me!) ‘re old!”

    So, this one I’ll pass….. life’s to short for wearing a wrong length.

  • J’ADORE les longueurs midi et mi-mollets, c’est tellement plus chic … J’ai deux ou trois robes plus courtes, mais je ne les mets que très rarement. J’ai vraiment tendance à privilégier le plus long, voire le maxi, même par 35°. Ca donne une autre allure et je m’y suis vraiment habituée.


  • Great outfits!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • Je suis d’accord que l’on peut tout à fait porter du long en été. En plus si on départ c’est difficile à supporter, peu à peu notre corps s’auto-régule et s’habitue.
    Par exemple moi qui suis très frileuse, je porte des chaussettes tout l’hiver, le printemps et même en été mais pieds ne semblent plus vouloir vivre sans. Et voilà comment mon corps me dicte mon propre style et pas l’inverse ^^

  • Ouai alors la robe longue à paillettes argentées je vais passer mon tour, trop voyant dans les fourrés hein

  • It seems that for once I’m ahead of the game :) My legs are not the prettiest part of my body, so I never ever wear mini’s but I love midi skirts and dresses. Thanks for making me feel fashionable ;)

  • that is such a great length but it looks so odd on me — I’m very short!


  • Definite YES to longer lengths in very thin material. One of my favorite things to wear in very hot weather is a salwar kameez–tunic and loose pants combination–in very light thin cotton. Loose things stay away from the body, and you can cover your skin against the sun.

  • La peau, c’est beau, dans l’intimité, ou en photo (par le truchement de la lumière, de l’œil du photographe … et des logiciels de retouche – quelles plaies !)
    Dans la vie publique, en occident, exposée à tous … elle m’interpelle toujours. Elle est impudique en ville, inadéquate dans la campagne, d’un hédonisme de rigueur à proximité de l’océan …
    Je lui préfère le vêtement. Du vêtement, du vrai, du voile de coton, du lin blanc, du crépon de coton, de l’ampleur de tissu, des rayures, des fleurs, des camaïeux, du mouvement, ….
    J’apprécie toujours l’art de s’habiller, quelque soit la façon. C’est une façon personnelle de s’offrir au monde, discrètement généreuse, sociale, gentille. Le spectacle de la rue nous ravie tous, je crois, où que l’on soit sur la planète, et ceux qui y participent, avec plus d’imagination qu’un max de peau à l’air, ont toute ma sympathie !
    Les tissus nous protègent du soleil et de la chaleur, nous ventilent, nous racontent et peuvent toujours dévoiler, au gré du vent, du geste, un petit bout de peau qui fera rêver !

  • These all have ‘Perfect Cool Girl Outfit’ written all over them.


  • I adore midis…and will always choose this length over a mini because it always seems to look more elegant! xo

    adorn la femme

  • I finally surrendered in my decade or so long battle with shorts this year. They do not flatter me. In fact they make me look dumpy, sweaty and completely non-classy. I cheerfully wave the white flag as I step out proudly in my graceful maxi dresses, floaty mid-length sun dresses and knit shifts. And I don’t miss shorts (or short skirts) one bit!

  • Martine June, 15 2015, 10:25 / Reply

    I love midis. But there is certainly room for a grey miniskirt with sporty flats in my closet too. Just depends on the day. However, in really hot hot hot weather I wear a midi skirt. I don’t like burning up. On a slightly cooler day or when I really need to run around downtown like a maniac, i go with a mini and tennis shoes, and if anyone sees my undies, then pardon me in advance. In my opinion however, men like midi skirts more then minis. I know it seems kind of backwards, but i swear it to be true.

  • Très joli et très jolie!Cette petite blouse est parfaite

  • emmanor June, 16 2015, 2:45 / Reply

    il y a quelque-chose qui m’interpelle quand même : aux US, vous pouvez porter des minis et des shorts pour travailler ? ça me semble impossible en France en tous cas. même le short en ville, c’est limite, ou alors assez long.

  • Why not wear it all? I wear shorts, knee length and midi length skirts and dresses, and maxi dresses. Life’s too short to limit yourself because someone said “it was time”.

  • The last one is amazing, so elegant ;)


    Mónica Sors



  • Vive le long en été ! Il a fallu que j’aille à des milliers de km, et dans des pays avec une culture très différente pour m’en rendre compte. Mais en fait, je suis plus à l’aise en pantalon / jupe longue l’été. Surtout quand les moustiques sont de sortie :) Je ne jure plus que par le Longyi (Myanmar), le saron (bali) et ces grands pantalons taille unique que j’ai ramené du Vietnam
    Bon ok plus valable en vacances qu’à Paris
    Mais j’ai quelques jupes/robes longues (maje, les seuls à tenir compte de mon mètre 60) et pantalons fluide (ba&sh, les seuls à comprendre qu’on peut avoir des fesses)

  • Love Kate’s dress- anyone where it is from?

  • Un mi-long fluide, c’est ce que je préfère !

  • Danielle June, 16 2015, 9:21 / Reply

    It is always good to have various options and try new looks.


  • I love Dree’s lookbut sadly have to agree that the midi length is hard to pull off – at least for me, despite my being skinny and tall. I would looove a few hints on how to make the look work. In the meantime I`ll give my midi denim skirt another chance. Also, if you´re into ethical fashion have a look at my favorite midis at http://www.fairaporter.com/post/118856583722/trend-skirts-i-find-any-skirt-that-reaches
    thanks and x from Berlin,

  • Ai-Ch'ng June, 17 2015, 8:55 / Reply

    Yes, midi all the way (though summer, autumn, winter, spring)! It’s just like one your previous posters observed – wearing pants, where you don’t have to worry about how you’re sitting, and so comfortable in summer with its slight billowing when we walk. And, in cooler months, just pop on tights underneath and heavier shoes.

    I love how Kate has worn hers – that length and slightly tent shape is how I love to wear mine, too.

    I am short and not at all “model figured” – 165cm, with wide shoulders and thin, gangly arms for my height, and wiry and flat all the way through to my hips: then, my hips go outwards like they should, and my thighs and legs are pretty muscly (and I feel, quite heavy-set due to my genetic build and yoga, running and years of squash); however, I still wear midi-length dresses in simple, straight-up-and -down cuts with mid-thigh high slits on either side with bare legs and flat sandals in summer, and flat, fitted suede boots with tights in cold months. Despite being predominantly clad in loose fit jeans and baggy leather pants, every time I wear one of these midi-length dresses either loose or belted loosely at the hips with a thin leather tie belt or high on the waist with a military style webbing belt, not only does it drive my husband insane (in a good way), but so many women ask me where I bought my dress from*, and sigh that they’d also like to get into a long dress.

    There’s something carefree and innately flattering about this length on women of every size and shape!

    * the best ones are from Etsy – especially the vintage Indian tunics in cotton or silk, which have just the right skim and shape, and the side slits in just right the place. I just sew the side slits up if they are a little too indecently deep to wear sans the matching Indian pants. I also love to make them from a long rectangle of cotton fabric, cutting and sewing a neck hole and arm holes and running a seam up both sides, then bringing it together at the waist with a tan leather plaited belt.

  • I’m with you on this one, Brie. Although I have been wearing short things for so long, I think it will take some getting used to! Midi length means some of us tread the fine line between cool and dowdy… will keep trying though!

  • darlene June, 22 2015, 10:26 / Reply

    Love that t shirt!! So unique~~

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