I’ll be honest more then the dress, what caught my attention was the smoke and cigarette in her hand. You rarely see this now a days in photography! Was this a test Garance?… Viewers reaction?! There is always something alluring about the romantic nostalgia of smoking, whether is edgy, punk, sexy, soft, aggressive, the “i dont give a f” but all the while looking totally chic.
I think the dress is awesome and the cigarette….I don’t get it. Yes it looks chic, but what’s the point of a beauty routine if the results of smoking win in the end?!
J’aime bien le côté “rétro années 40” de la robe, mais j’aime moins le fait que ce soit en cuir, ça paraît trop… “lourd”, ça manque de fluidité et de souplesse.
Pour la polémique commençant sur la cigarette… bof, pourquoi ça devrait être tabou de photographier des gens qui fument ? Les fumeurs savent bien ce qu’ils endurent, on connait tous des fumeurs autour de nous, ça fait parti de la société. Je suis contre le fait d’en faire de la pub, mais sur des photos de streetstyle et de “vie de tous les jours”… pas la peine d’aller chercher la petite bête. Laissons les fumeurs fumer s’ils le souhaitent, et arrêtons de crier au scandale.
Je suis non-fumeuse.
Parfaitement d’accord avec Noé! Cette fille a le droit de faire ce qu’elle veut, de fumer ou pas… Cette façon de dire ce qui est bien ou pas me saoûle! et je ne fume pourtant pas moi non plus!
I find this dress stunning!I love the sunglasses and I must also say that I love the cigarette and the smoke (yes!!). She reminds me of an old movie diva! http://heelsandpeplum.wordpress.com/
Tout à fait d’accord avec Noé pour la cigarette, ça n’est pas très important tout ça. Mais peut etre est-ce un point de vu de française (!!!)
Sinon La robe est très jolie, la matière m’intrigue,ça me fait penser à une sorte de toile cirée mais je supose que c’est du cuir.
Oh my! The colour, the cut, the leather! Absolutely gorgeous! Did she share where it’s from? I must admit tho’, that I don’t find the cigarette ‘super cool’…
March always makes me panic and bust out everything LEATHER I haven’t worn yet! Least favorite thing about summertime is not being able to wear leather… this trench dress is amazing, especially in such a luxe medium http://www.ginger-snap.com
My guess this is a much thinner woman than the chunk-lunky dress allows…also
what kind of dress can you only wear outdoors…or in a heavily air-conditioned room? And what the heck do you wear UNDER it???
That said – she does smoke that cigarette like a professional…
The dress is amazing. I love the soft leather and the style. I think I might be able to recreate this style with a 70’s leather skirt my mother gave me. I am inspired.
Ece is from Turkey. She is an old editor of Vogue Turkey and she is queen of vintage:) and also her name “Ece” means in Turkish queen. You can see her everywhere about fashion, so inspiring.
I find this an interesting post with the cigarette, especially after the recent post on the discussion about fur. In the discussion, there is talk of being conscientous about the foods one ingest. It seems that one would not advertise/glamourize a habbit with equal/worse harmful effects to the health. For the dress, it looks like it belongs in the era when people didn’t know the effects of cigarette.
can’t really make up my mind about this dress…I like the colour and the cut but not too sure about the leather. Another thing that strikes me about the pic but has nothing to do with the dress is where it was taken; corner of viale Piave and via Nino Bixio in Milan..I use to live there! Miss Milano very much xxx
I love the silhouette and the colour, but I feel like she’s posing (the leg, the cigarette) which – for me – takes the charm out of the picture. Sorry Garance…. It’s still an inspiring picture though, I’ve never seen this type of dress in leather and it opens up my imagination.
Il y en a marre de cette société hygiéniste !! (ça c’est pour la cigarette!) et sinon JE VEUX une robe comme ça :-) (pour aller avec ma clope) http://www.mode9.fr
I loved this dress the first time I saw it, especially the color. I’m pretty sure it’s Trussardi because her boyfriend Umit Benan was until recently the designer for the house. There was also a blue version in the last show.
Arrgh! Sorry Garance normally I love your images but I can’t love one that shows someone smoking. Of course it’s a personal choice to smoke or not to smoke but as it’s a health risk I am always sad to see it glamourized in any way.
The dress is pretty… but the cigarette makes me sad. My mother had lung cancer and it was a painful, awful, ugly death. So, in my opinion, smoking is never chic.
And…”it’s her body” doesn’t fly because second-hand smoke affects all of us.
Why oh why would this beautiful creature who obviously loves, knows and appreciates fashion want to defile this object of beauty (dress) with the smell and toxicity of smoke?? Not to mention the fact that we just know too much about the health dangers to justify it in any logical way….On an endnote, thank you Garance, for your work and dedication to the subject of fashion. I enjoy your website so much!!
Yes the dress is wonderful. And yes Ece Sukan of Vogue Turkey is one to look at for inventive fashion ideas, so no surprize there.
