Let's Talk About

Small Changes

9 years ago by

Small Changes

It’s almost a new year, time to embrace change!

Well, subtle change. We’re not talking about a radical transformation that incites a revolution, just tiny things to make ourselves feel a little refreshed. There are so many small ways to make a change (walk to work, try a new hairstyle, etc)… we’ve been brainstorming them here in the Studio this week.

We think these metallic eyeliners could be a cool way to make a discreet change. They’re just different enough to change a look, but not too crazy (we’re still a little apprehensive about colored eyeliner)… and we barely have to change our makeup routine — just swap out our every day black for one of these.

What small changes are you planning for the new year?


Technakohl Eyeliner, MAC.


Add yours
  • I like to mix it up with some metallics. Love the idea of a shimmering eyeliner.

    :] // ? itsCarmen.com ?

  • i have just started it with the black eyeliners…not ready for gold just yet! :)


  • Lovely pic!

    Lovely pic!
    I actually want to change up my make up routine in the new year, I love make up but I’ve been doing a nude / office look for way too long!
    A small change that can make you feel different instantly, every day of the year :-)

    Happy holidays!

  • change is awesome

    Giveaway on blog starting tomorrow!


  • I love metallic on the lids, it wakes your eyes up so much more than black!

  • I’ve had so many changes this year, that I will gladly settle for a new lipstick or an eyshadow :)

  • Very simple but good idea! I am not planning any change in my make up routine.

  • Moi j’ai acheté l’eyeliner doré de chez Others stories, c’est un petit changement qui a beaucoup de succés au quotidien.
    Le cuivré de Mac il faudra donc que j’essaie, avec mes yeux bleus, ça risque d’être joli!

  • I love metallic eye liners… they really make my eyes pop! Is Disco back?? :)

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  • I think it’s a nice change from black eyeliner especially for “les fêtes”.
    Check out our how to guide on metallic eyeliner @ http://www.blushandbeyond.com/makeup/holiday-sparkle/

    Happy Holidays!


  • I love those eyeliners and the idea of implementing little changes. I just got a new, totally different hair cut, I hope that counts!

  • Christina T. December, 21 2014, 11:51 / Reply

    I bought this eyelid curler, but it is so tricky to use.I m always afraid that my eye lids will be cut off. So I decided instead that I’m going to my dermatologist next month and have a vitamin C peeling (never done it before). Greetings from east mediterranean!

  • I am daydreaming of vintage half-frame glasses and a couple new tattoos for 2015. I hope everyone enjoys the end of 2014 and has a great 2015. Peace.

  • Petits changements 2015 :
    – niveau vestimentaire, moins de noir, j’en porte trop, tous les jours en fait. Ca va avec tout et c’est très flatteur le noir, alors j’en use et abuse… Pas bien! car ça peut aussi donner un côté un peu trop sévère qui ne me sied pas forcément.
    – niveau fashion toujours, porter au moins une pièce Cheyma (www.cheyma.com) par jour!
    – côté chaussures, je souhaite m’interdire de porter du plat plus de deux jours de suite. Après je m’y fais et j’ai une flemme monstre de remonter sur mes talons!
    – tenter des petites choses que je n’ose pas : les chapeaux, les turbans, les grosses montures de lunettes, le blanc pour l’hiver tiens!


  • One small change I want to make this year is adding prayer and exercise to my morning routine. Hoping that having a more structured on purpose routine will help to inspire me to achieve the same productivity for the the rest of the day!

  • This year I will be trying blond! Naturally, I have medium golden brown hair. I always loved being a brunette, but I started to get a few gray hairs… I feel too young to go gray, but I don’t have enough grays to dye the whole head. There is some quote floating around about going platinum at least once in your life. Although I fear bleaching my hair is too damaging, I thought I would take this opportunity to go blond. Maybe it will stick? The secret is to start with partial highlights, then full highlights, and then an ombre. Keep lightening the ombre further up the hair shaft and Eventually, you will be blond. This is a subtle and less damaging way of making a big change and you can stop whenever you feel like you have hit your favorite color. No buyers remorse the next day. ;)
    Beautiful resolution Lisa!

  • Un changement vestimentaire : mes chaussures. Cette année je compte bien développer cette partie de mon dressing de manière…exponentielle.
    Un changement côté make-up : un rouge à lèvre bordeaux, très intense et assez audacieux, qui se suffit à lui-même. J’ai toujours voulu m’essayer à ce look un peu gothique-chic -sans tomber dans le too much, hein, on est d’accord, les bracelets en pics et la coupe punk ce sera pas avant 2025.
    D’ailleurs, un changement côté coiffure : Couper. Court. Et parce que ça ne suffit pas et que je me sens suffisament en confiance -ou inconsciente-, pourquoi pas teindre aussi?.

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