12 years ago by
Before leaving Milan, I went to Porselli.
I already loved those ballerinas, but,
since I discovered their little shop, I am even more of a fan.
It’s a mini-store very close to the Scala (where the dancers go, of course). Every Wednesday, they get their new stocks (everything is made by hand), and usually on Thursday they are already out of stock. So you have to choose your pair amongst the remaining ones…
It’s a little bit annoying (my friend Barbara who was with me is a 38 and they had absolutely NOTHING left) but it’s pretty deliciously authentic.
And to get a pair, you just need to order it – you’ll receive it on the next Wednesday. Learn to wait!
Well actually, I couldn’t. I left with two out of the three pairs you see in the picture.
Which ones, do you think?
Yellow and nude, of course :-)
Les deux plus à gauche, non ? Si mes souvenirs sont bons, un magasin à Lyon en bradait en doré et argenté pour à peine 15€ ! (c’était de vraies chaussons de danse, fait à la main, marque italienne…)
blanche et jaune!
J’aurais eu envie de dire la paire blanche mais c’est probablement la paire moutarde mais le côté chausson de danse avec la paire rose pour faire la totale serait aussi une option !!!
Finalement, les blanches ! mais…..
la photo des porselli que tu avais posté y a longtemps m’avait marqué!
tes repetto pleurent de la trahison italienne !
ça donne envie en tout cas, pas de boutique en ligne?
They’re so pretty, I love the classic simplicity of them! One day I’ll have to learn how to make my own.
White & Yellow!
Mhmmm – I think, white and tan. Tan, because it is a really nice one and white, because it’s different. Don’t really see white ballerinas except on bridesmaids… But the buff ones are very nice, too….. like a dancer…? Oh, I don’t know!!!
So pretty))))
On dirait vraiment des chaussons de danse … Je suis curieuse de voir ce que cela donne aux pieds , tu nous mettras une petite photo ;)
The two on the left I think :)
They look very crafty, didn’t like them at first sight but after staring at them for a minute, I saw how charming they actually are :)
The White Studio
I really like the pair on the left, very much like the pair I had when I danced ballet
C’est quand même beau de voir que des petits artisans qui font un travail de qualité en petite quantité arrivent à survivre de nos jours. J’aime beaucoup cette idée du luxe fait main, où il n’est pas question de logo mais d’artisanat dans le sens le plus noble du terme.
Since I started dancing tango (about 8 months ago) I have been absolutely crazy about dancing shoes. And Porselli collection is just amazing. They have perfect ballerinas, perfect leather sandals, perfect jazz shoes and, last but not least, perfect “Scarpe per ballo Spagnolo e di Carattere”! It’s a must.
difficile de trouver ! elles se ressemblent toutes !
le travail a l’air très beau mais honnêtement je ne comprends pas l’engouement pour les ballerines. je n’ai jamais réussi à aimer.
the yellow and nude ones! they look amazing:) xx
Vu la couleur du lien Porselli, je dirais celles du milieu ! ^^
Jaune moutarde bien sûr ! My winter obsession!
I just saw a fantastic oversized suit jacket in this shade, is it too much you think or just perfect for this winter?
I hope you enjoy your travelling around as much as you can between the catwalks. Thanks for reporting back to us! You’re the best.
Bisous de Londres
nude et jaunes bien sûr ;-)
Bonjour Garance,
le cuir a l’air souple et doux…
En revanche elles ne sont pas assez décolletées à mon goût. J’adore voir la naissance des orteils, je trouve ça sexy!
J’opterai pour les blanches et les cognac.
Franchement, si tu n’avais pas craqué, je n’aurais pas compris…
T’as choisi les marrons et les beiges ?
T’as pas pris des photos de cette boutique ?
Parfois, je me rêve en danseuse étoile…
Je rêve trop.
Non mais vraiment, une ballerine c’est beau…
Plus je les regarde, plus je les aime.
