11 years ago by
A pair of jeans, a t-shirt, a hat and a kimono – I like the idea for September and the chillier days. I’ve been looking for a light coat for a while, something that dresses up a simple outfit and is not a blazer.

In the picture is Diane Birch, a singer I really like and I saw on Friday in Brooklyn – these kind of encounters keep the idea that Brooklyn is full of stylish artists and creatives alive…
She’s so beautiful, love how she wears her kimono, I recently did a post about kimonos. And that skin, gorgeous girl.
This outfit is SO COOL! I love her freckles, so cute!
Wanna visit my blog?
Xoxo Cory
apart from the hat, i like it: it’s a relaxed outfit! :)
She looks great! I love the kimono so long, stylish and elegant!
Love this look! She is so stunning.
The kimono really makes the outfit especially the way it is flapping in the wind.
I live in Manhattan but think that there are so many more stylish people in Brooklyn. I’m not talking about all the hipsters, but the other stylish people. They just have so much more creativity in my opinion.
Love everything about this photo.
xo Quinn
Quinn Cooper Style
Ouah, quel look… J’adore l’ensemble, elle me fait penser à une sorte de magicienne avec ce long manteau et ce chapeau noir. Une tenue “ensorcelante”. =)
A bientôt !
She looks so beautiful!
Magnifiques photos!!
Belle découverte Garance, je ne connaissais pas cette chanteuse, j’aime la couleur very ’80 de ses sons.
What a beautiful girl, she’s got such a strong expression!
The hat!
I begin to think I need a hat like this.
Super, j’adore son look!
Diane is beautiful! And the kimono is a great idea for fall – it reminds me of a favourite Haider Ackermann collection – SS 12 with its lightweight fabrics and loose silhouettes!
Les photos sont superbes, et j’aime l’idée que les accessoires fassent une tenue! Super look!
You captured here style with perfection x
I need to wear hats ASAP!
Lovely style, beautiful voice. Great post, Garance.
Quel style !
I just got a ticket to see Diane at City Winery just a little too late to get good seating. For anyone who can’t wait to catch this poignant artist or are not familiar with her, check out http://www.livefromdarylshouse.com. That’s how I got to know her and her performance is fantastic!
Elle est magnifique, j’adore son style!
Mafalda ?
I love this look! So simple, so stylish with the hat.
Visit my new blog :)
Very nice style. Great day.
Wow!!! Son look est parfait!! J’adore.
Définitivement, elle sait comment mettre en valeur un long kimono.
xx Elisa from My Fantabulous World
Je suis définitivement accro au Kimono, impossible de mettre la main sur la perfection avec mon budget. Donc je bave.
Cet ouftit est idéal !
Suoerbe look !!
Love her style!
J’aime beaucoup son style. Un sans faute !
this is a nice idea!!! I love her style, it’s simple but so interesting!!
I love her makeup and the kimono is divine. I covet her hat too.
Merci pour cette découverte …. au dela du style ( j’âdore !), la musique est à tomber !
des découvertes comme celle la , j’en veux ,j’en veux!
Merci de nous faire partager ce qu’on ne peut pas découvrir par nous même !
Great !
À bientôt, Laëti
I lover her music! And I once bought an expensive Acne skirt because it looked so great on her :)
J’aime le style Yoko-John: Yoko avec le style asiatique et le kimono, et John (Lennon) avec le chapeau; j’aime le mélange des styles, tenue très originale accompagnée d’un jean tout simple: j’achète!
New post on my French fashion blog:
Clothes in Aix-en-Provence (South of France)
Merci beaucoup :)
I love the kimono trend. Living in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, I see a lot of kimonos and it is fun to see the modern with the traditional.
J’adore ce style! Simple avec une pièce qui fait toute l’originalité du look! Ça frôle la perfection.
Simple, mais original !
franchement, je retiens l’idée et peut-être même avec un kimono plus court (j’ai un kimono plus court^^)…
Vintage kimonos, 20’s artist coats, car coats all in my plan list for Fall. They do look great ! and with hats too !!!!
and wonderful kismet. at the thrift shop just found two beautiful kimono jackets
I’m. In. Love.
