
12 years ago by

This vintage post is so old !!! It’s from 2007, a time when I didn’t even know Scott. Crazy !


He’s finally home again, but my boyfriend was gone for three weeks. He’s a musician, and he was on tour. Three whole weeks…

Week 1: So good. I redo the whole apartment, girlifying it a bunch. My magazines are sprawled out in the living room, my nail-polish on the table, and Lunar Park, which I’ve had to finish for the two months now, is beckoning me. Written across my forehead: do not disturb. I call a few friends and make some plans for later dates and let myself fall into the joyful arms of solitude.

Oh wait, my boyfriend’s calling me! “All is well, yes, yes, kiss, goodnight!”

Week 2: Amazingly good. The fridge is filled with some rare oddities: broccoli, tofu, moisturizer. I am starting to miss all of the chocolate mousse I usually deny myself when he’s around. The telephone is sitting in the middle of the coffee table, like it’s waiting for something. Better not miss a call. I start planning my weekend on Monday. An old friend is coming to spend a couple days in Paris. I’m abnormally happy about it.
My boyfriend calls. All is well. “Hey, want to know what happened to me? What do you mean you don’t have time to listen? AND you’ve got nothing to tell me? What do you mean tours are always the same? Yeah but exaclty the same how exaclty? You know I love when you tell me what’s going on in your life. You have to go? But waaaaiiiiitttt!!!”

Week 3: I’m on a chocolate mousse run, cell phone in hand, of course. Hey, what if I went to pick up 10-15 paperbacks at the bookshop? That way, I am sure I won’t get bored. And I think there’s supposed to be a good movie tonight on TV. Funny Face? What a perfect night! Okay, movie’s over. It’s still early. I’m still alone. Internet. I get an e-mail from a friend. I respond right away.
You don’t have MSN messanger? she asks me.

Nope, I say. Now I know I’m missing out on the invention of the century.

Well get on Gchat then! She says.

Wait whaaa?

Three hours later, all we’ve done is talk about whatever. Funny whatever, but really whatever. That said, I feel ready to spend another night alone. So proud of myself. I’m so independent.
The next day, I tell my friend she needs to get on Gtalk. I spend the next three days harassing her.

Somewhere in all that, my boyfriend came home. So happpppyyyyyyyyy !!! My friends that I have been harassing all last week don’t hear about me at all for one solid week. And then…

So… When’s your next trip?



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  • Being alone is when I do skin care marathons – masks, gadgets, peels, and then claim it was yoga!

  • Very well written! It can sometimes be delightful to be alone.


    Wandering Minds

  • I found this post just in time! I just found out my boyfriend is going away for a weekend. I know it’s not three weeks, but I hate being alone in my flat for too long. Now I’m really looking forward to it! X

  • Sometimes it’s good to be alone, “me” time is essential :)

  • Ah ces tranches de vie racontées par toi sont toujours tellement drôles!

  • It’s sad when the person you love is away but you can do all the things you wouldn’t do when he’s around :P

  • I love your writing! You convey the story beautifully! :-)

  • Haha, this is brilliant! And as always I love the illustration.

  • Very funny. I can completely relate! :)

  • I love it Garance…To be alone is like a good night sleep…I restore myself when I’m alone!

    Big hugs!

  • Isn’t it amazing how much our world changes in a few years?
    I started following your blog last year, so it’s kind of nice to see these older posts from time to time to see how you, the blog, the style, and mission have evolved.

    Also, I think your current boyfriend is a keeper.

    Keep inspiring! :)


  • haha j’adore l’ancienne Garance !

  • So funny. Somethimes we need to be alone…Love the ilustration!

  • A qui le dis-tu!? ;)
    … c’est toujours un plaisir de revoir tes anciens dessins que j’adore:)


  • It’s good to be alone, but at the end of the day we all need some love and care, I guess.
    Greetings from Santiago, Chile.
    @cristianpavezd on Twitter.

