I have to say no to these shoes. If they were not made by Celine, would people buy them or even look at them? Same with Birkenstock. Just because Celine made them, people got crazy. But sorry, I don’t like them!
These shoes are very original! I think that people may love them or hate them. But… I think that I have both feelings at the same time! http://heelsandpeplum.wordpress.com/
Mmmm… No. This look reminds me of a when poodles get their toes painted at the groomers. (Please know that I love almost everything you post (you have amazing taste!!!) I just don’t care for these).
Not so sure about these!:) They are certainly eye catching and a fabulous conversation starter! I don’t think I would wear them, but they are unique to me! Merci for sharing! xox Kim
I must admit that these are not my favourite and they have been done before on a recent episode of Honey Boo Boo. I think that makes them an American Classic!
Surreal and cheeky, love these! They remind me of the sublime technicolor fashion show in “The Women” (the 1939 Cukor version, not the unfortunate 2008 version, of course.).
Like the recent leather paper bag “bag”, I find these shoes to be in the same vein.
They remind me (as I’m sure was the intent of the designer)of mannequin feet— and unless ones proportions are equally as bizarre and Barbie-ish as the mannequins, they would look rather odd on the wearer. But perhaps with baggy jeans and a t-shirt, which is how lots of weird things inevitably get worn- they’d make a nice comment about how we are mere mannequins ourselves, when fashion-over-common- sense-and-comfort becomes our mantra.
Maybe – like Warhol art, they work. However, as a shoe they freak me out – I’ve got a phobia about mannequins— mainly with me being accidentally locked in a shop after hours with the horror of these dolled-up dollies…. There, I said it- something I’ve never revealed to my nearest and dearest— that’s how psyched-out these dolly shoes made me.
La quintessence de la tendance “Nude”. Poussé à son extrême!. Je trouve que c’est fait avec beaucoup d’humour, et qu’il faut faire preuve d’un bon lot d’autodérision pour les porter (et les acheter…)
Super original, chapeau pour l’idée! Je ne sais pas vraiment si j’aime ou pas, mais en tout cas moi je trouve ça marrant :)
xx http://wildlysweet.blogspot.fr
Le vernis est définitivement de trop! Sinon je ne sais pas, ça pourrait être cool, mais avec le vernis, je trouve ça carrément IMMONDE. Ça me fait penser à ces lunettes Jeremy Scott x Linda Farrow que j’abhorre (http://us.lindafarrow.com/jeremy-scott-hands), beurk…
Hi hi hi !!! marrant !! est ce qu’on peut changer de vernis selon nos envies et aussi pour l’assortir à nos tenues ?
peut-être !….;-)))
elles sont sûrement confortables, et plus élégantes que les birkenstock!!! portées souvent avec de vilains orteils ou de vilaines chaussettes….
Mais si vous préférez voir “vos” orteils tout en les protégeant, achetez-vous des chaussures transparentes!
Controversial. Thats for sure. Part of the allure of pumps are to hide the toes…(on those days that you have not had time for a pedicure) but still keep the feet looking sexy, no? Actually the more i look at them, the more i think of a sex doll. Its imitation in all the wrong places.
Bon, à lire certains commentaires, faut pas s’offusquer, non plus… Margiela a fait plus fort, c’est connu. Etrange, quand même, de la part de Céline, marque classieuse, même si PP est aux commandes… Au secours si on porte ces chaussures avec des bas, collants ou autre…
Garance, thank you for not making your statement about those. It left us wonder, and, more divided in love-it-hate-it camps. I won’t wear them myself, but I do not say ‘no’ to them either.
Like mannequin feet without the mannequin….just who are we appealing to? Fun to see and happy to leave them on the shelf at Barney’s….(oh THEY’LL be on the sale rack!)
Je suis incapable de dire ce que je ressens face à ces escarpins … si ce n’est qu’un escarpin est censé magnifié le pied , apporter de la féminité dans la tenue … et que pour le coup , avec celui-ci nous en sommes très loin , non ? Isa
Ah ces escarpins Céline (oui, je commente un an et demi à la bourre) … c’est particulier, faut oser. Mais l’idée est bien trouvée quand même. Je suis plutôt branchée escarpins SS 2013 en fourrure, très funky aussi !
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Mon dieu, je crois que j’adore! Non en fait j’en suis sûre.
I LOVE THEM!!!! :)
I think, “Phew!! There’s at least one item created by Phoebe Philo that I can resist!!”
agreed ;)
Hideous! no likey. this is when fashion goes wrong. But they are funny.
