
The Day That Changed Us

7 years ago by

Photos Elena Mudd

Vendredi dernier, en fin d’après-midi, on s’est empilées dans nos voitures avec nos pancartes, et rentré Washington sur le GPS. L’humeur n’était pas franchement joyeuse. Le moment qu’on redoutait tant était finalement arrivé, et on avait l’impression de revivre la journée du 9 novembre. Mais malgré cette angoisse palpable, on sentait qu’on avait plus que jamais besoin d’être ensemble (et de grignoter), et que la lumière était au bout des 300 km de route.

Pour les sceptiques qui nous lisent, je voudrais juste dire que rien ne nous a jamais semblé plus nécessaire que cette marche. C’était aussi indispensable qu’un bon décrassage après une séance de sport ardue. Et elle n’a pas commencé samedi, mais dès vendredi, sur l’autoroute. La route entre NY et Washington était noire de voitures et de bus remplis de femmes en bonnet rose qui agitaient des pancartes dans un concert de klaxons joyeux. Déjà, on s’est senties mieux, on était ensemble.

The Day That Changed Us

Le samedi matin, là, on était carrément boostées. Moi, j’ai laissé tomber make-up et soutif, féminisme oblige, j’ai enfilé mon « nasty woman hat » et avec les filles, on s’est précipitées dehors. Après un petit trajet en métro, très animé, on est arrivées à la manif. On se tenait par la main, on brandissait nos pancartes – big-up à la pancarte à seins d’Emily – et on a écouté des femmes mythiques s’exprimer devant une foule paisible de bébés, vieilles dames, messieurs, pré-ados, primo-manifestants, néo-militants… un échantillon représentatif de la population. Le Mall débordait d’amour et d’énergie.

The Day That Changed Us

Moi je ne m’étais jamais ouvertement revendiquée féministe, et le féminisme a mauvaise presse à notre époque, mais là il s’agissait d’être sincère et de défendre nos droits ! Je m’étais toujours dit : « Je suis une femme, tout va bien, merci ! », sans penser aux combats passés qui m’avaient permis d’obtenir des droits, aux combats actuels d’autres femmes, ou à cet avenir très incertain qui risque de nous priver de tous nos droits. Défiler avec 500 000 autres êtres humains, unis pour défendre l’égalité et le progrès a confirmé que j’étais avant tout une humaniste, et, je n’ai plus peur de le dire UNE FEMINISTE… Conséquence de ces élections tragiques : la plus importante génération de féministes est née, et ça, mesdames (et messieurs), c’est le truc le plus fabuleux qui puisse nous arriver aujourd’hui. Alors oui, il y a la politique et les lois bien sûr, mais une unité et une prise de conscience collective comme celle qu’on a pu voir samedi, ça soulève des montagnes.

The Day That Changed Us

On a quitté Washington plus proches que jamais, remotivées par nos centaines de milliers de nouveaux amis et alliés.

C’est Gloria Steinem qui l’a parfaitement exprimé (et on l’a entendu le dire, parce qu’elle était là, en chair et en os !!) « On est tous liés, mais il n’y a pas de hiérarchie entre nous. Et cette journée nous changera à jamais, parce que nous sommes ensemble. Individuellement et collectivement, aucun d’entre nous ne sera plus jamais le même. »

Et maintenant, je vous propose quelques témoignages de femmes qui étaient à la marche, les Gloria Steinem de demain…

The Day That Changed Us







Katie Hearn, 28, Detroit, MI.

Je veux que toutes les femmes qui sont ici sachent que je suis avec elles que je les soutiens. Moi, je veux que des femmes soient élues. Pas parce qu’on est des femmes, mais parce qu’on est sacrément efficaces, on sait prendre des décisions, on est attentives aux autres. On est des individus doués de compassion, donc c’est quelque chose qui me motive vraiment.


Anna, 16, Richmond, VA.

