
13 years ago by

During fashion week, each morning during my visit to Milan, I woke up, took a quick glance out the window to see what the weather was, a quick glance in my suitcase to find an outfit, and a quick glance in the mirror…

A quick glance… or maybe two. Hmmmmm (the same hmmmmm of Homer Simpson in front of a donut.)

Oh but look at this. So stylish! This jacket is just TOO beautiful. I never realized just how well it fit. And these jeans, wow, buttocks of a goddess, look at that, Scott! It even rhymes! Well… almost. Did I lose some weight or something? Bah. I dunno. Anyway, with how great I look, it’s bound to be an amazing day. Wait wait, I’ll toss on this hat and off I go. Look out, fashion icon passing, oooooo, it’s suuuuuuch a perfect day, I’m glaaaaad I spent it wiiiiiiith you Garance, ta ta ta ta…

And then, with my room on the 5th floor, I hop in the elevator. And right then, I take a look in the mirror.


Hmmm. (The hmmm of Marge Simpson in the mirror after her Japanese hair straightening.)

Wait a minute… What happened to me between my bedroom and the elevator? Did I change something or what? What’s with this jacket? It’s too tight. And that’s just a little off. Grrrr. And that doesn’t go at all with these pants. All you can see is my ass!!! And my skin. What are those bags under my eyes? Maybe it’s time to go right back to sleep for me. Oh my god. I look terrible, and no time to go change… Disgusting. I’m going to have an ugly day with my ugly outfit and my ugly me. Pfff. Ugly!

After three days of schizophrenia (Hmmm! Hmmm?) aggravated by ugly days spent lamenting my wardrobe, my figure, and of course then, my life, I finally figured out what the problem was.

My problem was that the mirror in my room was being a touch too friendly and making me sublime, making me a few inches taller, a few pounds less, and was in the perfect place in the room to catch all the perfect morning like so I looked like a Lancôme ad, you know the ones, the ads that take place in the marvelous world where pores don’t exist.

And then the mirror in the elevator, yep, that one there was doing exactly the opposite. It was lit with fluorescent lights known for making bags under the eyes, and made in the same fabric as the wide screen TVs. And maybe, I started to think, this one was showing the reality. I dunno, and I didn’t dare ask Scott.

What I know is that the following morning, after three days of style depression and the desire to sign up for the Biggest Loser, I decided to keep my good mood and take the stairs.

I had the most amazing day.


No but really, which would you chose? Illusion or reality?

Translation : Tim Sullivan


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  • Un peu des deux ! J’adore ton illustration…vraiment magnifique !

    La bisette Garance!


  • Illusion!
    Ne jamais se regarder dans le miroir de l’ascenseur, voilà la morale de l’histoire. Super article.


  • Je crois que j aurai essaye de trouver un autre miroir qui soit normal quitte a faire tous les miroirs de l hôtel !!!!!
    Mais bon c est un vrai problème ce que tu dis la parce que ce genre de miroir peut t amener au fashion faux pas!!

  • HHAHAAHHAH j’adooore qua,d tu raconte tes petites histoires… ;)
    Perso j’aurai pas attendu 3 jours a déprimer avt de prendre les escaliers, je les aurais pris dès le lendemain.. ;)

    MAis pour t’voir vu en chair et en os sans aucun artifice j’ai envie de te dire que tu es sublime… Tu n’as rien a envier à la personne que tu voyais dans ce miroir extraodinaire de la chambre d’hôtel car tu es cette femme…

    Aucun complexe à avoir car tu es rayonnante… ;D

    Tu donnes envie de sourire que ce soit ton blog, tes photos ou toi!!

  • i am sure, dear garance, both of those situations are a bit of illusion, each constructions and perceptions created in your head; the second, the unflattering one, coming second and leaving a more bitter taste in the mouth and thoughts, was the one you chose to adopt.

    mirrors, and the physics of light and reflection, are tricky things.

    glad you had an amazing day, you are gorgeous, in and out; do not question it!

  • oh mais c’est sûr, l’ascenseur c’était le monde artificiel, tu as bien fait de garder en tête cette pub Lancôme ! c’est si ravissant !

    je viens de changer de lieu de travail et ô miracle les toilettes sont éclairées correctement. Enfin ce sont les seuls miroirs et je m’y trouve belle !
    mais tu as raison… je n’ai pas encore testé l’ascenseur !

  • Hahaha J’adore! cela m’arrive tout le temps! :)

  • Une fois qu’on est parti de chez soi ne plus se regarder dans le miroir sinon….AHEM
    je le fais que le soir en rentrant… et la je ris (maquillage raté, tenue pas si tooop que ce matin à 6h dans le noir, t-shirt a l’envers lol)

    bonne journée

  • Les deux aussi faut se faire plaisir dans la vie… Mentalement aussi hein ?!! lol


  • That’s why I take a picture of myself every morning. The camera for me is much less forgiving than my mirror. If I still think I look OK then I’ll leave the house without a tantrum. If not – hmmm. I’ll always take the illusion, but I know the reality is that I’ll only ever look OK, I’m not the knock ’em dead type.

  • moi, j’aurais choisi également un peu des deux!
    ça m’arrive souvent aussi ;-)
    quand je fais les boutiques j’adore tout et quand je réessaye l’emplette à la maison!
    La, grande surprise, j ai le même cas que toi devant le miroir de l’ascenseur!
    et surtout avec les jean’s!

    en tout cas, je t’ai aperçu plusieurs fois lors de la fashion week à Paris, et ton look était toujours SUUUPER ;-)


  • C’est pareil avec les lumières de métro !!!

