
11 years ago by

I love Felicity’s dress.
It’s by Marques ‘Almeida, a young brand that Kate had told me about and that I find really interesting.

Wearing a dress like this is not easy…

Granted, it’s super comfortable, but if you don’t want to look like you’re literally wearing a bag, you have to accessorize it well – whether it be with gladiator sandals or high-heels at night.
Make sure you moisturize your legs and arms. Yeah, pretty much be on it, that’s the trick.

Actually, it’s really the opposite of the white dress I showed you the other day, that was so feminine it was really cool worn with military boots. I wouldn’t try that with today’s dress!

What do you prefer, a super feminine dress with rougher accessories or a dress like today’s, worn in a super feminine way?

Personally I think I am more of an option two. What about you?

Translation : Tim Sullivan


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  • I loved it!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:


  • OOOOMMMMMGGGG (Oh my Garance!)
    This dress is super fun, I loove it! But I think it’s easier to wear a super feminine dress with rough accessories. This look is harder to pull off, she’s done an amazing job!
    I love that the picture is in black & white, it really hightlights the beauty and the structure of the dress… Which color is it by the way? White? Cream? Beige? Something else? Tell us!

    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
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    Xoxo Cory

  • i love the dress. not the entire outfit though :)


  • I prefer the feminine dress, I’m 5’4 and curvy so that dress just wouldn’t work for me although I really adore this look.


  • Gorgeous dress! While it is true that she wear it great!! The gladiator sandals and the clutch bag are the perfect accessories. I love your black and white photos!

  • La deuxième option également !
    Et sur toi, pas de risque que ça fasse sac ou autre !
    Hâte de te voir avec maintenant !

  • Edwige June, 10 2013, 9:11 / Reply

    La 2e !!!

  • I really think it depends of the person and the exact dress.
    Each one can look good. It also depends on your body type as well.
    My personal preference would be the first one because it gives a little more shape to my body which I need. This one above is super cute and really needs to be accessorized very well or else it can go bad really fast. I think the average woman would have a harder time making the dress above work rather than a more form fitting feminine one.
    To each their own though.
    She looks great in this photo either way.
    xo Quinn

    Quinn Cooper Style

  • Ingrid June, 10 2013, 9:13 / Reply

    Option 2 is probably more modern, but very difficult to pull of! So I would choose option 1, because it’s far more flattering!

  • gracie June, 10 2013, 9:17 / Reply

    She is the definition of exuberant, and you caught it! x

  • severine June, 10 2013, 9:18 / Reply

    OMG no, on dirait un sac à patates que j’aurais découpé avec des ciseaux à bouts ronds…bon sorry, je n’accroche pas du tout à cette robe, même sur cette fille très jolie ca ne ressemble à rien…Ses spartiates lui vont tres bien en revanche (ca doit etre super dur à porter ca!! adios gros mollets !)

  • J’agrée, je n’arrive pas à voir autre chose qu’un vulgaire sac à patates. En revanche, mortelles les sandales!!! Chanel?

  • Là Garance j’ai un peu de mal… la coupe droite et le col tout “déchiré”, c’est très “brut”… même si la fille est jolie, la robe sac c’est vraiment pas pour moi, effet Jacquemus ou pas… les sandales sont très belles en revanche !

  • J’aime bien cette robe. Mais je préfère la première option.



  • Les deux, bien sur. Je adore les sandales de Felicity!

  • Ce serait plutôt la seconde option pour moi, son look est vraiment réussi! Mais ça me plaît bien aussi de temps en temps de porte une jolie robe avec des baskets!


  • I agree with Quinn, the option definitely depends on the person – their own personal style, body type, the occasion, even. My personal preference would be option one, as I am all about classic pieces stepped up with modern touches or on-trend accessories. But this girl pulls it off, for sure! Super sweet, and even a little sexy.

  • Blaise June, 10 2013, 9:41 / Reply

    This one too.

  • Beautiful outfit. Great day.


