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Attached at the Micro-Chip

9 years ago by

Attached at the Micro-Chip

I recently got an iPhone 6!

Yay! Now everyone at the studio can quit with their ancient phone remarks (I had an iPhone 4 btw, its not like I was using a flip phone). And you know what, it took a few days to get use to the size in my hand…. Do I need to use two hands to hold this thing? Perhaps I’m just not ready? Is it too big? Ahhh, wait, its great! Ok, so I’m part of modern culture and up to date on electronics!

And then I had to “restore to original setting” my old phone to send back, and things got emotional. It was something like relating that little gadget to being my best friend for several years and having to move away… and that’s when it dawned on me that these days people really have an emotional attachment to electronics. I think I may even have my first Mac computer somewhere (that’s over 7 years old and it doesn’t even work)… We have this weird connection with these electronics, we talk to them, we type on them, we spend more time with them than any friend.

When we go to upgrade a new phone/computer/tablet, are we throwing away a semi-delusional friendship? Or are we coming too close to becoming Joaquin Phoenix in Her?


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  • Fais gaffe, tu vas avoir une extension naturelle du pouce droit ! Les MAJ iphone font tout pour que tu ne renonces pas à tes petites configs vielliottes même avec un nouveau téléphone, vois ça juste comme une évolution Pokémon ;)


  • i can live w/out these tribal signs :P


  • kinda weird, how can we love an electronic…


  • I have the iphone 6 plus that is huge for my hands, but I have a strong relation with it…I’m in love!
    XOX, Gap.

  • I love my computer apple my i phone ..i am an apple addict!!must admit..it has become an extension of us a third hand
    a third eye …able to see and do so many things…!!i found the new i phone a bit big for the pocket but i love it..
    i try to oblige myself to have a healthy separation from time to time……see in real my friends and family …my family lives in 3 different continent so my FaceTime on my apple is my best friend:) …
    Yael Guetta


  • Une antiquité, un Iphone 4?! Je suis loin d’être anti-technologie, mais franchement, là, tout va trop vite. Depuis quand un téléphone qui date d’il y a deux ans seulement est bon pour la poubelle? Je dis ça hein, mais moi aussi j’ai parfais des pulsions acheteuses qui me pousseraient à acheter les dernières technologies. Mais je me contrôle, en me disant qu’au final, on n’a pas vraiment besoin de tout ça, et qu’en plus ça m’évitera de verser une larme en trahissant mes vieux appareils ;)

  • You would really laugh at my phone it’s one of those free Nikons you get from like 1800 haha. I do not use it at all, but now my IPAD is my bestie.

  • Tu as vu? L’appareil photo entre l’iPhone 4 et l’iPhone 6, c’est le saut quantique! On peut se faire plaisir tout en conservant l’instatanéité du telephone. Avec l’appli photoshop express pour les reglages / filtres et hop!

  • I have an iphone 3Gs and I’m pretty about it : the older the better I can see how resistent it is when I fell it down. I went so many times to the Chinese to fix the broken glass but I’m glad so far to stick with it. I totally don’t understand how people can spend more than 100 €/$ for a… phone ! (????!!!). Like 600€ and up to 1200€?!!! WOw, sound depressing and out of the reality to me. Moreover I hate when brands dictate our way of purchasing/consuming : WHAT and WHEN. No ! 2 years later you’ll see apple we’ll launch a new iphone, and so on, and so on, and so on….
    I really really realy don’t get this hype of tissue-like consumerism about a phone/instant camera : “get and throw : it’s cool”

  • Dear Sira,I totally hear You..

  • J’ai aussi cette tendance à garder mes anciens téléphones et mes anciens ordinateurs … comme on garde nos cahiers d’école non ? Ils sont un souvenir et ils incarnent une tranche de notre vie, ça ne me choque pas.
    Après, cela reste de simples “objets”, il ne faut pas leur accorder trop d’importance non plus :)

    Et franchement Brie, l’iphone 6, on est d’accord qu’avec des mains de taille normale il est 10x trop grand non ? haha

  • Ever since I’ve seen a documentary about grim conditions that Chinese employees work in phones factories (the screens are the worst offenders or rather, the chemicals they are being treated with), I’ve stopped upgrading my phone. I will wait until I can afford one made entirely in Europe- its a bit expensive and you need to pay upfront as opposed to spreading the cost over 18 months, but at least I will have clear conscience. Sorry to sound so grim…

