june horoscope garance dore astro twins horoscope

9 years ago by

June is the month of sorting the options. This could be the go-to line on everyone’s lips for much of June, as the Sun, energetic Mars and mental Mercury all spend the first three weeks of the month in airy, cerebral Gemini. With all this cosmic action in this variety-loving sign, life will present us with its own version of a tempting “small plates” banquet. So many options, so little time!

Having choices is awesome…to a point. But this month, indecisiveness—and even a few bouts of “analysis paralysis”—could overtake us. Or, our brains and mouths may be taxed to the point of exhaustion. We need to manage our runaway thought-trains before we go off the rails. It doesn’t help that Mercury is retrograde until June 11, foiling communication, technology and any kind of forward momentum. Mercury is Gemini’s natural ruler, and its shadow period will leave lingering effects until nearly the end of June.

Since Mercury retrograde isn’t a great time for committing, double-down on your research. Ask lots of questions and don’t rush into any major moves. At the same time, we need to know when something is “good enough”—and to just GO with it, instead of stalling the process by waiting for something microscopically better to come along.

How NOT to get stuck in a mental feedback loop? Evaluate with your heart, not just your head. Aiding this process, a few emotional water sign transits will reconnect us to our feelings. On June 12, spiritual Neptune will turn retrograde in compassionate Pisces, plunging us into the own oceanic depths of our subconscious minds. This reflective cycle, which lasts until November 18, will activate our imaginations, helping us process old memories or return to a shelved creative endeavor. Talk about your feelings, not just your thoughts, and add more affection to your life. Cuddle party, anyone?

On June 14, structured Saturn will back into watery Scorpio until September 17—its last visit to this sign until 2041. Scorpio is the sign of intimacy, soul-searching and mysticism. Meditation, journaling and non-verbal activities (listening to music, dancing, chanting) can offset all the frantic mental wheel-spinning, especially while Saturn is retrograde through August 1. You might also notice that you’re talking a blue streak or overscheduling yourself to avoid dealing with heavier feelings. Use the second half of June, while Neptune and Saturn are reversed, to process those issues and put them to bed for once and for all.

Read your complete June Horoscope here.


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  • I think it is such a true quote: to put order into my life, that will makes me have a better life, and be HAPPIER… June will be the month of changes for me :) MERCI Garance ;)

    Bisous from France,


  • Thank you girls!!
    but above all if we believe something is possible…we just work for it we do the max and the energy the star, God ….what ever we believe in..will help us to accomplish our desire…
    i believe that it’s us who makes our own chance..even if we have outside global energy..it’s us who will make it happens..
    with love
    Yael Guetta

  • Ah geez… as if I don’t overthink things enough as it is! Oh well, let’s get it done, people! Thanks, Garance!

  • Sarafrîchit May, 31 2015, 4:39 / Reply

    “PARALYSIE MENTALE”! c’est ça! c’est bête mais cet horoscope me fait un bien fou! C’est tellement le bordel dans ma vie que le simple fait de savoir que ce bordel est “normal”, et surtout qu’il va prendre fin… et bien ça me rassure. Je mets une alarme au 11 juin et une autre fin juin! Vivement la fin de tout ça!
    des bisettes nantaises!

  • Tenir un journal, I did it!

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