Je vois déjà les choses évoluer au lycée, chez les mecs, leur attitude a bien changé depuis qu’il [Trump] a été élu. Je m’inquiète de ce qui peut arriver aux filles de mon âge.

The Day That Changed Us







Anu Lazarre, 41, Brooklyn, NY.

Moi, je suis une immigrée. Pendant sept ans, j’ai vécu ici sans papiers. Ma fille est noire. Je suis une femme et je crois que j’incarne parfaitement la nécessité absolue d’être ici, c’est pour ça que je suis venue aujourd’hui.


The Day That Changed Us

La marche continue: 10 Actions / 100 Days.


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  • I was there for the march as well. It was so amazing to feel GOOD after feeling so depressed since the election. I think everyone felt it — they felt like they were no longer alone — that there were other women/men/people in this world that see the tide shifting to oppression and want to speak out, too. I’ve never felt more inspired to make a difference in this world since walking with 5 million other people all over the world last Saturday. Glad you were there, too, Garance.

  • Chez nous, les manifs c’est culturel ! :-) Big up ! et bon courage surtout !!!

  • I am SO pleased that you now proudly call yourself a Feminist! I have never understood the reluctance of young women to identify with that term…a lot have totally ignored what women went through that allow them the freedoms and power and autonomy they now have, that tragically, could now disappear. We must ALL, together, fight for Women’s Rights and Human Rights!

  • Audrey, thank you for your post that described exactly what I felt and experienced at the March! My friends and I traveled from the West Coast in what we felt was a pilgrimage that could not be ignored and were awed and overwhelmed with the love, compassion and utter respect we experienced with the other 500,000,000 people in DC that day. We saw not one moment of violence or inappropriate anger, even when smushed shoulder to shoulder. Just LOVE. It was inspiring and motivating and filled my heart with hope! Thank you!! XOXO

  • If one good thing can come from this election, it’s that we wake up and realize that it’s worth fighting for women and human rights. In the US, & in the whole world. <3 from Germany

  • I marched in NYC with about ten of my girlfriends. It was just amazing! Everything was so depressing for the last couple of months. And then there was THE MARCH!!

  • so proud of all of us for being united against the hate and for love. we did that in Toronto. and Daer Audrey, you don’t need to ditch your lipstick and bra to be feminist. there is no rule for us to be equal
    lots of Love for you girls at studio

  • Yes! Thank you so much for taking a stand here, for risking your business model to talk about something that is impossible to ignore for all of us. Thank you!!!!

  • Katarina Aspenberg 1 février 2017, 9:16

    Hear hear!!!

  • Beautiful :) i really love what you are doing with this blog as a team, and also thank you Garance!
    Thank you all of you for defending what is important today for you and for me as well, and for showing you can be a girl or a woman that likes make up, clothes and wearing a bra (or not) AND be feminist and activist and concerned!

  • I marched in Los Angeles and it was amazing. I love that so many people of different races, sexes, ages and beliefs showed up. This isn’t just a white woman thing it is for anyone who is discriminated against. I will march for anyone of these people and am proud to have stood by their sides in the march. Let’s now focus on getting some real candidates into local and national public office. The only way to change the system is to get involved.

    Thank you Audrey and everyone at the studio for sharing your experiences.

  • Sydney Collier 27 janvier 2017, 1:31 / Répondre

    The women’s march is the only thing that has made me feel better in months. I did a lot of marching in the 60s, I can not physically march anymore. That said we cannot stop here.
    This man is spiteful and infantile and he will take it out on women because women marched in opposition to him and his misogynistic pals. He’s going after taxpayer funded abortion already.
    Our president is a Fascist megalomaniac. The Republican representatives and Senators must be bombarded with our voices. They need to step up and defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and all we have worked so long for. But it’s not in their best interests right now so they may wait until it’s too late. We have to overwhelm their offices with phone calls. Emails and letters don’t work per the staffers.
    This cabinet is a cabal of Ayn Rand devotees. If you don’t know who that is find out! Read her books ‘Atlas Shrugged’ and ‘The Fountain Head’. Or at least look her up and find out what her philosophy of Objectivism is. Google Trump’s cabinet and Ayn Rand.
    What ever your religion or practice is, pray.

