There was a time when I really didn’t like what Dolce&Gabbana designed.
But, in these latest years I’ve changed my mind.
I love how they manage to describe my country, the sun, the warmth, the happiness!
Joy of life!
And the finale was absolutely amazing :)
Défilé royal avec ces couronnes et la couleur rouge…les chaussures à petits talons ou plates sont belles ainsi que certaines tenues à part le tailleur gris sous lequel on aperçoit la culotte ou plutôt “couche/culotte” vu l’épaisseur : pas beau !
mais la paire de chaussures “cages aux oiseaux” est amusante et la robe “mosaïques” surprenante!
Cette vague rouge deferlante est magnifique.
Une collection tres theatrale qui a du etre extraordinaire a regarder. Je me demande quel genre de musique a ete utilise ? Nino Rota ?
i don’t normally love Dolce & Gabbana look either, in past seasons…(re: Novella’s comment)…but i LOVED this all for some reason! It felt “so italian…” and somehow more than other collections – which I know is their “thing,” to be very ethnocentric.
The RED was phenomenal, the hair and makeup felt soooo glamorous, yet restrained, in an italian way, and the crowns, oh, the crowns! Fantastic. It almost had a Moorish-influence-on-Sicily vibe to it, kind of like an Occidental slant mixed with true italian glamour.
here’s a question in light of all that, Garance: do you ever feel, (stylistically speaking), like you channel one or more of your heritages sometimes more than the others? It’s been written about your Algerian mother, Italian father, and then the Corsican and French aspect – which one do you feel more? Do you sometimes feel like one in particular on a different given day? Or…an amalgamation? :)
Majestic! this army of fierce girls dressed in red make me think of a science fiction movie…perhaps they should make a fashion SF movie, what do you think?
I am completely in love with this collection. I want to wear one of these red dresses, kitten heels, crown and earrings – everyday – for the rest of my LIFE. Magnificent.
PS: I don’t know what’s come over me. I’ve rarely commented on blogs in all my years of reading them and now I’ve made 3 comments on your blog in the last two days!
Tout l’ADN de Dolce injecté dans cette collection. Finalement cette saison les marques se (re)concentrent sur leur patrimoine génétique et c’est plutôt pas mal, non ?
J’aime les escarpins rouges et précieux. Et les sublimes robes rouges rebrodées.
Ode à la féminité ! et les shoes fleuries “cage à oiseaux” font rêver. Que de créativité ! love+++
de toutes les photos de défilés que tu as posté depuis le début des FW celles si sont les plus belles et confirment ce que je pensais deja, Dolce e Gabbana sont de vrais génies.
Je trouve ces photos extraordinaires. L’inspiration des tapisseries et céramiques européennes, c’est magnifique. Je pense que c’est la première fois que je trouve Dolce Gabbana à mon goût.
Sans même regarder le nom du créateur, c’est fou comme on peut reconnaitre du dolce & gabbana!! Il y a un style tout à fait Art déco je trouve! Les rouges sont d’une intensités et les bijoux sont toujours magnifiques (véritable ornement)! On a réellement envie de toucher les vêtements, les matières tout est tellement travaillé! C’est superbe!
I loved this collection when it came out, even more so now that it is fall. I recently made a DIY of the crown. Maybe later I’ll add a belt, much more wearable. Though I admit to wearing the crown now around the house! Have a look:
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Beautiful! Especially the accessories.
This collection litterally looks like a dream I had! The craftmanship is gorgeous….
Xoxo Cory
the manege at the end it has a real impact :)
There was a time when I really didn’t like what Dolce&Gabbana designed.
But, in these latest years I’ve changed my mind.
I love how they manage to describe my country, the sun, the warmth, the happiness!
Joy of life!
And the finale was absolutely amazing :)
Garance, your photos make me dream.
A Fashion & DIY Blog
Défilé royal avec ces couronnes et la couleur rouge…les chaussures à petits talons ou plates sont belles ainsi que certaines tenues à part le tailleur gris sous lequel on aperçoit la culotte ou plutôt “couche/culotte” vu l’épaisseur : pas beau !
mais la paire de chaussures “cages aux oiseaux” est amusante et la robe “mosaïques” surprenante!
Trop beau trop beau : )
The finale is magnificent! I LOVE the crowns.
Une explosion de rouge! J’adore…
Ce rouge!!! Splendide!
Cette vague rouge deferlante est magnifique.
Une collection tres theatrale qui a du etre extraordinaire a regarder. Je me demande quel genre de musique a ete utilise ? Nino Rota ?
Euh, comment dire? Vous n avez pas eu l impression d assister a une messe ortodoxe plutot qu a un defile?
i don’t normally love Dolce & Gabbana look either, in past seasons…(re: Novella’s comment)…but i LOVED this all for some reason! It felt “so italian…” and somehow more than other collections – which I know is their “thing,” to be very ethnocentric.
