
10 years ago by

I love Andi’s look because it speaks to me about a femininity that I don’t see so often in the streets of New York.
Okay well, my New York… Maybe I should go uptown more often?
What speaks to me is this chic and certain femininity, which is so sexy – a little bit Italian style.

It’s funny, because I bought a skirt that looks a little bit like that the other day; you can wear it only with heels, and the moment I saw myself in the mirror I was taken back by the added femininity it gave me. For me. who mostly wears jeans and shirts, I though that if I was to dress that way more often, my perception of myself would totally change and you know what? I’d like that.

Then I remembered I like to walk everywhere.
Pffff, life is full of unsolvable contradictions.

Do you find that having really feminine style is tough to keep up in everyday life?

Coat, Michael Kors; Top, Assembly New York; Pants, Tibi; Bag, Stella McCartney; Heels, Manolo Blahnik; Belt, vintage Versace.


Add yours
  • Oh I LOVE that kind of style and would love to look like that effortlessly every day. But personally, I find it really hard to create that look in everyday life!

  • she’s so timelessly stylish! :)

  • Personnellement je trouve que c’est très beau à voir porté, mais je ne pourrais absolument pas adopter ce style un peu trop sophistiqué pour moi. Je suis comme toi: jean et chemise, à courir partout… Je trouve que la féminité est plus dans l’attitude que dans les vêtements, même s’ils y contribuent beaucoup.

  • Miryem April, 7 2014, 9:32 / Reply

    Hi Garance & co, I definitely feel the same way. At almost 42, I still dont find the energy to let my feminity blossom just because of comfort matters. Watching this kind of pictures more often would probably help :), so shoot again !!! Love this pic (romantic movie atmosphere) and your blog, of course :)

  • Yes, love these outfits when I am going out for dinner or something, in the car and out the car into location. For work, which involves production and reality, I look at my wardrobe every morning watching the beautiful clothes get ignored and slinking into a jeans shirt combo. BUT, the good news is, the super nice stuff stays nicer longer! I have a Celine bag I got for xmas that I barely use out of fear of my own clumsiness!
    I love your work Garance, super smart, and I love seeing your business grow, very interesting!

  • Hello Garance,

    Tout d’abord, petite parenthèse, j’ai toujours grand plaisir à lire ton blog: tu arrives à prendre la mode avec humour, à rester légère. Tellement de bloggeuses se prennent trop au sérieux aujourd’hui et achètent des vêtements juste parce qu’ils sont de marque en y perdant leur style parfois … C’est dommage. Toi, on retrouve ta personnalité dans chacun de tes articles, une plume inimitable et inlassable.

    Voilà pour la parenthèse.

    Ensuite, ma vie est remplie de la même contradiction que la tienne. Je trouve que n’importe quelle tenue est plus belle avec des talons mais mon Dieu, avant de trouver des stilettos qui permettent de gambader partout et toute la journée: bonne chance! Même pas besoin d’aller jusqu’à la jupe XXL pour être féminine, le mix jeans-chemise-talons vertigineux, c’est le top, mais perso je n’y arrive pas, ou plutôt pas plus de 3 heures.

    Au plaisir de te lire ;)

  • carolina April, 7 2014, 9:36 / Reply

    I would totally wear this look with flats. It will give a 50´s mood.

  • Mamavalveeta03 April, 11 2014, 10:45

    And very Grace Kelly!

  • Marie F April, 7 2014, 9:37 / Reply

    j’adore cette tenue mais je cours toujours à droite à gauche et avec des talons comme sur la photo c’est impossible.

    Je suis mieux dans du plat: slip-on, derbies

  • zaelle April, 7 2014, 9:39 / Reply

    si la féminité passe par les talons, oui cest très difficile à tenir tt les jours…sauf pour les warriors du talons qui ne voient pas la différence entre une ballerine et un talon mais bon cela doit représenter 5% des femmes….

  • This is so my style, she looks flawless.