  • So funny, I watched “lost in Translation” last night and this post carries the same feeling. I grew up an only child and must have alone time in order stay centered.

  • Love the ilustration!!!

  • Being alone is be wonderful if you know how to spend the time – or better how not to spend.. ;) très sympa et drôle à lire!

  • Alone time is wonderful and, for me, essential.

  • Merci Garance! J’adore ton blog. je le lis toujours mais c la premiere fois que je fais un commentaire!

    My boyfriend just left for 9 days to San Francisco. I was sad…but you reminded me of all the wonderful (– no, don’t worry about over-using that word–) things best done alone: breakfast in bed, staying in bed until noon with my laptop, watching your Pardon my French movies… getting ready for lunch with a girlfriend.

    Merci cherie! bisous de port-au-prince, Haiti

  • Very funny! I kinda feel the same when my boyfriend is away. The first day I start a online marathon of all the series I have been pretending I wasn’t into… Then follows a few calls to my girlfriends here and there… Getting some work done on current projects Then after 4 days I start to get a little, too much bored and after one week it’s all too much. I could not do three weeks like you and look sane…!

    Diary Of a Fashion Stylist..!

  • So typical isn’t it? A lot og my girl friends couldn’t spend one evening away from their male alpha.

    I have to admit that I loooOoove my night out at the cinema (alone), my cocktails after work (between girls), and the holidays “pieds en éventail” (with my sisters)! I loooOoove it!

    So when I am going for a week away, my little darling is all over the place with good byes starting 3 days before I pack my suitcase:”but what i am gonna do during THIS WHOLE WEEK without you??” Me: “Well.. I don’t know, see your friends, play cricket, watch sport on the TV..” Blablabla for 3 days! And when I am there, after 3 days it’s me harassing him and him telling me he doesn’t have the time because the football match is almost finished and he has to run to meet Pete! Great! “But waaaait” lol

    Ohhhh girls… We’re so the same!


  • J’aime les vintages posts. Très drôle Garance.

    Gaby Lang,

  • Très joli dessin! Les chaussures sont yummmi :)

  • Hah! My husband is a touring musician and I know this all to well! Haha! And, your illustration speaks to my habit of cleaning the house in crazy/fancy outfits and heels while he’s away. Love it

  • I LOVE YOUR DRAWINGS!!!! You have an amazing skill


  • Ah oui, j’allais oublier…J’adore tes dessins! Tu veux bien m’en faire un pour mon blog…s’il te plééééééé ^_^!

    Peut-être dans une autre vie :-)

  • Quel beau sourire ! :)

  • Bien vu, la solitude a – parfois – du bon, mais a-t-il bien pris le ”tu repars quand?!”. Sinon, comme nous sommes le 1er avril, il est toujours possible d’évoquer une blague (pour noyer le poisson) !

  • Beau billet à lire en rentrant ce soir… Il m’a beaucoup fait sourire.
    Au fait, tu as bien fait de sortir ce dessin des cartons.
    Un dernier point pour terminer. Je serais tentée d’ajouter : vive la mousse au chocolat !
    Belle soirée,

  • I’m sooo productive when I’m alone (no offense to the hubby)

  • Si tu sais que tu ne seras pas toujours seule, c’est adorable d’être la reine de la maison pour quelque semaines!!

    Mon copain est parti un quinzaine de jours, pour un business trip, je suis single a New York, pas mal ha!!!

    Adorable illustration!

  • Oh how this would be great in New Yorker Magazine! I live for alone time especially when your profession dictates you must provide a service to elevate someone’s style aesthetic. Oh is it taxing at times.

  • Tellement vrai! On les aime nos hommes mais que c’est bon de se retrouver seule de temps en temps!!! Moi en général j’en profite pour me mater mes vieux Sex and The City, les Sissi et Peau d’âne…et je contemple mon appart rangé et ordonné 24h/24 sans ses chaussettes qui trainent.

