
12 years ago by

As I’m writing you now, I’m still in Miami. The weather is perfect. The birds are singing and I’m laying out…
…On my bed, where I’m fighting a raging fever that’s been attacking me since last night.


You know when you try EVERYTHING to rest and relax but EVERYTHING gets in your way?

Yep, that pretty much sums up our weekend in Miami :

We were patting ourselves on the back for reserving an awesome hotel, old Miami Beach style, sooo nice.

We get to the hotel and realize we messed up the name of the hotel, and so we messed up the reservation, and so we also messed up… the entire weekend. We try to stay positive and say that everything would work out even if our new found hotel had made some questionable design choices. Just in case, we check with the hotel we actually wanted to stay at if they had any available rooms (at this point, we remember the name of the hotel perfectly) and they don’t have anything except for a suite with a ocean-view terrace for a mere 5@4#&$$$ dollars a night. Ooooooh, well, the questionably designed hotel is not THAT bad, after all.

We told ourselves we’d just spend the time being in love, holdings hands, gazing into each others’ eyes, 24/7.
And then we remembered that Scott and I don’t always like to do the same things, quite the opposite actually. Scott, like most normal people, loooooves lazing by the pool in the sun. I, like most sun paranoiacs, love sticking my face in a book in the shade. And we’re talking real shade, like with a big hat under an umbrella under a tree, you know? Oooooooh well, we’ll send each other text messages.

We told ourselves that to have no luggage stress, the best thing would be to take as little as possible.
Meaning a bathing suit, a pair of jeans, my new dark blue shirt I just bought, some shorts, and voilà. No checked bags, NO STRESS!
I then opened up my bag and saw that my new shirt rubbed off on my favorites jeans (white ones!) which translate into me wearing the same pair of shorts for three days. Oooohhh well. Shopping.

We told ourselves we’d take things easy under the tropical sun.
We then realized that we should’ve looked up a thing or two about what’s going on in Miami this weekend.
Why this weekend in particular? House Festival.
It clicked what was going on at about 9 in the morning when the music exploded as we were having a quiet breakfast. Boom, boom boom, in the hotel, boom boom boom, in the streets, boom boom boom at the beach. T-shirts saying I am sexy and I know it. Shiny Lamborghinis. T-shirts saying I am in Miami, Bitch! Girls in bikinis AND high-heels on the street. T-shirts saying Kiss my Abs. In terms of streetstyle, we’ll have to come back, after the house festival, all right ?

We told ourselves that even in all our positiveness, boum boum boum 24/7 is really too much, all we have to do is change hotels.
And this was the best decision of our trip. Off we went to the Standard, far from Miami Biatch. Aaaaaaah, quiet.

I decided that to REALLY get into the relaxation mindset, nothing would be better than yoga.
And isn’t it great that at the Standard, my new paradise, there are awesome yoga classes. I thought it’d be absolute bliss, especially when the teacher said, “Oh, the weather is so perfect, let’s practice outside!” An hour later, blinded by the sun and totally tomatoed out, in the pose of the depressed lotus, my solar paranoia in full blast, I was more stressed out than when we started. If it was possible.

We told ourselves that no biggie, because now, we can finally relax fully. Get to bed early and starting the next day, we’ll DO NOTHING, JUST RELAX, DAMMIT!
Woke up at 4am in cold sweats. Sick. Spent the entire day locked up in bed under the covers and Scott running on medical supply trips through Miami. Sent a text to my Mama, “Maaaamaaaaa!!!! Heeeeelp! Sick in Miaaaaaaami!!!” who responded in the most psychoanalytical way possible (you know my Mother) saying “Maybe you just haven’t given yourself permission to take a vacation?” Pffffff.

Decided to not give up and spend one more day in Miami. No really, I feel like I’m going to like this city in the end. I mean, it’s beautiful, it’s hot (and by that I mean warm, biatch) I have a good feeling. Seriously!!! Ok, wish me a wonderful day !

The illustration is a drawing I had made for a collaboration I did with Louis Vuitton, that I love and that I have to show you asap !


Add yours
  • Un petit air de vacance ! Moi aussi je connais ces moments où tout est sensé être parfait mais c’est un vrai carnage d’imprévus et d’aventures ! Mais bon c’est les vacances après tout, pourquoi pas ?

  • Bonne journée Garance, et on est sûr que celle-ci va être géniale !

  • I want to see you wearing an oversized blazer in pastel colours ala Miami Vice! ;)


  • Feel better soon!! Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip :)

  • Bonne journée Garance! Peut-être Miami n’est pas fait pour toi? Des vacances à New York la prochaine fois! Rien de mieux que New York… ou Paris.

    Gaby Lang

  • Passe un bonne journée !!!

  • Have a wonderful day Garance !
    btw I love the quote of your Mum, could be mine !
    So relax Biatch !

  • It’s officially the first day of Spring, so try to leave your illness behind in Winter. Relax, eat some Stone Crabs (Coconut Grove was a kind of chilled out, old Florida kind of place when I was last in Miami a hundred years ago.) Or maybe a trip to the spa for a gentle massage?

  • Garance!!! Lotus depressif!!!????:) PAS DU TOUT!!
    pense que tu es à Miami!!! profite!!!! Je te souhaite une très bonne journée, tu es vraiment au top! je suis faaaannn!!!

    Raconte-nous tout sur Miami!! et avec des photos des sexys tee-shirt en mode bling-bling!!!

    Bisous d’une espagnole à Paris!!:)

  • Toujours un plaisir de te lire :) Cette fois-ci je t’ai lu en anglais, c’était plus dans le contexte de Miami et j’ai adoré !! j’espère que ça va aller mieux vite vite :) xx de Bruxelles

  • Garance, thank you for the reality check! Makes you us feel better about all the little glitches in our lives! Love this aspect of your writing. I can indeed testify that life in the fashion industry is far from always being glamorous.