  • Stunning look!!!! I love this style and i love this midi skirt!!!!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • Beautifully chic and sexy – I love this look! I don’t see this style much in LA, either but I love it.


  • Gorgeous in every way. She kind of reminds me of a young Carolina Herrera. The soft nude colors with the gold touches are perfect. I just many need to add culottes to my spring shopping list.

  • I definitely feel for the average woman, especially in NYC, it’s difficult to be super feminine. I wear makeup for the most part (a fresh face) and style my hair but I’m usually in kicks. Who wants to walk on New Yorks terrible streets with beautiful pumps on all day?

  • Alexandra April, 7 2014, 2:48

    I agree! This is a gorgeous look and I would love to dress with a more feminine touch. However, when you’re up and down subway stairs and speed-walking 40-50 NY blocks a day, how can you possibly wear heels!? I save ultra feminine style for special dinners and parties– I feel like this is too difficult to maintain in the morning when you’re running 15 minutes late. and on the weekends when you want to relax. and at night when you want to be comfy…

  • This is true. The girl above is dressed wonderfully and I would say that’s exactly how my style would look if I had the opportunity but as a working girl, ehm, no chance! Actually the only women who can walk around like that in day time are women with a chauffeur or socialites. I try to dust out my beautiful clothes when I go out, too but this is not that easy as Cologne is a terribly unchic city.

  • So lovely and elegant. A certain kind of femininity that is very inspiring. As a Gemini I love the masculine tomboy garconne look as much as this 1950’s inspired feminine look. So beautiful. An wonderful season transition look as well. Thanks Garance.

  • I like how understated, yet elegant the outfit portrays, the skirt elongates your legs, but I’m not sure I could pull it off though, I like the barely browns.

  • Yes! Yes! Yes! So difficult. I mean wearing heels all day long alone is complete torture…

  • Definitely tough to keep this look every day. I wish I could. But it’s looks oh so nice on her. Very sophisticated, naturel look and feminine.

  • Oooh que oui!Il y a des jours où j’ai envie de me mettre en talons mais je suis vite dissuadée quand je pense à tous les endroits où je dois courir à chaque fois, c’est sûrement pour cette raison que j’ai une admiration folle pour ces filles qui se baladent haut perché qu’il pleuve, qu’il vente ou qu’il neige.
    Si j’assumais de porter plus souvent toutes ces pièces ultra féminines que j’adore, je suis sûre que mon ego en serait gonflé. Il y a des vêtements et des chaussures qui une fois portés donnent une féminité et une grâce incroyable, ce qui me fait penser que même si c’est la personne qui donne de la personnalité à ce qu’elle a sur le dos, il y a des pièces qui indéniablement vous font une allure (je sais pas si je suis très claire mais au moins j’aurais essayé de l’être ahaha!)

    Shug Avery

  • miss agnes April, 7 2014, 10:07 / Reply

    Totally agree. My ideal style is vintage circa 30s, 40s, long elegant silhouettes, beautiful skirt suits, hats and heels. But who I am really could just live in punjabis and silk pajamas every single day. I love comfort above all. So while I occasionnally daydream about being this romantic, mysterious femme fatale always clad in silk and wearing gorgeous stockings, my day to day uniform is pants and sweaters. Oh well ! Love this outfit though.

  • Exemple pratique. Jolie jupe d’été toute légère tuerie visuelle, sexy, femme, Pouvoir de la Femme. Sauf que pour cavaler dans le métro avec dossiers carnets et consorts, bien obligée d’opter pour un bon sac en bandoulière, en ce qui me concerne. Résultat, à chaque pas le sac accroche la jupe, en 10 mètres j’ai l’ourlet au-dessus de la culotte et il me faut bien 50 mètres pour m’en rendre compte, soit 40 mètres de trop. C’est long, 40 mètres.

  • I feel exactly the same! I go for ease and comfort, so I always reach for pants (usually jeans) and a top. Who wants to stumble down the steps of the Ubahn when running for the train? Not me.

