From the Beauty Closet

Spa Night

11 years ago by

I’m a big advocate of making Sunday night a Spa Night. I paint my nails, I do a face mask, throw on a pore strip (which are my #1 all-time favorite, best thing ever drugstore beauty find…more on that later), etc, etc…

Lately, I’ve been amping up my spa night with Elizabeth Dehn’s new line for One Love Organics. Both the serum (pat it on post-pore strip) and eye balm (no more puffy eyes, really!) are seriously moisturizing and full of antioxidants to preventing wrinkles (I might only be 25 but I’m hoping to look about 25 for forever).

The products smell amazing and leave you with dewy, glowing skin…it’s enough to want to make every night a spa night.

Do you have a Sunday night beauty routine?

PS: You can get the products here!


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  • Hello ! Sais-tu où l’on peut trouver ces produits à Paris ?

  • Sunday night beauty routine is the best, and a must if you aks me! I’ll try these products, I intend to look 25 forever too!
    Paris-NYC Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • Oh yes! Same ritual here, facial scrub, mask, etc, Sunday night is just the best night to do that sort of thing and get ready for the week I find! Looking forward to hearing about those patches! :)
    Love your posts btw!

  • Well….yes. But I do the nails in the late afternoon at the pool, where I am alone, (has to be, right?) with my daughter. It’s our time together and we do enjoy that a lot.

    Kisses from Santa Cruz in Bolivia

  • Love discovering new brands, thanks for the tip Alex!

    Lela xo

  • Je n’ai pas de rituel particulier le dimanche soir. En fait, je prends chaque soir un moment particulier pour ma peau (ma mère me dit : “profite, quand tu auras des enfants, tu n’auras plus le temps de t’amuser avec tes crèmes…”. Grrr, c’est ce qu’on verra !…).
    J’ai envie d’essayer l’Orchidée Impériale de Guerlain. Il paraît que c’est magique (le prix aussi est assez magique dans son genre). Je me laisserais bien tenter aussi par le sérum Orchidée Impériale White qui, a ce que l’on m’a dit, fait un teint sublime.
    Je suis fan des cosmétiques Guerlain. Le terracotta quatre saisons fait un teint vraiment magnifique et très naturel. Les auto-bronzants me font très envie aussi.
    Bon, bref. Je vais essayer l’Orchidée et je reviens en donner des nouvelles ici.

    Sinon, pour désincruster la peau, un bon masque à l’argile verte, c’est efficace, non ?
    Je mets aussi de l’argile verte (en pâte) sur les paupières supérieures et inférieures lorsque j’ai les yeux un peu gonflés au réveil. Ce n’est pas supposé être appliqué à cet endroit-là, mais (je m’applique de l’argile un peu partout sur le corps dès que j’ai un bobo) ça rafraîchit immédiatement et ça décongestionne vraiment. Bien hydrater après.

  • I’m a big fan of pampering myself at home on Sundays. I usually do a bubble bath with some hot tea and relaxing tunes, shave my legs, do a full body sugar scrub and then lather on a bunch of lotion. I’ve been wanting to start using pore strips, I used to use them all the time and loved how well they work! I need to start doing some kind of mask. I love simple little luxuries like that. I can’t wait to check back and see what others do!

    Elizabeth of The Corner Apartment

  • yes! please tell us more about pore strips! in my experience, they either not get anything out :( or strip off my skin :( x2 and have given up on them…

  • I had a similar issue! They didn’t get all that much. I started using just a simple green clay mask, and it seems to do a way better job of managing the blackheads on my nose. Perhaps Alex has a better brand of pore strip to recommend (although I have to say the clay is super cheap on amazon- by brand rainbow research!).

  • Hmm… i like this idea.. i always try to squeeze in some serious in home treatment, but never eventually do… maybe i really should do the effort… Nail painting at home for sure would save some $$$.

    I feel like One Love Organics line has been all over the blogs. I might get it a try!

  • Christina April, 14 2013, 10:15 / Reply

    Usually I do have an extra step beauty routine that involves peels and a glass of wine to relax.

  • Priscilla April, 14 2013, 10:22 / Reply

    Would love to hear about your Pore Strips!!! been trying to search for a good one for a long long time!! love trying new stuff and your advises!!!

  • Hi Alex, my Sunday beauty routine usu involves a home manicure/pedicure with the Nailtique protein treatment now that I’m taking a break from colored polishes to let my nails breathe. I suppose I could do a moisturizing mask from Aveda while that’s happeneing but I forget more often than not. Thanks for the tip on the One Love Organics line! Looking forward to more beauty closet tips from you.