    Elisa Eymery

    Wandering Minds

  • Garance!!! Trop drôle ton post!! Tu as raison de craindre le soleil c’est mauvais pour la peau.
    Si jamais tu as le temps, regarde ce tuto coiffure :

    C’est le fameux BUN que tu aimerais savoir te faire. Comme ça, pendant que Scott se dore la pilule, tu pourras t’entraîner ;)


  • J’espere que la journée a été meilleure que la précédente…


  • Awww that’s a real shame! Hope you’ll have a better time if you ever do go back. Wishing you a speedy recovery! :-)

  • Ahh, I love miami. Go to the beach down at south pointe (with an umbrella!) and swim in the sea. The beach is a lot quieter down there. Hope you feel better! xxx

  • You might have gotten sun sick, Garance! It’s VERY hot and the sun is deadly out there! Wear lots of sunscreen! Hope you feel better soon

  • Just so you know – the street style there (south beach anyway) is the same no matter when you go. heels & bikinis, abs everywhere, tan everything.

  • It may not be much consolation but at least your fever is not hindering your illustration talent. You could try to break the fever with a hot toddy – hot whiskey, lemon and honey.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and much sublime shopping!!!!!


  • Hahaha you are like me this whole noise of the music festival makes me crazy. My friends think that is absurd the fact that I leave in Miami and I don’t acknowledge the existence of the festival. You made the right decision leaving Miami Beach to go to the Standard (I usually go by boat to have lunch).

    I would love to say that I could help you with your bad experience here but I know exactly what is to have high expectations for a romantic weekend and realize that it is harder than you imagined. With me it happened in Paris (I like to walk the streets and see the museums and my better half likes to stay at the hotel watching all the races on TV).

    I would offer for your to join today but my day today will not be an easy one. I have a fashion mission to accomplish I need to find my mom (who just arrived from Brazil) a long gown for a Beneficent Gala that I am the Co-chair for and will happen next Tuesday at the W hotel in Miami Beach (after the music festival is over of course)hahahahaha!!!!.

    Don’t give up on Miami. If you want some tips I can give you. I am the queen of quiet places.

  • C’est vrai tout ça ? tu es sure tu n’invente rien ? !!! Enfin courage Garance !
    Et pourquoi Scott continue de publier des photos de Milan, je veux les voir moi les Miami bitch !!

  • Garance tu es une warrior ! Je suis sur que tu vas réussir à passer une bonne journée ! (Dis oui, dis oui, dis oui ! sis enfermée dans mon bureau parisien !!! )

    Good Luck !!!

  • I need relax too. Good morning ;)

  • Ahhhhh quand le sort s’acharne…
    Sinon petit conseil si vous n’y êtes pas déjà allés…Palm Beach, pas si loin de Miami où il y a tout un quartier piéton trop mignon avec restos et boutiques…
    Enjoy! Bonne journée!!!!!!!!!!

  • Maybe Miami is not for you, I know is not for me. It’s a nice city, you know the art decó, the palm trees but when the spring break vibe is on I’m off. I`ve got sun paranoia too, enjoy the city with a 50 sunblock i like both laroche or avene’s , then a large hat and that’s it. Enjoy it

  • Nice illustration!

    Your mum is right. Allow yourself to really relax. It has been so tense the last weeks with your new project and all the excitement of being at the centre of everything, the Fashion World. It always happens that we keep going and burn out without noticing until we stop and then all comes out. Go to Wholefood and find some Bach Flowers remedies. Rescue Remedy is a must have. I know French people have hard time believing this can possibly work but it actually works. Sometimes in Wholefood they have the small questionnaire to diagnose what’s going on in an emotional level. Then you will chose up to 7 Bach flowers and put 2 drops of each one in a mixing bottle you can also find in Wholefood. Add water and take 4 drops directly in your mouth at least 4 times a day. I’m Bach Flower Therapist and can use them to solve almost any problem from panic to headaches to wrinkles to vergetures. Bref je me fais la pub… Ce n’était pas l’idée !

    Get well!

  • Have you ever heard of Murphy’s law, there it is. Enjoy darling, some of us are in Europe, experiencing the cold in the first day of spring!!!

    Have a great day….

  • Totally totally funny! I hope you feel better. Come home to New York. The weather is perfect and you will probably relax more at home!

  • “T-shirts saying I am sexy and I know it. Shiny Lamborghinis. T-shirts saying I am in Miami, Bitch! Girls in bikinis AND high-heels on the street. T-shirts saying Kiss my Abs.” – Garance, this is EVERY DAY in Miami, on South Beach! (my hometown) LOL

  • Des vacances réussies ! OMG !

    Garance, what a shame that it’s not perfect. Especially after running from one capital to another, it is soooo important for you to disconnect and rest for a little while.

    So, unplug everything and relax!

    I wish you a good rest, and a good quiet relaxed moment with your man…



  • Ah merde!!!! en effet les vacances pas génial!!!! le mieux c’est de reprendre le boulot!!!;-) bon courage!!

  • I agree with yopu on a thing: the sun is a greta thing, but it’s not good for our skins!
    So, better reading a book under a big tree, we don’t want to look like mummy at 40, isn’t it?


  • Rhaaa les boules, c’est toujours pareil: on bosse, on bosse, on bosse, on tient absolument le rythme, et dès qu’on relâche, tout part en sucette, le corps nous rappelle à la réalité de ses limites… bref, bon courage!

  • Oh Garance!

    I’m so sorry to hear things are not working out. For some reason, it’s the times that we “plan” to relax, that it never really happens. I’ve had a few of those trips where my de-stressing vacation turns into chaos.

    I say, take a cold shower (for the fever), Order a pitcher of iced tea or lemonade (to cool your insides), and watch something entertaining on tv. Sure, it’s not going to be the vacation you had in mind but really, when you’re a busy person, some times the simplest of things like relaxing in front of silly tv shows is all it takes to feel reinvigorated! (tried and tested technique!) Oh, and at night you should feel better, go grab a delish dinner!