    While I’m not usually drawn to overtly feminine styles – ruffles, florals and the like – this look appeals to my more classic sensibilities without feeling too fussy. Might be time to amp up the femininity and inject some more looks like this into my routine. Thanks for the inspiration, Garance!

  • I feel exactly the same way. Having bought some lovely pencil skirts this year I realised they only really work with skinny heels, when usually I’m rather a fan of wedges- they don’t need to be re-soled al the time and also they’re so easy to walk in that its like not wearing heels at all.
    Luckily though, 7cm stiletto heels are already enough to make that pencil skirt look work, and so far I’ve been loving the look. Its rather a ‘going out’ look for me though, nothing for everyday life..

  • Oui, c’est super difficile. Ce genre de tenue sans talons, sans maquillage, et sans coiffure, ça tombe à plat.
    Mais certaine y arrive et je suis admirative! Avec le combo marche + métro + bus, j’ai vraiment du mal à avoir un look décent certains jours.

  • Perhaps I’m alone in this, but I find it the easiest style to keep up. I consider my a-line and pencil skirts my jeans and just combine away. As long as the focus is on a cinched-in waist – which granted, you have to enjoy – it’s such a classic, simple way of dressing; it steers away from too much layering and always looks put together. But then again, I have to add that I bike everywhere I go (yes, in skirts and high heels) so I don’t really have to deal with the walking issue..!

  • Céline April, 7 2014, 10:49 / Reply

    J’ai trouvé la solution il y a 2 ans: Repetto ! La seule marque me permettant de gambader toute la journée en talon sans souffrir le martyr.

  • Mais justement, justement ! Elle vient d’où la jupe ? Et une photo de la tienne pliz pliz ? J’adooooooore les jupes midi…

  • C’est drôle! Parfois je me habille a peu prés de la même façon avec une jupe Prada, chemise de Zara et talons de une marque italienne pas trop connue!


  • Me too! I love this uptown, ladylike ensemble, especially the mid calf length skirt.

  • It’s true! It is perception changing when I put on a skirt or dress instantly feel more feminine & wonder why I dont do this more often… I am usually reminded soon after it’s because it requires more prep time and well especially in New York, its so much easier to bounce around the city in jeans and a cool jacket. Despite its such a NY thing, there is something relentlessly cool about dressing in all black (black waxed denim, leather loafers, leather jacket, black top…. good to go!’) but yet it is always a refreshing change when I break it up with colour and fem details. I do feel noticeably different, like I will stand out more so then in black. I actually think it is more daring, edgy… wonderfully outgoing to dress feminine in a city that thrives in moody night shades.

    I love the photo above, it is tres belle & very italia!

    Happy Monday! xx

  • What about kitten heels? Confy and still dressy.

  • Wow, she looks like she just stepped out of a Grace Kelly movie, or some sort of Hitchcock film. Absolutely classic.
    Your Friend, Jess

  • Mamavalveeta03 April, 11 2014, 10:53

    I think so, too, Jess!

  • C’est sublime et même si ce n’est pas le genre de chose que je porte au quotidien, il y a des jours où j’aime bien jouer à la femme. Je fais tout de même l’effort de porter souvent des talons (j’essaie de checker quand même, le matin, ce que j’ai à faire. Si je n’ai pas des kilomètres à arpenter, j’opte pour !). L’ideal étant des talons de 8cm ! En ce moment je ne quitte pas mes mules Céline bambam, elles sont hyper confortables et vont avec tout.

  • lovely…..xo

  • I work in the city and I park in a garage a few blocks from where I work. I don’t like to change shoes so I usually where sensible ones for comfort. I wore a skirt to work last week with my Dansko Mary Janes. I didn’t think anything of it until I started getting complements on how I looked. I hadn’t realized I don’t wear anything feminine to work. I think I can find comfortable footwear and a more feminine style. I liked the look.

  • Très belle silhouette et look super féminin. J’adore.

    Par contre, c’est clair que ce n’est pas évident les talons tout le temps. Moi, mon côté américain fait que j’ai mes chaussures adaptées pour les moments de marche intense et mes jolies chaussures (ballerines ou talons) pour le reste, dans un sac.

