ideal perfect jeans garance dore illustrations

9 years ago by

What are the perfect jeans?
It’s an impossible formula. I’ve tried to figure it out my whole life, in fact. Several times, I thought I’d found the perfect ones. Tight in the right places, loose in the right places. Comfortable but not too comfortable, great wash. I could have worn them every day.
Good thing is, as time goes on, the more I know what I like. I make fewer mistakes.
Here’s my thing: jeans that are a little short so they show the ankles, a low waist because it makes my butt look nice (well, as nice as possible for a girl who misses every other Pilates class) (and I can’t breathe in high-waisted jeans), and slightly flared at the bottom. I have no idea why, maybe it’s just because it’s a tiny departure from the sea of skinny jeans we’re all swimming in – who knows.
But there always comes a time when my perfect jeans end up losing their shape or their color, or sometimes, (sorry, jeans) I just get tired of them. I keep them around, because you can’t totally discard something that’s been so important for you and, every now and then, I’ll take them out for a coffee on the sly – it brings back lots of memories and it’s pretty nice.
But, each time I do, it just confirms that things just aren’t really what they used to be.
There have been times when I was feeling down and I swore off jeans all together. I went with pants and skirts instead, which fit my style of the moment perfectly. I would tell anyone who would listen that jeans were way overrated, you didn’t necessarily need a pair of jeans in your life to have the perfect wardrobe. You could be perfectly happy without them.
But it’s weird, it seems like every time I said that, I’d end up stumbling on a pair of jeans that would make me lose my mind. And each time that happened, I would totally be able to travel all over the world to find them – like this pair of Gucci jeans I’ve been talking to you about nonstop for two months.
Every time, I forget all the things I’ve learned from my former jeans: don’t overthink it, if it’s right, it will come to you. Remember the initial phase only lasts a few months. Don’t tell everyone you’ve found the ideal one unless you’ve been wearing them for at least six months. At least.
So yeah, finding the perfect jeans takes patience. But I always forget. It always feels like the first time all over again. And worst of all, I’m always disappointed when they end up being not as perfect as I thought. Except for this time, I’m pretty sure I’m getting the hang of it.
There’s no such thing as the perfect jeans.
I have one pair that do approach perfection, these MiH jeans I adore, but they don’t have pockets in front, the fabric isn’t very stretchy, and they fade kind of fast. I had to learn to love them as they are. After all, I’m not perfect either. If I’d been more consistent with Pilates, I wouldn’t need my jeans to be stretchier. And if I’d stop washing them every time I wore them, the color wouldn’t fade so fast. 
I also realized that if I wanted my ideal jeans to stay my ideal jeans, I needed to take care of them, pay attention to them, not wear them out, go easy on them. 
Actually, I was talking to my friend Rashida about love (and in the end, aren’t we all talking about love ;) the other day, and I think she’s right: we don’t choose who we fall in love with, but we do choose which one we decide to make it work with.
Maybe if I add pockets to my jeans, and learn to deal with the fact that they’re a little uptight sometimes, I think we could have many happy years together…
What do you think ?


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  • Après m’être penchée sur la question, je crois que je n’ai jamais fait le deuil du 501 de mes 20 ans (à moins que ce soit le deuil de la morpho de mes 20 ans !?)

  • My perfect one are a pair by Dondup…the perfect fit, lenght, wash…simply amazing!
    XOX, Gap.

  • T’es sure que tu parles de Jean Garance ?!!

  • Following your train of thought, what do you think Garance meant by “going by pants and skirts instead” ?! :))

  • Je pense que nous avons toutes en tête le jeans de nos 20 ans, mais comme le souligne @l’expatdebiarritz c’est plus nos jolies profils qui nous manquent?

  • suzanne March, 31 2015, 9:29 / Reply

    Dernière fois que j’ai porté un jean, ça devait être en 1998. Et je n’ai pas 98 ans… Pas de jean, pas de pb.