  • Dragana April, 15 2013, 3:18 / Reply

    Hey, yes I do almost the same think for my Sunday beauty routine. But +
    packaging of the hair (coco butter + Elixir Ultimo L’Oreal + Balm approximate 45 min)
    I love to put Vaseline on my hand.

  • Hello,
    Je vais à NY en Juin, penses-tu que d’ici là tu auras dévoilé l’identité de ces supers patchs désincrustants ??!!
    (ceux de nivea sont assez efficaces mais j’aimerai bien en tester des nouveaux)


  • Coucou Alex.

    Aaaaaaah oui!! J’avais aussi mon rituel du dimanche !!!
    Now c’est un lointain souvenir… Mon rituel je le fais quand j’ai le temps , souvent très tard le soir et souvent je le décomposé dans la semaine.

    La cause : deux petites princesses qui me pompent mon temps et mon énergie !!!
    Vivement qu’elles grandissent que je puisses me tourner un peu vers moi!
    Aaah!les joies de la maternité !!
    À bientôt !!!

  • Oh, I love this thread and am looking forward to read the comments.

    On Sunday nights, I do a bubble bath, which includes a nourishing mask for hair (either coconut oil pre-wash, or a cosmetic mask after I wash it), a scrub, essential oils for relaxing, a mini manicure, good music on my I pad and a glass of wine.
    After that, I put a generous ammount of moroccan oil in my hair, put a lotion all over and let my hair dry naturaly while I paint my nails and put my outfits together for work for at least three days ahead (trust me, I started doing this recently, and it is a life saver in the morning, when there is enough stress already).
    At the end, I put the nicest sleep wear I have (it feels so good and adds like a touch of luxury, when it’s really nothing special).

  • Sunday morning i’m at work!, we here (Egypt) have Friday and Saturday are the weekends, so i do primp in those days, but i don’t mind taking my Mani set with me at job (like right now) and do my nails in the office, save so much money and you have a free time at the office anyway , so why not?!

  • I also do my nails on a sunday evening x

  • 25 ANS ?!
    Non? Je pensais que tu en avais bien une trentaine! Non pas que tu fasses plus vieille, au contraire. Je ne m’étais pas posée la question sans que ça semblait évident! Tu as la maturitée et la carrière pro d’une femme de 10 ans de plus!

  • Ca rassure quand même de ce dire que l’on est toutes les mêmes !! J’adore ce rituel ^^

  • Lily @ c’est Alex qui écrit ce post et pas Garance :-) Sinon mon rituel du dimanche soir c’est une tisane, un yahourt et un film pour rattraper les abus du week-end :-) sinon je sors écouter de la musique et reboire un coup parce que finalement ç’est la meilleure solution anti-gueule de bois (non non je ne suis pas alcoolique, juste le week-end !)

  • Hi Alex,

    It’s important to do SPA nights. I found an inexpensive CoQ10 face mask that’s really hydrating from Japan. They come in a plastic case and you remove each one like tissue paper and it fits right over your face with holes for eyes, nose & mouth. I’ll do a post on that on my blog soon. For now see below my reviews on drugstore lipstick finds:

  • Aurélie April, 15 2013, 4:31 / Reply

    De l’huile d’argan ou de framboise pure … rien de mieux et quelle sensation de douceur sur la peau !

  • Andréa April, 16 2013, 9:39 / Reply

    Salut tout le monde,

    Ce n’est pas d’un rituel spa le dimanche dont je veux vous parler mais plutôt de ma super découverte du mois. J’ai des problèmes de peau et ma mère m’a fait découvrir la crème aux AHA de la gamme Veraderm. Les résultats sont vraiment visibles et assez impressionnants, je suis hyper ravie de ce nouveau soin.
    J’ai enfin trouvé mon graal ? !!
    Donc MERCI MAMAN !!
    Je te donne le facebook si tu veux plus d’infos ;

  • Thank you for this post! I’ve actually just bought my OLO sample. It’s a pity they don’t have the sample for these two products in the UK yet! Still, I hope the normal sample will be great, too!

  • Ha… tous ces petits plaisirs d’avant… D’avant devenir une maman!! :)
    Désormais, ces rituels, c’est quand j’en trouve encore l’énergie…

  • An equivalent that ships to Australia?

  • I love taking care of my skin, but i find that I am often trying to fit things in rather than having time set aside. I just discovered the Tata Harper line which is all natural. Their resurfacing masque is great as it exfoliates and hydrates all in one go- I like products that multi-task. Plus it smells yummy.

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