A New Normal
10 years ago by

It’s time to dress normal.
Gap, that friendly, classically American shop has just launched a new, slightly moodier campaign featuring none other than Angelica Huston as one of their “Dress Normal” celeb-models.
I love me some Angelica Huston, and Gap was one of my favorite stores growing up (I had a lot of sweater vests), so this combination seems more than perfect while giving a whole new meaning to #normcore.
I really don’t like the idea of normal ..what is normal or not normal is defined by people that think they are normal…i don’t think it’s a good word to use ..especially that Angelic Huston..has opened the door to many version of herself..in movies…i have seen her dresses much more creative than this “normal”
and i believe fashion ..has to be fun creative interesting unusual…cover the body.. worm the body…but not normal..
Yael Guetta
it’s funny since normcore is an exception from all the zara-styled outfits out there….funny! :)
Yay, Im in style again.
This is an ad? Wow, I thought it a movie still.
GAP clothed down all its stores in Germany in the 90s. I went there at the last days and went totally crazy about the full blow out sale, got me loads of stuff. More than half I did not keep and gave to my relatives. Let’s admit they’re not the trendiest brand but I have to admit back then the quality was superb as the clothes I took, some of them I still own (you know snuggly cardigans for the home) and they’re good.
love this post
Oh I have a comment all right. DRESS NORMAL? What does the Gap have against adverbs??? DRESS NORMALLY is what it should say. I can’t stand the way this reads. The same goes for people who say “Drive safe.” It is safely. An adverb describes a verb here and requires an -ly.
WE CAN DO THIS. Especially in the U.S., where we are required to master only one language.
By normal do they mean they are embracing normcore ?
I wrote about normcore here a while ago…trying to understand if it was yet another fad , another ” I really don’t care about fashion ” moment by people who take 2 hours to dress up in the morning
I think it is a good idea to use the world “normal” and to use an icon of individuality and counterculture such as Angelica Huston
I love GAP but I don’t feel so tempted to go into their shops because they often look like bargain basements
I love me some Gap!
Looked at the campaign…not normal to wear ballets at the beach.
I like this approach! Also a fan of Angelica Huston.
Je deviens extrêmement suspicieuse face à ce déferlement de n’importe quoi “normcore”.
Qui pousse cette idée de “ne pas se démarquer”, ne pas se faire voir? Qui a intérêt à ce que les gens restent transparents?
Et Steve Jobs qui devient une icône de mode! Mais il faut se réveiller là. Steve Jobs était un nerd qui aimait faire de l’argent (le fait qu’il soit mort d’une affreuse maladie n’en fait pas automatiquement un héros que je sache!).
J’ai envie de dire aux mannequins du précédent post “normcore”: allez jusqu’au bout de la démarche mes poulettes, mangez au fast-food tous les jours comme beaucoup de vos contemporains qui sont la “normalité”, et portez fièrement vos 40 kilos supplémentaires, là vous correspondrez vraiment à la moyenne et vous ne vous ferez plus remarquer.
Pauvre Angelica, elle méritait mieux.
Complètement d’accord, surtout en ce qui concerne le (non)look de Steve Jobs!! C’est du grand n’imp! Après l’époque où il fallait se démarquer à tout prix, voilà l’époque du sans-relief, à croire que l’ambiance morose en politique et au boulot déteint sur notre allure… Eh ben non, je botte en touche pour le coup!
Normcore rules!!! Yay!!! I’m finally cool!!!
She is an amazing woman, I love her strength!
normcore ok. Angelika Hustin etant bien entendu tout sauf “normale” dans le sens ou elle est grandiose et fabuleuse, un être à part. je suppose que le message veut dire : s’habiller “normal” ne veut pas dire être ennuyeux et normatif. Je pense au projet de stylelikeu ou on interviewe des personnes habillées puis déshabillées, pour démontrer que le style ne provient pas forcément de la façon de s’habiller mais émane de la personnalité de chacun.