  • Miroir d’ascenseur ou on découvre notre autre “nous” VERSUS rayon de soleil couchant se reflétant sur le miroir de la chambre option peau de bébé.
    Hummm.. Je crois que je vois très bien de quoi tu parles !!

  • Je choisis le regard de mon amoureux comme miroir. J’ajoute une jolie musique pour accompagner ma journée et mon plus beau sourire… Ce n’est pas une illusion mais le bonheur !

    J’adore ton coup de crayon pour faire le chapeau ou une illusion de chapeau, super réussi en tout cas.

  • The problem is that during the month of Fashion Weeks you’re not in the real world! You’re surrounded by runway models and size 2 dresses everywhere! You can’t spend half your day with make-up artists and be saying no to food all the time. Relax, take a deep breath, click your heels twice and come back home to Kansas( or, should I say NY).

  • Génial !cet article ;) eh! oui ça nous arrive à toutes ce phénomène :)

  • OMG! this happened to me last Saturday in H&M in Switzerland!
    I was amazed by my figure in the mirror that I’ve almost bought the entire shop!!!!
    Back home, I realised it was the mirror, one of those that make you look thinner and taller as you said. Damn it!!!
    I want one at home NOW!!!!!!


  • moi j’aurais cassé le mirir de l’ascenceur … et apres j’aurais pris l’escalier !

  • illusion any day….! stick to the stairs sister!

  • I once spent a week with only one mirror, that was very flattering. I almost feel as if every mirror should have that gift of making someone look taller and a little thinner than they are; people are so harsh on their bodies as it is, they see themselves as less beautiful than they really are. Everyone would feel so much better about themselves by looking into such mirrors, and I really think confidence enhances beauty- so the world would be full of confident and beautiful ladies who really believe in their beauty!

  • oh! comme toi j’aurais pris l’escalier!! t’as bien fait Garance!! en plus, l’escalier ça fait travailler les fessiers!! plus point dans tous les cas!

  • As long as you remember that every good store has skinny mirrors and amazing lighting, you can get through the fitting room process and handle reality!

  • hahhaha that is the best i have read from you so far!!!!!!!
    So honest and funny!

    I would use the stairs convincing myself that the mirror in the lift is not representing the reality!!!! which makes me illusionary dreamer………..or reality??
    sometimes you can’t tell what is an illusion or reality it’s all in the head! it is what you want it to be…


  • Comme chez H&M où les miroirs nous allongent plus on s’éloigne, le rêve.

  • ahahahahaha my God!!

    It looks like the mirrors in Zara! Every time I go there I think I’ll starve for a month and go to run twice a day! And maybe do a little plastic surgery, also…
    It’s not so smart of them… At least your elevator didn’t have to sell you clothes!

    You took the smartest decision with the stairs Garance, definitely… But how can I do?? Maybe buy Zara only online from now on??? Or bring my own mirror from home in the dressing room??

    Anyway, I missed your drawings!! I love this one!

    kiss, have a great day


    -The Red Dot-

  • I love my good mirror in my bathroom with the soft flattering light. But I always check the not as good mirror in the room with the harsh light from outside before I leave the apt. because it reveals the me that everyone will see the minute I close the door and step outside . . .

  • L’escalier, la meilleure option !

  • Ah..ces fameux miroirs….les pires sont ceux dans les cabines d’essayages…où là avec les néons on voit points noirs, peau grasse et on se les explose ! et quand on ressort de la cabine on a le pif tout rouge…

  • Super post!Tu fais d’un rien une vraie histoire de nous toutes,les femmes!Nous nous identifions avec toi tout les temps,c’est ça ton secret de réussite.Continue parce que ça nous fait telement bien…

  • I have felt like this WAY too many times. One of the comments above suggests taking a photo.. I might just have to start doing that!


  • Hahaha, you are so right! I have those mornings often. And of course, I prefer the illusion – and it increases your self-confidence :)

  • Hahaha parfait cet article !
    Il m’arrive la même chose, surtout dans certaines cabines de certains magasins où tout me va parfaitement bien. Magasins que j’ai envie de traîner en justice en rentrant chez moi, devant ma glace, avec mes nouveaux achats.
    Merci de me faire rire en cette période de révisions Garance :)

  • You are hilarious!!! I love you! <3

  • C’est bon de se mentir à soi même de tps en tps!! Et puis si dans ta tête tu te sens belle alors toute la journée les gens se diront wouaaahh qu’est qu’elle est bien dans ses baskets qu’est qu’elle est ravissante (tout se joue au mental!!! AHAHahah).

  • Reality. Just so that I can do something to achieve what I see in my illusions.

  • je compatis totalement! Je me regarde dans la glace près de mon armoire je suis moche, je me regarde dans celle près de la fenêtre je respire… ce qui ne m’empêche pas de revenir à la pire pour essayer 3-4 tenues différentes et en conclure qu’il va vraiment falloir que je me remette au sport maso que je suis!

    En conclusion gardons l’illusion c’est simplement usant de se prendre la tête avec ça à la fin!

  • oui oui…
    les escaliers sans aucun doute!
    par contre ce que je retiens moi, c’est qu’avec mes grandes lunettes, il faudrait que j’ose le chapeau… sur ton illustration, les proportions sont sublimes!
    have a great day!

