Best Friends Are Best
9 years ago by

So, I think we can all agree that nothing (and no one!) beats a best friend.

Not even a boyfriend. Or Brad Pitt. Or Ryan Gosling, if he’s more your man…
Best friends are the beeeest.
Recently, Garance had a friend visiting from Paris and it got me thinking about how much I miss my best friend who lives thousands of miles away in Sydney… and that got me thinking about how amazing best friends really are. So, I thought it was about time we celebrated friendship by rounding up some of the best best friends to ever come together.
Chloë Sevigny and Natasha Lyonne
Can’t you just imagine Chloë and Natasha kicking it back together in the 90s? I feel like they would be the kind of friends to go to fancy parties but get bored, and opt for a local pizza joint instead. They’re definitely having some fun times hanging out together, which I really wish I was invited to attend…

Liv Tyler and Kate Hudson
They’re both children of some seriously famous parents, so they must connect on this level. There’s also the whole salt and pepper dynamic going on between them, which is always nice to see. In my imagination, they send each other handmade Christmas cards every year and Kate’s favorite movie is Empire Records.

Lauren Hutton and Jane Fonda
One was the all-American girl and the other was Barbarella, so they pretty much won the 70s. A classic pair, one can only imagine the memories these two have from the past few decades… I’m hoping they involve plenty of gap-toothed smiles and metallic bodysuits.

Lena Dunham and Jemima Kirke
Best friends who star as best friends on a show all about best friends. These two were always going to be on this round up. It’s kind of like when you see a real life couple play out a romance on-screen; you can just tell that Lena and Jemima are best friends.

Highly Commended: Thelma and Louise
Okay, so they don’t technically count because they’re fictional characters but I couldn’t omit these two from the list completely. Aside from all of the law breaking, their kinship is pretty idyllic. They drive the open road together with hardly a care in the world, and they look in-cred-ible in denim. Bonus friendship points for hanging out with a shirtless Brad Pitt…

It’s so great to have a best friend for don’t need to say anything she knows you she knows what you are going to say before you said’s like having a sister…it’s so great till one day it’s finish and it’s like a divorce..and it hurts forever….
Yael Guetta
That’s so very true!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Love from bella Italia!
I’ve read that the basis for perfect women friendship is when they both think that the other one is her side kick :)
True or not, female friendship rules! Trish (the other Champagne Girl) and I have been friends for 20 years and we still see each other several times a week :)
i wouldn’t say thelma and louise had “hardly a care in the world”….
Yeah, I totally agree. My BFF is one of the most important things to me. I´ve got one since 26 years, and she´s always there for me. And me for her too! Lucky me!!
Greetz, Steffi
Bestie are the best !!!!! I miss mine like crazy too – she is in NYC while I am in London (or even further in Singapore). I’d throw in the ultimate Kate Moss/Naomi Campbell bestie of the besties.
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So true!
best friends are the best
My best friends are my family! Great post and very true!!! My life is great because i have them!!!!
This is so beautiful ! Mines thousands of miles away as well too. These happy pictures made me happy.
Thelma and Louise is one of my favourite movies! So great! And I do love the denim theme there, too.
sympa ce post ;)
En ce moment, mes amies sont hyper précieuses pour moi. Elles ne remplacent pas les autres relations mais clairement elles me donnent confiance en moi et à chaque fois que je passe un bon moment avec l’une d’entre elles c’est de l’énergie positive pour un bon moment dans le reste de ma vie. :-)) Et Thelma et Louise a longtemps été un de mes films préférés