  • Way to go ladies. Here in Toronto there were over 60 000 people marching along with you. The world is watching

  • Thank you for this post. As much as I love the fashion and lifestyle posts, this post was spot on. Political life in America is frightening right now and we cannot ignore it. I marched in New York and it was cathartic. If half of America is going to live in a tranquilized state and accept this fascist government, then we — the other half — must remain « woke » at all times and commit to be even more vigilant than ever in protecting our democracy, human rights in America and each other.

  • Yay! So glad that feminism is becoming fashionable! Man was it frustrating to hear badass young women being resistant to using that term before. In my mind it always just meant a desire for women to have equal respect as human beings in the world and all that that entails. Now more than ever is the time for women to step up and be the amazing leaders we can be. And when I talk about leadership I don’t just mean the few who are the figure heads at the front. We need leaders everywhere – leading from the back, from the sides, from the bottom of the world to the top.
    The March on Saturday around the planet was amazing! Let’s keep it going! I was in DC (from LA) with my mom and sister and three of our friends and the crowds and the vibe were so life affirming. I feel like it was just what we needed for the long march ahead. So glad the Studio was there and is talking about it :). Sending love to all of the brave and amazing feminists out there – both women and men and people who don’t identify as either! The world needs us more than ever.

  • ‘Women united will never be defeated!’
    So proud to be part of it. Love to all!

  • Melanie Steinemann 27 janvier 2017, 2:58 / Répondre

    I love your blog and look forward to reading it daily. Having said that, you do have some readers (myself included) who did not vote for Clinton and you’re starting to alienate us. I am frankly growing a little tired of all the negativity from the ‘left’. The conservatives have just had to ‘wait out’ 8 years that we didn’t particularly like, but we did it with dignity.

  • Melanie, we respect your opinion and thank you for your loyalty. We wanted to write a very positive story about our experience and we believe in raising what we find to be human issues rather than partisan opinions. We sincerely hope to continue to provide you with inspiration, in any way you choose to receive it.

  • Right there with you, Melanie.

  • Melanie-I agree.. What they perceive as positive is actually quite an intolerant attitude towards people (women or men) who have a different point of view about human issues. All lives matter. As far as social media and online presence goes, the assumption that « we are being exploited » seems rampant. The very fact that you have a voice and the ability to fearlessly express your opinion (irrespective of gender) is contrary to that assumption. There are plenty of countries in the world where people don’t have the right of expression.

    That said, this still is a great fashion blog and very inspirational (visually and fashion wise).

  • Hi Melanie
    I genuinely welcome this comment. I am utterly opposed to Donald Trump and a leftie who marched, but I totally agree with you that now, more than anything, we need to listen to each other’s point of view. I am very scared about what is going to happen to us if we don’t. With that in mind, I ask you sincerely, and without snark, what was it that upset you about Obamas administration? I don’t think we can find a way forward unless we understand each others grievances a little better!
    All the best

  • Excellent commentaire Mélanie !

  • This is beyond Clinton or Trump for me. This is about human rights, the Constitution, and the future of this country.

    I personally love seeing posts such as this one on this blog. It belongs here. Please keep posting about these issues. It’s too important not to.

  • I’ve never posted before but I had to say thank you for this and yesterday’s panel discussion. Thank you thank you thank you. Merci Merci Merci.

    I’m a mother, a worker, a fashion lover, and many other things. This matters. It matters so much, and we need to be aware, be educated and vote.

  • Bravo!!!!