    I hope you feel better!


  • damned ! j’ai la même mère !

  • Tu es vrraiment amusante, même aved de la fièvre!! J’adore ton blog! Bisoux du Brésil!

  • Courage courage courage!
    Prendre tout ça avec humour, comme tu le fais, et se dire que la prochaine fois, ça ne pourra que être mieux :-)

  • Get well soon Garance, we had a similar experience in Orlando for our vacation, everything went wrong from day 1. I wish you the best.

  • garance–miami beach is for suckers! stay on key biscayne next time… it’s lovely, no house music festivals (just tennis), less touristy, and you’ll get the chance to REALLY relax! :)

  • Though a dreadful ‘vacation’ story, you have made it whimsically Garance. Maybe when you get back to NYC, you can take a vacation from you vacation. Oh yes, Love the illustration!!

    Alexis C.

  • Il y a des fois comme ça.Rien à faire.Mais bon, ça pourrait être pire.Tu pourrais ètre dans un bureau en train de bosser sous la lumière d’un néon-parce-qu’il-pleut-tellement-dehors-qu’on-n’y-voit-rien…
    En fait je ne te plains absolument pas :-)
    Bonne journée!

  • Ca m’arrive tout le temps, la gastro à Noel, la grippe au ski, le rhume en été … pas de chance lol


  • Bonne journée Garance !! Restes positive, avale un ou deux doliprane, ton short, tartines toi de creme solaire 50+++ et HOP Miami sera à toi !! :)

  • Haha, bonne journée ! On y croit encore ! ;-)
    C’est marrant, la plupart des gens qui je connais et qui sont allés à Miami sont quand même globalement déçus…

  • This city has failed again…le sigh. If you’re going to come back don’t do it for the street style, there is none. Everyone is a carbon copy out of a Nordstrom catalog. I ran into a friend last week who said-, “oh, you look so international”–in reference to a dark olive Burberry trench worn belted. Enough said…except maybe, I’m so sorry on behalf of my hometown.

  • Aww of course when you take the time to relax the last thing you’re “allowed” to do is relax. Hope you’re feeling better and the last day turns out the best!


  • There is truly nothing more disappointing in life than becoming ill on one’s holidays. Fell better, then have a nice lunch or dinner on South Beach….some of the best people-watching in the world. And say hi to the USA for me…I miss it so!

  • Garance,

    Ooh, I feel so bad for you, little trooper, and I agree with others, it may be too much sun. The same thing happened to me last year at one of the most luxe resorts in Cabo, I get the shudders remembering :((.

    I also agree with others who have laughingly commented that bikinis and heels is de rigeur for South Beach. I find that the dress code there is upside down–spangly and high heels for day, everyone looking like shiny alligators, and then at night more like diaphanous slip dresses and fancy flip-flops. At ALL times though there must be nonstop, crawling traffic of rented (!) luxury cars. When my daughters were young we would sit on the raised patio at the Tides and watch it all go by…I made up some pretty preposterous stories to explain certain …….things……. to them, like all the older men and young girls!

    Shade, shade and more quiet now, lots of fluids and tons of moisturizing. Take care.


  • problem is exploring the beach! you should head down towards the river to casablanca on the miami river for some incredible seafood or to versailles in little havana for some real cuban (deliciously bad!) food (on calle ocho and 36th aprox). next time you could stay at soho beach house. its on the water near south beach, but far away enough. anyway hope the rest of your miami time goes well. it is a really cool place when you know how to steer clear of the big boobies out people. feel better!

  • p.s.

    In case my tone wasn’t clear, I still love Miami, and go there any chance I get.


  • Courage, Garance, mais la prochaine fois….va en Corse….c’est LA PLUS BELLE!!!

  • I hope that drawing becomes a bathing suit.

    Also, I think you both should make a trip to Nashville.

  • Bummer! Hope u feel better! After your first pic at the Standard I had high hopes of some fab shots on South Beach esp @ the Colony (which is my real name by the way). Anyway as others have said that street style is pretty commonplace in Miami. House music may be responsible for the boom boom, but not busted fashion. :) Get well soon!

  • So sorry that you are feeling bad… you can blame the yoga under an scorching sun for that:( … Hope that as you rest a little and hidrate a lot, you start to feel better and better!
    On your description of Miami’s visitors… perfect! House Festival or not, it seems that every single weekend there is something going on in the city (*spring breaks are even worst!!*) that brings all sorts of fashion challenged people, especially to South Beach.. Escape from it!! Run!!..Miami is much more than SoBe
    Feel better soon

  • Welcome to Miami!!!! Miami is the worst place to take a vacation…Next time go to the Caribbean (St. Barth) , nothing to do here….
    If you still have time you can check out, SOHO Hotel, Design District and have a nice Italian food at Gabbianos at downtown Miami (Brickel).
    Do you understand why I haaaaattteee to live in Miami and llloooovvvveeee Paris.



  • forgot to add… if you muster enough energy to leave the hotel and pamper yourself a little, go visit Elle Spa @ The Eden Roc Hotel, book yourself a facial with Tammy Fender products…you will love it!

  • Avoir la fièvre carabinée lorsqu’on est à miami?!!! (le voyage qu’on ne fait peut-être qu’une fois dans sa vie!)…… La loose….
    Bon rétablissement sous les tropiques!
    Attention au soleil qui tape.. N’enchaîne pas avec une insolation solaire….

  • hope you feel better soon ~

  • hé ben c’est pas de chance tout ça ! aller garde ton positif ;)

    bon rétablissement !

    l’illustration est géniale, j’aime beaucoup :)

  • Poor you! I really do hope you get to enjoy your holiday! Fever? Lots of fluids (rehydrate) and bland food (you’ll feel lighter!).

  • Sorry if you are not feeling well…your illustrations are amazing although you had flu!!!
    Wish you a good rest!!!