    Cela dit, j’ai une robe noire qui arrive à mi-mollet, avec le haut en coeur-croisé (style chemisier), le tout parfait d’une ceinture à nouer, que je porte avec des ballerines. Ça fait un look hyper féminin, avec la taille bien marquée grâce à la ceinture (ça fait un look un peu 50s italien). Bon, à éviter les jours où l’on est ballonnée ! hehe

    En tout cas, que je porte une robe, une jupe ou un pantalon, je cherche toujours à y intégrer une touche de féminité, couplée au confort. Contrairement à ce que l’on pense, ce n’est pas incompatible. :)

    On another note, je suis complètement d’accord avec Teandvogue, surtout ne perds pas ta légèreté et ton humour, ce qui semble devenir si rare dans ce monde de modeux. Certains et certaines se prennent trop au sérieux, ne tolérant aucun avis qui ne collerait pas avec leur vision de la mode. Dommage.
    Ce n’est pas ton cas, et garde cette fraîcheur dans ta vie et ton travail et tout ce que tu entreprends.

  • I do dress femininely most of the time, and used to torture myself with heels. Now I wear flats everywhere and bring heels along if I feel I’ll want them. I don’t do sneakers (my poor neglected Converse!).

    Shani x
    She Dreams in Perfect French

  • such a pretty look! I love the trench for this season

    giveaway on my blog

  • Je trouve effectivement ce style un peu vintage absolument fabuleux et c’est tellement chic et féminin que c’est forcement tentant…J’essaie d’adopter ce style plus fréquemment maintenant mais il est vrai que les talons sont durs à gérer pour la journée entière, en revanche je ne vois aucun inconvenient à porter par exemple ce genre de jupes avec des petits talons ou même en ballerines… j’assume ma petite taille et je trouve qu’en harmonisant la tenue correctement ça donne tout de même un style très féminin! J’admire énormément les femmes qui adoptent ce style chic et rétro au quotidien!

  • Cette silhouette est très flatteuse, j’adore le charme de la tenue!

    Sandrine x

  • Est ce qu’être féminine ce n’est pas commencer par REPASSER ses vêtements ? Ceux de Andi ont un tombé parfait et un sacré coup de fer, du coup la silhouette est divine.
    baci, Ali

  • Une tenue très printanière et très féminine, j’aime beaucoup!

  • Annaliese April, 7 2014, 12:22 / Reply

    Garance, This is such a lovely image. My default is a dress or skirt with a trench and vintage silk scarf, so I wear ballet flats in transit and pop on my pumps when I arrive. Dresses feel so simply elegant and do not require as many decisions as jeans and a belt and top and socks etc… dress + shoes and it’s go time!

  • Tu triches ;-) ce n’est pas une jupe mais … un pantalon !

    A la question : “Est-ce que vous aussi vous trouvez qu’un style vraiment féminin, c’est difficile à garder dans la vie de tous les jours ?” je répondrais “demandez aux hôtesses de l’air” ;-)

  • I agree, these skirts are fairy tale like and make you feel like a princess, but they must be worn with heels to bring them to justice. The entire ensemble is very feminine but hugely impractical if you spend a lot of time on your feet. She exudes class though. Great post!

  • Long live the high waist!

    I’m so into high waisted stuff lately, too!

  • We need a beauty minute with her…


    Une longue histoire avec de grands couturiers …

  • Ah oui, c’est beau…. mais mon uniforme de tous les jours ressemble plutôt à ça:

  • Yes so hard to keep up looking feminine when I have to walk around so much! Even flat shoes aren’t thaaat comfortable if they’re not trainers/sneakers. I’ll save my girly side for the weekends I guess…

  • Really so nice. Perfect outfit.

  • This is lovely! Very feminine and pretty.

    Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo

  • L'épingle April, 7 2014, 1:11 / Reply

    Justement. Il ne faut pas qu’on soit tous les jours tous les jours ! Ce que je veux dire, c’est qu’il faut qu’il y ait des matin où on décide qu’aujourd’hui, c’est un autre jour que tous les jour. Ou la veille pour celles qui préparent leur tenue la veille.

  • Carole April, 7 2014, 1:22 / Reply

    Especially on this block in Chinatown….fish out of water

  • Femininity in your outfit can only be tough in your everyday life is if your going to work, particularly office work. But when you add chic-ness to it like this! It is not only appropriate but it is fabulous! Love the long skirt, its very fashionable this year. And yes, this outfit is feminine, but it is a killer outfit for everyday life.

  • Tenue tres belle et elegante, a peu pres ma facon de m’habiller dans les annes 70, mais c’etait aussi le style feminin de l’epoque. Sur mon lieu de travail, je changeais de chaussures mais a l’exterieur c’etait chaussures ou bottes a talons qui ne m’empechaient pas de marcher a travers Paris, comme toutes les autres femmes. Evidemment, les talons etaient moins vertigineux, je n’ai jamais eu l’impression de “faire les pointes.”

  • (sigh) you must be a mile high to wear this with flats (sigh) Silk Shirt? Oversized? What is that Belt? Also — looks like one of the nude shoes you were talking about yes?

  • Caroline April, 7 2014, 1:44 / Reply


    Tout d’abord très joli blog avec des articles intéressants !

    Je me permets de tous vous solliciter pour une petite enquête sur le secteur du luxe.
    ça prend deux minutes promis !! Et ca m’aidera pour mon mémoire.
    Donc si vous pouvez y répondre ce serait top !

    Merci d’avance pour votre collaboration.


  • Oh yes, it’s so hard! Quite impossible for me as a mother with two little kids, well the heels I mean. But I add femininity with other details, like a scarf in my hair, a red lip, jewelery and I think the most feminine flats are ballerinas, they never fail, when I want to add some femininity :-) xxx

  • lysandra April, 7 2014, 2:08 / Reply

    C’est une jupe-culotte…

  • “Do you find that having really feminine style is tough to keep up in everyday life?”

    A resounding yes came into my head as soon as I read this question. It’s so interesting that you mentioned that this particular female has an Italian style to her outfit, which I completely agree with. However, I am currently living in Italy and unfortunately I don’t see that femininity quite often. I’m an LA girl through and through currently living in the north of Italy and I find myself constantly buying more and more clothes that are comfortable. It’s a very strange thing for me, because in LA it was habit to dress up to everything, to wear those uncomfortable shoes or clothes, here it’s comfort 100%. The cobble streets leave me missing my many many heels, but yearning for my sneakers. It’s a catch 22. It’s not just me, but most of the women around me dress for comfort. Saying all this, I should mention that even Italian comfort is extremely stylish: cuffed jeans, oxfords or loafers, and to top it off a great coat. Dressing comfortably is extremely important here because one’s means of transportation is one’s own legs! However, every once in a while I gotta break out my heels and strut (wobble) down the cobble streets!

  • Hey !
    I love Andy’s style! This so Italian Riviera and feminine! On sent la femme douce et secrete a la fois! Je dirais très femme française.
    Le genre de classe pas show off ou meme les femmes se retrouvent dans la rue!
    Très belle inspiration pour une lundi matin!
    Have a great week!


  • La classe en toute discrétion, c’est vrai que ça se perd ! Magnifique photo qui met bien en valeur cette légèreté


  • Ce look est vraiment très beau, j’aime beaucoup. Je pense qu’il est bon de savoir garder sa féminité en osant des looks comme celui ci parfois mais c’est quand même génial de porter un jean et un t-shirt avec une simple paire de bottines plates ou des baskets. Il faut savoir porter les deux, puis après on peut mixer les deux, ce que j’adore faire !