  • Ah, mais moi JUSTEMENT j’adore penser que je suis habillée comme un sac (surtout quand juste 2 secondes avant de sortir et qu’on n’a plus le temps de rien changer) parce que du coup, je me dis “bon ben, c’est fait, C’EST FAIT! (comme dirait ma maman) allez de toute façon c’est pas le plus important.”
    Et zou, c’est l’état d’esprit magique qui fait que je peux croiser n’importe qui, tout le monde croit que mon style d’aujourd’hui est ma seconde peau (tu parles, Charles!) parce que…parce que je suis archi décontractée en fait!

    Et idem quand il faut aller à une soirée habillée, je me prends la tête pendant 3siècles devant mon armoire, j’essaie 1000 tenus différentes (pendant ce temps, chéri attend patiemment en se bidonnant. Intérieurement.) et finalement, exaspérée, je finis par prendre n’importe quoi, MMS (= Maquillage Minimum Syndical, de toute façon c’est déjà trop tard pr se maquiller) je mets LA paire de chaussures que-je-sors-3fois-par-an-parce-que-je-sais-que-je-ne-tiens-pas-une-journée-avec, un chapeau, une écharpe qui n’a rien à voir, et youhouuuu c’est parti pour le grand saut!
    Ca marche à tous les coups, et c’est comme ça je passe une bonne soirée (avec “on-s’en-tape” comme leitmotiv quand je pense à ma tenue, hein, sinon ça marche pas)


  • Aaaah mais j’ai choisi depuis longtemps, c’est même ma règle de vie numéro 1: ne jamais jamais JAMAIS nononon jamais se regarder dans le miroir d’un ascenseur! Alors le choix est fait, l’image de zombie n’existe pas, je regarde pas. Même si j’ai l’impression que mon mascara a coulé, que ma jupe est accrochée dans ma culotte, que j’ai une mèche folle, on peut vivre avec, mais pas avec l’image du pire de nous-même! La lumière, ça change tout, tu le sais, toi qui la maîtrise si bien quand tu sublimes les gens sur tes photos! L’autre lumière à fuir, c’est celle des cabines d’essayage, les lumières néon bleutées/verdâtres sont les pires, les lumières froides. Ce dessin est magnifique, tu as vu, Fonelle te fait la concurrence, ces derniers temps, en dessinant sur son blog, c’est marrant!

  • well, the elevator mirror seems to be a case of exaggerated reality… no-one needs that in the morning!

  • Ouh la, je ne me fie jamais aux miroirs des ascenseurs. C’est un peu comme les cabines d’essayage chez H&M… avec le néon qui vient du dessus, c’est atroce. (remarque, quand j’ai envie de me motiver pour un petit régime, je vais me mater les fesses dans une cabine H&M et je ressors super motivée!).
    Bon OK, des fois je me regarde dans l’ascenseur et je sors en baissant la tête !

  • Reality check – though it would make me sad. It happens to me a lot too – i dont know if its the mirror – but sometimes its just not the right day! but if i ignore the mirror – I would probably go stark mad by the end of the day not having seen what I look like! :) Great post!

    xx G

  • Illusion, pas besoin de se rendre malade à connaître la réalité. Si on est bien dans sa peau, on sera perçu ainsi!

  • Moralité : les escaliers c’est pas que bon pour les gambettes (les fesses+le coeur), c’est bon aussi pour le moral. bibiz.

  • Non, mais je confirme : NE JAMAIS SE REGARDER DANS UN ASCENSEUR !! La réalité est que tu étais formidable et puis c’est tout… Toujours partir le matin avec une bonne image de soi, c’est essentiel. Monter et descendre les escaliers, c’est essentiel aussi… pour les fesses.

  • I love your storues Garance
    Many hugs from Mexico

  • Great article! You always have such great insight. I love the drawing at the top as well. Thank you for sharing this!

  • …je te dis, garance, on devrait prendre TOUS LES MIROIRS DANS LES ASCENSEURS ET LES JETER DANS LES POUBELLES!!!!!!!!!!…et dans tous les pays!…moi, ca m´arrive tous les matins, quand j´entre dans l´asscenseur de mon bureau….;-)

  • Tellement vrai :-)))

  • I would take the illusion because it will keep my mood positive which then makes my day and the way people look at me in the positive.

  • This is the funniest thing I have read in quite a while :-)

  • Je dis un huge OUIIIIII à l’illusion!
    On ne devrait d’ailleurs vendre que des miroirs hypocrites.
    Le style n’est-il pas une question d’attitude après tout?..

  • i’ll take the bedroom mirror. i believe to look good, you have to feel good first.

  • Moi je dis que c’est le miroir de la chambre qui dit la réalité : la lumière du soleil qui est dehors est bel et bien réelle, les kilos (en trop par rapport à quoi ?); tandis que le miroir de l’ascenseur est l’illusion : la lumière néon ça n’existe pas dans la vraie vie, les poches d’yeux non plus, on verrait au moins les coutures, les pores c’est un bien vilain mot, moi je ne vois que le “grain de peau”.
    Ton dessin est sublime ! ma maman a ces lunettes de vue là :)

    des bisous Gawance

  • Now, all we need is one of Scott’s pictures of you, so we can see how beautiful you did actually look and laugh at how us women go through our mental “ugly days” because I am sure you are the ONLY one felt that way! I’m sure you were looking amazing!