  • do the sauna and the hot and cold plunge there and see if you can sweat it out—also get them to squeeze you a big pitcher of fresh juice and throw in some ginger!!

  • You guys are sooooo cute!!!! Didn’t you know it was the Winter Music Conference this week?!!! Hahahaha I thought you were going to check out some eclectic elektronik styles!!! Hope you feel better!

  • Hope you will better soon!

  • Bon, moi je ne vais pas te faire une réponse en mode psychanalytique… en revanche, ma mère elle te ferai certaine une réponse, spirituo- new âge, que je vais m’approprier et te recracher: ” Ma belle, certainement que ta place n’était pas à Miami, pour ce week end précis, fallait rester à New york. .. ou tu n’as pas su lire les signes avant- coureurs qui t’indiquaient que ce week end serait pourri” ;)

    Allez profite de cette journée Garance;)



  • Feel better Garance ! xx

  • Salut Garance,
    so, this post will be a little geeck-ish, but here u are:
    rehydratation (déau, des limonades et de juis dóranges) vers +de 2l / jour , en petits portions , mais constantement, presque tous les 15 min
    doliprane 1000 mg (paracetamol) tous les 6 heures pour controler la temperature
    Fruit salads
    conpresses frais sur le fons et la nuque
    If all other symptoms may appear, check a doctor, for a second oppinion.
    Get well, so u can keep bringing my daily smyle.

  • Oh you poor thing! Get better soon, drink plenty of fluids and all that.

  • Ahahaha! Excuse-moi Garance, je devrais pas rigoler. Malgré tout, Miami a l’air super (même si peu pour moi, le maillot dans la rue avec les talons aiguilles…)!
    Bonne fin de séjour malgré tout, et un truc de grand-mères en cas d’attaque de méchants virus: un oignon coupé en deux, les deux moitiés placées, par exemple, sur les tables de chevet de chaque côté du lit. Ok, ça pue un peu, c’est pas très sexy, mais ça marche! (ou est-ce l’effet placebo???) Enfin, soignes-toi bien!
    Et merveilleuse illustration, j’adore!

  • Get well soon!

  • Courage!

    j’ai connu aussi ce genre de galère. C’est bien connu c’est pas en vacs qu’on se repose mais quand on rentre à la maison^^
    Super illustration en tout cas!Pourquoi je ressemble jamais à ça moi…

  • Feel better Garance :) Amazing article as always

  • oh man thats super frustrating. i totally understand the pain.

  • I love your writing style… very funny.

    Sending my get well soon wishes…

    Visit the shiny new blog

  • That is what I called: the WTF vacation syndrome. It happens to me all the time. I NEVER get sick when I have lots of work to do. In the last year I have changed country and job… too much stress! But my health was perfect everyday… except for the weekend I decided to go away and Christmas holidays when I decided to get back to my home land. WTF!!!!???!!!

  • hahaha – terrible impression of Miami. Not sure if this is your first, but you do need to give it another try.

    The best time to come to Miami for a truly relaxing vacation is October. The weather is perfection, mostly locals and because it’s a cooler time time of the year, more people are walking around enjoying the weather = perfect time to see some real street style. Sorry, but south beach is the poorest example of what we have here. It’s either tourists gone wild, or people who have moved to Miami to party, party all the time.

    Hope you come back and enjoy all there really is to offer. The Standard is one of the best places to spend a relaxing day, but to actually experience the city, Design District, Wynwood, Brickell and even downtown are sections you will enjoy more. There are some amazing vintage boutiques you’ll have to turn over as well.

    Get well soon!

  • Bonjour Garance,
    C’est ce que l’on appelle “galere” ! ou “it sucks and it really does !” Soigne-toi, essaie de dormir un maximum…et ainsi te dire qu’avec tous tes derniers deplacements et voyages tu vas rattraper un tantinet soit peu un certain deficit de sommeil.
    Bien a toi.

  • Awwww how frustrating!! Feel better Garance, and stay positive (or keep trying!).

  • Voyons voir que pourrais-je te dire en tant que life coach.
    Ben, ne soit pas stressée d’être stressée parce que tu voulais déstresser et ce n’est pas possible. C’est normal que tu sois stressée. Ca finit souvent comme ça quand on se dit: je dois (dois ! dois !) me reposer et tout doit être parfait parce que sinon (sinon quoi en fait?)
    C’est le syndrome de la journée de marriage: on se dit: tout DOIT être parfait, et plus on le veut, plus on se met de pression, plus cela crée des problèmes.
    Et puis souvent la maladie arrive quand on se repose après une période épuisante (j’imagine que la fashion week en a été une). Des fois notre volonté arrive à convaincre notre corps de tenir le coup, mais après, quand il sent qu’il peut se lâcher, il se lâche et il ne le fait pas toujours d’une façon la plus intelligente (de notre point de vue). Il a ses propres raisons.
    Et puis, on ne te veut jamais malade, mais grâce à ton repos forcé on a eu quand même droit à un poste long et touchant. Merci :) Bon rétablissement !

  • lol, I’m sorry, i know you’re in pain, but I laughed tons. You’re mother is the best ahahaha, ” “Maybe you just haven’t given yourself permission to take a vacation?” Pffffff.”, but I think what you REALLY got was an insolation.

    take care,hidrate, relax.

  • I love this post so much, I’ve traveled for years and this really sums up the unexpected occurrences that make travel such an … adventure.

  • am i allowed to laugh when u are sick? cos that was too funny :P
    rest well & hope u feel better soon :)

  • oh no OMG!!! americans on spring break!!!,fever,sunburn,boom boom boom, americans on spring break, don’t worry Garance it will be funny in a couple of weeks talking about with friends……..hope you feel better and GET OUT OF THERE !!! HURRY!!!!

  • Emma’s post is 100% spot-on and she gives good advice. As a life-long native of our beautiful city, I can promise you there is “chic” – just not in South Beach and, most certainly, not during music festivals. (There is a hip-hop festival every Memorial Day weekend so best to avoid South Beach then also.) We locals rarely venture into SoBe and, if we do, it’s to have stone crabs at Joe’s or enjoy some of the other fantastic restaurants in the area.