Tout est parfait. Si jamais vous savez d’où viennent ses vêtements, je prends tout.
Je trouve ça génial que tu photographies des gens qui ont leur propre style et que tu les photographies comme ça, Garance. J’aime beaucoup cette tenue, elle est très équilibrée. Le kimono long comme ça lui va très bien : je porterai bien ce genre de tenue à la rentrée mais avec quelque chose de plus court comme kimono peut être.
xx http://wildlysweet.blogspot.fr
J’adore sa tenue, la veste semble parfaite!
Walking around Brooklyn everyday, I always see style inspirations everywhere…and then it ends up here on your blog, LOL!
Your Friend, Jess
This picture is fabulous… the second one is magic, flow around the wind, perfect… thanks Garance for the inspiration.
trop stylée !
J’aime beaucoup le style, mais ce n’est pas mon style. Elle est très jolie en tout cas.
J’aime DIANE BIRCH Pretty in pain !entre autres. Son look so cool ! son kimono lui va si bien. Fluidité de la soie et jeans déchiré, c’est très sympa. Hâte d’écouter son nouvel album en octobre.
Ah oui, bon bah du coup tu l’as même peut être vu en live la reprise de Heavy cross :D ;-)
She’s simply the best !
Can’t wait for her new album to come out !
Been loving the idea of kimonos since early this year!! They’re just so lovely and laid back.
Love that look – Unique & stylish pieces, and great makeup! <3
Great MUSIC!
Thanks for sharing her web!
Amazing! I really enjoy hearing about new, talented artists. Thanks for sharing! I love her make-up and of course her light coat.
Oui oui ouiiii mon kimono validé par Garance Doré ahah
J’adore les kimonos, Zara en a fait des merveilleux aux imprimés exquis!
Amazing Pictures!
Diane looks lovely <3
http://www.carnetchic.com (available on Portuguese, French and English: Multilingual blog for 'Fashion' travelers visiting Europe)
j’adore son kimono
Come on now is the time to put a kimono in your life!!! ;O)
The shoes! Do you know what kind they are? XOXO
Oh an what you want – to dress up a simple outfit that is not a blazer – is a shawl / scarf. Maybe a mudcloth one.
Nouvelle version de kimono, originale, simple et waouhhhh !
Diane knows what works for her….very cute
I love your work! I am in Paris right now and am so Inspired by what you do.
J’adore, mais j’adore Diane – j’ai hate que son prochain album sorte! Et tes photos sont magnifiques, comme d’hab, Garance <3
Très jolies photos ! Et j’adore Diane Birch :)
Ohhh.. I’m so going to copy her kimono as wrap style !
Thank you for sharing this with the world Garance.
Elle est superbe !
This reminds me of a vintage, black, Yohji Yamamoto kimono which I once bought in a little charity shop here in London town, for £2.50. It was ankle length like this one, but made of a much thicker, textured crepe like material. When I tried it on though, I got the serious giggles as I just couldn’t get past the image of my headmaster in school, who used to stalk the hallowed grounds in his black gown (just like Yohji’s kimono) and mortar board, so I put it up for sale on Ebay and was completely astonished at the price it sold for! I once went to a wonderful exhibition of kimonos at the Royal College of Art here in London and they were so beautiful. I think I’d prefer a kimono like those ones, bountiful flowing silk, adorned with beautiful blue irises.
Oh so lovely and gamine! I love her style, her hat, clothes, and her eye liner!:) I wish I had had style like that when I was a bit younger….oh well! Never too young to start! xox Merci!
This girl, and the look is just what i like, all together. I love hats since I was a child, kimonos, flat shoes like hers, jeans, love jeans… it’s perfect.
Jana H.
Superbe look !
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The kimono really makes the outfit especially the way it is flapping in the wind.http://www.casquettejordan.com