The RED was phenomenal, the hair and makeup felt soooo glamorous, yet restrained, in an italian way, and the crowns, oh, the crowns! Fantastic. It almost had a Moorish-influence-on-Sicily vibe to it, kind of like an Occidental slant mixed with true italian glamour.
here’s a question in light of all that, Garance: do you ever feel, (stylistically speaking), like you channel one or more of your heritages sometimes more than the others? It’s been written about your Algerian mother, Italian father, and then the Corsican and French aspect – which one do you feel more? Do you sometimes feel like one in particular on a different given day? Or…an amalgamation? :)
Majestic! this army of fierce girls dressed in red make me think of a science fiction movie…perhaps they should make a fashion SF movie, what do you think?
most appealing d&g ever, really wonderful
Two words – QUEEN ARMY!
Love it!
Love it! Queens and princesses of Sicilia…
I am completely in love with this collection. I want to wear one of these red dresses, kitten heels, crown and earrings – everyday – for the rest of my LIFE. Magnificent.
PS: I don’t know what’s come over me. I’ve rarely commented on blogs in all my years of reading them and now I’ve made 3 comments on your blog in the last two days!
What color reed is that? Is it Pompeiian red? It is gorgeous. Bella!
I love the red finale, how striking! The detailing is absolutely beautiful.
This is amazing, real piece of arts.
WOW! this is so beautiful…So iconic! (Pun intended)
But really beautiful. inspiration can come from anywhere.
So Gorgeous!
Celebration of femininity. Everyday woman made into a goddess. Sometimes we forget that it’s actually the truth rather than just costume playing.
The clothes are gorgeous, but where are the minorities?? Geeeeez.
This is so beautiful — thank you for sharing. I love the red dresses.
that red… just stunning… xv
Love, love love it!
Je suis complètement fan de ce rouge. Avec, les mannequins ressemblent à des déesses !
Et les chaussures ? Elles sont sublimes.
J’adore toutes ces robes rouges, c’est magnifique!
Beautiful!!! This red color is perfect!
Tout l’ADN de Dolce injecté dans cette collection. Finalement cette saison les marques se (re)concentrent sur leur patrimoine génétique et c’est plutôt pas mal, non ?
So theatrical and simply beautiful, perfectly weighted shot.
Gosh that amazing mosaic dress!
Reminds me of the Byzance Collection at Chanel a few season ago.
Already loved that and this one, too.
C’est le rouge que j’aime et qu’on ne voit pas assez souvent. Juste parfait.
J’aime les escarpins rouges et précieux. Et les sublimes robes rouges rebrodées.
Ode à la féminité ! et les shoes fleuries “cage à oiseaux” font rêver. Que de créativité ! love+++
l’impératrice Théodora, Ravenne …honnêtement, merveilleux .. si ce n’est pas d el’art cela …
La photo du final rassemblant tout les mannequins est absolument sublime!
Jusqu’ici, je n’étais pas vraiment fan.
Mais là,…il se passe quelques chose!
Hello Garance, Emily, Alex !
La collection Dolce & Gabbana est juste magnifique !! je l’adore !! Vous en avez pensé quoi vous ?!!
J’ai également fait 2 post à ce sujet sur mon blog ! Si ça vous intéresse c’est ici:
et ici:
Bises à vous !
Love the red dresses!
Ah I love collections that make you dream…..
I want to live in planet Dolce and Gabbana! :)
de toutes les photos de défilés que tu as posté depuis le début des FW celles si sont les plus belles et confirment ce que je pensais deja, Dolce e Gabbana sont de vrais génies.
Really impressed by this collection. The work they put into the embroidery is absolutely amazing!
Byzantium inspo!
L’un de mes défilés favoris :)
Je trouve ces photos extraordinaires. L’inspiration des tapisseries et céramiques européennes, c’est magnifique. Je pense que c’est la première fois que je trouve Dolce Gabbana à mon goût.
les compensées “cage” sont de vraies merveilles!
Beautiful collection!!
My favorite show this season, perfection.
I loved the show! The red dresses were amazing:)
love the photos love the jewel color the shoes make me thing of Bingo
i’m totally in love with this collection
Ok, amazing, I want them all!! But… Am I the only one to feel a kind of Valentino epidemic looking to these collection?
Sans même regarder le nom du créateur, c’est fou comme on peut reconnaitre du dolce & gabbana!! Il y a un style tout à fait Art déco je trouve! Les rouges sont d’une intensités et les bijoux sont toujours magnifiques (véritable ornement)! On a réellement envie de toucher les vêtements, les matières tout est tellement travaillé! C’est superbe!
loved the photos on scott’s blog.. great to see now from your perspective! such a dreamy collection…
Always they make us feel impressed! This is just another amazing collection!
juste un mot: sublime!!!
Beauty at its best!!!!!!
La collection est MAGNIFAÏQUE et je ne te parle meme pas de ces compensées de la mort qui tue…
Mon Dieu je les veux, je les veux !!
I loved this collection when it came out, even more so now that it is fall. I recently made a DIY of the crown. Maybe later I’ll add a belt, much more wearable. Though I admit to wearing the crown now around the house! Have a look:
Magnifique !! Super photo !