  • Really cool Garance!! I love the sandals, of course… but, most of all, the smile!! The best accessory we can wear :)

  • yes fab!!intelligently-sexy.centerblog.net

  • I’ll go for the second option. My figure does not look good if I don’t put the stress on my waist, so when it comes to dresses I tend to choose girly girly girly pieces. And then I add boots. Or ballerinas. Or sandals. but flats, no doubt.

  • je préfère largement cette robe-ci!

  • Love the loose dress look. As a short gal, I find that shift and baggy dresses can look good as long as they are somewhat short :) Felicity pulls it off well. I don’t know if I’d have the cojones for those gladiator sandals, though… I’d stick to ballet flats, some bangles and a good bag. The ragged edges would be good with a softer, girly-er touch, I think!

  • wonderful photos … as always! And beautiful dress…


  • Gorgeous outfit. Looks uber comfy too!!


  • Garance, do you know where her sandals are from? They’re amazing!! Bisous x

  • I love this look! She pulls it off perfectly! xx


  • J’aime les deux options même si j’avoue que j’ai un ENORME faible pour la robe Marques’Almeida à cause des finitions qui n’ont pas l’air finies (bon est-ce que je suis claire là..je sais pas trop mais bon je me comprends ahahaha). En fait j’ai envie de la lui voler sa robe à Felicity..j’aime beaucoup ce genre de vêtement qui aux premiers abords semble peu féminin mais qui en fin de compte la fait ressortir si bien accesoirisé.

    Shug Avery d’Incognito


  • Ses sandales me font penser aux corsets post-opératoires de Frida Kahlo! Du coup je les associe à un instrument de torture orthopédique :S.

  • i like gladiators sandals, but somehow i think they didn’t work in this outfit.
    the dress is very beautiful, though. matches your mood.


  • Léopoldine June, 10 2013, 11:18 / Reply


  • Oui moi aussi je préfère cette option. Et c’est bien la première fois que je trouve que les spartiates montantes sont bien portées.

  • I like to try both ways and switch it up!


  • This dress with heels… is my choice!

  • A priori je préfère l’autre…. Celle là, tout va dépendre du touché et du tombé que j’ai du mal à juger là…..MMMMh, faudrait que ça s’éloigne le plus possible du côté robe du bure pr que ça rentre ds mes goûts :-))

  • Love the accessories! I made a dress like this once, I put the potatoes into a bag. (hehehe, just kidding ;)
    I do like the simplicity of it and the textural quality.

  • I’m definitely more of an option 2. Love how she wore the dress. So chic!

    Happy Monday!


  • Très jolie et ça l’hair confortable, c’est ce qui faut pour cet été !



  • J’aime beaucoup ! Même si je pense que je préfère la première avec les rangers… plus safe peut-être ?


  • I LOVE a loose, louche dress..people are wrong to think it’s not flattering..really it creates an optical illusion of smallness that means one can cover lumps and bumps and be cool at the same time. Heaven. xxxxx

  • Fergus1 June, 10 2013, 12:05 / Reply

    I’m afraid it’s a case of the emperor’s new clothes for me! She saves it with the complex sandals, but I don’t think anyone can really ‘get away’ with a bag with the neckline, hem and sleeves apparently ripped off or left raw.

  • Personnellement j’aime beaucoup les deux propositions. La première robe est portée avec des spartiates qui ont une ligne assez chic, ce qui contre-balance l’effet sac, la deuxième proposition, c’est le contraire, la jupe comporte beaucoup de détails, la silhouette est plus cool avec ses ranchers. Détail ultime tout de même avoir des superbes jambes !!!

  • It looks super fresh and when it comes from a young brand it is really interesting! http://madrilicious.com

  • Je préfère largement l’autre – Celle là non je ne peux pas ce coté robe de bure comme dirait manon + côté pas fini – Encore s’il n’y avait que le col mais la c’est trop ett puis les chaussures comment dire bof bof bof – Bref je n’adhère pas du tout – pour une fois ;-))

  • La seconde pour moi sans aucun doute ! mais parce que c’est mon style… Tout dépend de qui porte la robe !
    Je trouve cette tenue très vestale. Bon un vestal revisité, mais quand même. J’adore !