I have to say no to these shoes. If they were not made by Celine, would people buy them or even look at them? Same with Birkenstock. Just because Celine made them, people got crazy. But sorry, I don’t like them!
I LOVE Céline, and don’t get me wrong- they are creative. But they’re not my favorite. I guess they’re good if your nails are chipped are something…
Just incredible !
These shoes are very original! I think that people may love them or hate them. But… I think that I have both feelings at the same time! http://heelsandpeplum.wordpress.com/
i’m sure they will be a fashion week hit, but just because they are Celine. as for their true “value” (aesthetic and otherwise)…no comment…
The perfect shoes for the Emperor –err, Empress–to wear with his/her new clothes.
Je n’aime, ni ne déteste… c’est juste bizzare.
Mmmm… No. This look reminds me of a when poodles get their toes painted at the groomers. (Please know that I love almost everything you post (you have amazing taste!!!) I just don’t care for these).
Not really new conceptm Vivienne Westwood did something very similar in the 90’s minus the painted toenail
Okay these are weird but I have to admit that I like weird and that is kind of what fashion is about in my book.
Just awful.
Seems like see through/ nakedness is in trend. Not a fan of it but it certainly has a wow factor and will make most of us turn heads.
Not so sure about these!:) They are certainly eye catching and a fabulous conversation starter! I don’t think I would wear them, but they are unique to me! Merci for sharing! xox Kim
Love Celine, but they had to wait 5 more years before copying Alexander McQueen – Spring 2009 collection :)
Je n’aime pas du tout!
artificial feet…mannequin toes…should come with change of polish lol Philip Lim made a boot with fish net over nude colored leather= artificial foot
I don’t like them at all, I even find them man repeller.
Trop drôle! De loin on dirait des chaussures à bout ouvert!
now – can they make these so i can change the colors?
Me encantan estos zapatos,son la caña.
Un beso.
Ces sont super intéressants!
Ah ils sont magnifique!! Hi, I’m currently studying French at school and I love your writing (an thooooose shoes) X
Je les trouve marrante…mais sans plus. Je n’irai pas mettre 500 euros dans des chaussures comme ça par exemple.
At least you will never need a manicure!
Creative perhaps, but very creepy!!
Funny but definitively not classy
Je n’aime pas trop, d’autant plus que sur ma peau noire, l’effet serait plus que louche…. lol
Just plain ugly…
Oh, no! They look like a bad joke.
Not my style!
They are kinda cool though.
Elles sont magnifiques!!
Sandrine xx
creepy. hilarious also, but mostly just creepy.
Happy Feet!
Check it out on Kelly Wearstler’s website!
I must admit that these are not my favourite and they have been done before on a recent episode of Honey Boo Boo. I think that makes them an American Classic!
These are so creepy! Even worse than those horrible toe socks. Lol.
Surreal and cheeky, love these! They remind me of the sublime technicolor fashion show in “The Women” (the 1939 Cukor version, not the unfortunate 2008 version, of course.).
Like the recent leather paper bag “bag”, I find these shoes to be in the same vein.
They remind me (as I’m sure was the intent of the designer)of mannequin feet— and unless ones proportions are equally as bizarre and Barbie-ish as the mannequins, they would look rather odd on the wearer. But perhaps with baggy jeans and a t-shirt, which is how lots of weird things inevitably get worn- they’d make a nice comment about how we are mere mannequins ourselves, when fashion-over-common- sense-and-comfort becomes our mantra.
Maybe – like Warhol art, they work. However, as a shoe they freak me out – I’ve got a phobia about mannequins— mainly with me being accidentally locked in a shop after hours with the horror of these dolled-up dollies…. There, I said it- something I’ve never revealed to my nearest and dearest— that’s how psyched-out these dolly shoes made me.
Just say no.
umm… i don’t get it…
These are a little whacky…
La quintessence de la tendance “Nude”. Poussé à son extrême!. Je trouve que c’est fait avec beaucoup d’humour, et qu’il faut faire preuve d’un bon lot d’autodérision pour les porter (et les acheter…)
Those shoes remind me of that: http://cosmo.gr/articles/style/Moda/article2085927.ece/BINARY/w540/vibram-five-fingers.jpg
Crazy shoes, So nice and original…
Au cas où Mickey’s wife se réincarnerait … ? Ou pour mesurer la connitude de la fashion victim …? Super pour la mousson !
not sure If I like them or not! they could be funny with a very laid back outfit why not!
No. seems a little tacky.
Ha ha funny!
both funny and awfull
Super original, chapeau pour l’idée! Je ne sais pas vraiment si j’aime ou pas, mais en tout cas moi je trouve ça marrant :)
xx http://wildlysweet.blogspot.fr
No! They are awful.
