
An Integrated Life: Gwyneth Paltrow

8 years ago by


Erik Melvin

Today I’m meeting with a woman that inspires me everyday, Gwyneth Paltrow. I feel like we all know everything there is to know about this multi-talented woman. She’s a fantastic actress who’s evolved in the public eye with grace, and she recently grew into a very forward thinking business woman.

But what’s most inspiring to me is how naturally she carves her own path in this life, not settling for what’s expected. How does she do it, how does she stay centered and what keeps her up at night? Well let’s see. Here is a moment with Gwyneth Paltrow on today’s Pardon My French.

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pardon my french gwyneth paltrow garance dore photo

On enjoying the routine of going into work everyday…
I love it! I really think I’m a businessperson trapped in an actor’s body. I didn’t like that gypsy life. I love being home. I love my routine and being in my office. It took me a while to get used to it because there’s a responsibility piece there that’s hard to absorb. But once I was like, no, this is your job now and you have to do this and I really enjoy it now.

On how her style survived her move from London to L.A….
I like to get dressed everyday. It’s one of the things I promised myself when I moved from London to LA that I wouldn’t wear Lululemon and Ugg boots all day long. I was like, I’m going to move to LA, but I’m going to get dressed every single morning!

On how she came up with the styles for her clothing line with Goop…
It’s very personal. I went through my closet and found things I loved and wanted to remake in a different way. Like I love this shoulder or this hemline and can we do it like this or that and tweak it. Certain things I kind of invented from scratch. Clothes I really wanted in my own closet, but couldn’t find and that weren’t trying to move fashion forward, just things you’d always have.

On how she gets ready on a typical day…
I usually pack my clothes in the morning so after I drop my kids at school I go to the gym and then I go straight to the office. I’ve made a lot of mistakes! I think ok, I’ll put this with that and I don’t try it on. I did that the other day. I hadn’t tried it on and my shirt was really short and my pants were really low, it was horrible! I had to go into our fashion closet and borrow a belt!

An Integrated Life: Gwyneth Paltrow

pardon my french gwyneth paltrow garance dore photo

pardon my french gwyneth paltrow garance dore photo

An Integrated Life: Gwyneth Paltrow

On how she balances everything…
I really try to do one thing at a time. It’s a lesson that’s taken me a long time to learn but I used to try to always be doing two things at once and I get very stressed out because it’s really hard for me to do that.

On what she is afraid of…
I go very big picture with my fear. It’s not like, is this perfume launch going to work or not? It’s like, am I doing the right thing? Am I failing? Am I a bad mother? I think because I am so caught up in the details of everything and execution, my fear comes in these big scary pictures.

On what inspires her…
I’m inspired by so many people and artists and other women in business. I’m inspired by fashion and literature and I find inspiration all the time. There is a hip-hop song called, “No Role Modelz” and I think it’s a really good challenge to have no role models and not to say, I want to do it exactly like she did it. And instead say no, I’m creating my own path, I have no role models here and I’m going to do this my own way.

On how Goop’s first fragrance is all natural…
It’s a completely natural fragrance and even the base of it is an organic sugarcane alcohol. A lot of times conventional fragrances use synthetic alcohol, as it’s very, very cheap. We’ve used all naturally and carefully distilled leaves and flowers, and all kinds of beautiful ingredients. It’s called Edition 01 Winter and I really wanted it to smell like you were in a beautiful old library with a fire going.

pardon my french gwyneth paltrow garance dore photo

pardon my french gwyneth paltrow garance dore photo


On the development of Edition 01 Winter…
The thing I love so much about it is that we really focused on the mystical and homeopathic aspects of all of the ingredients. I’m very into food as medicine, herbs and plants, so when we were mixing the perfume, I thought there must be healing properties to all of these ingredients like the labdanum, cyprus and frankincense, so we started to research what they all meant and their mystical, healing and homeopathic healing properties. It’s very clearing. So for negative energy and for meditation, it has calming and anti-depressant properties and also aphrodisiac properties!

On what is beautiful to her…
I love when I can see the woman and she is in her own skin and comfortable. That to me is so beautiful. More than makeup or style. You can always see pretense and for me, that’s tough because you can’t feel the woman. Nothing to me is as beautiful as a woman who is comfortable with herself. That’s the main philosophy. And, it’s important to take care of yourself as best you can.

On the idea of extreme beauty procedures…
I think at least for right now, I mean, I could change my mind, you never know, it’s extreme to do a crazy intervention. Talk to me when I’m 60 and I’m on my second face lift! For now, no, but check back in with me!

