This purse is great, not only because it’s beautiful, but also because you can wear it on your shoulder leaving your hands free and one more very important detail: it is the perfect size to fit my iPad.
Belle photo!
C’est encore Diana. Je t’ai écrit un commentaire tout à l’heure dès mon bureau par rapport au post des birkenstock (et tu m’as répondu, merci) et maintenant j’en écris un autre dès chez moi.
Je voulais t’envoyer des félicitations par la façon dans laquelle tu as pris les commentaires, certains d’entre lesquels étaient très négatifs.
Cela t’honore beaucoup!
Bisou de Madrid!
ipad mini?? the purse doesnt look big enough for the regular :P I’m totally loving leopard bags~~ i’ve been eyeing them for the past year but now I’m itching to invest in one..particularly the alexander wang! =]
Mon mari m’a offert le mini iPad pour me consoler de tous les soucis qui nous tombaient dessus… maintenant je cherche le sac parfait pour mon iPad mini ;-) Help Garance!
Who wouldn’t want a little cheetah by your side? Very cute vintage-y purse, G. We like how it is discreet. Is it fancy? Is it from the depths of a thrift store? Is it passed down from your grandmother? One will never know. And you shouldn’t tell! xo
I have a bag too that I like to use everytime because: 1. it’s a shoulder bag (totally agree with the hands free thing) 2. It fits my iPad, and it’s not big ;) 3. Goes well with most outfits.
je l’ai toujours dit! le sac en bandoulière permet juste de vivre une vie normale!
comment peut-on prendre le métro, son scooter, sa poussette sa tasse de café avec un sac coincé au creux du bras ou à la main???? moi, je n’y suis jamais arrivé!
bref, j’aime ton sac!
I thinks it is the perfect size! I am also very fond of purses that have a shoulder strap, I wonder why I carry so much the elbow (??!) carrying bag. (I don’t know how to call it but I just had a weird image of me with my arm backwards…!)
The leopard print is something I see item by item, it can vary so much! This one gets a thumbs up! :)
juste un peu de déontologie à notre époque difficile. C’est vrai il est beau mais à quel prix? Pensez vous que c’est cela le rêve? de temps à autre, vous n’êtes plus du tout connectée à ce qui se passe sur terre!
Je continue à me faire plaisir tout de même avec votre blog. merci
Oh Garance…I am trying to find the perfect simple, yet chic and versatile leopard bag for aprox. a year now……and now you show me this one…. thats the one! But Nooooo (or of course) it is such an expensive piece.
I just finished my studies and trying to have my own business now, what means I am more than far away from that one. Uh la la!
The most important detail of all – aside from the beautiful leopard print! I’m seriously consider trading in my iPad 2 for an iPad mini, just so it can fit in all my purses…
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
ce sac permettra à l’iPad de survivre dans la jungle informatique!
i love the long strap! :)
Pas mal, pas mal!
I love it, great picture !
Greetings !
C’est vrai ! Il a l’air de se faire tellement discret qu’on pourrait facilement l’oublier.
Get down with your wild self Garance.
Much love,
Les petits sacs à bandoulière c’est l’invention ultime ! mon petit marc by marc jacobs ne me quitte jamais :)
bisous Garance!
I love it!!!
Tu as trouvé le sac parfait!
Belle photo!
C’est encore Diana. Je t’ai écrit un commentaire tout à l’heure dès mon bureau par rapport au post des birkenstock (et tu m’as répondu, merci) et maintenant j’en écris un autre dès chez moi.
Je voulais t’envoyer des félicitations par la façon dans laquelle tu as pris les commentaires, certains d’entre lesquels étaient très négatifs.
Cela t’honore beaucoup!
Bisou de Madrid!
Demoiselle, Portlandia is so over!
Except for the pattern, which I’m not a big fan of, the purse is perfect – especially its form & function.
quel joli sac, c’est la classe absolue !
lovely bag! ?