Je les trouve vraiment horribles, et là, il n’y a aucune chance que je change d’avis!
Mafalda ?
eww horrible
J’adore !
Just awful! Making those expensive shoes so ugly!
Horrible, mais il fallait y penser!
C’est bon ça!
Le vernis est définitivement de trop! Sinon je ne sais pas, ça pourrait être cool, mais avec le vernis, je trouve ça carrément IMMONDE. Ça me fait penser à ces lunettes Jeremy Scott x Linda Farrow que j’abhorre (http://us.lindafarrow.com/jeremy-scott-hands), beurk…
Quite awful. She likes doing this kind of thing. Provocative and ugly. I dont know why. And it last less than a season… They’re already old… !!
Dieu que c’est laid ! C’est pour Halloween ?
je trouve qu il y a quelque chose d effrayant dans ces chaussures…
Those are amazing!
xx Elisa
My Fantabulous World
Really? Sometimes I wonder about everyone’s taste…. Absolutely, NO!
And ps for fellow commenters: what is the point of embracing something just because you see it on someone’s fashion blog? Just saying…
J’ai cru voir les chaussures de Minnie !( cf Mickey) very Disneyland!
j’aime bien le commentaire de sunny side: juste pour voir la connitude de la fashion victim….
Pas pour moi!
Do they come in brown?
Horrible! Terrible!! Fashion abomination!!!
Hi hi hi !!! marrant !! est ce qu’on peut changer de vernis selon nos envies et aussi pour l’assortir à nos tenues ?
peut-être !….;-)))
elles sont sûrement confortables, et plus élégantes que les birkenstock!!! portées souvent avec de vilains orteils ou de vilaines chaussettes….
Mais si vous préférez voir “vos” orteils tout en les protégeant, achetez-vous des chaussures transparentes!
Ooohh !!! Elles sont géniales ! J’adore <3 !!!
Oh, I don’t know . . . these are rather “crazy chic,” like one of those whacked-out Dali and Schiaparelli collaborations.
J’aime beaucoup Céline, j’adore les chaussures, mais là franchement…..
Controversial. Thats for sure. Part of the allure of pumps are to hide the toes…(on those days that you have not had time for a pedicure) but still keep the feet looking sexy, no? Actually the more i look at them, the more i think of a sex doll. Its imitation in all the wrong places.
elles existent en noir??? parce que si je voulais les porter, ça serait hyper space sur moi….(donc ça serait space puissance 2)
J’adore !
Sci Fi !!!
Oh ! Vibrams go couture ! or was it a collab?
I find these shoes a bit vulgar.
Bon, à lire certains commentaires, faut pas s’offusquer, non plus… Margiela a fait plus fort, c’est connu. Etrange, quand même, de la part de Céline, marque classieuse, même si PP est aux commandes… Au secours si on porte ces chaussures avec des bas, collants ou autre…
strange & awesome
No no no.. just awful!
Cheers! from,
Pas pour moi c’est sûr…on dirait des chaussures de mannequins en vitrine….brrr
Phoebe Philo never fails to surprise in most exciting ways!
Tellement chic! :)
Sorry. They’re ugly.
Ces chaussures sont complétement folles! ^^
Garance, thank you for not making your statement about those. It left us wonder, and, more divided in love-it-hate-it camps. I won’t wear them myself, but I do not say ‘no’ to them either.
Atroce! Et surement pas “parisienne”.
o.o not v cool
cool shoes
Like mannequin feet without the mannequin….just who are we appealing to? Fun to see and happy to leave them on the shelf at Barney’s….(oh THEY’LL be on the sale rack!)
Je suis incapable de dire ce que je ressens face à ces escarpins … si ce n’est qu’un escarpin est censé magnifié le pied , apporter de la féminité dans la tenue … et que pour le coup , avec celui-ci nous en sommes très loin , non ?
Absolutely horrible!
I LOLed for a while. Why would anyone…. wear those? I’d go with clear top heels!
just way to inspired from PERUGGIA
Seriously? Totally tacky.
They remind me Elsa Schiaparelli´s designs.
Alexander McQueen Toe-Lettos 2009 Spring Collection.
There’s something a bit creepy about these! Not for me, I don’t think.
wah, I love these shoes.
Ah ces escarpins Céline (oui, je commente un an et demi à la bourre) … c’est particulier, faut oser. Mais l’idée est bien trouvée quand même. Je suis plutôt branchée escarpins SS 2013 en fourrure, très funky aussi !
really nice publish, i certainly really like this web website, keep on it