december horoscope garance dore

8 years ago by

Raise your glass—it’s Sagittarius season!

November had its darker moments, the stars sent us into the eye of the needle. Many of us emerged transformed, if not a bit shaken by the experience. Now, Sagittarius time sweeps in to give us hope and vision.

While Scorpio may have sparked this process, Sagittarius sends us on an alchemical adventure or two. With the Sun in worldly Sag until December 21, it’s time to reach upward and outward. Emerge from the myopic bubble and go interact with people and places beyond your comfort zone. Sagittarius is all about expansion, personal growth and risk.

So embrace evolution with a spirit of adventure, especially at the December 11 Sagittarius new moon. Just don’t abandon your common sense. A tough square between the new moon and Jupiter in fastidious Virgo reminds us that we still need to plan, inspect, budget and follow certain protocols. Pace yourself so you don’t burn out!

In December, we’ll continue to weather the challenging square between structured Saturn in Sagittarius (the international sign) and secretive Neptune in Pisces, which rules hidden agendas and healing. Saturn and Neptune will square off again from June-September 2016, inciting a need for better global relations and safe havens.

On December 21, the Sun moves into traditional Capricorn, just in time for the Christmas holiday season. In fact, December 25 is a major day in the stars this year. It will feature the final supermoon of 2015—a full moon in Cancer, the sign of home and family. This can put the spotlight on visiting relatives, or bring cozy domestic moments. Devote the day to nesting and resting if you can. Caution: full moons can also bring buried emotions into the open. Supermoons intensify everything. Luckily, this full moon will form a harmonious trine to compassionate Neptune in Pisces. Let’s use our sharing to heal, not harm. Also on December 25, radical Uranus will end a five-month retrograde cycle in fiery Aries.

Happy, healthy New Year? The moon will spend its final hours of 2015 in Virgo most places. This moon can bring a much-welcomed simple elegance to your festivities, perhaps even a healthy twist. Virgo is also the sign of perfectionism; don’t spend so much time fussing with your wardrobe and styling that you nearly miss the midnight moment! The moon will move into Libra on New Year’s Day, keeping the lighthearted vibes flowing…

Read your full monthly horoscope here


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  • I believe that you should be careful of believe system patterns…. condition yourself to be happy!!! and be the master of your own life and the designer of your life…
    love and happiness
    Yael Guetta

  • Interesting prediction of things to come … let’s see if it will turn out that way for me!

  • Bring on December! One of my favorite months.

    Janine Claire

  • Hello ! Je voudrais acheter ton livre Garance (enfin!!!), mais lorsque je veux choisir la langue sur le site de commande, rien ne s’affiche, je ne peux pas passer à l’étape d’achat… Je ne sais pas si c’est mon ordinateur ou un beug intrinsèque à la page, mais je voulais le signaler au cas où (et parce que j’ai VRAIMENT envie de lire ton livre :-)
    En espérant l’avoir bientôt entre les mains,

    Sarah G

  • Bonsoir Sarah!
    We are trying to resolve this issue–someone else mentioned this problem to me. In the meantime, here is the link to the French edition of the book on Amazon.

    Thanks for brining that to our attention!

    x Emily

  • I don’t know if the astro twins will read this comment but I would like to thank them. I have discovered them through this blog and they have helped me a lot to grow into myself. I was always a believer in the stars, our place in the world and also I resemble my sign (Libra here!) so much. But some of the things they wrote (on their blog for my specific sign) like a date that would be a turning point for my career have been true that it almost scared me. Of course, I live my life as I want to and I don’t take everything I read for the truth but whenever I’m feeling off or lost, it does help to have some sort of answer or guidance. They are very positive and I think that what is the most important thing about what they do. :) xx

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