    You do need to give it another try but, having said that, I would not recommend us for a romantic, quiet weekend. Miami is much too high energy for that. Better to go to a small island in the Caribbean.

    I would suggest coming to Miami again for Art Basel in early December. Now that’s chic! You will have plenty for your blog afterwards.

    Sorry you’re sick on your vacation. That s*cks. Feel better soon Garance! I loooove your blog!

  • This sounds like my usual vacation:P But seriously, hope you feel better soon. My daughter is sick too, now that the weather is nice and warm…sigh…

  • Roo bah elles commencent mal ces vacances…
    Repose toi bien !


  • C’est EXTACTEMENT ce qui m’arrive à CHAQUE fois que je prend des vacances !
    Je ne tombe jamais malade dans l’année, pas même une petite grippe, ni même une petite gastro, rien.
    À peine aurais je posé le pied sur mon lieux de vacance, que à TOUS les coups j’aurais chopé le premier microbe qui passe… Comment se gâcher soit même ces vacances…
    En tout cas je suis de tout coeur avec toi ! Rétablis toi vite pour profiter du soleil de Miami !

  • Sun is so good for u … your illustrations…..xx

  • oh no !!! Take good care of yourself and get better. Come home NYC misses you.

  • Hello Garance!!

    pardon my french!

    Tu dois acheter à la pharmacie Vicks VaporUb.
    Il faut seulement respirer et mettre Vicks.
    Bon Courage!

  • i hope you’ll be better soon! have a nice trip and a wonderful day!

  • I’ve read (and experienced) that if you go through a busy, stressful time and then relax quickly, your body will crash and you will get sick. I still haven’t figured out the solution to that problem, but it’s happened to me several times. I try to slow down slowly if that makes sense. Hopefully, you will get well soon.

    My husband also likes to lay out ALL DAY, and I don’t. So, I have sympathy for you. I’ve managed to talk him out of beach/pool vacations for the past few years, but we are about to go Palm Springs. We’ll see how that goes. Good thing I like to spend time by myself. I’ll meet up with him for a drink later. :)

    – Meredith

  • Ah, ces doux jours où on a envie de maudire la femme qui rédige l’horoscope tellement elle a dit n’importe quoi.
    M’enfin, un petit pot de nutella en retrant et…. où est le pot???
    Je t’accompagnes mentalement tout au long de ces rudes journées. Et compatis.
    Tres bon (reste) de journée!

  • Hope you feel better soon Garance! I think your might need a vacation after this vacation…xoxo

  • It’s ALLERGIES Garance! Everything started to bloom this week! I was feeling so bad last night, like I had a fever coming on so I took an allergy pill and today I feel great. Feel better!

  • Something good always happens after all that mess :)
    Keep smiling Garance.

  • Sweetie such a shame about your break..
    Where do you and Elisa get you ever so chic trenchs from…

  • Next time try San Diego. Yoga and weather are both wonderful there. I just got back! There was a bike path along the bay behind the hotel that was located in a walkable residential area. Ocean was across the street. Not so great for shopping but great for relaxing! I wish you better luck on your next vacation. Don’t go when Mercury is in retrograde!

  • I love the way you write:) Charming!

  • You’re so charmingly positive! I hope you feel better soon!

  • prompt rétablissement, merci pour tes posts

  • Oh la la pas très encourageant tout ça … Merde pour tes derniers moments là-bas ^^

  • I feel bad for you! Miami can be the perfect city! Maybe you guys should cross the bridge, rent a bike in coral gables and have the most pleasant ride around the hammocks and the bothanical garden… You can actually go to the beach inside hammocks park- there’s no loud music here, only trees and birds…

  • allez Garance ! bravo tu ne te laisse pas abattre ! Miami a bien sûr ses côtés “bling bling – culture du corps – superficiel” mais il y a le vieux Miami tellement charmant et Key West non loin (Hemingway…) Courage !!!
    Et un ptit cocktail en amoureux sur un toit pour finir ça en beauté !
    Bisettes !

  • Allez Garance !!!
    Tout n’est pas perdu !!!

    Je rêêêeêve de vacances à la plage, au soleil, mais en snobant complètement celui-ci !
    Je préfère bouquiner fraichement à l’ombre, plutôt que rôtir des heures au soleil pour finir obtenir un bronzage cramoisi…
    Résultat: je suis super white à la plage, mais ca peut avoir un côté chic ! (parole d’amies italiennes, over UVtées, qui a mis fin à mon complexe de peau de blonde…)

    Bisous !


  • hello,

    ça me rappelle la chanson d’Alanis Morisette…”isn’t it ironic?”

    Bon rétablissement


  • Sujet: CHEVEUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Salut! ^^ J’ai pensé à toi aujourd’hui! Haha! ça m’a fait rire sur le coup!
    Rien à voir avec ce post mais plutôt avec tous ceux qui concernent tes soucis capilaires!!
    Je ne sais pas si ça va t’aider, mais voilà.
    J’ai les cheveux fins, mais bcp trop nombreux, très bouclés et qui gonflent très vite et très haut!! ^^
    J’ai essayé pleins de trucs, jusqu’à il y a environ une semaine.
    En fait, je suis toujours allée vers des produits capilaires de marque, parce que réputés, parce leur prix parfois exorbitant me donnait l’impression de faire du bien à mes cheveux… Finalement, en flanant dans les rayons du Leclerc, je me suis arrêtée devant un produit marque repère de Vitanove, une “crème de soin boucle sans rinçage”. Depuis, je suis fan!! Mes cheveux forment maintenant de jolis boucles, le volume devient beau et non anarchique… génial!!
    La seule mise en garde c’est justement de faire attention au volume! Un peu folle, j’ai tendance à mettre trois tonnes de cette crème, au lieu de la noisette conseillée, donc mes cheveux gonflent. Par contre, appliquée en quantité le soir, cheveux attachés en bas du coup (le plus bas possible) en chignon, le matin au réveil, c’est nikel! Juste une mini noisette sur les pointes le matin et c’est reparti pour une journée avec des cheveux que j’aime enfin!!
    Autrement, je suis persuadée que les crèmes comme celles-ci sans rinçage, associées au chignon en bas du coup la nuit c’est ce qu’il faut pour des cheveux comme les notres! Tu peux même travailler tes boucles toi-même!!
    Ah, et autre chose! Et si tu essayais une frange? Parce qu’aussi simple qu’elle soit, elle rehausse et magnifie tous les chignons! Tu ajoutes qqs petits accessoires biens choisis types pinces et autres bandeaux et tu as toujours une coiffure top même si elle n’a pris que deux minutes! Ce truc a changé ma vie!! Vive la frange!!
    Et, pour qu’elle tienne, je n’ai mis de la kératine qu’à cet encroit. J’aime bien! :p

