
A Moment to Celebrate

7 years ago by

In Partnership With Nespresso

It feels important to mark occasions as they happen. Here at work, we’re constantly doing so much that’s it’s easy to finish something and move onto the next thing without taking the time to stop and appreciate what’s happened, be it a new chapter, a new launch, an exciting project…but this is something we’re trying to get better at.

So when we moved into our new office in June, I knew I wanted to make sure we took the time to celebrate it.

Let me back up.

We had been in our old studio for almost four years, and we loved it. But this year when we launched as Atelier Doré, we knew the team needed to grow to support all of our ideas. Quickly the old studio started to feel small, crowded, and messy as the team went from 6 people to 12. So I started the search for a new space for us thinking it would likely be a long one, and was very surprised when, on the first day of looking at spaces, Garance and I found our new studio.

The space is what we had always dreamed of: a loft apartment that we could work in. It has a full kitchen, full bathrooms, space and closets—everything our old studio was missing. It was a crazy decision to take it but we knew it was right, and in June we moved in.

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

A few months later and the space is starting to come together. We’re working with a special partner on making it perfect (you’ll get a full tour soon, I promise!) and we knew it was time to celebrate being here before the moment got away from us. So a few days ago, we gathered some of our closest friends and collaborators (you’ll recognize the faces below, I’m sure of it!) and the wonderful cook, Alison Roman, made us a special meal. It was a true coming together over good food with great people.

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

Alison, who has a book coming out this fall, put together the best menu of simple foods: an easy salad, the most tasty tomatoes I’ve ever had, and a wonderful piece of fish—all that she cooked in our kitchen. For cocktails and dessert, we worked with Nespresso, without whom we couldn’t have done this dinner, to make custom cocktails (Nespresso martinis makes for a fun evening) and the most delicious homemade Nespresso-infused ice cream (I ate two servings, I couldn’t help it). We ended the night, shoes off, coffee in hand, talking together as the catering crew started cleaning up around us in the candle light. It was a night that we didn’t want to end, and one that we hope to recreate soon, the next time a celebration is in order.

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore
A Moment to Celebrate
commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore

Special thank you to everyone who helped make this amazing night happen! Alison Roman, you are a goddess of food. Nespresso, who has a beautiful new boutique on Madison Avenue at 74th St. Adore Floral for your amazing arrangements that we are keeping alive here at the studio. McBride Sisters for keeping the wine flowing all night. West Elm, for helping to bring our space to life. And Ashley Clauss, who is a wizard of an event producer—you should hire her for anything and everything. We love you all!

commissions espresso dinner atelier dore


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  • Darling’s this is a lovely post . What I want to stress is the underlying theme of celebrations. How we mark the important dates in our lives tells our story . A new job , an article published , a birth , Birthday or union ! At the end our lives we will sit back and look at some form of images of our lives ! Most of them will be of these celebrations. Make great memories, live a full life , and reward your self and others for achievements.
    Dress The Part

  • Love the article! It’s always important to stop and celebrate little moments along the way.

  • Hi, garance I’ve been following you for a few years now and I’m so glad to read this post, so glad to see you growing. Love this new space.
    Pictures look amazing! I hope I can work with you someday or have my own office as yours.
    Keep posting and inspiring, to work hard.
    Love from Nepal.

  • Hi Emily, Thanks for the great photo’s. is Brie still with you? Haven’t seen anything from her for a while.

  • Hi Maureen,
    Brie is working with us on a contributing basis! She’s worked on recent stories like Elevated LA and you’ll continue to see more from her on the site!
    x Emily

  • Oh, so beautiful. Such a beautiful beginning to a new chapter, the space looks amazing as well.

    By the way, did Erik take these photos? They are so amazing and warm, the grain almost looks like it could be film. <3

  • Congratulations on all that you all have accomplished. It gives me such joy to read your site and watch your journey.

    Andrea Fenise

  • Louer un appart, quelle excellente idee.
    On peut travailler au studio, puis preparer a dejeuner et peut-etre prendre une douche, si besoin ? :-))

  • Looks like a lovely celebration! Congratulations!

    Don’t mean to rain on your parade, but why so you let Nestlé sponsor you (Nespresso)? This company does not suit anyone…

  • je suis très intriguée par le pot de confiture Atelier Doré. j’imagine qu’il a été réalisé pour l’occasion mais le logo est tellement joli dessus on dirait que vous allez lancer une ligne culinaire !

  • So glad you like it! Isn’t it pretty? Specially made for the Nespresso dinner x

  • Hellow Emily, Thanks for the great photo’s. is Brie still with you? Haven’t seen anything from her for a while.

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