The Gaze
9 years ago by

Even if you’re not into someone, it’s ok to check them out.
Seriously, no ones’s going to hold it against you — we all do it…
We all stare.
At the hair or the clothes, or the face. Or the shoes.
So watching Chelsea McMullan’s short film The Way We Dress, we can relate. Women appreciating women for whatever reason.
But what’s kind of cool is the overall comment of the film: that we should be able to openly celebrate, to look and appreciate, one another. Not be intimidated or shy about a little extra-long gazing when an outfit or a certain look calls for it.
Remember: women should be supporting women ;)
I really enjoyed the spirit and message of this film. I have started not just gazing but verbally expressing my pleasure in how someone looks. That is because there were many people who took the risk to look and to tell me they liked my style, or commented that I looked beautiful. This gave me an incredibly good feeling. It also gave me the confidence to start a blog. So I try to return the favor whenever I can.
Accidental Icon
this is such a cool short film
Giveaway on my blog!
This is so validating. I always pay attention to what others are wearing – I used to think too much, but this little film shows that it’s a common thing to do. I find, though, when I stop a woman and tell her that I love her outfit, she’s freaked out at first. People aren’t used to strangers stopping and talking to them these days. We’ve got to change that. Yay for women supporting women!
I always stop and compliment women, either on their beauty or whether it is something they are wearing that catches my attention. I agree, women should be supporting women.
Btw, the is filmed in my home city of Toronto.
I get butterflies when I see a great inspirational fashionista person, although it´s getting more difficult every day since people are trying to attract so much attention. I remember when “fashionistas” used to be brave rare human beings. Love finding what is left of uniqueness