On why she loves working at Goop…
I get very emotional about the products. I was putting on our night cream the other night and I was like, wow, we made this! We worked so hard to get it right and make sure it worked and the right texture and the packaging and I’m using it in my bathroom! It was one of those weird, out-of-body experiences! That’s why I love working at Goop so much because I believe so much in what we’re doing and how we’re doing it and it’s amazing to be able to productize a value system.

pardon my french gwyneth paltrow garance dore photo

Also discussed…

Solange’s album, A Seat at the Table
“Within: A Spiritual Awakening to Love & Weight Loss”
“The Collaborative Way”
Trading Places

Edition 01 Winter will be available as a fragrance and candle starting November 15th and will be sold exclusively on Goop. Priced at $165 and $72, respectively, you can sign up for early access here!

Find more episodes of Pardon My French here, and subscribe on iTunes to catch up with Garance every Thursday!



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  • hellestorm November, 10 2016, 9:42 / Reply

    The two best blogs converge! Ah, to be there with the two of you. Goop is a fantastic site for ideas, inspiration and my favorite – recipes! And the Goop by Juice Beauty skincare truly is amazing: elegant and effective. Who could ask for anything more? Was just massaging in the Night Cream myself last night. I’m hoping they create some household cleaning products… are you reading this Gwyneth? =)

  • Margotte As I like November, 10 2016, 10:17 / Reply

    Merci de demander à GOOP de commercialiser les produits de beauté en France THANK YOU ;) car je ne peix pas aller aux States de sitôt ;(

  • It really isn’t fair that she should be so pretty, smart and talented!

  • Qu’elle est belle Gwyneth Paltrow.
    Ses produits de beauté sont ils 100 % naturels ? Seront ils vendus en France ?

  • J’adore Gwyneth Paltrow ! Je trouve que son parcours est très intéressant et inspirant ! Un belle exemple à suivre !

    Amelie – Charles Ray and Coco

  • How about posting about women and the election
    outcome?? We have minds and this is awfully important-this interview seems silly and superficial today.

  • Hi Ginger,

    Thank you for your comment and for reading our site. Garance shared her thoughts about the election results on social media as well as in a mini post yesterday, which you can find here: I hope this help clarifies your concerns! All the best x Natalie

  • I’m so excited to listen to this on my commute home!

  • I agree with Ginger. I adore these podcasts and if you could add in some local or national– Hillary ;) political figures so that we can keep the awareness of what is going on in our nation and how we can help that would be amazing and extremely relevant! Merci

  • Geez, I think you forgot about the fact you’re on a (life)style blog right now and in no way are the makers here obliged to go indepth politically.
    Besides that: featuring powerful women is something that you can read into politically also, if you’d like. Like a stance against misogyny and the glass ceiling.

  • Jawaher Al-Tamami November, 13 2016, 4:20

    I think the beauty of Garance’s blog is that it is not only aimed at a US audience. Garance has reader from all over the world that adore he and have followed her all decade. I would hope her voice remains international and not just US centric. Not to say what is happening in the US isn’t important. On the contrary, we from all over the world are just as sad by the recent events.

    Also these interviews are usually made weeks in advance so maybe there’s something to look forward to in the future that discusses the current political climate *hint hint*.

    Garance’s personal post on her emotions on the elections were truly touching, I hope you’ve had a chance to read it.

    On a side note, I haven finished listening to the podcast but my god my two favourite people in one room is a dream come true!! You are both so so inspiring and I can’t wait for my drive home today so I can listen to the rest of it!

    Lots of love xxx J

  • You have no idea how pleased I am to hear this interview. Gwyneth Paltrow is such an inspiring woman. Despite being successful enough as an actress, she decided to do more, to achieve higher goals and I admire her courage. Being a woman in this industry is tough, being someone behind a pretty face even tougher, but she did it. She’s a beautiful woman inside and out, and extremely good at business on top of that. Total respect x

    Jessica — WS Community

  • Parfaita en personne!!

  • Gwyneth Paltrow est vraiment une femme inspirante a mes yeux. Elle ne prone jamais la perfection mais plutot la recherche d’un equilibre simple, qu’au fond, nous toutes je crois, tentons de trouver.
    Elle est belle et je suppose donc apres avoir lu ses reponses que c’est avant tout parce qu’elle se sent bien ..
    A mediter donc.
    Merci, j’ai hate d’ecouter le podcast maintenant !

  • Ana @champagnegirlsabouttown November, 10 2016, 3:23 / Reply

    I’m going to sounds so shallow but I’d love to know how does she keep such a beautiful clean jawline? I’m only 35 and mine is sagging! :)

  • Isabel Salcedas Loureiro November, 10 2016, 3:46 / Reply

    A very interesting and casual interview! Like being in a cosy room being part of the conversation.
    Congrats Garancedore! ????????