    I love this post, so real and true– I think we can all relate to it and those damn mirrors that mess with your head every time!

  • It’s unfortunate how common this is… If at all possible, I’d pick the illusion because feeling confident and chic makes me happier throughout the day. However, my brain would nearly always chose the bad image. For some reason it is so much easier to believe the negative thoughts over the positive ones.

  • I prefer the illusion. At least you spend the day being happy and that’s what we all want right?

  • Good question… but hard to answer.
    I think, ultimately, I would have to chose reality BECAUSE if I actually looked like crap, I would want to know about it. I think it’s important to have a positive self-image, but at the same time, it’s important to be honest with yourself. Doesn’t mean you’re ugly OR fat, just in need of some new jeans or a new haircut perhaps.

    And having said that, I’m still not sure. Because Illusion is just so so nice.

  • I often feel this way when I come back home after a long night with my friends and feeling very good with myself (because of how I went out) and when I get back home in the elevator I go like THIS IS HOW I WAS LOOKING ALL NIGHT LONG? haha

    Anywhay, I would choose illusion, because the most important thing isn’t how you look but how you feel. If you feel amazing everything (or almost everything haha) will look good in you.

  • You know what I think? I think fluorescent lights should be banished! As simple as that! But don’t worry, your “ugly days” are someone else’s “good days” (probably me…)
    And, yes, I think you did the right thing! Take the stairs! Everyone knows it’s a great workout! Not that you need any, Ms. Hot Legs!

  • On dirait Moi , Love you Garance!! xxx

  • enfin quelqu’un qui aborde le problème n°1 des ascenseurs, ça fait des années que j’ai le problème et je pensais que ce n’était que moi, que les autres étaient égales à elle-même dans toutes les glaces. merci Garance! je milite pour le changement des lampes dans les ascenseurs, toutes!

  • ah oui et je te rassure, cette affreuse lumière n’est pas la réalité!

  • Illusion any day, thanks!!!

  • C’est amusant et complétement dingue. Les miroirs chez moi me rende laide alors que je me trouve toujours jolie dans celui de l’ascenseur. ^^
    sinon en ce qui concerne la minceur, je crois que plutôt que de parler d’illusion ou de réalité on pourrait parler d’aliénation parce que vous me semblez bien grande et mince pour vous soucier de votre silhouette.

  • You did the right thing, never trust mirrors too much. It always happens when I go shopping, most of times I get depressd because there are those neon lights showing all my flaws and imperfections, I mean, isn’t that counter-productive for the brands/shops? Of course we all have flaws, but why underlining them so much. I am happy you took the stairs, I hope more women will do that =)
    Beautiful illustration!

  • Fais un livre, ton humour est thérapeutique !!!!!!!!

  • Reality isn’t possible! The elevator was also illusion. You are stunningly beautiful in the pictures I’ve seen.

    I don’t know how to find an actual reflection of myself. Maybe photography is more real, is it? Illusion is still illusion. I suppose as long as we remember it’s illusion that’s as close to reality as we get.

  • moi je suis sûre que dans les deux cas tu étais fabuleuse Garance ;o)

  • Je suis hotesse de l’air et le miroir le plus pire, c’est celui dans les toilettes de l’avion! Le meme sentiment que vous: Dans ma chambre, je suis goddess-hotesse, tous les passagers m’aiment, etc. quand j’entre dans la toilette faire un peu de nettoyage, Ma peau est vraiment comme ca???????
    Merci pour avoir ecrit cet article… trop marrant, mais surtout, very real!
    Bises, Jasmine

  • Les miroirs des ascenceurs c’est comme ceux des cabines d’essayages… Lumière blafarde, absolument pas flatteurs.
    Le miroir de ta chambre, placé en pleine lumière du jour, reflète la réalité. En tout cas c’est ce qu’il faut se dire. Si on a eu une image belle de soi, c’est qu’elle existe. Après les méchants néons l’enlaidissent. Mais le contraire est difficile.
    Donc OUI à la belle réalité !

    Et tu as raison de prendre l’escalier, ça fait les cuisses (et n’oublies pas : 5 fruits et légumes par jour ! ^^)

  • Illusion! Confidence and happiness are the best accessories and can help you pull off any outfit. My daughter walks out the door with the craziest outfits and hair (so “me” at age 6), yet everyone loves her because she is bubbling with joy.

    – Meredith

  • L’illusion !!
    Avec moi le problème ne se serait pas posé: je prends les escaliers ^-^

  • I hate when that happens, but thats normal…. elevator mirrors always make you look ugly. so I chose illusion. Its just better, and it makes you feel better anyway…. right? people remember what they want to remember, so usually I choose to remember what make me feel good and what I like, so my memories are often positive. isnt it better?

