Annina Mislin’s Los Angeles
8 years ago by

Annina Mislin shared her favorite things about Los Angeles with us!
Favorite thing about living in Los Angeles:
I love the access LA has to nature – not too far from the ocean, mountains, desert, etc.
Favorite place to eat:
Little Dom’s – For cozy ambiance and classic Italian food in my neighborhood. I’m a creature of habit and this is one of my habits.
Best souvenir someone could bring back:
Vintage photography books.
Best place for a cocktail:
Café Stella.
Most unexpected thing about the city:
The diversity here, most people visiting or looking in from the outside just see LA for Hollywood but there are many more layers. I’ve lived here for 9 years and it still surprises me.
Je vois de plus en plus d’articles basés sur LA…. Une envie de changer d’air, Garance?
Great post!