november horoscope astrotwins astrostyle garance dore writing illustration

9 years ago by

Dive into the depths!

November is Scorpio season, as the sun weaves through the shadows and light of the zodiac’s most mysterious sign until November 22. This is a time for psychic healing and emotional processing, as parts of ourself that have been hidden come into focus. This can be an excellent month for research, therapy, energy healing and any kind of inner work.

Scorpio energy is also about bonding and merging—the place where “I” becomes “we.” As romantic as that sounds, it’s also scary as hell for most people because it requires a negotiation of power and an eventual ceding of some control. Funny how people all say they want relationships…but they don’t want to give up an inch of the upper hand. Can you relate?

Fortunately, our hearts get some help from the stars on November 2, when Venus and Mars—the love planets—make their third of 2015’s three conjunctions. Venus grants us compassion and Mars gives us courage, and the cocktail of these two energies can create a real breakthrough in our bonds. Venus and Mars are in Virgo this time, encouraging an attitude of helpfulness and service. Whose relationship couldn’t use a bit more of those?

This year, a Scorpio new moon falls on 11/11, a date many people are obsessed with, including us. Get ready to pass through a super-powered portal. If there’s a part of your life that’s due for a major shift, the Scorpio new moon acts as your transformation station. (We’ll be spending the day here!)

The energy makes a dramatic U-turn on November 22, when the sun swings into buoyant Sagittarius. Suddenly, all those microscope details we obsessed over start to make sense. Wise and worldly Sagittarius helps us put things into context and regain perspective. We become more tolerant of differences, open to hearing other points of view.

When the month ends with a November 25 full moon in communicative Gemini, we find just the words to express that vision. We can fortify our bonds with productive conversations. Ideas take flight. Keep a notebook or voice recorder app handy to jot down ideas, or fire up your Snapchat to capture a friend’s hilarious impromptu monologue. The month of depth and (necessary) darkness closes in the light of wit and wisdom, making it worth the struggle after all.

Read your full monthly horoscope here.


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  • Toujours un réel plaisir de te lire Garance.
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  • You just need to believe in good energy and good things will happen to you>>>>Your life is in your hand!!!
    with love
    Yael Guetta

  • I can’t believe it’s already november

  • J’ai une amie scropion, je partagerai!

    Bizous, Christelle

  • Love November! Not for the coldness but because we are going to start Christmas preparations, thinking about the presents to buy and I love this!!! <3
    Great time to come!

    Petite and So What

  • Does this horoscope work the positions of stars ? anyway, I share the comment that with the FAITH OF GOD, we hold our life into our hands and each one shall make the best out of it !

  • I agree with Denise! It’s fun to read what He might have going on for us out there in the universe. :)

  • Coucou, Garance et le studio. J’adore la manière dont vous avez de voir la vie, le monde, la mode… Et je voulais avoir votre avis ,s’il vous plait, sur ce documentaire qui m’a choqué. “The true cost” par Andrew morgan (disponible sur netflix) . Je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de pleurer à la fin et de revoir ma manière de voir la mode et les vêtements. Je ne sais pas comment réagir à cette immondicité car d’un côté je voudrai tellement faire quelque chose pour qu’on arrête d’être addict à l’achat. Mais d’un autre côté, malheureusement, je suis complètement formatée par notre société et j’aime la mode, j’aime acheter des habits et à quel prix vu le documentaire. Je me rends compte que le seul moyen que j’ai d’acheter des vetements sans faire de mal à la terre ou à des gens c’est d’acheter chez stella mccartney ce qui n’est pas possible en tant qu’étudiante de 21 ans sans salaire. Auriez vous une idée de ce que je pourrai faire et qu’est ce que vous en pensez de cet aspect de l’impact de la mode ?

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