    I’m a true believer of “if you smile, even if its fake your brain will recognize it as real, so you have the same benefits of a real smile”
    keep smiling and feeling gorgeous! you’re brain will believe it too :) (and most likely everyone else will believe it too)

    ps: Je souhaite que mon français était assez bon pour écrire

  • You probably look gorgeous. Just like the way you look in your mirror ;)
    Most of us sees mistakes and not how beautiful we really are, so you might even be prettier than in that mirror! Ah, what a though, right? ;D

  • j’aurais choisi les escaliers, sans hésitation !!
    sinon, je me refuse à me regarder dans le miroir de l’ascenseur, parce que, justement éclairage blafard + miroir pas beau = image de moi toute pourrie et donc grosse déprime. Je reste sur mon image du miroir de ma chambre, je me l’imprime bien dans le cervelet, et je rentre dans l’ascenseur en (différentes options) :
    – fermant les yeux
    – regardant le sol

  • Haaa j’ai le même problème, le miroir de ma salle de bain me rend plus mince et le miroir de ma chambre me grossit, et je ne sais pas lequel se rapproche de la vérité (aucun des deux probablement), mais c’est pas grave. Après tout c’est chez moi et je ne vais pas me rendre folle… tous les jours. Et puis je sais que je les ai les kilos en trop, ma balance me le dit, et là pas d’illusion d’optique ;)
    Très jolie illustration. Je suis sûre vue les photos de toi que tu es fabuleuse…

  • Buttocks of a Goddess!! That made me laugh out loud…oh and Garance,you’re beautiful, so enough of your whining.


  • Tous les miroirs d’hôtel, et pire de boutiques déforment la silhouette !! C’est la dure réalité de la vie !

  • Trop de réalité c’est moche, trop d’illusion et on risque de tomber dans l’absurde… mais je suis sûr que c’était plutôt le miroir dans votre chambre qui vous rendait comme vous êtes!

    C’est horrible de passer une mauvaise journée parce qu’on se sent mal fagoté, surtout dans ces occasions out out le monde s’apprête au maximum, mais je crois que finalement nous sommes beaucoup plus critiques avec nous-mêmes que nos pires ami(e)s/ennemi(e)s.

    Magnifique illustration!

  • After moving into my new apartment last year, I put off buying a full-length mirror. Then, a couple months ago, I found a perfectly good mirror abandoned next to the elevator in my building. Or so I thought. No sooner had I set it up in my room and stepped back did I realize that something wasn’t quite right. Had I been putting on weight? Did I shrink 3 inches in height? Whatever, I thought, I’ll just fix the mirror–surly if I bend it the other way for a while it will normalize? Nope. However, I’ve gotten used to it. My friends still walk in and look at themselves in the mirror and shriek in horror, but I now view all other mirrors with skepticism. I can’t tell if they’re slimming (as so many stores have!) or if they’re showing me me an reflection with accurate dimensions. I’ve essentially given myself a body dysmorphic disorder–I think I’m shorter and wider than I am! The cure is a new mirror, I just haven’t gotten around to it.

  • I’d go for the Illusion and turn it into reality! You know what they say “Fake it till you make it!” and “If you think you’ve got it, flaunt it.” LOL! :D Love your entertaining posts, Garance! I can relate.

  • OMG, the mirrors / lighting in the dressing rooms of Anthropologie stores are the perfect tonic for a low self-esteem day. I’ve sometimes thought I would like to have that at home, but then I would always be leaving the house thinking I looked that much better than I really do! Great post, Garance!

  • Illusion of course! For the same reason why I woldn’t like to know if my bf cheated on me!

  • Thanks for sharing this. You’re not the only one. My mirror in my room does this, I swear, but I’ve grown accustomed to it. I kind of like it now. When I’m getting ready this mirror gives me the “best” look at “me” and I feel confident, sexy and ready to tackle anything. Then I go into the world, still “me” just into reality! Nothing’s better than a little power boost every morning, if you ask me.

    Embrace yourself. You’re beautiful!

  • the most important thing is how you feel, right? so then i guess there’s nothing really wrong with living the illusion ;)

  • Les escaliers sans hésiter , tu est superbe Garance et franchement les escaliers ça muscle :)

  • tu es * (sinon je passe vraiment pour une inculte)

  • In Milan you say? Were you by any chance at the Straf? I had the same experience on a recent visit!
    Theirs is an evil, evil elevator mirror , iIt makes you look all squashed and hobbity (which as we all know, you are not). It certainly does not instill one with the confidence needed to go into the streets among the gorgeous Italians.

  • I’ve never met an elevator mirror that I liked. Terrible lighting and funky mirrors do not make a good impression on your self esteem. I would totally pick Illusion every time.
    Love the Illustration!

  • est ce que tu vous nous dire que pour être belle , il suffit d’être soi?

  • Ah, ça m’arrive très souvent ça!
    L’illusion c’est mieux ;)
    Quand on se sent bien, on est forcément belle!

  • L’illusion de cette façon l’image améliorée que l’on a de soit est perçue par les autres, enfin ils te voient radieuse (mais avec ta taille et ton poids normal ;) )

  • Hahaha, l’illusion, de loin !

  • thanks so much for sharing this! I don’ feel so crazy now. story of my life–every day!

  • illusion…
    and then avoid reflections for the rest of the day!

  • both of those are illusions, a beutiful and a terrible one. that beauty i always feel in front of the mirror of my favourite h&m, it makes me look super slim, but thank god the mirrors inside of the tiny changing rooms are okey, so i don’t buy everything i try :)
    do not listen to that mirror in the elevator! The reality is between of those two illusions, and i don’t think is bad, i like to look at myself in a normal not that good and not that bad mirror, i try to look at myself or try to get the closest picture that shows me how everybody else see me. i think it is very comforting.
    anyways i like the way you think it makes me laugh all the time i read your clever posts, keep doing it :)

  • i have one of those illusion mirrors that makes me look 10 lbs skinnier, and every time one of my skinny minny friends walks in my room, they look at themselves in the mirror and say “ahhh! i look so skinny- look sick!! anorexic!” …. grrrr…. i’m like, “you b*tch!”…

    but yes, my mirror makes me happy and lets me hold my head a little higher each day- until of course i see my reflection and then i question just like you- “is this how i really look?” … oh well, i guess if my mirror is a skinny mirror then maybe all it means is that my butt looks bigger in real life- and if that’s the case- then yes i’d love to have a big butt!

    by the way, great post garance!

