Enjoy your staying Garance ! It’s so great to see you in my country. I will be at the island in a few days myself and I suggest you get all the energy from it…..it’s a magical place….don’t forget to visit Dilos…and meditate there for a while as well……your wishes will be heard ?
Why not …looks great..the internet is working so you can be everywhere you want to be…that’s what i like so much about the new way of communication today…
Bisou Bisou
Yael Guetta
je suis allee a mykonos, ce weekend sur un coup de tete(ah vive la Grece et ses iles)- je suis de retour a athenes maintenant, unfortunately. Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit comme conseil! i am at your disposal:)) filakia
Cette photo est sublimissime, ça me rend trop jalouse de ne pas être à Mykonos, là, maintenant tout de suite ! C’est vrai que cette maison est magnifique, mais à choisir, je préfère quand même NY :)
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Amazing! went to myconos in july and visiting again in august! did you stay at san giorgio??? i stayed there last time! it was great!
a house in the middle of nowhere. could you? :)
Stunning place!!!!! I want to be there!!!!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
C’est sympa de vous savoir si proche… Nous sommes à Paros et c’est tout aussi beau …
Il nous faut une garde robe grecque! Au moins pour le plaisir des yeux!! Un truc inspiré d’Isadora Duncan (http://the-dancing-skeleton.blogspot.fr/search/label/Isadora%20Duncan) :-))
Superbe !!
Waouh… Toutes mes amitiés aux grecs !!!
La vie ne peut être que belle avec une vue pareille !
I love mykonos
Enjoy your staying Garance ! It’s so great to see you in my country. I will be at the island in a few days myself and I suggest you get all the energy from it…..it’s a magical place….don’t forget to visit Dilos…and meditate there for a while as well……your wishes will be heard ?
Wow! This is amazing and the view is wonderful
Inspiration Point by Paula Fleur
love it! miss summer in Greece!
Ca c’est vraiment magnifique!
C’est vraiment superbe !
Oh Mykonos fait partie de mes destinations rêvées… et ta photo me met l’eau à la bouche :-)
Why not …looks great..the internet is working so you can be everywhere you want to be…that’s what i like so much about the new way of communication today…
Bisou Bisou
Yael Guetta
A moua a moua !!! A moua !!! Non ce n’est pas le son des mouettes au loin…
“soupir” <3
Want to go to Greece and some island..!!
Mónica Sors
Quel beau pays, quelle douceur de vivre! Je suis allée en Crête il y a 3 ans et j’en garde un superbe souvenir!
je suis allee a mykonos, ce weekend sur un coup de tete(ah vive la Grece et ses iles)- je suis de retour a athenes maintenant, unfortunately. Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit comme conseil! i am at your disposal:)) filakia
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:
I hope your wish comes true, G.
So happy you enjoy your stay in our country :)
Magnifique paysage !!
We were there in June, so beautiful. Enjoy every moment.
Cette photo est sublimissime, ça me rend trop jalouse de ne pas être à Mykonos, là, maintenant tout de suite ! C’est vrai que cette maison est magnifique, mais à choisir, je préfère quand même NY :)
C’est magnifique!!!
Such a serene place . The picture is itself so calm and soothing . Beautiful .
Like the sponge shape of this house, perfect sponge with perfect sea view ;)
That’s my house Garance!!!!!!!!!!!!! So random to see it on your website!
That’s my house Garance!! ;)
I always say the same thing with you,
at my friends when i am in vacation in
a cycladitic island lol :)
Oh I went there last summer and fell in love with the island.!! Who would not?! I have been longing to get back there again.
A bit barren for my taste, but still looks very mesmerising!
Very nice website.Thanks