

7 years ago by


Erik Melvin


Pia Moore

I’m a big, big, big fan of Cirque du Soleil. Have you ever been?

Anyone who’s seen their shows is like me — they’ve still got stars in their eyes and can talk about it for hours. However, I had trouble with the idea of the circus at first. I remember the circus when I was a child, the weird moments, the sad animals and the clowns who really weren’t funny.

And that’s the great thing about Cirque du Soleil. There are no animals — just performances, beautiful sets, costumes, and mind-blowing music. Everything is immaculate and gorgeous, down to the smallest details. It’s a kind of happy, exuberant perfection that shows you how spectacular a live show can be. And there are clowns, really funny ones.

When I found out they were in New York (they just had two shows in New York, one on Broadway and one in a circus tent), I realized I wanted to share this passion with you. First of all, because Im super passionate about it and i think everyone should go cause it just makes you happy, and secondly because it’s a great thing to do with your family over the holidays (like, a cool gift idea) and finally, because it’s so beautiful!

So come along, we’re taking a super close look at Cirque du Soleil’s Kurios!

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cirque du soleil garance dore photo

cirque du soleil garance dore photo

cirque du soleil garance dore photo
cirque du soleil garance dore photo

cirque du soleil garance dore photo

cirque du soleil garance dore photo

cirque du soleil garance dore photo

cirque du soleil garance dore photo

cirque du soleil garance dore photo

cirque du soleil garance dore photo



cirque du soleil garance dore photo

cirque du soleil garance dore photo


Huge thanks to Cirque du Soleil and the cast & crew of Kurios! Kurios opens in Miami on December 10th! Find tickets and additional tour dates here.

Editor’s note: This story was shot several weeks ago, and we are saddened to hear of the tragedy that occurred at Cirque du Soleil’s LUZIA show yesterday. We extend our deepest sympathies to Olivier Rochette’s family and the rest of the Cirque du Soleil team.


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  • Curios est le meilleur spectacle du Cirque depuis des lunes. J’ai ressenti la même émotion qu’à ses débuts il y a 30 ans. Ce fut longtemps pour nous, québécois, une source de fierté. Dans un contexte canadien qui frise l’ethnocide envers les populations francophones (pas seulement évidemment) et où le peuple québécois est renié et où il faut en baver pour défendre notre culture et surtout depuis quelques années où la francophobie s’est accentuée, nous étions fiers d’avoir de tels créateurs. Malheureusement le Cirque du Soleil a été vendu à des chinois. Ils ont gardé le siège social à Montréal, mais on connait ces histoires d’acquisitions. On espère que cette belle histoire connaîtra une fin heureuse.

  • Garance, si tu veux tu viens chez moi, et après un bon brunch on marche à pied jusqu’à leur bureau et tu les rencontres! On visitera aussi l’atelier de costume!

  • Oui, ils font des spectacles impressionants au Cirque du Soleil ! Ce serait vraiment dommage de se cantoner au cirque traditionnel et penser que cela représente le cirque, alors que le cirque contemporain regorge de surprises. C’est souvent moins strass et super-production que le Cirque du Soleil mais c’est vraiment génial !

  • I saw Alegria years ago. It was amazing. Unlike any other circus.

  • It is such a wonderful performance!! Magical, amazing and funny. I have been a couple of times and look forward to going again. Those fit performers always inspire me to start working out a bit harder : )

  • The shows are so beautifully done. Love the costumes and the stories. Enjoying the pictures and am jonesing to go to a show. I always hated the old circus too. It was so sad.

  • I just saw this on Saturday night! It was fantastic.

  • Depuis la decouverte du Cirque du Soleil aux JO d’Albertville en France, mon mari et moi sommes alles a plusieurs de leurs spectacles.
    Tout est magnifique : la musique, les costumes, les decors et bien sur et surtout les artistes ! Que de talent !

  • I saw the show Ka some years back. It was so beautiful in that oh-so-French way. I know they’re Canadian but everything was so elegant and aesthetically pleasing with great color and billowing silk costumes and props. It was just fantastic!

  • Sunny Side December, 2 2016, 2:36 / Reply

    Wow ces photos sont absolument féeriques et m’inspirent beaucoup ! Elles me rappellent que j’adorais dessiner les artistes au trapèze et des costumes. Ce cirque est époustouflant et c’est plutôt une bonne nouvelle qu’il ait été acheté par les chinois qui sont aussi très impressionnants et magiques.

  • Once long ago when they were only in Vegas…we used to take vacations in Laguna Beach around Labor Day. Mid-week the most amazing humans appeared on the beach…the Cirque would give their performers a free couple days at The Surf and Sand. My children were young and watching these performers frolic on the beach and in the water was really quite energizing and amazing. Lots of gymnastics and frolicking. Most of all I remember how much they loved each other.

  • I love love love them! I saw several of their shows in Vegas, and every time I left the show thinking how absolutely incredible those athletes are. Can’t wait to see a new show!

  • I went to see them in London . It was the most amazing show I ever sow,absolutely incredibly.

  • I saw them in Costa Mesa, CA. This is absolutely my favorite show from Cirque du soleil. I’ve seen most of them. So creative, the costumes, 30’s era, wonder childlike. Just BEAUTIFUL.

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