
Giving Thanks!

5 years ago by

Sometimes you just gotta throw your hands up and give some thanks for the big and little things in one’s life! Here is what our team is thankful for these days…

Garance | @garancedore
Hot water.
Right now my house is being remodeled – and I have had to spend a few days there without hot water. Cold showers are great for the skin, but they also remind you how we take all the small things that make our life amazing for granted.

So, hot water, you’re great. I am so thankful for you.

Funny people.
You can’t imagine how thankful I am that funny people exist. If you’re funny, don’t be surprised if I jump on you and just keep chatting you up and be silly for hours. We need more funny than ever. Funny is the best medicine, it’s the best relief, it’s the best way to connect, it’s – well, you got it.

Firefighters and other heroes.
People who fight for others. People who show up. People who risk their lives to make the world better. I am intensely thankful.

PS : Seeing Joshua Jackson at my yoga class the other day. Very sweaty. So thankful ;)

Emily | @emnote
I am thankful for family, because they constantly remind me of keeping priorities in perspective.

I am thankful for our dog Fitz because he constantly brings a smile to my face.

I am thankful for our readers, because they (you) hold us to the highest standards and are always pushing us to be and to do better.

Veronica | @veromcc
For coffee because it is the elixir of life and without it I would be a monster with no friends.

For my dog Charlie even though he is a little shit sometimes.

For Franco, the bartender at Raoul’s for giving Vanessa one decent glass of red before I dragged her to dive bars where she insisted on ordering more red wine despite my warnings (they were all either vinegar or a liquified fruit salad). Lesson: Always heed my warnings.

Vanessa | @sawsomething_
I am thankful for FaceTime / Whatsap for allowing me to see my friend’s and family’s beautiful faces on a regular basis

I am thankful for good journalism.

I am thankful for Veronica, because that’s what she really wants to hear.*

But also for her introducing me to this little bakery in the neighborhood that makes “palmiers”!!! PALMIERS!**

*Editor’s note: Veronica did not pressure Vanessa into saying this but it’s true, it’s all she ever wants to hear. And yes, this is her talking in third person.

**For those of who you aren’t French, this thing called a “palmier” that Vanessa is freaking out over is a palm tree shaped flattened croissant and Veronica gives it a B+ as a pastry.

Katie | @ktmcentee
Family – I am very thankful for my family. While I don’t see them all that often (they live in Washington), weekly catchups with my niece are the highlights of my week.

Ice Cream – I am thankful for ice cream because well, why wouldn’t I be?

Sundays – Thank goodness for lazy Sundays – sleeping in, long breakfasts, and all-day reading – without them my life would be chaotic!

Gabby | @gabrielle_rubino
I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my sweetness of a nephew, Baby Ralph. Every moment spent with him brings more joy to my life than I could have ever imagined.

I am thankful for my past. It is nice to know that I came from a family of hardworking, simple minded, loving individuals. I think about them often and how simple but HAPPY their lives were.

With the holiday season coming up, I am thankful for all the holiday movies. The Holiday will be on repeat in my house!

Caitlin | @caitlinvillarreal
Our quirky NYC family: My husband who is the best human I know in every way; the motley crew of friends we’ve found in the chaos of the city; and Clu Cat, our fur-babe and supersized ball of love.

My mother. For her strength, curiosity, heart, brilliance and boundless love.

Our building super, Luis. He inspires and surprises me constantly, and gets sh*t done like no one I’ve ever met.

Mary | @_marebear_
I am thankful for my golden retriever, Eloise. I would be lost in this mad world without her as my furry best friend.

I am thankful for my kuerig (supplied by my roommate) and dunkin donuts k-cups… without my morning cup of coffee I would be a wicked woman

And of course, I am thankful for my family and my friends that have become family.

Linne | @linnehalps
I am mostly thankful for my family who have given me all the tools I need to be able to be who I am, and for their unconditional love. And I am beyond thankful to my friends and my co-workers who have made a weird, transition phase in my life so much easier and joy-filled!

I am thankful for Seth Meyers who brings comedic relief to our horrific political situation and who makes my apartment feel less lonely each night when I get into bed.

I am thankful I live in a city where matzah ball soup is so readily available!

Christina | @christina_holevas
I am thankful for my parents.

This morning in particular, I am thankful for coffee and bagels.

I am thankful for lazy weekends with nothing to do.

Sarah | @sarahhfischer
My friends & family, good food & drinks.

My morning walks that keep me sane!

Having Charlie at the office!

Bogdana | @Bogdanaya
I am thankful for cold weather as it’s a great excuse for more layers and warm cuddles.

I am thankful for my water resistant shower notepad because it allows me to teach Jason (because he has to stare at them every damn morning) words such as “kakashka” – poop, “noga” – leg, and “douche” – shower.

Oh also, I just moved! So I’m incredibly thankful for the Seamless available at all times, while my kitchen is getting organized. And for Bragg’s Liquid Aminos spray, because, as Vanessa noticed (rightly so), I can’t live without it!

Carie | @cariep
I am thankful for my cat, Norm. Because despite crying 17 times a day from the edge of the bathtub for water, he gets up every time I come home to greet me, and never does it for my boyfriend. Makes me feel loved.

My local wine shop, Vinovore. It’s the perfect distance for a stroll and some fresh air and I also get to support a local business that focuses on supporting lady winemakers!

Finally, I’m thankful for my boyfriend. We moved across the country (for the 2nd time) a year ago and it’s been a weird year of learnings all around, but I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else.


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  • Jorge Alexandre Teixeira November, 23 2018, 1:48 / Reply

    No, no, no … THANK YOU , Atelier Dream Team for ,you Know…no biggie except… for the fact that you’re ALL BRILLIANT!!!
    Bom fim de semana !!! *_*

  • Merci pour vos articles ! Par contre, en tant que bonne française, les palmiers n’ont rien à voir avec les croissants… Les palmiers sont fait à partir de pâte sablée, c’est croquant, alors que les croissans sont fait avec une pâte au beurre et sont tendres… mais courage les US, un jour vous vous y connaîtrez (un peu) en vin et en viennoiseries.

  • I give thanks for having relatively good health! I’m 66 so it’s very important. and that those near and dear are also in good health.
    I give thanks for being able to live well in a beautiful, peaceful part of the world.
    I give thanks for having a view of the sea from my flat.
    I give thanks that I love to cook so always have great food on the table!!
    I give thanks to Atelier Doré for this beautiful space they have create.

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