

9 years ago by


My favorite day.

If your week looks anything like mine, you’re probably crazy at work all week and then have nights filled with dinners or workout classes, or something. By Saturday, you’re so excited, you want to do everything / go everywhere / see everyone (and that got even more intense when I moved to NY). It feels like you’re trying to fit a year’s worth into six days, but every week.

But Sunday? Oh, it’s bliss. You finally feel like you can slow – or stop.
It’s a day when you finally do your laundry (clean underwear, hallelujah!), or just do nothing. It’s a day for lovers and old friends, or falling down Instagram blackholes. By the time the evening rolls around, for the first time in a week, you finally feel rested and refreshed (haha, yes, finally!) – and all of the stress falls away.

I love to Skype friends or family (you know, the people who are cool with me also doing a face mask at the same time), watch an old movie, or drink wine with a friend… just take it slow.

Do you love Sundays too? How do you spend yours?


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  • vanessa la belge August, 24 2015, 3:43 / Reply

    Dans mes rêves, le dimanche c’est le jour où je me fais des masques (cheveux, visage), un gommage, ma manicure et pédicure, et même des crêpes!
    En vrai, quand j’arrive à aller au marché (qui est à 5 minutes à pieds) pour acheter mes fleurs et fruits de la semaine, c’est un exploit ! Par contre, ma tradition du cinéma à la cool, ça c’est un réel plaisir auquel je ne déroge pas ! :-)

  • I don’t know I really love Mondays and doing stuff. I get too much anxiety when I have nothing to do


  • Dinking wine on our boat , with friends or/ and my lover ….

  • On sundays, I blog :)

  • I love Sundays too. I love setting up for my weekly routine and lounging around. I like walking to the store and buying some groceries and cooking a lovely long meal.
    – Kaitlyn | http://www.TheCrownFox.com

  • Miss Annie August, 25 2015, 12:11 / Reply

    Sleep in with my boyfriend, we then go to the fruit and vege market for a week’s supplies. I’ll read the paper then sometimes see a movie with a friend then we head to a long boozy late lunch at our fave winebar! Cook myself some something yummy for dinner and spend the evening by myself! Perfect.

  • Par moment, le dimanche vers 17h, un petit blues me tombe sur le coin de l’échine…parce qu’après le dimanche, ya le lundi!! Mais alors, je me dis : “Meuf, stop. C’est ton day off, alors arrête de chouiner. Et puis, on a qu’à se commander des sushis, ça ira beaucoup mieux :-)”
    (Canon ton illustration ? comme toujours)

  • I don’t live in the same place as my boyfriend, so at the moment I usually spend most of my Sunday at his place and the rest on the Autobahn (motorway), driving home. So I sometimes think that my Mondays are less stressful, because there isn’t so much travelling involved.

  • Je n’ai jamais aimé les dimanches… J’angoisse toujours quand les choses se terminent, c’est pour ça que je n’aime pas août, ni juin, ni les dimanches… Par contre j’adore septembre et les lundis, j’ai l’impression qu’ils offrent plein de possibilités! Et le mois de juillet ou le samedi, qui marquent le début d’une période (plus ou moins longue) de détente… Le samedi je prends mon temps, et le dimanche je cours pour terminer ce que je n’ai pas su faire le week-end!
    C’est peut-être une question de rituels de chacun :)

  • I read your blog usually on Sundays!!! Slow!!

  • Lovely post. Saturdays are actually my favorite day, because I have the whole weekend ahead of me. But Sunday is truly for relaxing, reflecting on the week prior, and meditating on the week to come. My ideal day would be sleeping in as much as possible with my boyfriend and our cats, and then slowly sipping my coffee with brunch (I’ve found he cooks better than going out at most places), possibly a movie, definitely light shopping, the roof of the Met, a dinner in Brooklyn, then back to bed to relax!

  • J’aime bien les dimanches, mais je les trouve aussi un poil déprimant… Mon moment préféré c’est le lundi (ouais, c’est bizarre, non ?)


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