What I find most annoying is this cigarette-no cigarette rant. Majority of fashion people smoke. Kate Lanphear thoes, girls of french Vogue do, models often do, so it’s perfectly normal for people in the industry.
I don’t see how a photo of a fashion insider wearing a great dress and holding a cigarette is in any way revolutionary or pushing the boundaries. In a way those coments are so pettit bourgeois, and so very kindergarten mom like.
If you don’t want to smoke, don’t, that’s perfectly fine. But all of us smoking cigarettes on the street or in the smokers compartment of cafe or restaurant, we’re not doing it to provoke or annoy you, but to enjoy ourselves.
Plus, smoking dosen’t affect skin all that bad (I speak from experience) just look at all the pretty models/editors that smoke.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
I’ll be honest more then the dress, what caught my attention was the smoke and cigarette in her hand. You rarely see this now a days in photography! Was this a test Garance?… Viewers reaction?! There is always something alluring about the romantic nostalgia of smoking, whether is edgy, punk, sexy, soft, aggressive, the “i dont give a f” but all the while looking totally chic.
of course the dress is beautiful too
a great silhouette, great shoes and the self-confidence to pull it all off amazingly! :)
I think the dress is awesome and the cigarette….I don’t get it. Yes it looks chic, but what’s the point of a beauty routine if the results of smoking win in the end?!
Je suis folle du cuir de couleur, et cette robe est vraiment magnifique (je l’avais déjà vu porté par joujou Villeroy)!
Supercool indeed! http://www.flaircat.com
J’aime bien le côté “rétro années 40” de la robe, mais j’aime moins le fait que ce soit en cuir, ça paraît trop… “lourd”, ça manque de fluidité et de souplesse.
Pour la polémique commençant sur la cigarette… bof, pourquoi ça devrait être tabou de photographier des gens qui fument ? Les fumeurs savent bien ce qu’ils endurent, on connait tous des fumeurs autour de nous, ça fait parti de la société. Je suis contre le fait d’en faire de la pub, mais sur des photos de streetstyle et de “vie de tous les jours”… pas la peine d’aller chercher la petite bête. Laissons les fumeurs fumer s’ils le souhaitent, et arrêtons de crier au scandale.
Je suis non-fumeuse.
Couleur Spleen.
Parfaitement d’accord avec Noé! Cette fille a le droit de faire ce qu’elle veut, de fumer ou pas… Cette façon de dire ce qui est bien ou pas me saoûle! et je ne fume pourtant pas moi non plus!
so cool pics . so lovely .
Parfum pas cher.
I find this dress stunning!I love the sunglasses and I must also say that I love the cigarette and the smoke (yes!!). She reminds me of an old movie diva!
Looks more like a trench, or at least that’s how I’d wear it.A super cool trench, though!
meow! love! the cigarette? to me it says ‘this body is mine’. there is something in that….
Tout à fait d’accord avec Noé pour la cigarette, ça n’est pas très important tout ça. Mais peut etre est-ce un point de vu de française (!!!)
Sinon La robe est très jolie, la matière m’intrigue,ça me fait penser à une sorte de toile cirée mais je supose que c’est du cuir.
cette robe est affreuse! la couleur n’est pas belle et la coupe si peu flatteuse…
Tout à fait d’accord… j’aime pas mais alors pas du tout… Ça manque cruellement de classe malgré la pose.
cool dress indeed.
it’s a classic dress but it’s fantastic and nice!!!
Shoes are beautiful !
Oh my! The colour, the cut, the leather! Absolutely gorgeous! Did she share where it’s from? I must admit tho’, that I don’t find the cigarette ‘super cool’…
March always makes me panic and bust out everything LEATHER I haven’t worn yet! Least favorite thing about summertime is not being able to wear leather… this trench dress is amazing, especially in such a luxe medium
Love the shoes more than anything else here (apart from that gorgeous gal!). Anyone know where these shoes are from?
My guess this is a much thinner woman than the chunk-lunky dress allows…also
what kind of dress can you only wear outdoors…or in a heavily air-conditioned room? And what the heck do you wear UNDER it???
That said – she does smoke that cigarette like a professional…
The dress is amazing. I love the soft leather and the style. I think I might be able to recreate this style with a 70’s leather skirt my mother gave me. I am inspired.
See you in my blog, maybe.
I see you :)
I love shirt dresses. This one, I don’t love as much… too poofy maybe? But the color is very good. I love the color.
Dislike dislike. La forme, la coupe, la couleur, la texture, l’épaisseur, sans compter le nombre de mètres de cuir utilisés… :( très 70′ insouciant.
Beautiful photo, the colours are so lovely! x
Ece is from Turkey. She is an old editor of Vogue Turkey and she is queen of vintage:) and also her name “Ece” means in Turkish queen. You can see her everywhere about fashion, so inspiring.
Beautiful color!