  • Mais, c’est ça, exactement! I work in downtown San Francisco as a high-tech lawyer. Every now and then I’m getting ready for work in the morning and I decide I want to look vampy and sexy like Greta Scacchi in Presumed Innocent, so I put on a fitted pencil skirt, silk shirt and stilettos. The thing is, I usually end up taking it all off again and putting on jeans and oxfords because it’s really difficult to wear high heels in San Francisco. The pavements chew up the heels to no end! Really, I only wear heels for evening events of limited duration, but I love the femininity of the elongated silhouette, and the way it all makes me feel.


  • Je me disais exactement la même chose! Je me suis lancée pour défi de passer trois mois sans pantalon ( et, en fait, au terme du premier mois je me rends compte que ce n’est pas si difficile que cela, de courir partout, même en jupe et en talons. Je suis un vrai garçon manqué, enfin, j’étais, et je n’ai pas du tout l’habitude, mais, en changeant quelques gestes et surtout, en transformant ma manière de voir, j’observe que je peux même aller me faire une balade dans les bois en jolie jupe longue (avec les bottes, d’accord, mais la féminité en prime). Et, comme toi, tous les jours, j’hallucine devant le changement que cela opère en moi: je me sens vraiment une femme à présent. Je conseille à chacune de faire l’expérience!
    Très belle photo, comme toujours…

  • don’t worry, I live uptown and never ever go downtown and I promise you’re not missing women dressed like this up here either.

  • This look is so classy …

  • OSE GARANCE ! Porte ta nouvelle jupe, mais surtout montre nous le résultat ! Ca t’irait trop bieeen ! gros bisous

  • I would love love love to dress like this but I walk everywhere so I can’t

    great look and great pix though !

  • J’adore les femmes comme des apparitions: elles transforment en écrin tout ce qui les entoure. Il me faut des moments précieux comme ça dans ma vie de femme, peut être pas à tout instant mais souvent certainement!

  • I find it absolutely hard. I love to wear skirts, especially midi skirts like this one, but 1) if I wear a shorter skirt to university, I will have to clutch my skirt all the time while I climb 4 flights of stairs and 2) if I wear a midi one, I will have to wear heels as I am petite and heels on buses are impossible (at least in my country).

  • So Elegant! It’s Lovely

  • classic & beautiful! I want to wear this one day…

  • I walk everywhere in cities and carry my life in my bag, but I don’t find it hard, because it’s my natural style–it’s easier to be yourself. I wear a lot of flats, pointy toe nude flats, lace flats, and then sometimes wedges, of all varieties, and then often carry heels in bags. I hate winter but I find winter easier because flat over the knee boots, flat knee high boots, wedge ankle boots etc go with every type of dress. Another reason the super feminine style is a constant for me is because it works for my job. On my own time I am a bit edgier–shorter skirts, faux leather, sharp jackets; at work I am super femme, skirt suits, flare dresses with a nipped in jacket, or something like the look above. I am not tall–5’6″–but most everything can be worn with flats, if you do the proportions right. I’m just not a jeans person, so it’s not a question; this is just how I dress.

  • oui c’est vrai que c ‘est dur. mais tu es contente quand tu y arrive !
    on trouve des petits tips : des talons qui sont pas trop haut mais qui sont tout de meme très féminin, des chemisiers, des colliers,…

  • Love this look, elegant and cool
    Carola !

  • What a beautiful photograph. The composition, the colours, so soft and inviting.

  • For me it is not as much about physical comfort as… emotional comfort I guess. When I lived in England my style used to be much more feminine – and I walked there even more than I do in New York. But in New York (I live and work downtown, so maybe uptown it’s different) I’ve noticed a bit more casual sexism in the streets and at work than I did in England and I feel more comfortable if I dress a bit “tough” or “cool” instead of super feminine, like if I’m in jeans and leather jacket I’m impervious to all douche bags, which is something I’d never thought about before coming here.

  • I love the feminine style, but lately I evaluate the majority of my outfits based on how comfortable they’ll be. So I’m usually in skinny jeans with a loose top and flats. I definitely need to invest in some comfy spring + summer dresses!