  • Isabel Salcedas Loureiro November, 10 2016, 3:49 / Reply

    A very interesting and casual interview with a true lady. It’s Like being in a cosy room taking part of the conversation. So nice????
    Congrats Garancedore! ????????

  • ‘it’s amazing to be able to productize a value system’ ok!

  • Gwyneth is the best and so talented.

  • melissa lee November, 11 2016, 1:07 / Reply

    She is truly integrated……

  • Gwyneth is truly an accomplished woman. Great piece!

    Janine Claire

  • Gwyneth is so comfortable in her skin. Lovely to see her so confident and her success is well deserved.

  • Gwyneth is so comfortable in her skin. Lovely to see her so confident and her success is well deserved. Her parents reared her well.

  • I didn’t catch the name of the book Garance talked about, is it “A look within???”

  • A great interview with a very interesting person – well done Garance! I came away with renewed respect for the both of you, as the lack of pretension was palpable and energising, you were generous in your approach to the interview and this allowed an interesting conversation to shine through. I have always admired Gwyneth but I think (perhaps like you?) I have sometimes struggled with the sense that Gwyneth was trying to differentiate herself from the rest of us by demonstrating that she did things better. I always read this as insecurity on her part – perversely – and found it distancing. (And yes, Gwyneth has done certain things better than many of us – her civilised, caring, thoughtful divorce a case in point). I think I now get Gwyneth: she seems genuinely lovely – thank you Garance! (But, G, you can laugh at yourself the best, notwithstanding your talents, and that is why I love your blog ;-)

  • Gwyneth is just so classy. Have seen her so many times on TV interviews and she comes across as just so well raised.

  • Hahahahah. “I like to get dressed everyday.” What a concept.

  • Lovely lady! Her voice is so serene. The interview was very interesting, I could have listened to you two talk for two more hours! I find her very inspiring, maybe because she seems genuine (just like you!). And I like that! And yes, that’s what resonates with people, not fame or fortune.

    Besos from Argentina!

  • Thanks for this!!! Can anyone tell me where that black monogrammed bag is from?

  • I met Gwyneth once and she is just such a nice person. Think how she handled her divorce( her children came first) that says a lot about a person in my book. Someone mention she is classy and that’s exactly what I think. You either got it or not. I wish her continued success. Brava!

  • I didn’t catch the name of the album Gwyneth said she was listening to?

  • It’s Bon Iver. An acquired taste…

  • @ Peach…I LOVE that handbag, too!

  • I agree, Gwyneth’s achievements are impressive. She’s has definitely used her situation and celebrity wisely. However, I find myself more inspired by what Garance has achieved. She started with nothing but blind faith in stories she felt she wanted to share, we’ve been privileged to join the journey of what has been and continues to be an amazing career. That’s impressive! Congratulations Garance, you and your team are amazing.

  • I get that this is a lifestyle blog but some events can not be ignored. Garance’s post was fine. However, style does include how we live our lives and there are many amazing women who are socially active that would be incredible to interview about their work and style. Also, PLEASE a little more diversity with ethnicity and age. These social times call for diversity wherever and however we can represent and support it. I don’t have anything against Gwyneth except sometimes she’s out of touch with how most of us live. She’s fine actress and has accomplished a lot.

  • I agree!

  • Hi garance, beautiful pictures and meeting. Can you please tell us where’s the bag from ? Thk you. A fellow frenchie

  • I really like Gwyneth! I really don’t understand why so many people are annoyed by her.


  • Loved listening to two inspiring beautiful women speak so candidly. Thanks so much Garance for sharing. This was the perfect way to start my day at the studio today. Inspired, refreshed and ready to tackle the day!

  • Hi studio dore :)
    Can you tell me what are the books Garance & Gwyneth are talking about ?
    Thanks !

  • Le Bazhaar November, 23 2016, 9:00 / Reply

    L’une des interview les plus interessante et inspirante a ce jour, merci Garance j’ai passe un bon moment

  • Now, about that handbag?

  • Mamavalveeta03 December, 9 2016, 11:32 / Reply

    I really love the interview, Garance! You’re so approachable and authentic that I think people just feel at ease around you. (THAT’S “integrated”!). I feel like this humanized Gwyneth more for me. I love goop, her style, and I think she’s beautiful in a very natural way, and yet I always felt a disconnect between what she was saying in interviews and what she was putting out there as content on her website. Thanks for that.

    One thing, tho: It strikes me as semantics when discussing “inspiration vs. role models vs. mentors.” It’s ok to look up to people who have “blazed a trail” and admire them…that doesn’t mean we’re copying them!

  • Hi,
    G mentioned in this episode (had to pause and write this so I don’t forget to do it later..) that she recorded her own affirmation and listend to it. What is an affirmation and how to use it? Would love a post on this with tips and tricks since you says she feels more in balance after listening to it :) <3

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