  • La réalité. J’aurais choisi la réalité. C’est à la lumière naturelle qu’est la réalité. *C’est l’ascenseur qui est une illusion. La lumière blafarde des néons ment.*

    Tu as donc fait le bon choix !

  • i love this story! i have totally had this happen to me before. i like reality i think–but with good lighting–no need to be too harsh on oneself ;)

  • Illusion! Les miroirs des ascenseurs nous reflètent toujours plus moches^^ :)


  • The same thing happened to me while I was swimsuit shopping with my husband, which btw is not the best idea…anyway in one store I was slim and trim and actually had arm muscle definition. In another I was short and stumpy. Luckily the Saks mirror was good to me, and poof — three new bikinis!

  • J’adore l’illustration !

  • Qu’est ce que j’aime quand il y a des illustrations, elles sont souvent en fond d’écran sur mon Mac et iPhone (addiction de la pomme bonjour)!

    Il m’arrive presque la même chose tous les jours, la lumière de ma salle de bain me fait un teint plutôt “agréable”, et une fois arrivé dans l’ascenseur (au 3ème étage pour moi;) c’est le drame, je me trouve blafard et fatigué, en gros, une sale gueule quoi!

    Mais j’arrive à passer de bonnes journées dans l’ensemble :)


  • Very funny story! Sometimes it is difficult to find what is the reality or what is just an illusion! Maybe the mirror at the lift was the illusion…

  • la réalité, l’humeur et le sens d’humour y sont mieux!
    marrant l’article!

  • Such a cute post. ILLUSION! :) xx

  • J’aurais choisi les escaliers aussi :))

  • J’aimerai bien pouvoir te dire que la beauté vient de l’intérieur (car c ‘est une réalité) mais pas pendant la fashion week, on est dans une autre dimension, les gens viennent over-sapés, tout le monde se reluque! Pour te dire pendant la fashion week parisienne je me sentais vêtue comme une clocharde et j’avais toujours envie de rentrer chez moi me changer !!! C’était un cauchemars

  • You make me laugh!! It happended many times to me as well, ;P let’s take the stairs!!

  • Great article, and so Garance if I may say so ;-)


  • Garance, first let me say that your blog is my favorite (and I look at a lot of blogs) and your posts are a true pleasure to read!

    I have definitely dealt with this problem before. So many things contribute to how you look in a mirror: the lighting, the mirror’s angle, the background, etc. However, I think that it is much wiser to go with the “less realistic” view of yourself. Because honestly, the entire world isn’t lit with fluorescent lights anyways and we are our own worst critics. Remember that people do not see you the way you see yourself. So many times I see photographs of gorgeous women and they say “I look sooo ugly! I look soooo fat!” I promise, you are harder on yourself than the world is.

    Thank you for your magnificent writing and photographs!


  • Why so certain that the elevator mirror is not the illusion? What’s more real than seeing by the light coming through the window?

  • J’adore l’image qui illustre le texte ! j’adore ahaha
    Je choisis la réalité !

  • what a cool post…
    i pick illusion because if that’s where the happiness lies then that’s where i’ll be!

  • Reality any time!! tout le monde sait que les miroirs des ascenceurs reflent une image distordue de la realite…donc…stairs my dear ;)

  • Stairs were a good choice, for sure! They’re conducive to the butt of a goddess, right? Haha = ). What an awesome drawing, too. Love it. I figure the naturally lit mirror is reality. Flourescent lights ruin everything.

    Thanks for your candor and humor. Your blog is so refreshing and fun to read! (And a good place for me to practice my French = ). I almost attempted to comment in French.. maybe next time.)

  • Garance you are beautiful! I go with what makes you feel better, plus you know the mirror in the elevator is a lie!
    La Petite Marmoset

  • oh that happens to me too, when i go out i always do like a last time check in a large mirror in the hall of my building, and i always look tall and flawless, and then you are walking down the street and you see your reflexion on a window and you are a mess. same thing with zara mirrors they are tricky. i prefer illusion until someone takes you a picture or something. Without my glasses i don’t see my pores so i pretend i live in that airbrush lancome world until i have to drive, put my glasses on and check the mirrors…pff reality you can’t scape

  • Illusion! Sometimes a girl needs to pretend a little. It helps the day go by with a little bit more flair and a lot less frustration. Certainly instills confidence when there isn’t any.

    Of course there’s room for reality…but really. Sometimes living in that Lancome ad lighting isn’t a bad thing.

  • reality! =)
    i’ve completely stopped using the elevators at work since january first =) up and down. Annnd, I work on the 13th floor, with occasional trips to the 12th, 11th, 7th, 8th, and 4rd =)

  • Oh man. So that’s why I love this one particular mirror at work. . . the slimmer! F**k! I tried to deny it up until now, alas. So, I guess my answer is: ILLUSION. Confidence is confidence is confidence. Illusion = Confidence = Great day

  • p.s. My friend Hilary passed along this great quote that I love, which I believe applies to this situation. It goes:
    If you want others to be happy,
    practice compassion.
    If you want to be happy,
    practice compassion.
    -Dalai Lama, por supuesto

  • Paige Elizabeth March, 16 2011, 1:26 / Reply

    Garance, I adore you. Flat… out… adore. I want all the world to be the skinny mirror and the magic light… and just think what the stairs will do for our bums…

  • Garance, it is really quite simple- they are BOTH reality. You are both of those images- and it really changes millions of times day depending on the light, whether you have a happy energy or a stressed energy, angles, weather etc. No mirror is ‘lying’- they coexist!