  • YES!!! Thank you so much for this post and for sharing about this on this site. I wasn’t sure if you would do it out of fear of being overly political, but it’s so important right now that we don’t hide from these issues out of fear of offending or alienating others. If we don’t engage, we’re living in a weird reality-denying bubble. We need to be open, to talk, exchange ideas; always with respect, of course. But this is not about left or right…this is about basic human rights. Thank you and march on!! Love, not hate, makes America great :-)

  • Since MELANIE seems to imply that you might be alienating readers as a result of this post, let me add my voice from the other side.

    I care about what I wear, and like to be informed about trends, and therefore, visit this blog occasionally. But in general, I find the level of obsession with fashion and consumerism, that is typical to fashion blogs like this one, rather excessive and can only take it in small doses.

    A post like this is something that would make me visit this blog more often. It shows that the people behind the blog care about something beyond selling products. I am sure that as a business you were anxious about this decision. And, I applaud the decision to take the risk and voice an opinion.

  • Jen Kornblum 27 janvier 2017, 7:32 / Répondre

    On the post yesterday, why did you not publish that you will be holding a panel in DC? I find this about all GD events – somehow they happen, but they don’t really as they’re for a very small group of people, whomever they are.

  • Hi Jen. We posted the invite for the DC panel on Facebook and Instagram, we’re sorry you missed it! Follow us on Instagram @studiodore and Garance Dore on Facebook for more updates – and we’ll also be sure to publish on the site next time we have a community event. Hope to see you at the next one!

  • Jorge Alexandre Teixeira 27 janvier 2017, 7:47 / Répondre

    One Word: Overwhelming!!!

  • YAS to this post and to Emmeline’s comment (and impressed with Audrey’s respectful response–mine would have been a lot more angry)!

    Thank you G + studio for smarter posts. Women are socialized to think and believe that we are the clothing and makeup we wear and how we make money but this is what chains us to the system. To see people from within the fashion industry beginning to change and show more dynamism (Teen Vogue what?!) gives me hope. Hears to hoping this isn’t just a seasonal trend.

  • Good to hear that feminism is no longer a bad word. (and indeed no need to throw away bras and make up !)
    I also agree with some of the comments thanking you for  »smarter », more social posts.
    We all need futility and sweet little things like fashion once in a while, because it’s fun. But we should also realize we do have a responsibility in what happened (and in what will happen in France if we go on the same path).
    A lot of outrageously rich people voted for Trump, but a lot of very poor people also did, because they suffer from elitism and from the feeling of superiority we sometimes spread around, even if unconsciously.

    Price tags for example can be a major source of anger. It’s OK to be an advertisement wall for luxurious brands once in a while, but it should not be the only option. Sometimes I prefer not to react and write comments, but just to give one example, I was VERY annoyed by the post about Supreme a couple of months ago, giving the amount of money some kids afforded to spend in their NY shop. Maybe we need to realize what others could do with the price of a single T or a cap.

  • Thank you so much for this post. I love reading this blog for the fashion inspiration and the celebration of women each post represents. I marched in Denver where a 100K+ calm and creative people (the signs were an inspiration!) joined a worldwide show of support for equality. The freedom to write a blog post, design a garment, or pursue whatever we choose was not always there for women. We can’t talk enough about this issue and must take a stand for all who continue to face discrimination. Thank you again for giving the Women’s March its due. I will continue to visit Garance Dore and appreciate the mix of fashion and women’s insights.

  • I thought Melanie’s reply was very dignified. And I am always up for a civilized opposing view. We’re all going to be alienated at some point but I applaud her right to express, plus the fact that she did so here. She mentions opposing the last 8 years with dignity. If we could all be so lucky to have opposing views shared in this fashion OUR WORLD WOULD BE A MUCH BETTER PLACE. So, thank you, Melanie, for being opposed with dignity. Plenty of people were not.