  • “On ne jette pas un vieux jean usé, par amour ou par pitié”…

  • peu importe March, 31 2015, 9:36 / Reply

    levis bold curve! de la place pour les fesses et les cuisses! une taille basse pas trop basse! je commande maintenant mes jeans en ligne et je ne me torture plus (*^-^*)

  • Nice jeans metaphor for a relationship. I knew this post wasn’t about jeans ;)

  • Ma Garance
    i believe that the perfect Jeans is like the perfect man ,the one that will be perfect for you… your eyes he is…
    the jean is the same things ,besides this perfect body retouched that we see in Jean publicity and magazine …for the rest of the world it’s the right combination of your own body the material and your inner self feelings …….are you ok with yourself at this point in life..or not..
    sometimes you can’t find it and sometimes it just pop up in a very special moments…when you don’t expect it or when you stop looking..
    Yael Guetta

  • Ana @champagnegirlsabouttown March, 31 2015, 10:03 / Reply

    The never ending quest for prefect jeans! I had found my perfect pair whenthen I was a teenager. Funny but I instinctively knew what suits me. As a woman with virtually no hips, slim, straight and bootcut seems to be a formula for me (and Wrangler makes the best!). Good luck with finding your perfect pair!

  • MMMh, est-ce qu’on parle bien de jean là?? ;)

  • Love this! I’m in the market for some new jeans soon…

    Warm Regards,

  • Belle métaphore de la vie amoureuse hein ;)

  • rosemary March, 31 2015, 10:38 / Reply

    Pour ce qui est du jean … J’avais trouvé la perfection en un modèle en toile souple mais très très brut de chez Calvin Klein, avec une étiquette en tissu blanc brodé du nom de la marque en bleu sur la poche arrière droite. Magnifique. MALHEUR, un jour, au (pas) Bon Marché, alors que je m’apprête a investir dans un nouvel exemplaire, ils m’annoncent que la marque a arrêté le modèle c’est FINI. OUIN. Depuis (10 ans, quand même …) impossible de trouver pareille merveille je ne m’en suis jamais remise … J’ai même envoyé des mails à Calvin Klein mais en vain … Je crois que ce modèle (CULTE quoi !) a été immortalisé par la 1ère publicité CK avec Brooke Shields – en tout cas c’est la même étiquette, de mémoire. Avis – Si quelqu’un de chez Calvin Klein lit se message …

  • Sid Derby March, 31 2015, 10:41 / Reply

    I like baggy high waist jeans. They look functioal and stylish at the same time. I like to cuff them and show a little angle and wear with ballet flats or a nice white sneaker. If you add a fancy top it looks so chic! If you were it with a tee — it looks masculine and femine at the same time. voila!

  • Marnie April, 1 2015, 7:43

    I completely agree. Baggy, highwaisted. And preferably vintage Levis. They are comfortable, give me leg room, and always stay up. No tugging on them like you do with tight low rise ones. I used to love cropped to reveal the ankle, but now I prefer to have ones i can roll up for summer, and sometimes let down.

  • I am a fan of the skinnies!

  • Jeans. My favorite subject.
    I’m always searching. When I find the perfect pair, I gain / loose wait, trends change and, somehow, it’s not perfect anymore and the quest starts again (and there are sub categories: perfect flare, perfect light blue, perfect raw and dressed up etc).
    But honestly, I don’t know if i’m searching for the perfect jeans, the perfect body (that I somehow think is created by the jeans) or if I just enjoy the search.

    [just a note: the vintage trend has refined the quest as it is so much harder to accurately size, fit. Each pair is unique and should be tried on).

    As to men, I won’t enter that discussion: I’ve found mine and haven’t been tempted to look out for other.

    Perhaps that’s I’ve put all my efforts into jeans. We’re all hunters at heart ;).

    Good luck!

