My Book Tour!
9 years ago by

Mon livre sort dans deux semaaaaaaaines !
Alors je vous prépare un grand post pour en parler, mais en attendant, je voulais vous donner les dates de la première partie de ma tournée avec Club Monaco, qui commence aux USA, au Canada et Londres avec un passage par Paris – et plus en France et dans le monde très rapidement.
Phew; c’est un moment surexcitant et survolté et vraiment, pour moi, vous rencontrer sera le couronnement de tout ce travail !
Si vous habitez aux USA, au Canada ou à Londres (d’autres pays seront bientôt rajoutés), vous pouvez venir me voir, on mangera des pâtisseries et je vous présenterai mon livre Love Style Life (je pourrai aussi vous le dédicacer si vous voulez !).
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les dates et lieux de la tournée, quelques autres viendront se rajouter ! On actualisera les liens et on rajoutera des villes dans les semaines à venir.
Il vous suffit de vous inscrire en envoyant un mail à, de commander le livre sur Internet ou de l’acheter sur place… et voilà !
A très vite j’espère !!
28 octobre
New York, NY
Club Monaco 5th Ave Flagship
160 5th Ave
New York, NY 10010
18 h – 20 h
3 novembre
Philadelphia, PA
Club Monaco
1503 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
18 h – 20 h
5 novembre
Boston, MA
Club Monaco
800 Boylston St.
Boston, MA 02199
18 h – 20 h
9 novembre
Montreal, Canada
Club Monaco
1000 Rue Ste-Catherine O
Montréal, QC H3A 1T5
18 h – 20 h
10 novembre
Toronto, Canada
Club Monaco
157 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON M5S 1P7
18 h – 20 h
18 novembre
London, United Kingdom
Club Monaco
33 Sloane Square
London, SW1W 8AQ
18 h – 20 h
4 décembre
Miami, FL
Club Monaco
1006 Lincoln Road
Miami Beach, FL 33139
7 décembre
Dallas, Texas
Club Monaco
3699 McKinney Ave
Dallas, TX 75205
18 h – 20 h
9 décembre
Los Angeles, CA
Club Monaco
401 N Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
18 h – 20 h
10 décembre
San Francisco, CA
Club Monaco
Westfield San Francisco Center
865 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
18 h – 20 h
14 décembre
Washington, DC
Club Monaco
3295-97 M St. NW.
Washington, DC 20007
18 h – 20 h
I’m dying to read and to buy the book!!!!! Thanx Garance, you are really inspiration for many women!!!
it’s just america: come on! :)
No Canada West Coast…?
Hi Roxana,
We have dates in Cananda as well as the West Coast and will be continuing to add cities for the tour. Please let us know if you have any additional questions!
Je me réjouis que votre livre sorte en français !!! Passerez-vous par la Suisse pour une séance de dédicaces ? J’aime beaucoup votre travail, votre style. Pour moi, vous êtes la classe incarnée ! Continuez de nous faire rêver Garance et tout de bon pour la promo de votre livre ;o)
Je seconde, passez en Suisse s’il-vous-plait !
I have so many questions about your book writing process (if you’d like to share)! For instance, did you write it in French or in English? I’m curious which language you feel more comfortable expressing yourself in. I moved to the US when I was little from France and even though I’m still fluent and went back to visit a lot, after almost 20 years of growing up in washington, I’m definitely more comfortable in English (Though in many ways I still feel French!). I may have missed the posts where you discussed writing your book but I would love to have a big Garance post about how you felt about it!
Hi Lila,
Keep an eye out for a big post next week ;)
x Emily
I second your post! I would love to hear about the writing process:) I can’t wait to get my hands on the book!!!
I also relate to your relationship with language, the same thing happened to me with spanish. It’s my first language, though I don’t think I can call it my main language any longer, as English has taken over. Not that my English will ever be as great as that of a monolingual person, but it’s the price of being multilingual I guess. It’s a funny thing how our brains work.
The link does not seem to be working?! Is it maxed out already?? :((
Thanks for catching that Anita! The links is updated and working now!
Look forward to seeing you on the tour! x Emily
Garance ! Félicitations pour ce livre c’est fantastique ! J’espère te voir passer par Mexico City dans cette tournée hehe :)
Thank you Emily!! I’ve rsvp’ed successfully!! Hope to see the rest of the team at the signing as well!!
I’m so excited to read your book and would love to meet you on tour Garance! Will you come to Chicago?
Hey, I already pre-orded the book on Amazon, so can I still come and see you at Club Monaco in Montreal? I’m super excited to meet you and read your book :)
Je viens d’RSVP pour Montréal! À très bientôt,
Hey Hey super nouvelle pour la tournée en France! c’est prévu pour quand?? en province un peu ? ;)
Bon courage pour cette tournée! et felicitations!
Please come to Atlanta, GA!)
I work on N Beverly Dr at Sandro! I am so excited to come in and see you
Ray-Ban Giveaway on my blog!
Will you do any Book Tours in small Book shops?
If you do please consider River Road Books in Fair Haven New Jersey, they are our local independently owner Book store, not many of them around anymore and I bet they would love to meet you! Me too!