  • It is one of this cities great contradictions….Her look is beautiful and the picture is perfect. I find as I have gotten older I am drawn to these looks… …..But I too live and work in this city, in rain, sleet and snow, with the occasional sunny day, taking the subway and walking everywhere. When the weather gets nice i try and ride my bike too . I just struggle in heels and usually go for a ballet flat or oxford, when I want to be feminine I go with a kitten heel. I love the look but I dont think its me. I have to say I am really happy with the trend of comfort (with style of course!)

  • I think you can also wear this look with flats (pointed flats), but yes, it does look much better in heels. I love the look. I usually go for this type as it has that elegant feel. I love skirts like that, and I think I have a few skirts in that style.

  • I thought she was wearing a skirt so I was very surprised to read it is culottes. She looks really feminine and lovely and you don’t see that very often.

  • I think her style not only evokes femininity, it also feels nostalgic, harking back to a time where women wore A-line skirts/ dresses and were perfectly styled everyday. The things is, they didn’t do much else but stay at home and cook, maybe worked as a secretaries and answered phones in offices. In our manic everyday lives where we run between school runs, running our own companies, stopping by the grocery store after work, meetings across town, rushing through airports, and most commonly taking public transport rather than driving ourselves, it is just not practical to dress this way everyday. Or even for a full day. It’s really something reflective of our times more than anything.

    I guess that’s why sneakers, outwear and all things practical are becoming more stylish, and more feminine…?

  • margot April, 8 2014, 3:34 / Reply

    I also have a skirt like that, and I wear it with sneakers, OK! Cannot wear heels after breakig my foot, and that is not a tragedy, I have my ways to look feminine.

    Oh and BTW I got my hair chopped a-la Dore ;))

  • Beautiful and classic. I am all for it. (And the man who would accompany her would have to be wearing a suit.)

    I am always walking behind couples and noting how, with the exception of minor details, one can hardly tell them apart. And the look is usually quite sloppy. I also muse on the fact that some of what they are wearing might have cost a pretty penny, but the overall effect just isn’t worth the money.

    I wish shoe designers would come out with shoes that have a little heel that is not just a “kitten” heel. I have a vintage pair of shoes found in Florence with heels that aren’t too high and they are both elegant and comfortable. They would look great with this skirt.

  • aurore April, 8 2014, 4:30 / Reply

    C’est très beau, ultra féminin. Le genre de silhouette qui me donne toujours l’impression d’être une petite fille qui se baladerait à côté d’une vraie femme. C’est limite intimidant, pas pour moi mais j’admire.

  • Wow she is breathtakingly beautiful and her styling is impeccable. Its pretty hard to race around the subway in sky high heels, in the colour white, and with a coat effortlessly draped over your shoulders…but I don’t think that cancels out dressing femininely, just perhaps not THAT femininely.

  • ita darling April, 8 2014, 5:52 / Reply

    Yes! I was having this exact conversation yesterday on the way home from work on Ligne 9 (i live in Paris).. its impossible to look chic everyday for the office when you have to climb stairs,deal with weather, carry home laptops and groceries. I end up wearing jeans and blouses everyday- and sometimes converses!

    I admit i look nicer on the weekends for myself than i do to go to my office. Pffff!!!

  • I absolutely love this outfit – it speaks for feminine and graceful style. Everytime I wear something like that I do feel different – and I must say – I feel great, although not overly confortable compared to maybe jeans or something more casual, but then it’s all about making that little effort.

    Sandra from

  • Mmm I work and live on line 9 in Paris too and I don’t have trouble wearing skirts/dresses and femme shoes even heels every day, even with my laptop, books and groceries…I really think it’s a matter of choice and nothing else. I can’t feel attractive or professional in jeans or sneakers so I simply choose to never wear them. By the way these are the perfect wedges for dressy work outfits that I can literally walk all day in over city streets and many, many stairs:

  • I love that white twisted top, but I don’t think the link is correct! I’m getting some gold trimmed silky blouse and it looks like a heavier linen-ish twist!

  • Yes. I wish I could wear a feminine handbag everyday. But I have to carry too many things for work, etc. So I’m forced to use a tote that is super big and heavy and unfeminine.