    PS: my criteria is different from Garance’s though:
    – the denim has to be more that 12 oz (heavy like our youth’s jeans).
    – i don’t like weird wash effects.
    – I like high waisted
    – the leg opening has to be more that 13 inches (15 cm half)
    – Summer jeans can be shorter (and tighter)
    – winter jeans have to be longer.
    – the seams should be yellow
    – the shape of the pockets is also important
    – at least 98% cotton.

    Jeans I like: Acne (hex, needle, flex and jet) apc petit news standard, vintage levi’s…

  • But are you really talking about jeans here? If you are, I’m a high waisted skinny jeans kind of girl. Actually no pair of jeans looks good on me, but at least thesse ones are super comfortable! And if I feel comfortable I look better, no?

  • Ah after seeing you in the perfect MiH Paris jeans – I stormed off to get them, but for me, they were not to be! At least not for me. I’m loving the current trend for above the ankle – so flattering. Ditto anything flared. Skinnies only ever really gave us any love when they were paired with boots. Long live the flare!

  • I think I find my ideal pair of jeans – the only problem is I don’t even know where are they from XDDD So here they are and if anyone can help me find out I will be grateful!

  • For me, it is about perfect fit size first as the fundamental criteria.
    i personally like tight jeans a lot.
    At the same time, collecting vintage jeans.
    Also, do not forget a point that color makes a difference

  • You need to try R13 Kate cropped skinny or Boy skinny!

  • L'épingle March, 31 2015, 11:30 / Reply

    Mon fils aîné a menacé, alors qu’il avait 13 ans, de quitter la maison parce que je n’avais pas retourné son nouveau jean sur l’envers avant de le mettre en machine (le jean). “Tout le monde sait ça !”. Il n’a plus jamais voulu le porter à la suite de cette profanation. Il m’a également fait remarqué, lorsque je l’ai essayé sur moi, qu’il me faisait “un cul d’éléphant” (c’est moi, qui devrait quitter cette maison). Parce que je n’aime pas le gâchis, je me suis transformé ce jean en jupe (validée par le jeune tyran), et la paix est revenue dans le foyer.

  • KlondikeKate March, 31 2015, 4:41

    arf… Excellent ! (la menace, le cul d’éléphant, le tyran, le recyclage, enfin tout, quoi… :-))

  • Anamaria March, 31 2015, 11:33 / Reply

    Ha! I forgot we were talking about jeans and not significant others… “I also realized that if I wanted my ideal “jeans” to stay my ideal “jeans”, I needed to take care of them, pay attention to them, not wear them out, go easy on them.” Relationships are hard, but oh so beautiful!

  • My favorite pair of jeans is from Muji and it looks terrible on the website but it has all the right features of an ankle skinny jeans and comes in three washes. It is not perfect as it is a bit too high waisted but not too much and it stretches.

  • I like low waist too and it makes my butt looks nice too :) But the most difficult part for me, to find the right colour…

    blog lfe

  • To quote Lauren Graham aka Lorelai Gilmore: “you have to kiss a lot of frog jeans before you know which jeans you want to spend more time with…”
    (and let’s be honest – since the lifespan of a pair of jeans is hopefully shorter than your own, it follows quite logically that it can’t be just one, can it?)

  • to me the perfect pair of jeans is a pair that fits! I feel like all denim lines have been cutting bigger

  • the perfect size really !! and convenient , thanks for the advice !!

  • Les jeans c’est compliqué pour moi aussi … jme dis que c’est pas assez chic, pas bien pour l’environnement, mais en ce moment j’en ai un que je mets tout le temps (chez Bizbee, pas cher et très bien) ! Bien pratique, mais dur à trouver c’est sûr. Des fois je vais voler dans l’armoire de mon frère à la recherche d’un vieux jean bien délavé bien large (logique). Les deux sont totalement différents, ça fait vraiment pas le même style.

  • pour moi un jean taille haute, je trouve que c’est sexy à souhait :)

  • Checher et trouver le jean parfait s’apparente à la quête du Grâal! Je continue à multiplier les tentatives et les achats pour ma part!

