11 years ago by
Do you remember Felicity? I loved her style so much (and received so many emails about her Marques ‘Almeida dress) that I decided to explore it a little more. Here she is wearing some of her favorite pieces…

The funniest moment? When I asked her to try to stand still, or to not burst out laughing, or to try to take a “serious” photo. Literally: Impossible. Felicity is a bundle of energy.

PS : Yes, the Celine shoes were hers! They kind of work perfectly with her personality, don’t you think?
Dress, Kenzo; Shoes, Céline; Skirt, Vintage; Jacket, Raquel Allegra; Sandals, Isabel Marant.
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love the IM sandals chic rich$$$ and fun….love the shot of her sitting with these great sandals
OMG she has the greatest taste in shoes! And her smile is magical :-)
Wanna visit my blog? Love to hear what you think!
Xoxo Cory
i loved her celines!! :)
Elle est sublime !
Oh, love this ! Could you do a style series?
loving her layered necklaces, trousers, hair, …… not the clogs though.
Your photographs are getting better and better !
She looks like so much fun, and her style matches her beautiful smile and joy. Oh, and those sandals are fantastic, I’m jaleous!
She Wears: Fashion Illustration Blog
Amazing style! Amazing smile!! soooo refreshing
J’adore cette série de photos! Elle sont tellement fraîches et naturelles!
? The adventures of a fashion designer…
Cette fille dégage beaucoup d’énergie positive. Le genre de copines qu’il faut avoir pour qu’une journée terne se convertisse en ensoleillée!
Amazing smile and energy. I love that she could’t sit still, it shows her true personality.
This photos are super beautiful.
xo Quinn
Quinn Cooper Style
She’s gorgeous!I love her smile and her Isabel Marant sandals!!
Beau shooting! Et belle vivacité. Ces photos, et Felicity ton modèle, sont très féminines et douces mais pas du tout hyper sexuées ou excessivement fragiles comme souvent. J’aimerais que la “touche Garance Doré” s’affirme dans la pub!
She is gorgeous and has such a pretty smile.
Quels charme, beauté, chic!
Mafalda ?
She really has a well fitting name :-) so beautiful!
great smile
Cette fille est juste sublime. Ce sourire m’émeut.
Quelle est belle !
She’s gorgeous. Great style.
Christie x
Waouh, la beauté naturelle… Elle est resplendissante, un sourire aussi grand que son visage, un look naturellement parfait.
Le genre de femme qu’il nous faut lorsqu’on veut du soleil.
The woman is stunning! If the photograph capture her personality as I think they are then she must be the nicest person in the world :). Lovely shots, Garance.
Her style is amazing indeed. It looks so effortless. Love that! xx
Felicity est superbe et déborde d’énergie qu’elle renvoie. J’aime sa robe Kenzo, les couleurs et le jeu des carreaux, de toute beauté. Et la veste tye and dye avec le short nous donne envie de soleil. Il pleut sur Paris !
Tes photos sont sublimes, Garance.
Those heels are so fun! They are playful yet neutral enough to be a classic.
Elle est pleine de joie de gaité et de charisme! Les photos sont très belles et spontanées. Et ses jambes… Wow
Jolie, pleine de style et joyeuse, ça fait plaisir! :)
Love her smile! Smile is always your best accessory!!! :)))))))))
Buy and sell preloved designer pieces at http://www.mykindofchic.com
Yep! It’s those Celine shoes! Who doesn’t have them? Seriously, I don’t but now I do!
Your Friend, Jess
Belles photos d’une personne qui semble refléter la fraîcheur et la bonne humeur.
Beautiful sandals. Great day.
So pretty! so naturally pretty.
Visit my blog at: http://www.androbelinsider.blogspot.com
so beautiful!
Great pictures !!
xx Elisa
My Fantabulous World
Vibrant, happy, colorful, energetic and beautiful! What a fresh and lovely person to inspire me on a foggy and overcast Monday morning! I think I’ll pop on a splash of orange today! Merci! xox Kim
J’adore la veste !
Bonne journée
Parfait :o
See you !
I love your blog, it’s amazing ! Please follow me, Kisses Alis
interesting – those celine toenail shoes are actually a quite perfect fit for her personality and style!
She is gorgeous! Thanks for the images.
aaahhhhhh now I want a pair of clogs!!!I saw them in the resort collections (Louis Vuitton & Rochas) and wondered how long it would take.
Dam, I’m fickle. Not parisienne at all ;)
Superbe première photo (entre autre) ça change de voir ce format et c’est chouette !
Belle personne et beau cadrage : )
That smile is priceless… It’s the most perfect accessory ever!
C’est génial de voir des nanas aussi souriantes :)
J’adore la première tenue !
What a lovely lady! http://www.flaircat.com
These clothes are PERFECT
Great post dear <33 Your blog is adorable! X Anna
That Kenzo dress is adorable (and so is Felicity)! Does anyone know what collection it’s from?
She has the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. Gorgeous!
Absolutamente extraordinaria.
Un beso
Surtout qu’elle reste comme ça, avec son beau sourire !
Quant à la garde-robe, hop hop, je vais m’en coudre une à l’identique (enfin, dans mes rêves).
Le blog de Garance Doré dans la liste des blogs les plus influents:
En voilà une jeune femme qui porte bien son nom ! Merci pour ce beau sourire.
Her smile is thoroughly contagious!!!x
Elle est magnifique! :)
Jolie robe Kenzo ! (je la préfère à celle de Marques Almeida) – j’aime bien les chaussures aussi
Felicity a beaucoup de charme, de fraîcheur, et dégage une joie de vivre qui nous réjouit.
she’s gorgeous!
I love the energy coming out from the photos. So happy, so chic, so feminine all a woman should be.
Not just great but amazing work Grace. I love your philosohpy, keep gifting us with your wonderful work
Love Nina
Stunning dress, love how naturally beautifuk she looks
Oh, you had to know I’d love this! Style stories are my favorite… I mean, they’re practically the whole reason I blog!! And felicity is, of course, lovely. That last photo is my favorite. For anyone interested, I’ve been publishing Style Stories since 2011 and you can see my latest archive at http://www.ourstylestories.com.
j’adore le sourire, le charme, l’énergie de cette fille!. ça vibre au travers des photos!! J’adore la garde-robe aussi mais les shoes Céline, toujours pas…
Those Celine shoes make so much sense on her. Looks good on her.
I’m really loving the look of drop waist dresses!
Love her style!!
i LOOOOVE the coral draw string pants…saw them at Opening Ceremony…they are from Risto
That smile is just stunning!
Magnifique !
Except from her clothes, I like her p?se in the 1st photo!
love the shoes and the orange dress!
Hm. She is very cute, and if she cut her hair a bit shorter, it would be lovely. I do like the drawstring harm pants. And her smile is lovely.