  • I think I prefer feminine dresses with “tough accessories”, but I would go for this dress – I am a sucker for baggy tops!


  • Celle-ci. Mais je ne trouve pas qu’elle ait besoin d’accessoires ultra sophistiqués. Au contraire, j’aurais tendance à la trouver sublime avec des spartiates ultra simples à la rondini, couleur cuir naturel, mais qui aurait été tannées par le soleil dans une couleur miel/whisky.

  • Honnêtement c’est difficile de faire un choix.. J’adore les deux tenues, bien que très différentes !


  • Ohhh! Elle est tellement mignonne ! Quelle classe et quelle fraîcheur !


  • Cannot get enough of white dresses. The lack of structure makes this especially casual, so she looks chic yet approachable. And yes – a testament to the power of accessories.

    Still searching for my ideal knee-high gladiator sandals. Somehow the ones I see are always too cheaply made, too bulky, too baggy, too expensive…

    I am waiting for you, theatrical gladiators!


  • Diane S June, 10 2013, 1:00 / Reply

    That this dress looks good is a comment on the beauty of the young woman, not the dress. It strongly reminds me of an old photograph of Marilyn Monroe in a potato sack. She looked fabulous, but it wasn’t because of the potato sack.

    In our quest for new and interesting fashion, I think sometimes we ask “is it modern? Is it fresh?” rather than “will this look good on anyone but a goddess?” Modern, edgy, fresh, etc., are subjective terms that can be used to describe the unattractive (but interesting).

    If a woman can wear the unattractive but interesting and still look wonderful, more power to her! Alas, my figure flaws being ancient and numerous, I must stick fashion that masks them while emphasizing my assets. Option #1 is definitely for me.

  • I think I too would rather wear an edgier dress with feminine accents. I love that this has such a grunge feel to it. Love her gladiator sandals as well.


  • I love the white dress with military boots. Not this dress one bit however the gladiator shoes are super nice – it makes you forget all about the bag dress (just not mys style but she can definitely get away with it).

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  • Actually this is not a dress but a men’s oversized demin shirt by Marques’ Almeida.
    Anyway, I love it and they way she weares it.

  • Looove the dress..never would have paired it with those boots but now that I see it, I like it!

    Outfit Post
    Brunette Letters Blog

  • roelien June, 10 2013, 1:34 / Reply

    call me old fashioned,
    (and felicity looks cool and all)
    these sandals can’t be worn on a sunny day (ok, maybe with well applied complete and total sunblock),
    and they have a high forrest gump feel.

    there. i’ve said it.

  • J’aime les deux, peut-être un peu plus cette option!

  • I’m definitely more an option two, love the idea of the dress and she styled it perfectly! xx


  • Quel magnifique sourire!

  • I have a hard time deciding….. I think it would depend on my mood, for now I would prefer the more feminine dress with “though” accessories, but I’m pretty sure that I will fell differently an other day. xxx

  • Ah ouai, pour le coup je trouve sa tenue juste sublime la robe est tres belle et les chaussures aussi! elles viennent d’ou??!

  • Absolutely adorable!

  • Je crois que je suis plutôt deuxième option… en règle générale. Mais cette fille est magnifique et cette tenue est parfaite ! Bravo pour les photos !

  • The second option is really chic and modern. Wearing motorcycle boots with feminine dresses is kind of a grungy 90’s resurgence that I’m personally not a fan of at all. Feminine accessories (like smaller bags, shaped sandals and ballet flats) are classic, and therefore are great investments. Clothing is replaceable, but accessories are forever!

  • This is such a hard decision, but I think I’m leaning toward Felicity’s dress and wearing it feminine. Those Gladiator sandals are perfect and I love love love frayed clothes.

