At Hero
9 years ago by
Being from LA, I’m no stranger to street food (taco trucks specifically), but the rise of gourmet trucks that find their way transitioning into brick and mortar restaurants are extra special. Especially those with all kinds of irresistible pink accents, like that of three-story Korean canteen and bar Hero.
While we were in Paris, thirsty for something other than red wine (yes, yes just for one night, and then back to the pure goodness that is red wine), we met up with Megan and her husband Hunter to try out the colorful cocktails and have a quick snack. It’s worth a mention to note the pink marble bar, Chinese lanterns made of yarn, neon signs and graffiti designed interior is by Jeanette Dairot and New York agency Safari Sundays.
The whole atmosphere is kind of cool kid club meets kitschy spa – the drinks do have names like Thug Life, Nice Legs and I Woke Up Like This! One more spot to add to the queue of fun new restaurants in Paris… Just thinking about spicy kimchi now!

Hero | 289 Rue Saint-Denis, 75002 Paris, France
Words: Brie Welch | Photos: Erik Melvin
Ça donne envie !
La déco à l’air dingue !!!
Great pictures …although i know this place… it looks so much better in pictures…Megan Bowman Gray is a very interesting stylist and artist with a very interesting platform for artist.. …i feel like it could have been so much more interesting talking about her than only about the restaurant…..there are so many other interesting resaurant in Paris
Yael Guetta
definitely gonna try that place — and I love those gold shoes
Looks lovely! And I adore her look – always happy to see (longer) skirts properly worn with flats!
I guess the only question left is whether you had the Thug Life or the I woke up like this!
Seconding the above comments about these being great pictures. Pictures of restaurants and food without people in them often seem lifeless. These, in contrast, are really vibrant!
These pics make me want to catch the next plane to Paris.
J’aime beaucoup la lanterne chinoise et le canapé de la deuxieme photo.
Un coup de baguette magique et j’y serai pour dejeuner !
Très jolies photos et les plats ont l’air appétissants mais quelque chose me dérange: quand on va sur le site du restaurant, on retrouve des photos très similaires aux vôtres sauf que le staff parle de “shooting”, coïncidence? Est-ce que vous y êtes vraiment allés l’air de rien retrouver vos amis comme vous le dites ou est-ce un shooting préparé et programmé (sponsorisé?)?
@DON : J’ai été voir également sur leur les sites les photos, et pour ma part j’ai envie de dire que c’est un peu le jour et la nuit entre les photos prisent par l’équipe de Garance et celle du site.
Merci de nous avoir donné envie de tester cette adresse, pour tout vous dire je m’étais arrêté aux du sites ça n’aurait certainement été un resto que j’aurais inscrit sur ma todo list.
Sounds like a wonderful place!
Love the gold loafers!
La prochaine fois que je monte sur Paris, je test cet endroit ! Ça à l’air dingue! ?
Je ne suis pas hyper fan de ce shooting. Pas assez parisien… ?
Malheureusement l’uniformisation guette chaque nouvel endroit prétendument sympa des grandes villes.
C’est pourtant si agréable d’être à LA, NY ou Paris et de ne pas y vivre les mêmes choses, ni de boire le même cocktail et d’avoir une déco différente.
On devrait être plus vigilant sur nos désirs de retrouver partout la même chose
Ah this place looks great and the drink names are too funny. And when I finally get my ass over to Paris I will put this on my must eat at list. Thanks for the heads up Garance.
Allie of ALLIE NYC
These pics are transporting good vibes immediately!
Super ambiance, j’adore les couleurs et ça a l’air super bon!
Merci du partage!
Bizous, Christelle
Would love to see a style story just on Megan. She seems lovely from the little snippets we have seen so far. She appeals to me far more than the restaurant and its beverage menu.
I know this place very well, this is the 4th place opened after Candelaria, Glass and Le Mary Celeste, all great in terms of cocktails, food and style, but why do you mention food trucks? I don’t think they ever started this way.