  • Great post! Everyone definitely needs alone time!


  • J’adore ces posts où tu nous racontes ta vie de fille & qu’elle résonne en nous comme un écho …parce que finalement on est toutes un peu pareilles. Ahhh, moi, quand mon homme part deux jours, je suis ravie…l’appart est nickel, mes soirées sont libérées pour mes copines ou juste pour moi, pas de stress de devoir passer derrière lui pour ramasser tout ce qu’il laisse traîner ou de trouver une nouvelle recette de bon petit plat pour m’occuper de l’homme. Je vis à mon rythme, et depuis peu, celui de mon petit homme (mon fils)..mais pendant 48h sans le grand, je respire.
    Mais passé 1 nuit loin l’un de l’autre, je commence à flipper. Il me manque, il manque, il me manque…même ces défauts me donnent à nouveau envie (et dieu seul sait combien il en a…tous lié au bordel qu’il sème sur son passage. A vous rendre dingue. La calamité entre lui & le petit homme de 20mois, c’est lui è_é!!!) mais je l’aime tellement après presque 10 ans de vie d’amour que je me dis que finalement, mon autre moi c’est lui & que forcément, si on était fait pareil, je ne serais pas complète.


  • Ha Garance, I’ve been in a relationship with a musician (bassguitar-player) for more than 9 years. So I know aaaallll about it….
    After I finally ended it, I lived alone for almost 8 years and I enjoyed every happy single minute of it!

    Now, I have a supergreat, handsome man (with who I’m still in love with after 9 years!) and two beautiful little kids.
    I am happy when we’re together but I also still loooooove to be alone.
    It’s me, myself and I-time. Free to do whatever you want whenever you want even if it’s nothing. I’m happy I don’t need other people to enjoy myself.

  • I loved this post. You are so open and honest. The world needs more of that!! I’m new to your blog and I’m so glad I found it. I invite you to check mine out. I hope you have a great week! =)


  • I sometimes loooove being alone!

    (the illustration is amazing!?)

    check my blog if you want:

  • vintage oui mais tellement frais!

  • Sometimes it’s good to have some alone time…makes you appreciate the special people in your life when they come home!:D
    Stop by & check out these nails-she’s been growing them for 17 YEARS!

  • I love the illustration!!! Wow. And now you’ve got me craving chocolate mousse. That said, my next trip? ALL of next year I am studying in Spain! First semester in Cordoba, second in Barcelona! Yay! I’m very excited to bring my blog to Spain – and see what happens. Plus, I would be lying if i said I wasn’t expecting a crazy Spanish romance (or two..)

    xo Peter @ http://low–

  • You write so well about girls’ feelings and thoughts! That’s why it’s so nice to follow your blog!

  • C’est vrai que c’est trooooop bien d’être seul, sauf que le temps semble ralentir horriblement. Ce n’est pas que je m’emmerde quand mon chéri n’est pas la, ça non, mais n’empêche que quand il rentre, je suis bien heureuse quand même!
    Material Fixations

  • Who was your boyfriend????

  • Love it!
    Isnt it great to just have a me time? I would love that actually….

  • Time alone is character building AND no one is there to see you eating chocolate…hee hee

  • I can totally relate because I have a husband who goes on deployments and I count down the days until he’s home but at the same time, you have to find things to pass the time and having your alone time can be nice. So much can change in such a short amout of time! Thanks for the great post =)

  • C’est exactement ça,
    moi mon homme travaille le soir, ( il gere un bar) et donc j’ai mes soirées a moi ! et c’est un pur luxe de faire ce que tu veux, regarder ce que tu veux, manger .. ou pas !
    bref :)

  • Hey, Garance, when it will come the next episode from “Pardon …” ? :)))

  • from time to time, being alone is soooo good!!