  • tripstreasures June, 10 2013, 3:58 / Reply

    I can’t say im crazy about this dress, but she does look great in it ! Cool sandals

    new outfit post

  • heart .

    i just love styling in opposites, so if its a look like this thats super boxy and masculine then accessorize with feminine details or the vice versa


  • Haha i love the details of the outfit! The rough dress is so perfect with that paper bag clutch! :) BUt those gladiator sandals were definitely much needed to dress up the outfit. I’d personally prefer the more feminine dress with rough accessories.


  • Valentine June, 10 2013, 4:16 / Reply

    ça me fait penser au style de JACQUEMUS, c’est frais. la robe sac deviendrait donc une tendance à suivre. mieux vaut être grande et mince quand même.

  • Aline.a June, 10 2013, 4:28 / Reply

    Un côté créateur belges des années 90 qui ne plait pas a tout le monde
    Moi j’adore .mais je ne suis pas persuadée pour les spartiates

  • J’aime bien les deux en fait. Je les porterais sans problème – en fonction de mon humeur et de l’occasion. Vive les associations inattendues, cool, celles des contrastes :)


  • I saw this on Pinterest and I love the ease of the bottom picture which I think makes Felicity’s dress look great. The detail on the dress is also well textured which makes it original and her sandals are to die for!

  • Michelle June, 10 2013, 11:03 / Reply

    After seeing this and visiting the website to check out the prices, all that came to mind was “Fashion – the ultimate rip-off!!!” The dress is cool, but not special and nothing on that site is lovely enough to justify the prices. SMH. This blog is usually spot on, but I don’t get this.

  • Amazing look! I love the gladiator sandals, what’s the designer?

  • Oui trés JACQUEMUS!

  • J’adore les deux : ce qui compte, c’est le décalé !

  • Plutot 2ème option, les accessoires rendent cette tenue particulierement interessante et féminine!
    j’adore ses spartiates! (y’a moyen de savoir d’où elles viennent?? ;) )

  • This dress,, definitely!

  • Oh, and she’s so beautiful! So nice to see a fresh smiling face.

  • Je suis pour les deux options même si je préfère la robe féminine avec des boots dans laquelle je me sentirais plus à l’aise.

  • Ouah ! Cette robe est parfaite.
    Bise :)

  • I like both options, it depends… But I don’t particularly like this dress, it’s just a piece of frayed fabric. I usually like maxi t-shirt, but this one is too much (or too less). She definitely has style, but I wouldn’t spend money for this.

  • Why does it always have to be about those 50 shades of “feminine”? Do we have to pigeonhole each and every part of our everyday life?
    I actually think this one may just as well be worn by a guy. OR not necessarily “in a super feminine way”. OR not “in a feminine” way at all.
    (All this being said, I’m not 100 per cent sure what’s meant by feminine and why it’s so necessary to adhere to this concept while seeking a perfect look. Here, for some reason, I totally see “feminine” as a kind of a synonym to “pre-Raphaelite” or something. You know, obligatory softened, emphatically vulnerable.)

  • Moi j’adore ce style là… confort absolu, n’en déplaisent à certains mâles…J’ai une Robe Tsumori dans le genre que je porte depuis des années (j’en cherche une autre d’ailleurs pour qu’elle dure le plus longtemps possible). Je l’associe souvent à une paire de K Jacques…finalement tout est une question d’allure.
    J’aime beaucoup ses spartiates montantes mais je ne serais pas sûre d’assumer!
    Après j’ai du mal avec le style pour le style. Porter des bottes en été avec une jolie robes féminine, oui pour le style mais est ce que ça vaut le coup de mourir de chaud, d’avoir des ampoules…moi je dis non!et puis ça fini par se voir que tu meurs des pieds en silence ;)

  • Martyna June, 12 2013, 10:42 / Reply

    Definitely option two! At first wasn’t so excited, but with second, third, forth look it has this really feminine touch but you have to wore it this way, and that’s the beauty of it! It’s not obvious!

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