Elles symbolise, pour moi, la délicatesse, la féminité (=la vraie, sans chichi on met les choses (= les talons) à plat). Tout ce que je suis (pas-) totalement… “-)”
Non mais vraiment, c’est trop beau une ballerine…
J’aimerais beaucoup (vraiment) avoir une photo de cette boutique.
Signé : beaucoup-vraiment
It’s funny, the other day on my blog I was reminiscing sitting on the steps of Porselli, watching impeccably dressed (Milanese) passers-by: http://artsandsprouts.com/2012/09/21/things-from-milan-i-would-import-in-my-ideal-country/. Nice memories :)
I never bought shoes from them though (they’re a bit too “balletish” for me).
j’adore celle en couleur chaire mes je trouve le bout pas assez rond a mon goût
I found out this brand time ago and I think it’s really great (with Repetto of course…but Porselli is italian so I’m more proud about it). I hope you got the yellow and white ones….the yellow for sure :)!!
Ochre and white!
Definitely the mustard, and I think you went for the nude too :)
I absolutely love these ballet shoes! such a nice shape and everything….:)
maybe the tan and yellowy ones? anyway, they’re all nice!
J’ai les moutarde… achetées chez APC cet été. Super confortables!
wow! ma sono bellissime!!!!!
Blanc & crème
Garance, oh Garance que j’aime tant, on dit “il n’y avait plus sa POINTURE” <3
Quelqu’un sait où je peux les acheter en ligne?
Ça fait plusieurs mois que je cherche, en vain.
P.s. Les correcteurs-de-fautes-d’orthographe-maison sont vraiment des rabats-joie!
I think you bought the two from the left…I’m a huge Porselli fan, I work just above the store and every time I go I can not help but look at the window and buy something!
The two on the right (white and mustard)…correct? ;)
I love Porselli , I have two pairs and they are great. I think you bought white and nude colors.
Cream and ornage! That’s my guess! I didn’t know this brand, but I’m alredy in love!
2 from the left, I think. I really see you in those.
Yellow and nude, I bet! But are they really practical for daily use? They seem so fragile and flat!
they are so precious!
The nude and yellow ones?!
elles me font bien plus penser à des chaussons de danse que les Repetto, ces ballerines. Je savais que Porselli fournissait la Scala, évidemment mais pas que c’était à flux si tendus…
Bon, alors à mon avis tu as pris les jaunes et les blanches (vu que tu as déjà des nude, vues sur la jolie photo où tu es sur la balançoire!)
I like my porselli way more than my repettos.
Magnifique!!!! Je dirai les jaunes moutardes et les blanches… du moins c’est celle que j’aurais prises ;-)))
They are beautiful and I am obsessed with finding the perfect ballerinas. I love the look of these and the Repettos designs, but I cannot wear them as they don’t have enough arch support since they were originally made for real ballet dancers. Any suggestions?
They’re very pretty! I always want flats that look like ballet slippers, even pointe shoes.. They’ll be great reminders of the time when I was a ballerina. I tried Louboutin’s, they weren’t comfortable for me. So, so far I only swear by by Lanvin flats, but they don’t look like ballerina slippers. Maybe I should try Porselli.
Les paires rose et moutarde. Ces chaussons me font penser a mes longues annees de danse, il y a si longtemps…..
Camel et nude ? Sinon, Apc les distribue à Paris, dans leur boutique dédiée aux chaussures, 1 rue de Varenne ; mais bien sûr ça a moins de charme. (en fait c’est une “collaboration, je pense car les ballerines sont signées Porselli pour Apc et reconduites chaque saison)
les blanches et les nudes, he suppose? j´adore les ballerines porselli, surtout leur coop´ avec apc, ce qui fait qu´on les reçoit même à berlin
So lovely! I’ve been to various ballerina stores in Milan and it’s soo hard to decide you end spending hours trying all of the colours on and driving the poor staff crazy! I don’t know what you chose but the nude obviously is a winner, the caramel too, but that pure chalky white??!!!! I love it! It’s perfection! I would almost want a second white pair to hang on my bedroom wall somewhere…
Je dirais les jaunes et les blanches !