What an amazing dress! It feels very fresh and different from any of the current trends. I love it!
Beautiful shot! Beautiful woman. She’s too pretty to smoke. Very few could wear that dress! Love the shoes and the attitude……
I love the sunglasses!!! so so cute :)
I find this an interesting post with the cigarette, especially after the recent post on the discussion about fur. In the discussion, there is talk of being conscientous about the foods one ingest. It seems that one would not advertise/glamourize a habbit with equal/worse harmful effects to the health. For the dress, it looks like it belongs in the era when people didn’t know the effects of cigarette.
This is a super cool dress
Son look est géniale. J’aime beaucoup sa robe. :)
Great dress and perfect color. Have a nice day.
J’adore! quelle classe, et cette teinte de vert est absolument magnifique!
superbe photo!
can’t really make up my mind about this dress…I like the colour and the cut but not too sure about the leather. Another thing that strikes me about the pic but has nothing to do with the dress is where it was taken; corner of viale Piave and via Nino Bixio in Milan..I use to live there! Miss Milano very much xxx
J’adore l’allure, le manteau, la couleur, la clope et tout ça sur la première photo. Belle atmosphère !
So chic and beautiful! Love it when women wear trench style dresses (or just wearing trench as a dress).
thank you
Dress To Cook Blog
I wouldn’t wear it but I love it on her!
Is it so hot in NY that the lady does not wear stockings?
sorry, but the dress reminds me of a cleaning lady in a way… no?
Gorgeous dress – love the structured style of it.
Such gorgeous color!
From http://www.xeanafashion.com
That is one super cool dress. I want! :D
I love the silhouette and the colour, but I feel like she’s posing (the leg, the cigarette) which – for me – takes the charm out of the picture. Sorry Garance…. It’s still an inspiring picture though, I’ve never seen this type of dress in leather and it opens up my imagination.
A beautifully dressed girl. And a real photo (you don’t often see a cigaret these days).
Il y en a marre de cette société hygiéniste !! (ça c’est pour la cigarette!) et sinon JE VEUX une robe comme ça :-) (pour aller avec ma clope)
Stunningly cool – love it garance
Dawn xx
super cool sunglasses! anyone know the brand???
WOW! She looks stunning! The colour of this dress is so beautiful!!
Cette robe est sublime !
Agree with a lot of the others.. dislike the smoke, like the clothes/styling.
/Louise BE
Super cool.. colour and shape… fabulous… xv
J aime c est chic, simple sans etre prétentieux, J aime j aime
She looks super cool!
I loved this dress the first time I saw it, especially the color. I’m pretty sure it’s Trussardi because her boyfriend Umit Benan was until recently the designer for the house. There was also a blue version in the last show.
Darn it! I wish I could see this dress in motion!
Does it flow nicely as well as its good look?
Lovrly dress!!
Arrgh! Sorry Garance normally I love your images but I can’t love one that shows someone smoking. Of course it’s a personal choice to smoke or not to smoke but as it’s a health risk I am always sad to see it glamourized in any way.
The dress is pretty… but the cigarette makes me sad. My mother had lung cancer and it was a painful, awful, ugly death. So, in my opinion, smoking is never chic.
And…”it’s her body” doesn’t fly because second-hand smoke affects all of us.
Ece Sükan is one of the coolest woman in Turkey love her style
Why oh why would this beautiful creature who obviously loves, knows and appreciates fashion want to defile this object of beauty (dress) with the smell and toxicity of smoke?? Not to mention the fact that we just know too much about the health dangers to justify it in any logical way….On an endnote, thank you Garance, for your work and dedication to the subject of fashion. I enjoy your website so much!!
There is nothing ‘cool’ about smoking. Cute dress, though, what make is it?
Isn’t she the Editor-at-Large for Vogue Turkey?
Yes the dress is wonderful. And yes Ece Sukan of Vogue Turkey is one to look at for inventive fashion ideas, so no surprize there.
What I find most annoying is this cigarette-no cigarette rant. Majority of fashion people smoke. Kate Lanphear thoes, girls of french Vogue do, models often do, so it’s perfectly normal for people in the industry.
I don’t see how a photo of a fashion insider wearing a great dress and holding a cigarette is in any way revolutionary or pushing the boundaries. In a way those coments are so pettit bourgeois, and so very kindergarten mom like.
If you don’t want to smoke, don’t, that’s perfectly fine. But all of us smoking cigarettes on the street or in the smokers compartment of cafe or restaurant, we’re not doing it to provoke or annoy you, but to enjoy ourselves.
Plus, smoking dosen’t affect skin all that bad (I speak from experience) just look at all the pretty models/editors that smoke.
A super Trussardi dress, form the Spring/Summer 2013 collection :-) http://experience.trussardi.com/en/asset/fashion/woman-collection-spring-summer-2013/?content=1062
Ece is the best .. We love her
She just owns the street with that look ! Love it !