  • Jennifer March, 31 2015, 1:10 / Reply

    I have been searching for jeans, searching. And I recently read a raving review on a pair and I ordered them, three of them. Blue, black and gray. I loved them. And then I wore them, and wore them and I didn’t love them. They higher waist while it pulled me in was not comfortable. The slim leg was really tit and bothered me when I sat. I was so distressed. I have put them in my donate pile five times and keep pulling them out thinking well maybe they will fit better now, maybe I gained or lost weight etc, maybe it was just a bad day. I think I loved the review and the idea so much I wanted to love the jeans. Well they are in the donate pile and leaving.
    I’ve since purchased to pairs of jeans, very different from what I had and what I was looking for but I like them right now and am working on buying pieces that I love and that fit me and my figure.
    I’m still searching for a new pair of jeans, but no longer for perfection. My life is not perfect how could I expect my jeans too. And reminding myself that what someone else loves I might not.

    Great post Garance!
    I adore the discussion on love as well. When we find except love and who we love for who they really are doesn’t it seem to work a bit better.

  • nobody and I mean nobody ( fashion-addicted or common people) could live without owning at least one pair of jeans.
    Acne, Seven for all MAkind, Diesel and Levi’s my favourites

  • Nansosi March, 31 2015, 1:33 / Reply

    One great tip for keeping the fresh color of your jeans (or any clothing item, for that matter) to last almost forever. Wash them inside out! It works.

  • euh… On parle bien de jeans là ? où c’est une métaphore filée sur les hommes ?

  • Virginie March, 31 2015, 1:43 / Reply

    Je suis accroc aux jeans, j en ai une grosse pile. Mais mon préfère mon jean parfait s est déchire au genou, il commence à s user.. Du coup je cherche son jumeau de partout, skinny bleu délavé, pas trop serré aux mollets pour pas faire collant…mais voilà même si j aime mes autres jeans celui la reste mon préfère et je ne trouve pas son équivalent. Je regrette de pas l avoir acheter en double voir en triple. Je le mets toujours un petit peu mais pas trop pour pas trop l user et continuer a le porter le plus longtemps possible.

  • Annette March, 31 2015, 1:43 / Reply

    This is so funny, Garance, because just the other day on Pinterest I came upon a New York street style photo of a woman wearing my ideal jean…unfortunately described in the caption only as “vintage jeans”, so I know not where to buy them.

    But nonetheless here is the description: mid-rise waist, not loose, not tight, very gradually getting ever so slightly wider at the bottom, but not flared, slightly longer than ankle length, dark wash… (and although a photo obviously doesn’t relate such a thing, I would add…very very soft). Very hard to describe, but I call them my “spirit jeans”, LOL, :-).

  • Marianne March, 31 2015, 1:47 / Reply

    Très intéressant de relire le post en ayant clairement en tête le fait qu’on parle de mec et non pas de jean : )
    “en revanche, on choisit avec lequel on décide de faire en sorte que ça marche” à méditer : )

  • Christina-Anna March, 31 2015, 2:31 / Reply

    Great post!! I have this crazy theory about jeans : if you have a good&slim body almost any type of jeans can fit great! My all time favourite jeans(for my hourglass body shape) are Lee, Acquaverde and DL1961.

  • Discovered the best jeans are from the ASOS label, cheap as chips and really great quality, I have had a pair for a year and they still fit and look the same. They do every style, I am tall with hourglass figure so my go to is the Ridley which is super skinny and high waisted, planning to buy this style in every denim finish.

  • I am not loyal to anyone kind of jean as I have not found the perfect ones. (Either skinny or flared will do!)

    If this question is a metaphor to the perfect man or relationship, yes, I have found that! Mine has a sense of humor and a sense of compassion beyond compare!

    adorn la femme

  • My perfect jeans became perfect with time. Nothing fits me from the first sight, and from the second too, so I just had to keep looking. In the end I can say that my jeans chose me, not the other way around.