Such a beautiful bag, and I would love to own it! I can’t find the perfect iPad bag (first world problem, I know), to bad this one is so expensive :(
She Wears: Fashion Illustration Blog
I’m loving the idea of bringing a tiny touch of leopard into any outfit!
x karen
ipad mini?? the purse doesnt look big enough for the regular :P I’m totally loving leopard bags~~ i’ve been eyeing them for the past year but now I’m itching to invest in one..particularly the alexander wang! =]
Mon mari m’a offert le mini iPad pour me consoler de tous les soucis qui nous tombaient dessus… maintenant je cherche le sac parfait pour mon iPad mini ;-) Help Garance!
That is such a great bag! I agree I’m always looking for one that fits my ipad.
Garance Il a l’air bourré de poche à l’intèrieur ??? Oui j’adore les poches pour bien tout ranger ou cacher :D
Who wouldn’t want a little cheetah by your side? Very cute vintage-y purse, G. We like how it is discreet. Is it fancy? Is it from the depths of a thrift store? Is it passed down from your grandmother? One will never know. And you shouldn’t tell! xo
I have a bag too that I like to use everytime because: 1. it’s a shoulder bag (totally agree with the hands free thing) 2. It fits my iPad, and it’s not big ;) 3. Goes well with most outfits.
PLus c’est petit, plus c’est mignon ;p
TRès mignon et très chic! Il fait envie!!!
Woaw, je craque !
Il faut que toutes les filles ont un sac leopard
Trop beau, mais euhh… Garance, comment dire, t’as vu le prix du joujou? Plus cher qu’un YSL, pardon qu’un SL
It’s perfect!! xx
je l’ai toujours dit! le sac en bandoulière permet juste de vivre une vie normale!
comment peut-on prendre le métro, son scooter, sa poussette sa tasse de café avec un sac coincé au creux du bras ou à la main???? moi, je n’y suis jamais arrivé!
bref, j’aime ton sac!
I love the double flap and I feel that I will never get tired of the print!
I really like it. Looks amazing.
I’m posting looks from L.A. and accessories:
What a gorgeous bag!
Love it!
these are the important things ;))
I thinks it is the perfect size! I am also very fond of purses that have a shoulder strap, I wonder why I carry so much the elbow (??!) carrying bag. (I don’t know how to call it but I just had a weird image of me with my arm backwards…!)
The leopard print is something I see item by item, it can vary so much! This one gets a thumbs up! :)
Zara made a less graceful version of that a few seasons back!
Here it is:
I’m just not sure i could fit my ipad in there..
juste un peu de déontologie à notre époque difficile. C’est vrai il est beau mais à quel prix? Pensez vous que c’est cela le rêve? de temps à autre, vous n’êtes plus du tout connectée à ce qui se passe sur terre!
Je continue à me faire plaisir tout de même avec votre blog. merci
Oh Garance…I am trying to find the perfect simple, yet chic and versatile leopard bag for aprox. a year now……and now you show me this one…. thats the one! But Nooooo (or of course) it is such an expensive piece.
I just finished my studies and trying to have my own business now, what means I am more than far away from that one. Uh la la!
Totally agree!
How beautiful is this bag? Mine just arrived today so I am even more excited to have it!
You have such great taste always. :)
I Love the Louboutin Farida bag!! The tall version is also SO CHIC:
and :
On my Christmas list…
Simply adorable!!
The most important detail of all – aside from the beautiful leopard print! I’m seriously consider trading in my iPad 2 for an iPad mini, just so it can fit in all my purses…
xo Alex
Certes, le sac est mignon, mais 1600€? Quelle idée de mettre une somme pareille dans un sac (surtout dans un petit sac)…
J’adore! Fun and practical, such a great find Garance! Have a wonderful weekend!
trop beau ce sac, j’aime beaucoup.
super idée, je vais créer ma ligne ” sac Ipad compatible ” tout cuir
voilà mon objectif pour décembre, merci , ça aide vraiment de partager!
absolutely love it, but the price… omg!!! xxx