Omg, I’d love to See you here in central Europe! ! Berlin or Warsaw? This would be great thing to meet you and listen to what you say. You inspire me every Day!
qd y a Toulouse, tu fais signe?? :-)
Yay! I’m so excited about this! I’ve been waiting for these tour dates with such anticipation!
I’m planning to see Garance in Washington, DC, but is that address correct? According to Club Monaco’s website, there is no store in DC. When I looked up the address on Google Maps, it didn’t show up. Thanks.
Hi April,
Club Monaco is opening a new store in just a few weeks and the signing will be just after the opening! We’ll see you in DC!
x Emily
I second Roxanna’s comment about a Canadian West Coast visit – please come to Vancouver!
Please come to South Carolina
Please come to Chicago!!!
Hi Mrinal,
We are working on a Chicago signing so be sure to check back soon!
x Emily
Hi Mrinal,
We are working on adding a Chicago date. Stay tuned!
x Emily
YES Chicago!!
Great news. Good luck with the book sales. I will certainly buy the book and hopefully G will come out to Vancouver because I’d love to say hello and ask her to sign it for me. Best regards,
Debbie King
my blog: (a Life/Style/Beauty/Destinations stopover)
Hi Debbie!
We are adding a Vancouver signing shortly so be sure to check back!
x Emily
Berlin ??? :)
Hi Emily, thanks for the clarification about the DC date!
Ravie que tu viennes sur San Francisco!!!!! :)
Hello Garance
Felicitations pour la sortie du livre. Prevois tu aussi des signatures à Calgary ?
Oh non !!!!! Le 10 decembre a San Francisco ! Et je serai a Paris depuis le 8 !!!! Je vais vous manquer de peu ! Dommage dommage dommage !!!! Mais je vous souhaite le meilleur a San Francisco Garance.
Fantastic! I hope to meet you and your team in London. Fingers crossed.
Meanwhile look after yourself and take it easy as it sounds like you will be super busy.
Polly xx
Oh my gosh! I’m so excited for your book and London date! Hopefully I’ll be able to make it after university! Fingers crossed! ?
I thk this is the address for the new club Monaco in DC rather than « W » street. Please let me know because I can’t wait to hear garance in English as when I was in Montreal I was a bit lost in the French. It sounded lovely though !!
3295 M Street NW
Washington DC 20007
Come to Sydney ! take a break from the weather in the Northern Hemisphere.
Félicitations !!! J’ai hâte de l’avoir en français , vous allez mettre de liens ici pour pouvoir l’acheter ? Merci de votre réponse
Fantastic news about the Toronto date! Sadly though I will not make it — away on holiday returning Nov 13. Hope you would consider a return date. Congratulations!!
Please come to Tokyo!!!
Will there be another NY signing? I can’t make this one and I’m heartbroken.
How do I RSVP???? Just send an email to
Cant wait for it!!!
Hi Stephany,
Yes! You can just e-mail Club Monaco with your name and which store you’ll be coming to and you’ll be on the list!
x Emily
How about coming to Tokyo :)) Would love to see you here Garance!
Please come to Greece! Puhleeeeeeeeeeezzzz!!!
Wish you the best of success, you’ll rock for sure!
Garance !!!!
2 heures pour chaque ville mais ça va être beaucoup beaucoup trop court pour voir tout le monde !! Pour Paris je pense qu’il faut au moins une journée complète (l’idéal serait 2 mais il faut rester réaliste), et puis si par hasard tu as envie de venir découvrir de nouvelles villes : je te propose Dijon ravissante jolie ville de province (ancienne capitale des Ducs de Bourgogne), capitale du bon vin, de la bonne chère et où je pourrai venir te voir et acheter ton livre. Tu crois avant Noël ? parce que moi aussi j’ai 2 sœurs qui seraient gagas de trouver ton petit trésor sous le sapin ! et alors avec une dédicace : imagine leur joie et ce sourire radieux qui va se dessiner !!
Encore merci pour tout – Hâte de te lire
London! Yeeha!!! I hope I will have my preordered book with me! Hugs for All Team!
Dear Garance, I SO hope you will come to Amsterdam too!!! Love from Holland xx Margaretha
Argh …. Française vivant en Angleterre, j’aurai adoré avoir mon livre dédicacé, mais la version française! Trop tôt pour ça !
Je me souviens du cours à Yale …. La même à Cambridge, ça s’envisage?! On a le droit de rêver, non?
Courage pour tout ces voyages, et felicitations pour ce livre (et tout le reste)!
Will you be coming to Australia? We’d love to have you visit!
Et Garance, tu n’aurais pas une petite envie de Sud de la France, à Marseille par exemple?
can’t wait :)
xo xo from Paris
Are you coming to the south of France or north of Spain? that would be lovely!!
Awww! I wish there was a Club Monaco store in Sedona…we have a Ralph Lauren outlet…would that suffice, Garance? ;) Have already pre-ordered book, super excited for you x x
Hello busy girls (and Eric!), The timing is perfect, as I’m bringing a book to be signed for a slightly belated birthday present and of course, one for me! Really proud of all of you (it takes a village!) for this newest success!