    As for me, I insist on going by the harsh mirror before going out- in my experience, that one is seems to reflect best how others see me.

  • Illusion… Autant passer une bonne journée!

  • well confident is what makes an outfitt a “WOOOOW” one!

    so i’ll say YEAAAY FOE ILLUSION ;D

    lov u garance :* emmwah

  • J’ai la même chose chez moi, entre la salle de bain ou je me maquille ,une lumière qui me sublime et dans mon dressing a la lumière du néon c’ es horrible
    Je vais changer d’ampoule .
    En plus on ne se ballade pas toute la journée avec un néon au dessus de la tête .
    Bizzz…… Linoï

  • L’illusion en écoutant Lou Reed. Sans hésiter! ;)

  • Sincèrement, je préfère m’arrêter au miroir copain qui me donne le reflet qui me plaît, même si il est un peu faussé, le principal c’est que je passe un journée où je me sens belle et donc sûre de moi, et quand je me sens bien dans ma peau, je pense que je renvoie une image plus radieuse. Alors après le plus dur, c’est d’éviter tout reflet mal-encontreux.

  • Pas plus de réalité dans le 2ème miroir que dans le 1er, sans doute. Et comme on ne saura jamais vraiment comment on est dans l’œil de celui qui regarde, mieux vaut croire le 1er miroir. Il faut se trouver belle pour être belle !

  • Garance,

    I understand you completely! I get dressed in the morning, feeling absolutely chic and fantastic and then, when I want to check my goddess look in the first shop window, I get so scared! WTF??!!! Where is that goddess? I just see a very tiny girl, with dark circles under the eyes (still visible after mineral make-up with brightening micro particles) and lank hair (not at all nice wavy like 2 hours ago)… :) so i guess it’s normal…

    and what is better, reality or illusion? My dentist once told me, that i should not worry so much about my teeth (and the whole face), because nobody ever looks at me from such a small distance to see all those normal defects…This makes reality more bearable;)

    PS: A good boyfriend/husband will always tell his woman that she looks beautiful in the most unexpected moment…


  • Reflect from the mirror in the elevator = not the reality. Beautiful morning light = the only conditions under which we should judge our reflection in the mirror ;-). The story made me laugh, it’s every girl’s strory! Thanks Garance.

  • AH AH !!! un bon petit rire du matin, ça fait du bien ! ça aussi ça rime :-)
    bon, bilan du post : je vois qu’on est TOUTES pareilles !!!! c’est rassurant !
    Et dans ces cas là, j’opte pour l’illusion de me dire que le miroir magique qui me dit que je suis la plus belle, que blanche neige, ben, c’est moi ! est la réalité; je sens en moi monter le power de la toute puissante beauté, je me sens la star du jour, et je ne regarde aucun miroir ou vitrine de la journée.
    et BASTA ! et de bonne humeur je suis.
    Je précise, que le miroir de chez moi, donc de mon quotidien, n’est pas ce miroir là … en revanche, le miroir de mes vacances au ski : oui ! et c’est toujours ça de gagner, quelques jours par an de confiance en soi …

    Super ! une illustration ! :-)

  • Etre bien dans sa peau et savoir le prouver c’est sa ça la grande classe et le style! l’illusion a parfois du bon mais il na faut pas déprimer.. On est toutes belles avec nos qualités et nos defauts faut juste savoir en jouer! la pure seduction des femmes féminines..allez courage Garance la Fashion week est fini tu as du temps pour te remettre pour la prochaine en juin!!

  • Oh, god, i am like this everyday, but really, every day!!!

  • I don’t know how you do it but you always raise the right question that many girls thinks of it. You are incredible, real true woman! I admire that at you!
    About your subject today, I choose to believe something between illusion and reality :)


  • Garance,

    It is all illusion and reality. I mean the visual is a distortion in of itself right? Photos the same thing, a mirror, ditto.

    We are not very capable of being objective about our beauty or anyone elses. It is cultural, social, based on gender issues, race, etc etc. I mean that is why we just have to love ourselves unconditionally or we won’t make it through this life very happy.

    Love self,


  • A little bit of both.

  • Haha, you are SO FUNNY!!!
    I have this problem every single morning when using the elevator at my office….
    “Good morning all your wrinkles, nice to see you again!!”

  • hell o
    Garance you amaze me every day !
    you are really a good illustrator and your text are so funny and true !
    i hope i will be like you someday… live in New York and do drawings for eat
    so i adress this message at all the blogers or readers of garance’s blog could you vote for me here :
    i want to be exposed for somebody see my drawings :)
    hope you will vote for me
    big kisses from, france
    (sorry for my language i am french and i am 14)

  • I once owned one of those magical mirrors. It was in my entry way. All of my guests loved it…did coming to see me do more for their self esteem than I realized?