  • “….Il n’y a pas de jean parfait…” Cela s’applique a pas mal de choses……et d’hommes !

  • belle leçon de sagesse mais parfois on ne décide pas toujours de son destin mais un peu de sagesse peut aider à traverser la vie plus sereinement et peut-être à trouver enfin le bonheur…

  • haha funny i’m not the only one who’s endlessly searching for the ‘perfect’ pair of jeans. but i guess my search stems from my mood swings or ‘jean infidelity.’ ages ago, i swore by topshop’s pippa jeans – skinny, just the right amount of stretch (98% cotton, 2% elasthane), low waist – i had them in all colours and rinses, ripped, not ripped, with zips at the leg, without zips, etc. prior to that, i was obsessing over topshop’s moto high-waisted, dark-rinsed, flared jeans. the love affair ended briefly when i met pippa. then i met 7 for all mankind’s dojo, j brand’s flares – heartbreaker, bette, and love story. and i thought heartbreaker was my soul mate! i ditched pippa, moto, dojo, bette and love story. only to find myself falling in love all over again…with a different pair — vintage levi’s 501s (80’s mom jeans — high-waist, 100% cotton, relaxed, straight cut, hugs the bum). i scoured ebay and etsy for all rinses and shades and lengths! then came zara’s cigarette jeans – black, indigo, mid-blue, distressed and not distressed. just recently, i bumped onto levi’s 501 CT boyfriend jeans and, i have to admit i was tempted. sometimes, i wonder if i have multiple jean personality disorder. 70+ pairs and counting (didn’t mention A.P.C. new cure, current/elliott slim bf jeans)…and i just couldn’t pick my ‘perfect pair of jeans.’ i’m still hoping that ‘that day’ will come, when i say the search is over…when i say ‘i’ve found The One!’

  • J’ai automatiquement remplacé tous les “jean” par “homme”, parce que tu nous avais annoncé la couleur dans un article précédent ;) Belle déclaration pour Chriiiiis non?

  • Katerina March, 31 2015, 4:08 / Reply

    I look awful in jeans. But with black pecil skirt and denim jacket – great. I think it is the fat :). I have it only on my bum, so my skinny arms look great in all the crazy fashion, but from the waist down I need a cut that flatters curves.
    Anyway I loved the relationship quote!

  • Ce que j aime avec toi c est que Tu nous raconte toujours une histoire, meme quand il s’agit de jean.
    Très bel article

  • I love all kinds of jeans!!!

    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • JCrew has done a nice job this season [finally] with a jean with stretch, a little kick at the bottom and a dark wash. They also have a wider leg crop that I’ve been living in – but they’re a little boxy to be considered chic – but really flipping’ comfortable!

    I agree though a cropped jean -dunno why it works though

  • Garance:

    One of the opening lines of your article sounds like advise for finding a good man: Good thing is, as time goes on, the more I know what I like. I make fewer mistakes.

    Ha, ha.

    Regarding my perfect jean, I had found one a long time ago, but then I gained some weight, and gone.

    It was a dark blue jean, stretch, straight cut, to the waist but not high waisted. It was just great. Everyone complimented me on it. It made my legs longer, it was stylish and comfortable.

    Now, I kind of have some jeans I like but not love. I guess I will keep my eyes open for the next one! I mean, jean, that is.

  • I can totally relate! I basically have a love-hate relationship with my jeans too. My closet is currently overflowing with way too many jeans, haha.

  • I have no fond affection for jeans. I know there is no point in looking for the ideal pair because frankly, jeans do not make me feel confident ever. Lately, I wear skirts everywhere.

  • I say don’t overthink it :) Just grab a pair that you feel is ‘right’ at the point in time :)

  • Kerstin March, 31 2015, 8:05 / Reply

    As Flannery O’ Connor wrote, a good jean is hard to find.

  • There aren’t right jeans only right-now jeans. Like partners, yes?!?
    I never know what my mood will choose from the closet of jeans I have, some of which are 30 years old and all so well-loved. Flares, the new trend, are my everyday option.