    Twice when I was a teenager I was groped and completely taken advantage of by male bosses. I was too unsure of myself to stand up and yell out. And toss that in with the handful of times I said No that were completely ignored – yeah, I’m pretty angry with who was just elected and deeply appalled. There is no way I will be able to act dignified when it comes to the 4 years in front of me.

    I COULDN’T WAIT TO GET TO THAT MARCH. Thank you, Audrey for sharing this post. For me it was personal… I’m grateful to know you all made the trip to DC. I pray it doesn’t end here.

  • Right there with you, Melanie. I have been a reader for seven years and check the site daily. While I respect the attendees of this march and their right to protest, I feel there is zero representation of the « other » side on this blog and many others. I am greatly disappointed and wish this site, and others would represent ALL women in the name of tolerance, which the attendees of this march say they fight for and represent.

  • Now the really hard work begins. Putting pressure on elected officials, meeting with them, or calling them every single day. Senators and congresspeople. Emails and cards will not work. They respond to meetings and calls. Otherwise, we’ll get nothing. Those living in red states will have the most impact. Please ladies, make those calls. It’s our only hope for any legislative change.

  • Thank you for this. Glad to know we can count on each other for support.

  • I was Under the impression that everyone was protesting against Something different whixh made it sound a bit chaotic.

  • Aww Garance- one of the things that I love about your blog is your honesty – now couldn’t you have answered Melanie’s comment in your own words instead of that insincere answer about  » human issues rather than partisan opinions  » ? The sad thing is that everyone in this industry is pressured into choosing a side and making a stand – and if your stand doesn’t fall into the correct category than woe to you and your business and subsequently your livelihood. Now doesn’t that remind you of another political movement ?

  • I chose to march because I have a vagina, and a brain. I chose to march in order to remind politicians in power that they also have daughters, and wives, and sisters, and certainly mothers, and to remind them that surely there must be someone on that list whom they respect. I chose to march because there are immigrants out there who need a chance just like my Scotch-Irish ancestors did, and who are denigrated just like they were. And I chose to march while dressed to the nines, in a pink handknit cashmere pussy hat. But that’s me. Probably the other millions of women had slightly different reasons, just like they had different outfits.

    We can choose what we want to wear. We can choose how long to grow our hair. We can choose how much we want to spend on a « statement bag », and we can choose to give that money to a homeless person instead.
    We have less control over whether the current fashion makes us look like an idiot to our children-to-be. We have less control of whether an ordinary pair of pants makes us « look fat » even though we’ve lived on salad for decades. We have less control over whether we’re classified as a « hot babe », a « brainiac », or « an old broad ».
    We have no power to choose our race. We have no power to chose our birthplace. We have no power to choose what body parts we were born with.

    I was born with a vagina. I did not choose it, but the current fashion in government is to act as though I gave up my power to choose life , or to choose to be unmolested, or choose to be taken seriously as an American taxpayer, simply because I was born with a vagina.

    Just don’t take women for granted. Especially American women.

  • Melanie Steinemann 2 février 2017, 10:46 / Répondre

    Sarah, I don’t want to turn Garance’s nice blog into something unpalatable. I think a lot of us come here to escape (I know I do)! But to answer your question, what bothered me most was that I felt President + Mrs Obama were very unpatriotic. What I think you might want to consider in trying to understand what happened is that there are many, many people out there like myself who did not advertise their politics because frankly, they didn’t want to debate them. They were quiet about casting their vote. By the way, nothing about me (other than my age-51 and the state where I live-FL, would indicate that I might be conservative. I grew up in a very modest home, lived all over the US with my job, now live in Paris
    part-time and was registered as an Independent prior to the election. I just couldn’t take more of the same and was willing to ‘roll the dice’ on someone unconventional.

  • Malgré la chouette intention de cet article, j’ai beaucoup de mal avec cette phrase « j’ai laissé tombé maquillage (oui il y a une traduction à make up ;) et soutif, féminisme oblige » …A moins que ce ne soit du second degré, ce que j’espère :) !

  • second degré! :)

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