  • Annouillle November, 25 2014, 5:29

    Très très bien dit. Nous avons tous entendus parler des conditions de travail déplorables (et des répercussions tout aussi déplorables sur l’environnement) des ouvriers des usines Apple. Mais la plupart d’entre nous ne résistent pas à ces “status symbols” que sont les smartphones et autres tablettes. Quel égoïsme, non ? Posséder un appareil à la pointe de la technologie (que l’on remplacera d’ici 2 ans grand maxi, ne nous voilons pas la face) serait donc plus important que la santé et le bien-être de nos semblables…

  • Such a thoughtful post and it got me thinking about how attached (and even more so since I started blogging) I am to my phone. I have been thinking of getting the 6+ not to be up to date but because I spend so much time looking at my phone and reading on it that I need bigger letters as being a certain age impacts the vision, no? If I really start to think about it I might be spending more time communicating with and depending on my phone than with people. This is a good cautionary tale. My mood can now be a little influenced by how many instagram notifications are popping up on my screen. You are right there is an emotional attachment, I need to be careful it does not become emotional dependence!
    Accidental Icon

  • J’ai eu mon premier Macbook Pro en 2011, je l’avais appellé Aéro et mon iPhone 4 (qui est mort en mai 2014) Cookie. J’ai du racheté un nouveau Macbook Pro dû à ma négligence, j’ai tué le premier avec du jus d’orange et en mai 2014 je me suis procuré un iPhone 5s. Je ne les ai pas attribué de noms cette fois. J’étais vraiment attaché à mon iPhone 4 Cookie. Il est quelque part dans sa boîte d’origine et pour mon Macbook j’ai fait don de ses organes. Ahaha!

  • I am in love with my iPhone 6! enjoy yours!!


  • Hey, guys! I think that addiction to any material thing is a sign of weakness and it always can be used against you. So I am trying from time to time to throw or give thinks away – every 6 months for example. Even clothes that I like but I have not worn them in 6 months. This way in the end you remember that these are only THINGS. So change your phones more often, clear your closet more often. Give it a try!


  • Very inspiring and insightful blog post! Thanks a lot! xx

  • J’ai un mobile privé, et un autre pour le travail. Mon iPhone 3 privé est mort il y a quelques semaines, irréparable. Le temps de réfléchir à ce que j’allais acheter, j’ai ressorti mon nokia coquillage que j’aimais bcp – dans la famille, on conserve les vieux téléphones dans une boîte avec chargeurs, on a remarqué que ça peut toujours dépanner qqn.
    Après moult cogitations, j’ai récupéré un iPhone 4 avec un écran fêlé dans la fameuse boîte, pour mon usage privé, il convient très bien, et j’ai acheté un iPhone 5, le modèle le moins cher.
    Pas question de me lier avec un abonnement pour avoir un mobile moins cher; en Suisse, les abonnements sont hors de prix.
    Ceci dit, j’adooooore les produits Apple (je suis tombée en pamoison devant mon premier Mac en 1984, après avoir appris à me battre avec des erreurs de compilation en Fortran – 30 ans d’amour fou…

    Belle journée

  • I just updated to a Smartphone and now no longer have my family telling me that the museum had rung and they want their exhibit back! Well it was over 11 years old and the manual was copyrighted in 1998!

  • I absolutely understand your emotion as I have the same situations as yours. Recently I bought iphone 6 and replace my 4S. I have been using 4S for 2 years and carried this phones to a lot of places. For me, it’s not just a phone, it’s a great assistant. I still keep my 4S as I miss him.

  • I just got an iPhone 6+, and I feel kinda weird about it. Cause it’s so big, it seems too showy. I don’t consider myself a phone person, but I like it because it’s easier to use (my 4 was getting really glitchy) and easier to read stuff online. I dropped it the other day, and I almost felt relief. I actually hate using my phone too much, and it makes me feel slightly nauseous. I got it fixed though, cause it’s like necessary for life.

  • Michelle January, 3 2015, 11:27 / Reply

    Yessss! Now I want to get one too! But I cannot choose between the two, silver & gold.
    Silver looks classy and sophisticated. But it sometimes can look basic.
    Gold sometimes look tacky and not easy on the eyes. But when sunlight is shined upon it, it is so radiant!!!
    I do like gold jewelry but I think the gold Iphone 6 has a different gold to it.
    What do you guys think?
    Silver or Gold???????
    Also, I hope that Garance will be releasing Iphone 6 cases designs soooon! xx

  • Gold !!! I’ve got one it’s goldy chic, very feminine ! Love it !
    And I agree +++ I need a IPhone 6 case by Garance ASAP! Thank you !

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