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Délice & Sarrasin’s Crêpe

8 years ago by

I love making crêpes – they’re the perfect food to make for guests, especially when you live in New York and your American friends are thrilled just to see you flip them in the air.

So today we decided to share our recipe for savory crêpes with you. Hope you like it!

crepe recipe delice sarrasin food garance dore photos

La Galette, or the Savory Crêpe

Yvette Caron Soriano & Christophe Caron, Délice & Sarrasin

Crêpe Batter

(Makes 20 – 30 crêpes)

  • 35 oz of farine de sarrasin(buckwheat flour)
  • 50 oz of water
  • 1.5 oz of salt
  • 1 egg

Rapidly whisk the batter ingredients in a large container until reaching a smooth consistency. Refrigerate overnight.

This savory batter can be used with any ingredients of your choice! Below is a recommended classic from Délice & Sarrasin, which is shown in the photos: La Chantou.

La Chantou

(To fill one crêpe)

  • Coconut oil (or butter or regular oil)
  • 1 egg
  • Salted butter to taste
  • Handful of gruyere cheese
  • 2 thin slices of Parisian ham
  • Handful of mushrooms

Turn stove to 325 degrees fahrenheit (220 celsius), heating a large, round pan. Grease with butter or oil (coconut oil is best!), then spread a thin and even amount of the batter, allowing to cook for 2 – 3 minutes until crispy, flipping over halfway through.

Add salted butter on top of the cooked galette.
Crack one egg and spread across the galette.

Add a good handful of shredded gruyere cheese and two thin slices of ham (preferably Parisian ham).

Lightly cook sliced thinly sliced mushrooms in olive oil, garlic and parsley, then add to galette.

Fold the galette, closing the sides to create a rectangle. Complete with a small amount of salted butter on top and garnish with the same ingredients used in filling.


Bon appétit!

Délice & Sarrasin

20 Christopher Street, New York NY 10014 | +1 (212) 243-7200

Translated by Andrea Perdue


Add yours
  • I love both sweet and salted crêpes, but I never do them myself at home… Thank you for sharing this recipe from Delice and Sarrasin, it seems so good!
    P.S.: I’ve just opened a blog too!

  • i never do sweets at home either! :)

  • Etant Bretonne, je mange souvent des galettes (même si je vis maintenant à Paris)! J’adore ça!
    Ce qui est super bon, c’est le beurre d’escargot avec des champignons! Un délice!!! <3
    Belle journée

    Petite and So What?

  • I didin’t know how delicious crêpes could be until we moved to France. Here we were introduced to the most savoury ones made of buckwheat flower, just like the one you described (my favourite one is with scallops). Our kids get to enjoy all kinds of sweet versions of the crêpe at school, filled with Nutella or rolled in sugar (especially now for the Téléthon and at Chandeleur). One thing they all have in common – they’re absolutely delish!

  • Oooooooh t’as pas idée à quel point ça m’a fait plaisir de voir une photo de galette!
    Bretonne expatriée en Angleterre (vient faire une conférence à Cambridge!!!), ça me manque énormément. Je devrais peut être tenter de faire mes propres galettes….

  • Comme toute bretonne qui se respecte j’aime les crêpes et les galettes et j’ai organisé comme toi nombre de soirées crêpes pour des amis étrangers qui en redemandent !


  • Bookmarking it! Looks so delicious.

  • I have never ever made crepes… but I love to et them lol :)

  • Love all types of crepes and these ones look absolutely delicious! Will try the recipe one of these days!

  • I love making crêpes too!

  • I love savory crepes! I must say though I’m a bit confused with your recipe. 50 oz of water? In America we cook with cups and teaspoons mostly. And I’ve never heard of baking a crepe in the oven.

    I love your blog but your recipes are a little confusing.

  • Yumm! I have never made crepes before but it doesn’t seem that difficult! I’m getting hungry now…

  • Super cette recette! je vais essayer avec l’huile de noix de coco, j’ai toujours utilisé du beurre :)
    ps: i got the job!!
    pps: comme si elle allait se rappeler… Mais si tu te rappelles Garance, j’avais un Fashion PR entretien juste avant la signature au Bon Marché (que je pensais avoir foiré) et c’est bon, i nailed it! :)
    xx from Paris, to you and to the team :)

  • Crêpes is delicious! Certainly it’s one of the best snack for all time.

  • What a wonderful crepe recipe! This looks savory and exquisite! I have been looking for a great crepe recipe, but haven’t found one yet. This one is definitely going to the top of my list to try out! Thank you for the recipe!


  • Lovely to see a recipe for savory crepes, but this recipe is rather confusing.
    Why not use either the metric system or the US cup-based system, instead of oz?
    Either way I try to convert the 50 oz of water, in a US or UK fluid ounces to liters (terribly confusing), I end up with about 1,5 liter..

    Also: are the crepes baked in an oven (since there’s a temperature indication)? Aren’t they just, as you also wrote, prepared on the Stove (in which case we’d need an indication for the heat of the fire, not a temperature?)?

    And two questions out of curiosity:
    – Why does the batter need to be refrigerated overnight?
    – How come, actually, that crepes don’t need to be flipped (whereas pancakes do?) :-)


  • Les Bretons !!!! Toujours là pour régaler le monde;)
    Heureuse de voir une recette 100% sarrasin (et pas une mélangée à du froment pour un goût adouci…)
    Et je ne dis pas (que) ça parce que c’est LA recette que l’on se passe de mère en fille depuis quelques générations dans ma famille (bretonne)…

    Bel hommage…

  • J’adooooore…Merci…

  • Yum! This crepe is so pretty and classic :)

  • I made buckwheat crepes today before seeing this post. The recipe was bizarre, too much water I thought. I will try this recipe next time. I gave them to my six year old with ice cream on top for a tea time. Good for her to learn the nutty taste of buckwheat. And I adore the scent of savory crepes

  • Quelle riche idée!
    Et en bonne fille de bretonne pur sang, cette photo m’a mise l’eau à la bouche! Une remarque cependant (et ce après test il y a quelques minutes) : j’avais fait 500gr de farine de sarrasin bio qui me tendait les bras, j’ai donc diviser les ingrédients en 2. Sauf pour l’œuf mais il sert juste de liant et pour donner une jolie coloration à la galette – dixit ma mère grand – 75cl d’eau, c trop peu. La pâte reste trop épaisse. Donc pour suivre les conseils de mamie Jeanne : garder un peu d’eau près de toi tu auras. Si trop épaisse ta pâte est, ajouter de l’eau tout en mélangeant tu devras! A moins de préférer les galettes de l’épaisseur de blinis bien sûr et là, mais la, j’ai un doute sur la légèreté de la dite galette!

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