  • Ah ben moi pareil ! J’aime mon mec, mais de temps en temps ça fait du bien de se retrouver seule…
    On peut faire plein de trucs pas glamours qu’on adorait faire avant d’emménager à deux (comme…. s’épiler en regardant la télé dans le salon, par exemple, mais c’est personnel)



  • Un peu de libeté, c’est fun, mais trop de solitude nuit à la solitude ;-)

  • hehe that’s part of the reasons why it’s something like… hmmm, let me see, 2/3 years I guess, I only date girls “who travel a lot”.
    “So… when are you leaving?” is somehow my must question… with a “no offence intended” polite PS. :)

  • yo diría, en lugar de “amo estar sola”; “no amo más a mi novio”.
    desde Argentina con amor, te admiro.

  • Too, too funny, Garance! My boyfriend is a musician (this is a magical little snippet of an impromptu song in Metz: and I go through the very same cycles. It’s glorious to have all that girl time! We did long distance for almost 3 years and no one ever understood why I was so okay with it…

    Only problem is when he is away I can scare myself silly very easily! I don’t watch any scary shows or films and I sleep with a big metal cooking utensil on the bedside table, for self-defense, or midnight grilling adventures :)

  • Ah ces chaussures ! Elles sont si … Désirables !

  • Haha, je reconnais la solitude a du bon parfois ! On peut faire tout plein de choses sans se poser de questions (et sans être déranger surtout) :)


  • Jaja! Tal cual, hasta que se corta la relación y ahi ya el tiempo sola se hace interminable……..
    oui, oui, tout bien, jusqu’au moment ou la relation se finit et maintenant je fais quoi
    A) Manger mousse de chocolat tous les nuits^? nooooooooo
    b) M’epiler dans le salon devant la tele? nooo
    c) Appeler tous les jours a mes amies qui ont leur vies a eux? noooooo
    Ca marche deux semaine parfois des mois, mais apres ce temps tout le monde reprend leur quotidien
    Alors comme on dit la bas “todo en su justa medida”
    Quelques autres disent “un clavo saca otro clavo”….j’ignore la traduction francaise….en anglais peut-etre “fight fire with fire”…”one devil drives out another”….
    Quant a’moi, mieux seule que mal accompagnee…le sport comme sex, si bien tres respetable, pas pour moi
    Divorcee ca fait de 8 ans……avec quelques interludes pas si durables…
    Il faut que tu adresses ce sujet la…les “interludes” entre un mec et un autre…Ici en Argentine on voit des choses si bizarres…..dans le sens de “Cualquier cosa por no estar sola” “Tout vaut pour ne pas etre seule”…Comme si cette situation derriere equivalut la mort, l’exile, la prison…je crois que certaines femmes deviennet plus exigents apres un divorce/longue relation tandis que d’autres sont pretes a prendre meme un arbre pour amoureux….Todo un tema
    Barbara desde Buenos Aires……

  • Loveeeeee the booties and her smile!

  • Bonjour, je ris tirs beaucoup et cela me fait plaisir, mais pourquoi ne pas prendre facétie, c’est tellement plus agréable que n’importe quel “talk”…..Bonne journée et très bonne continuation sur le blog qui reste un plaisir!

  • You write so well… Love your blog Garance never hide !!!!! Never Stop Writing !!!!!!

  • I know how you feel!!! It is nice the first couple of weeks…but its true, you need to do a lot of things to occupy yourself after that!! Great post!


  • Très bien! Mon coupain il est venu de partir en voyage pour cette weekend!! ;)
    moi je reste la et bon.. quoi faire!

  • So true! I used to miss my boyfriend so terribly when we lived in different cities and could only meet on weekends. Now we’re married and live together, and I love it… but still sometimes just sneak off to a coffee shop for a quiet afternoon by myself :)

  • ah ah c’est EXACTEMENT ça quand mon chéri chou s’en va … puis revient !

  • First, I love that illustration so much! Very talented!

    I really do think distance is needed sometimes because it helps you appreciate the other person. :)

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