Jane and Petey (Biopsy back – cancer-free! Hooray!)
I’m bummed that I’ll be out of town for the DC visit but looking forward to reading the book! Congratulations!!
Excited to join the tour in London Garance. I’ve been following your evolution since 2006. Congratulations on the book- must be amazing seeing it come to fruition! x
Vraiment contente de pouvoir vous rencontrer sur Londres, moi qui étais à New-York il n’y a pas longtemps, je vous ai loupé de peu car vous étiez à Paris pour la Fashion Week. Je vais donc préparer mon livre et mes questions… A très vite!
Inscrite ! Hâte de découvrir votre livre et de vous rencontrer au Club Monaco de Montréal. Le magasin a ouvert ses portes il y a tout juste quelques mois et il est sublime (comme tous les magasins CM). Félicitations !
Hi I am hoping to make it the DC event as well! I think that the address listed here might be wrong though, since it looks like the new Club Monaco shop is opening at 3295 M St. in Georgetown, not 3295 W. Street, which could cause some confusion :) – Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for catching that! It is in fact M Street, the old Rhino Bar! I went to University in DC, funny to see one of our college bars become a Club Monaco! Look forward to seeing you there!
x Emily
Hi Garance and the studio,
Congrats for your book and this tour. Would you consider Brussels for a stop in you European tour? Thank you
I have sent an email to RSVP for the Montreal stop, should I expect a confirmation in return ?
New Zealand? Just putting it out there…
I pre-ordered your book and looking forward to read it. hope to se you in Istanbul too. Congrats…
Et à Paris, tu viens quand ?? Tu ne peux pas louper Paris quand même :) Félicitations en tout cas, c’est tellement génial !
Je suis trop contente pour toi, c’est vraiment super! Bon courage pour le marathon et peut être à bientôt à Paris!
Come to Idaho! It’s super close to California :)
Can’t wait to eat pastries and read your book.
I can’t see the date for Paris on the article, is that normal? Thanks for your answer.
Hi! Such an exciting time for you, Garance. You totally deserve it. Huge congrats. You’re really inspiring. I have a question for you. Did you originally write your book in English or in French? I’m French but I lived in NYC and Los Angeles (back in France for, I hope, a short time before going back to California). I would like to read the « real » version of your book (not a translated version). So, is the original version in English or in French?
Thank you in advance :-)
You should come to Greece in the summertime and have a party for your new book at the wonderful coastes of my country ;)
Garance (or someone!) …
PLEASE tell me the brand of black denim you wear in your pic of you reading your (highly anticipated!) book??
LOVE them …
Bonjour, je voulais savoir si le livre en français sera vendu sur place le 9 nov à Montréal?
When you are in Europe doing a reading in London and Paris, please come to Berlin/Germany as well!
Come to Minneapolis!!
No Atlanta? Even with SCAD down here?
Ohhh I’m so sad you are not coming to Atlanta. Still, I cannot wait to have your book in my hands! I admire all that you do.
RSVP for San Francisco with my sister.
A girls night out and Garance!
C’est ouf !!
Come to PDX!!!
Australie??? C’est bien loin, mais on aimerait tant accueillir Garance!
Oh I’m gonna miss the New York Club Monaco book launch! Is there anyway to get a copy of the book these two days and get Garance to sign for me if I can pick up at your office? I’m such a fan of Garance and this would really make my trip to US phenomenal if it happens!!
Nevermind my previous comment. Club Monaco just clarified the DC date.
Vancouver, PLEASE!
it would be great to see you in Berlin! the city is full of English speakers and fashion lovers :)
Et je rentre en France pour 10 jours au moment où tu seras au Canada, lucky me… :(
Il y aura-t-il d’autres dates ? La France durant les vacances de Noël peut-être ? Ou d’autres dates au Canada ?
En tout cas, félicitations pour ce livre, tu mérites tout ce succès, je te souhaite bon courage pour la promotion !!
Can’t wait to see you in London Garance!!!
Should I expect a confirmation for my email sent to RSVP?
There won’t be a confirmation, but your name will automatically be added to the list! I’m sure G can’t wait to meet you :)
Any chance you’ll come to Seattle?
Bonjour a toute l’équipe
C est avec plaisir que l’on m a dit ce matin a mon travail, le Club Monaco de Montréal, que tu venais faire la signature de ton livre le 9 novembre. Je suis vraiment contente, je lis ton blog depuis des années, je trouve ca génial.
Malheureusement je ne travaillerais pas ce jour la car je dois allé en cours. J espere que tu aimeras la ville et que tu viendras pour ton prochain livre !!
Hi Garance,
I just finished reading your book, its amazing!
I’m so happy you coming to London, and what makes me more happy that I work near Club Monaco at Sloan Sq.
See you there :)
Rushed out of the office today with a copy of the book under my arm, straight to Club Monaco/ London – and nothing!
Had saved the date in my calendar right away but it seems the schedule has changed? Such a pitty.
When are you coming to VANCOUVER west coast of Canada ????
Please come to Minneapolis to Mall Of America. Club Monaco is there!
Any news on adding a Chicago date? We’d be thrilled to have you visit!