    Ouf! c’était long! Si tu as pris le temps de lire, j’espère que ça t’a aidé!

    PS: go frange!!!

  • Welcome to my life ;)

  • Ah this is, girlfriend, what I call the typical getting-ill-as-soon-as-you-pause-from-ahectic-and-intense-lifestyle. When you slow down, your body understands there is no “imminent” danger and poof allows itself to be sick. Completely random comparison that comes to mind is how pregnant women is war stricken areas do not give birth – a body self preservation reaction I suppose (now this is a very random fact but hey ho why not )
    I am there as well – I have been working like a lunatic but at work (very intense), at home (kiddo) and hobbies (blogging, dressmaking you name it) and as soon as I slowed down got ill. And I think I have been pushing myself for so much that now I can’t quite shake it off.
    I took one day off where I elided to NOTHING expect chill and it is actually working.
    So chill under an umbrella/tree/hat, drink some orange juice (too host that immune system) and allow your self to do nothing (except maybe for blogging but then I might be selfish here)
    Take care!
    bisous bisous

  • I really like this illustration GD. For a moment there i thought that the bag was fading in and out. When are you going to start selling prints?? Keep up the awesome work xx

  • Bois du schweppes, il y a de la quinine dedans, ça va faire tomber la fièvre.

  • (Ton dessin est juste superbe!) Remets toi bien, et profiiiiiiiiite, Miami c’est la foliiiiiiiie!

  • love your articles as always!
    I’m like you, I like the sun from the shade! I have been leaving in LA for 6 and half year but I managed to keep my “porcelain skin”…
    …less sun is better for the skin anyway, so you look younger longer!
    hope you enjoyed Miami x

  • Oh Garancé, I’m so sorry to hear you’re sick… the same happened to me last week. I felt terrible. Isn’t strange when it’s really hot outside and you’re the only one with a bad cold? Anyway, I hope you get well soon.

    One last thing, I live in Brazil… and my husband and I are considering the idea of moving to NYC… do you think that’s a good idea? I know it’d be a huuuuuge change, but if you could tell me your opinion… just a general idea, I’d really appreciate it.

    Take care!

  • I was just having a discussion about Miami with my fiance the other day. We both came to the conclusion that the city wasn’t for us – even though neither of us had ever been there – and your post just confirmed our suspicions. xo

    P.S. I am ALL for reading a book in the shade vs lounging in the sun. Protect that skin!

  • C’est marrant, je suis restée deux semaines à Miami cet été (ce qui est vraiment trop long soit dit en passant!), et “étrangement”, c’était le seul été où il a fait un temps exécrable cad:
    => ouragans au large donc pluie +++
    => où je me suis retrouvée trempée jusqu’aux os en 5 mn top chrono,
    => où j’ai pu profiter du jacuzzi extérieur seulement le dernier jour!
    => 10h pour aller faire un tour au Disney d’Orlando
    => j’ai passé une nuit à l’aéroport.

    Garance, je pense que Miami ne réussi pas à tout le monde, il faut qu’on se rende à l’évidence ;)
    Ceci dit, profite du soleil quand meme!!

  • Well! So sorry to hear that…but sometimes too much sun is not good….but ok Miami is not the best place…I’m living here and I’m not from here…I’m really from far away and after 9 years you found some charming in Miami, the weather is good, it’s a relax place if you know where is the perfect spot here….and about fashion…yes! It’s not the perfect place to find street style ( Happens to me that here I’m from another planet! completely another style that the grils from here!)…but any way there good secrets places than you can be quiet and relax…and you did very well…one of my favorites places is the Standar hotel, so cozy and good yoga classes!
    I hope you feel better and take care… and see you around next time in Mimai! or maybe around the world!

  • Keep smiling! Miami is so beautiful (even when you’re sick). I just posted some Art Deco impressions on my blog – try the art deco tour trough South Beach and you’ll feel better soon!

  • Sounds ,a lot, like my last trip to Miami…except the raging fever, plus a fire threat in the hotel…(third hotel…)

    Big hugs!

  • Get well soon! Bisous!

  • white people’s problems hahaha :D

    it is indeed a funny story, Garance, but there are those days (once a month?) when one thinks that these kind of problems are just not real. well, today is one of those days for me.

  • Laughed way too hard while reading this! Life. Isn’t. Always. The Way We Plan It.

  • Hee hee. LOL-ed all the way through that post. Keep up the positive energy (and sense of humour). The relaxing holiday you deserve will eventually arrive :)

  • Ne t’inquiète pas Garance, Miami est bourré de personnes agées et par conséquence de drug offices. Cela ressemble à la série noire au paradis!! Fais attention à ne pas percuter un flamand rose de plein fouet en voiture en rentrant (on ne sait jamais , vu la scoumoune que tu te tapes ;) )

    Bon courage et guéris vite !!:)

  • Ne t’inquiète pas Garance, Miami est bourré de personnes agées et par conséquence de drug offices. Cela ressemble à la série noire au paradis!! Fais attention à ne pas percuter un flamand rose de plein fouet en voiture en rentrant (on ne sait jamais , vu la scoumoune que tu te tapes ;) )

    Bon courage et guéris vite !!:)

  • Yoga in the sun- ridiculous!!!
    Yes, you can either love or hate Miami…I love it, but during my stay there was no House Music Festival….
    Well hope you will feel better and will strength to see Miami sunrise!!