  • Dis donc Garance tu as ultra maigri ou je rêve!!?! T’es trop belle…

    Bisous Beauté


  • El mejor jean que tuve fue uno que encontre un dia haciendo compras con amigas, sin tener pensado comprar un jean. Me trae buenos recuerdos ver fotos donde tengo ese jean. Se fue gastando en la entrepierna y lo tuve que dejar de usar. Sinembargo, lo sigo teniendo guardado. Cada tanto haciendo orden, lo encuentro y me lo vuelvo a probar, ahi me doy cuenta que esta roto y lo vuelvo a guardar…

  • When I find something I love and that could fade after washing frequently I buy 2 or 3 Just makes life easier that way

  • Katarina April, 1 2015, 3:06 / Reply

    Yes, in this case you should be French to 100% and 0% American – do not make a list of requirements that makes you focus on irrelevant things and also makes you forget about looking at yourself and your own flaws. Feel inwards and as long as no big issues arise try to smile at the weird things because all those things added up are the personality of that person that you love and that loves you back. If you both want it to work, it will work. If you both keep asking what makes the other one happy and focus on that, you both will make eachother happy. If you focus on what makes you happy and he focuses on what makes him happy it will not work; it will be two egofocused persons that will always feel a bit disappointed at the other. Best of Luck!! Vive L’amour! :-)

  • Wash your jeans inside out and add some white vinegar to the cold water. Works for black clothes, too.

  • Ai-Ch'ng April, 1 2015, 4:56 / Reply

    Garance, with this story, you speak to millions of women in all parts of the world, of all ages!

    After nearly two decades of experimenting (mostly disastrous, I now realise in hindsight: thank God for fashion, because we then all look equally silly immersing ourselves in trends that don’t fit our bodies or ways of life), I’ve finally found my perfect jean for all occasions: men’s Levi’s 514 straight-legged in any finish – vintage (five pairs) and new (two pairs)!

    The Levi’s men’s 514 fit and flatter my shape perfectly, whilst remaining incredibly comfortable. And, being a men’s Levi’s garment, they are likely to be around for a very long time. Unlike the fickle nature of women’s denim, men’s denim tends to remain “classic”, or the same, for many years: hooray for men, who like to keep their denim the same, year after year – generation after generation.

    For all of them, I cut off the legs so my ankles show, stitch a little along the side seams so my jeans don’t fall apart in the wash, and allow the hems to fray in the wash.

    They sit on my hips with a skinny belt, or can be hiked to waist level with a thicker belt, are loose in the leg so I can sit crosslegged easily, have no elastane so they retain their shape every single time they come out the wash (after I was them after two or threes wears).

    They can be worn with Ts, singlets, sweatshirts, shirts and blouses, and are mannish and loose enough so that they look good left rolled down with frayed hems (I know lots of people hate frayed hems, but I love the white threads against the blue denim: it’s like the ocean’s edge, with waves of white froth), or rolled bit higher.

    They can be worn with heels (I don’t wear heels – but if I could, I would), (Church’s!) loafers, brogues, sneakers, ankle boots, or closely fitted, lace-up leather boots.

    The only slim fit jeans I own are:
    – Zara patchwork jeans in two sizes up so they’re not skinny anymore, but become boyfriend-cut and are polished enough for an evening out
    – Zara worn-in vintage style jeans – one size up – that flare slightly at the ankle and are cropped to just the right length so my ankle bones show
    – two pairs of the new season dark blue ones by Gorman – two sizes up, so that I can wear them at my waist but still be super comfortable, and the thigh and leg don’t hug me like a desperate greenie wrapped firmly around a tree about to be felled. They look like a skinny navy trouser/jean, and are perfect to tuck my shirt in, whilst leaving room so I can eat well.