En tout cas, j’adore :)
Does anyone have any idea how much a pair of these ballet slippers cost?
bonsoir Garance,
Celles de droite (les blanches) et celles du milieu (les caramel) : qu est ce qu on gagne si on a bon ?
Des bises
Yellow and nude, love these!
These are gorgeous! I hope you scored those amazing caramel ones in the middle!
I hadn’t heard of Porselli until a company called Toast started to stock them in the U.K. They are almost crude in appearance (particularly on the sole) but are incredibly comfortable and the colours are wonderfully autumnal. I had no idea they were so sought after; I feel very lucky to have my pair! I also agree with a few others who have commented here – Repetto is no comparison, Porselli is the new fashion classic.
this is awesome! i work for A.P.C. and we collaborate with Porselli every capsule season. I am always looking forward to my next pair. I got both gold and dark navy leather this season. They are tooooo good.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
Je ne sais pas, mais j’adore le fait que dans les commentaires la couleur du milieu soit nommee orange par certaines , moutarde par d’autres et jaune aussi… et camel… c’est marrant non??
The yellow and the nude.
i like the nude color
the one in the middle and the white, of course!
Not the one in the middle but the other two. Am I right?
Really wanted to like them, visited the shop intending to buy something. But the old lady running the store was so racist it put me off and I’ll never go back.
I’m Asian and she kept talking to my Italian boyfriend, in Italian, about how “they” are strange, and “they” like shiny things, and “they” don’t like to be Asian and want to be European.
He was annoyed and asked her to stop then translated for me and we left the store.
Oh she also assumed that Hong Kong was part of Japan.
If she had kept her ignorant opinions to herself, she would have made a sale.
Je croyais que tu préférais les repettos parce que ça te faisais un plus joli pied. Bref je pense que tu es repartie avec la paire cognac et l’autre beige rosé.
PS : j’adore ce coloris cuir beige rosé pour les chaussures, les sacs mais aussi comme vernis à ongles, et puis tiens comme fard à paupière aussi.
Très bonne journée Garance
les beiges claires te les beiges foncées ??
en tous les cas ce sont celles que j’aurai aimé avoir ;)
Garance they are all lovely. I am hoping the yellow or ochre as someone mentioned is among the picks. And the white is so sweet.
The ‘nude’ actually is looks more beige to me. I never understand what Nude means as if there is only one skin color. So odd that some readers would use that term.
Ah well.
Enjoy them.
je pense que tu as pris les blanches (pour aller avec tes jeans blancs) et les beige naturel de gauche.
I hope you kept the yellow ones!! :D
Elles ressemblent beaucoup aux pointes de danse, et moi qui suis danseuse ça me rappelle beaucoup de chose…
Théa Unknown
Il me semble avoir lu un post il y a quelques années ou tu disais préférer la formes des repettos sur ton pied, si tu as changé d’avis alors je pense que tu as pris les 2 de droites, blanches et abricot!
Bonne journée Garance
Garance! You still need to tell us which ones you bought! I’m curious…
Can you spare a pair?
These are the best ” ballerine” in the world, still made in Italy, I think I have at least 10 pairs. Price is lower than Repetto( around 100 E) and the quality much better. They fit TTS. They had a special production for the corner.com, more expensive though. Check yoox, sometimes there are a few pairs coming up. Buona giornata!
Moi je penche pour les deux de gauches, en tout cas, c’est celles là que je choisirais!
Buona sera Garance ! I saw new exclusive Porselli x Jardins Florian collection now :) My favorite are the black ones… Well, actually they are all bellissime! Ragazze, which ones do you prefer? Ciao ciao, fede
J’en ai une paire et je les trouve d’une résistance incroyable. Seulement… vous arrivez à les porter à l’extérieur? La semelle est toute fine. A moins de les renforcer…