  • Passe de bonnes vacances bien méritées!

  • c’est peut-être la ville… 1er jour de vacances a Miami l’an dernier je me réveille avec une conjonctivite de dingue, impossible d’ouvrir l’oeil, passage aux urgences (dimanche de pâques oblige), antibios pendant toute la semaine, contagion au 2eme oeil quand le 1er est presque guéri… bref le bonheur! (je ne parlerai pas de combien nous a coute cette conjonctivite, mais mieux vaut avoir une bonne assurance aux US)

  • Relax. Don’t worry, it is not so bad – I’ve got chicken pox! ;)))
    Miami is a little average and common sexy. Everyone knows that. Even I just google it ;)))
    Get well soon!

    Greetings from Berlin

  • Been There (Biatch).

  • Now I’m completely a fan forever! That was brilliant and hilarious. Thank you for the laugh and do feel better soon (oh and give yourself persmission to take a vacation ;)).

  • Well, poopies. Glad you could make some lemonade out of it.

  • That style of clothes you mentioned are COMMON all year round in Ocean Drive. Tacky and loud! Good for you you moved out. The News Cafe on Ocean Drive is worth checking out, though.

  • I hope you will feel better soon.

    But I must say that you discribe your suffering in a very optimistic and funny way )

  • Oh my god, your Mom’s response is too much!! Hilarious.

    Feel better!

    Peter @ http://low–

  • Garance,
    I enjoy reading your adventures. Its like you take us right into the moment wherever you are in the world, even in Miami! Take care. Feel better. Keep enjoying.

  • I hope you and Scott salvage your vacation! =)

  • Je ne peux que te souhaiter un prompt rétablissement. Il faut quand même profiter du secteur Art Déco. Autrement? Pas la 1ère ville sur ma liste, Miami.

    Et pourquoi les gens recherchent autant les endroits plats, sablonneux, avec des palmiers et où l’on crève de chaleur? Je ne comprends pas. Je suis allée deux fois en Floride, et j’ai trouvé que c’était plat, sablonneux et suffoquant de chaleur. Je n’ai connu que Fort Lauderdale et diantre que c’est ennuyeux!

  • I am really sorry you had so much trouble on your vacation. But the way you describe just made me laugh, so you”ve done something good for your readers ;)
    Get well soon!

  • Chat noir, sors de ce corps !
    OMG, ça ce sont des vacances mémorables, avec fous rires à la clef dans quelques temps.
    et loi de l’emmerdement maximum pour le moment.
    Haut les coeurs – et pas haut le coeur – tout n’est pas perdu !

    Take care !

  • Lots of fluids and resting. A time off the computer and iPhone wouldn’t be bad either. Get well soon!
    Greetings from Santiago, Chile.
    @cristianpavezd on Twitter.

  • Ah zut pas de chance, avoir la créve à Miami…
    Trop de fatigue certainement, le corps se venge, faudra que tu te reposes un max pendant un bon moment

  • Je comprends ton feeling! Ça arrive mais tu vas vite rebondir…il ne faut pas culpabiliser, ton corps se manifeste pour répondre à l’état du moment…ok c’est un commentaire un peu ” so so”…prends ton temps et let’s swaag out in Miami !!!
    Je n’ecris pas souvent des commentaires sur ton blog que j’adore donc je te remercie et te félicite pour ce bel espace de grâce!

  • Miami Chic ! :)

  • Allez courage Garance! Article très drôle pour commencer la journée. Grosses bises

  • I ‘ve got the feeling that today’s gonna be a good one…yeah today’s gonna be a good good one.. :-)
    Bonne journée Garance…

  • Le syndrome classique du ” je me relâche de toute cette pression due au travail et hop je m’attrape tous les virus qui traînent parceque mon petit corps à lui aussi la flemme de faire so travail”!!!!!
    Bon courage Garance et puis malade à “Myamy” il y a pire : -))))
    Le bisou

  • Oh no, definitely not a good start of your vacation. Hope you feel better soon, so you can discover the cool aspects of being in Miami :)
    new outfit post

  • Thank God you’re a real person. It is tiring to listen to people bragging about how woooonderful they are, how puuuurfect vacations they had, blah blah blah.

    We are human. In order to enjoy ourselves and be happy we do not need to have everything in the right order. There exactly lies happiness, in the tiny changes of the plan.

    Great post!!!

    A big kiss from Greece!

  • Chère Garance,
    Je te souhaite bonne courage ! Bon établissement et bon séjour …quand-même…

  • Oui le symptome je travaille à fond pendant des semaines puis je veux absolument profiter de qqs jours de repos et paf je tombe malade juste à ce moment là forcément bien sur, je connais aussi… c’est nuuuuuull !!
    Alors je te souhaite plein de courage et de positive attitude !

  • Next time go directly to KEY West!
    It’s paradise!

    *Garance je t’Adore trop mais do something (cote chignon)!

    Love you girl!

  • Ces croquis sont superbes…

    Hand-made in France eco-friendly fashion

  • Have a wonderful day, get well soon, and enjoy your last day(s)… I always hesitated to go to Miami for a small vacation/big weekend and in the end I never went. If one day I decide to go, I’ll certainly check out what is going on ! I love how funny this post is despite the adversity of the situation :)

  • Darling Miami is a big Hole in tehe center of Caribe. Don´T worry is not you. Just they know how to shell that “nothing” cyti. Kisses

  • tu as vu morning glory ? mettez le téléphone et l’ordi dans le frigo de la chambre :)

  • Enjoy it Garance. xx from Curacao

  • get well soon!