  • I work out, so I have muscles on my calves and thighs, while am quite slim in the waist and hip area. Which means that skinny jeans (my favourite) are out of the question, because if they fit in the waist, they will not get through the calves or thighs, and even if they do, I feel like a hot dog. So this leaves me with slightly looser fits, closer to boyfriend jeans. They must be comfortable, not flared, not high-waisted and they cannot make my butt look flat. Although the list of my expectations is not long, it is very, very difficult for me to find really nice jeans. When I find them, I wear them until they wither and die. And the search continues, because by that time, the model that I’ve been wearing is out of stores. Sigh.

  • C’est moi où le jean est une métaphore ?

  • Jolie métaphore !


  • Ahh, Garance, tu es vraiment amoureuse…Suis trop contente pour toi!! XX

  • Marina April, 1 2015, 8:58 / Reply

    No, Garance, I don’t think you can add pockets to your jeans. Make no illusions, it doesn’t go well… You have to take it as it is, or leave it!


  • Il est vrai Garance que l’on cherche toujours le vêtement idéal. Une autre quête d’idéal: le T-shirt blanc parfait, par exemple.
    Pour le Jean je ne me prends pas tellement la tête depuis que j’ai remarqué que les moins chers sont les meilleurs et que mes plus mauvais achats étaient des Jeans de grandes marques. Alor bêtement je suis contente avec mes Gap et ce H&M trouvé par hasard. Super confortable et jolie coupe.

    Ah bon, c’est une discussion codée?..

  • Ah Garance!!! j’ai déjà réfléchis à cette comparaison, entre la quête du jean/fringue parfait(e) et la quête du mec idéal!! Mais je ne suis jamais arrivée à la conclusion “on choisit celui avec qui ça marche”, peut-être parce que j’ai déjà trouvé plusieurs jeans idéaux (et que le jean idéal d’hier n’est pas celui d’aujourd’hui). Par contre le mec avec qui c’est l’osmose c’est beaucoup plus rare et quand c’est le cas, ça ne se choisit pas, c’est magique, ms peut-être qu’avec l’expérience, ça changera.

  • I love high waist jeans. I have short legs, so they work perfectly.

  • hi garance this may sound weird but uniqlo does great jeans and has a japanese denim line as well, at their price point you can have tons of pairs and they wear just as well as the pricey ones, enjoy! D

  • I used to wear the best jeans ! My favorites are my Levis – a pair of dark wash with the perfect flare and perfect length, a pre ripped pair that I never thought I would like but love and a pair of faded high waist organicjeans t g at I love love. I gained some weight however and rarely wear jeans -my butt and thighs were not working. I went to an after Christmas sale at the Gap and found a pair in my size for 4$ !! They’re perfect and on trend, a little above ankle, perfect rise, perfect wash and perfect amount of stretch. I also kept my older small jeans. I broke up with my bf over Christmas and breakups and weight loss go hand in hand…no more late night junk food runs…I will get back in my jeans !

  • Sylvie April, 2 2015, 8:52 / Reply

    Those found by chance seem best. If you look too hard, they’re all junk;)

  • The ones you take from your wardrobe n the morning, put them on and feel fine. Just fine. Nice and cute.

  • We are a new denim line that makes highwaisted but comfortable jeans with classic details.
    Made in Canada! Nothing superfluous, designed to make your body look banging!
    or @irisdenim on instagram!

  • clelia_1975 March, 19 2017, 8:27 / Reply

    bon je commente 2 ans après mais c’est toujours d’actu….je ne regrette ni mes 20 ans ni mes jeans de l’époque.à chaque âge son jean, le passé est le passé.par contre, et cela fait longtemps que je le pense, le jean parfait serait celui que l’on peut se créer.perso, je fais parti de ces filles grosses, comme on dit, et cela ne me pose pas de problème.j’aime la mode et elle me le rend bien.mais il y a toujours quelque chose qui manque.un détail, une matière différente.
    depuis un an, je porte des levis de la gamme taille plus, ils s’approchent de cette perfection mais il manque encore ce je ne sais quoi….
    une fidèle lectrice parisienne de 42 ans

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