  • ah, the problem with mirrors! For every amazing one, there’s some fluorescent lighting hiding around the corner. Alas, beauty has little to do with fleeting images and more to do with energy, poise and confidence. We all know this from the amount of work that goes into those Lancome ads! You’re beautiful, Garance, so why not choose to believe the hotel? It’s probably the truth…

    Dree xx

  • i have a similar mirror in my current room that i am renting! so last year i bought these AMAZING Ralph Lauren thigh high boots… and of course being 5 foot tall you always question anything that may even remotely make you look shorter and wider than necessary.. So i bought the boots (a months rent!) and took them home.. put them on in my room and ALAS! i look amazing – long skinny legs .. wonderful, just wonderful…. To have a better look ran into my flatmate’s room and BAH! what?! how can this be? totally different picture – short, stubby legs, a little wider than necessary… Ah mirrors mirrors! evil of the world

  • I think that you made the right choice, which women in their right mind would not choose ilusion over reality, whatever it may be.

    If the bedroom mirror was right then all was great, but if the mirror on the lift was the one telling the truth then who needs the depression.

    Anyways, I love your blog, I think your ilustrations are beautiful and inspiring, the pictures are to dream.

    love it, love it, love it.

  • I think there is a fine line between the two. If the satisfaction feeds from outside, what may start off as a purely creative outfit can easily turn into a vain nerve attack.

    I support reality all the way. I believe there is true beauty in it. I even use this theory when I dress. Knowing the truth about my body and accepting all of it, helps me to remain comfortable and confident — no matter what I see.

    Mirrors can play tricks on you, but illusion is mental.

    Thanks for your honesty, Garance. Great post.

  • ohhhh…my vanity mirror lies!!!!!! I think I look great….and then see myself in the full length mirror on my closet door…. and it doesn’t lie!!!!

  • Et dire que pendant ce temps là, les japonais ont des problèmes complètement futiles avec une centrale nucléaire au bord de l’explosion et des milliers de morts à compter…
    J’aime beaucoup ton blog, mais parfois le décalage entre la futilité fashion-girly et l’actualité me met mal à l’aise…

  • WELL! …I ran into to you today [on University. You were w| Scott] and as you saw [because you tilted your head to get a looksy] I was dumbfounded with SHOCK. ..& not because this was a mirror 2 day for you ..or solely because I think you’re the coolest thing since ..well, w/e the 1st coolest thing was. …It was more of a combination of the latter and the fact that you are still VERY gorge in person && you simply OOZE chic.

    I need you to know that I died. lol

  • Illusion!If it makes me feel better and nourishes my self confidence, then why bother with reality? Whatever works!
    P.S. Great article!

  • Long live incandescent lighting…..and for goodness sakes……dimmers are a girls best friend!!!!!! Fashion after all is one part illusion, one part reality…with a dash of fantasy.

  • Of course the illusion is the place you stay because in illusion-land you have confidence and confidence is everything. Confidence is bold, confidence is eye catching and most of all confidence is sexy. Its the difference between the beautiful girl at the party that could be as ugly as the patch of wall she is trying to blend into and the average looking girl that somehow manages to make everyone gravitate towards her.

  • super talented Garance much respect !!

    Dawn x x

  • Another stylish illustration—love the S-curve of the hat! :-)

    The trick is to use the unflattering elevator mirror only to locate which side the elevator buttons are on. Do not look front and center where you are reflected. Look only sideways and down and you’ll be safe! :-)

  • J’ai pareil à la maison.
    Le top canon dans la chambre en haut et le top boudin en bas avant de sortir de la maison.
    Je passe mon temps à monter/descendre…

  • Illusion and the stairs!


  • This is so true! SO true. So so sooooo true!! I can’t get over it! It’s like you took the thoughts right out of my head!

    I will wake up, check myself out in the bathroom mirror, feel skinny with just the perfect amount of messy shiny beautiful hair , put on a great outfit and head off to work.

    45 minutes and 1/2 a latte later and I feel fat, my hair is dull and ugly, and I want to go home and hide under the covers!!

    You are perfect Garance! Ahhh to be a girl!

  • je me régale avec tes illustrations Garance!! celle-ci est sublime!!

    et à propos du miroir, je crois que c’est LE grand problème des mirroirs dans les ascenseurs!!(c’est la même histoire pour moi aussi à chaque fois que je vais chez le dentiste!! ahahaha)
    heureusement, ta journée c’est bien déroulée, n’oublies pas “bien dans sa peau et bien dans sa tête!”

  • Garance, i just want to say that i love ur blog and i really relate to a lot of what u write! What i just ADORE are yours illustrations!! They are my cellphone wallpaper!
    Love from Portugal

  • Reality is for bores and those who lack imagination, bien sûr!

  • Illusion! Just experienced the same during my skiing trip, those mirrors feel so good….

  • Toute la vérité, rien que la vérité ? Pouah ! Non merci,
    et puis les miroirs des cabines d’ascenseur,
    ils sont prévus pour donner une impression d’espace
    pas un avis sur son allure .

  • Illusion, je t’aime plus que tout!!!!

    Bisous Garance

  • I REALLY love your blog :) even i have to translate it…i enjoy every word you write, I always feel identified! you are a woman with feet on earth, and that’s why you are blessed with your success :)

  • thanks you nices post

  • ufff I know exactly those feelings. In our office building we have 4 elevators … which mean 4 mirrors. But not only 4 and 4 but even 4 different possibilities of lights. So choose one to make sure you have good – not pores visible – day :-))). Anyway …..

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