  • Garance, next time you should definitely stay at the Raleigh Hotel !!!! A dream retro hotel and with reasonable prices …

  • TRès belle illustration :)
    Après des grosses périodes de stress/boulot, en général, le corps dis “stop, on arrête tout!” et hop, on est malade… Oui c’est naze, mais assez normal ;) Profites du beau temps! À Barça c’est tout gris!

  • wishing you the best!

  • “Se retrouver 1 heure plus tard, aveuglée par le soleil et cramoisie, en position du lotus dépressif, parano solaire à vif, encore plus stressée si vraiment c’était possible.”

    sorry ca m’a fait beaucoup rire…
    ca me rappelle un week-end a Nice, (a l’Hôtel Windsor) chic branché et cher pour mon budget de l’époque… descendue de Paris … puis malade tout le week-end, même le massage était nul! c’est la rancon du stress: STOP repos dis ton ptit corps…
    bon repos!

    premier commentaire d’une fidèle ( discrète jusqu’ici), flippé du soleil, yogi, exilée a Tel-aviv

  • Pfff, m’en parle pas. Je sors d’une belle bronchite! 5 jours au lit à toussoter comme une folle alors que le soleil brillait comme jamais dehors. Ce n’est que depuis aujourd’hui que je suis opérationnel. Un petit post bien vitaminé et puis c’est parti!!

    Courage courage, à mon avis, c’est le contre coup de ce périple de fashion week en fashion week.


  • Dear Garance
    So sorry to hear you are poorly – it sounds miserable. And nothing more disappointing when you just need a relaxing break.

    But when there are so many really beautiful places in the world, why ever would you choose Miami?

    You’re both strong and in love, you’ll beat this miserable thing. Read some poetry, listen to beautiful music and drink plenty of non-alcoholic liquids. We’re all wishing you well again.

  • Oooohh. Get well!

  • Good Morning! I hope you enjoy your last few hours in my beautiful city! I have finally had a chance to catch up with your blog and regret to hear of how it’s been off to a rough start.. and yes Miami Music Week can be a little overwhelming for out of towners that did NOT come to the city for that reason.. After this week Miami and the beach go back to it’s normal relaxing state.. Shop at Bal Harbour, Lunch by the pool in your hotel, Dinner at Casa Tua, and there are many other theater events going on in land if you like those.

    Keep me posted! Love,
    Your Miami fan

  • Awesome Blog, really.

  • This post is too funny. You guys went to Miami for Ultra weekend – and you didn’t know it was boom boom Ultra weekend??! Bestt party of the year – enjoy :)

  • Bon courage Garance !

    je suis sure que tu vas finir par profiter de cette chouette ville , que ta fièvre va tomber, que ton amoureux, viendra te rejoindre sous le parasol, et que tu trouveras le moyen de faire un beau tye &dye avec ton jean préféré !

  • Cette grippe a donc du nous faire une petite visite en France , j’espère que tu vas mieux
    Comme beaucoup d’autre, ce post est écrit avec légèreté et humour
    que j’aime beaucoup , c’est toujours un plaisirs de te lire !:)

  • Enjoy it!…Love the ilustration!

  • hehe, loved the House Festival part!!! get well soon…

  • Et, oui, sur le papier et dans la vraie vie… il y a parfois comme une distance!!!
    Mais, résumé avec autant d’humour… nous voilà aussi consolé(e)s de tous nos gros petits malheurs de vacances!

  • Bah! Hope you feel better soon. If it makes you feel better, you had me laughing out loud with the “totally tomatoed out” and “depressed lotus pose!!”

  • Ahhhh don’t you just love Miami!!! It’s actually like that all the time!!! I love it!!!

  • Noooon, j y étais aussi ce we. J aurais adoré te rencontrer. J adore ton blog, c mon petit moment détente de la journée.
    C clair à Miami, je me croyais ds une ville jouet c presque irréel. T bonne journée

  • Je l’adore – moi aussi je viens de rentrer de Paris, il faut que je travailles pour les examens de dernière année, et tout d’un coup je suis malade, alors j’ai trouvé un peu de confort (et même de solidarité!) en lisant votre blog – il faut laisser le corps s’arrêter quelques fois…courage Garance, et profitez-en bien des vacances!

  • hahaha oh garance!! this is just tragically comic :D sincerely hope your luck turns

  • Je crois que tu es atteinte de la même maladie que moi : the working girl syndrome !

    A savoir que dès que je prends une semaine de vacances, je tombe malade…
    Et ça marche aussi avec les ptits weekends prolongés.

    Bon courage en tout cas, j’te donne ma ptite recette magique contre la fièvre :
    – 3 gouttes d’huile essentielle d’eucalyptus radiata
    – 5 goutte d’huile essentielle de ravintsara
    En massages sur le thorax et le dos 3 fois par jour, ça vaut tous les Advil du monde…

  • oh garance this is too funny but im so sorry you had to get this first impression of Miami!

    its so much more than house music and shudder…girls in bikinis and heels lol :)

    xo, dina

  • oh yes definitely go to Miami during Art Basel in december…its so much more your style! and the weather will still be warm and pleasant :) I went in 2010…thinking of going again in 2012, i would SO LOVE TO SEE YOU THERE!!!! :D:D:D i would die.

    xo, dina

  • Haha so funny…

    By the way if I can give you an advice, as I am black and my boyfriend is white…. Take an umbrella to the beach! ;-) That’s what I have been doing in our last holidays as he’s on a tanning mission and I was on a no more sun mission. So we planted the umbrella and I was putting my towel in the shade and him just next to me in the sun ;-)

    The only annoying thing is that you have to rearrange yourself as the sun moves!

    Diary Of a Fashion Stylist..!

  • Hahaha, sorry it is not funny if everything goes wrong, but still….hilarious! Great story, especially when the House Festival began!

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