  • With all the attention that tv shows like Girls or Game of Thrones are being given nowadays, people tends to forget the importance of true and natural feminity. I mean, “women empowerment” is now like a trend, but sometimes we only love the strong and independent woman and diminish the rest, women with a certain feminity, girlyness, fragility and gentle manners. It’s important to give value to those values as well, behaving as a lady doesn’t make you less, I think it’s even more difficult to -raise hell- or change and fight for womens rights with manners, intelligence, kindness and high heels, or skirts, or lipstick, and stay classy. Being feminine should be a strenght by itself. (says the girl who wears pants, and shirts and boots and wants to be a cowboy haha, but still) I really mean it. Dressing up every now and then really changes how we see ourselves. Have a very nice day!! :)

  • Shushu April, 8 2014, 5:31 / Reply

    I personally think it’s a matter of priority. If looking feminine every day is a priority for you then I believe you can integrate it in your lifestyle. Sure it’s more time consuming and requires a bit more work every morning, but like everything else one can get used to it.
    I’ve always wondered how some women manage to look (and smell) so fresh all the time. You know, like, they’re radiant, they look like they’ve had a good night’s sleep, they’re hair is perfect, make-up, nails, clothes.. Everything.All the time. And so effortlessly. Maybe you should dedicate a post to these girls, I’d really love to find out their secret.

  • J’adore ce genre de tenues. j’opte pour des accessoires et de belles pièces féminines le Week-end et lorsque j’ai un évènement en semaine le soir. En revanche impossible la journée de porter des talons si hauts; Sauf si RDV, et là, il faut simplement les prendre dans le sac. Toute une organisation!
    Si je suis en jean et chemise, je mise sur des bijoux très féminins…

  • I forgot to mention earlier that I think this photo is really nice. (I often take your photos for granted, but they are very good.) The light and the angle, the slight blurring of the background. The angle particularly interests me. A nice stroke!

  • This outfit is beautiful. For comfort I would wear it with flats. Be damned proportions. Gahh I know that these skirts look good with heels but i can’t bring myself to wear them again yet , soon though !

  • I’m loving that skirt as well! I’m sure if you find the perfect pair of heels, it can definitely be worn all day!

  • Mamavalveeta03 April, 11 2014, 10:58 / Reply

    Lovely, absolutely lovely! But unworkable with my lifestyle. My mother-in-law always use to say there was nothing classier than a full skirt and a silk blouse…the one thing we agreed on!

    I provide childcare for two little girls, so my wardrobe usually consists of a striped tee, jeans and ballet flats. But I always wear fragrance, earrings and a swipe of lipstick to retain my femininity. I know I’ve succeeded when my young charges say, “You look so pretty today!”

  • Such a chic and elegant outfit!! I love the color palette! I used to dress a lot more feminine when I was younger but just stopped doing it for some reason. This outfit is totally inspiring me to go back! :)

  • Beautiful outfit! I wear skirts and dresses about 98% of the time and I love it! I’ve collected a lot of different and unique pieces over the years (love to thrift shop) and have “curated” a good size wardrobe that I really enjoy pulling from in all seasons. Wearing an outfit that expresses femininity is super fun and wish women (in general… where I live) did it more often.

  • I don’t think it is hard to maintain, no? I live in dresses and skirts and find them much more comfortable than trousers – and this includes my daily bicycle commute! For daily life you have to make a few adjustments – thicker heels, or bring your stilettos to change into. I love wearing my high-waisted midi skirts and I am glad that there are more fuller skirts to choose from now – it’s such a classic style that gives the illusion of an hourglass when there isn’t one…. The trenchcoat will always be in style, so swap the shoes for a heel that’s a little lower and sturdier and you are good to go.

  • Dorene May, 30 2014, 10:42 / Reply

    This is perfection. I too find heels difficult all day. I own kitten heels and they are easier but still my feet are sore after a long day . It seems like the days I dress like this I am on my feet all day.

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