
Velo Love

11 years ago by

A cool summer look for biking around, way better for peddling about than mine:

Last time I was out and about on my Dutch soublaïmebike (Did I show it to you?)(I have to be the only one wandering around all straight up on my big Dutch bike that goes like 2 miles an hour but I just love how friggin’ cool it is!), I had on a mini-miniskirt and black Birkenstocks (that I ordered in a size too big but was too lazy to send in for an exchange. Ah! You gotta love online shopping!), and here’s what happened…

-The skirt hiked up all the way to my chin from all the peddling, which showed a little too much of the scenery to the passersby. But hey, it’s New York so no one really cares. Though my dignity: took a little hit. Plus: Danger!!!
– My bag didn’t really stay on my shoulder so I had to hold it with one hand and grip the handlebars with the other. Mega Danger!!!
– My Birkenstocks are too big, so much so that one of them ending up falling off on 5th Avenue, and here I am looping back around in the middle of traffic. Maximum dignity loss. And all that together = Hyper Danger!!!

And the worst part was that I didn’t even have a helmet on. I mean, I was being careful.
But it’s time I get myself some safety gear, don’t you think?
So yeah, tomorrow, I’ll put on some jeans and a crop-top.
Ahahaha! Kidding…

Okay, I totally still want these Phillip Lim shoes. Even if they’re a little big on me. ;)
All this shouldn’t take you away from the beauty of Rachel on her bike though, don’t you think ?


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  • C est bien cool ce look mais pour un top crop faudrait pas avoir un top petit ventre plat ?
    Bon, ce qui est bien c est que ça fait mega aération alors quand il faut chaud y a rien de mieux

  • I used to live in the Ntherlands, where the bike is King… It didn’t stop me from wearing skirts, you just have to find something not too tight and you’re okay! In paris I love Velib, it’s so cool! I don’t ride in NYC, too scared to be run over, cabdrivers are crazy!!

    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog, NEW POST! White Blazer 
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • i love her shoes. they look perfect for pedal pushing :)

  • I love her Phillip Lim shoes and the crop-top!

  • En effet tu est un peu trop Européenne avec ta tenue!

  • I have the scene of the birkenstocks falling off lol, although that may be a good thing this God telling you he doesn’t like Birkenstocks maybe Just kidding… but your velo is so rad.


  • Colette July, 23 2013, 9:19 / Reply

    Le look de la fille, d’accord (quoiqu…) mais pour le vélo, c’est toi qui a tout bon, à mon z’avis, hein!
    D’ailleurs je sais plus qui a dit que les seuls vélos dignes d’une femme sont les vélos hollandais sur lesquelles elle peut se tenir droite. Et je trouve que cette personne a 100 x raison. D’ailleurs, moi mon vélo, il ressemble à çà:


  • Sérieux? Il est juste excellent!!

    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
    The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog, NEW POST! White Blazer 
    The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • Christelle July, 23 2013, 9:23 / Reply

    vi fais attention dear Garance ! ici à Paris l’an dernier j’étais gentiment sur mon Vélib quand une voiture m’a serrée de trop près : résultat un genou cassé + ligament arraché, opération, bouh ça fait mal, et c’est long à guérir !

  • I loved it!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:

  • She is stunning, and most of all, THOSE SHOES! I am drooling so much right now I might short-circuit my keyboard. Gorgeous. And now Garance, get yourself a helmet!

  • Super look pour faire du vélo, si on est aussi mince qu’elle! J’aime beaucoup la photo!

  • All I can say is I admire Rachel for riding a guy’s bike, and looking so cool in the process. But really, it’s YOU we want to see next, bike, outfit, helmet and all!

  • I like that shoes. Great day.

  • Yes, those shoes are too cool :) I am a bicycle lover as well, so I advise you to wear shorts next time :D


  • Géniale cette photo, le regard qui tue, et le total look noir, super bad ass!

    Mafalda ?

  • Millita July, 23 2013, 10:24 / Reply

    Hihi, j’ai connu l’expérience, que dire, l’extrême gêne de repêcher son soulier au milieu d’une intersection où des voitures attendent patiemment. Je me réjouis maintenant que ce fut en banlieue tranquille et non en plein centre de Manhattan !!! Merci Garance !

  • i also coveted those shoes BAD!…then i found out that Zara had the “same kind…” (you know how they do!) in their TRF sub-line, and ordered them online…but alas, once they arrived – they seemed more clunky once you had them on your feet than probably the Phillip Lim ones would…(maybe less refined) so i didn’t buy them after all :(

  • Perfect look for some cycling and she looks amazing doing it! xx

  • Love the picture. She’s so cool. I really want to see how you rock your birkenstocks ! Show a pic please. Yes do get a helmut

  • I know this situation so well, Garance!

  • Christine July, 23 2013, 11:31 / Reply

    Those Phillip Lim shoes seem like they’d be the absolute to worst to bike in with those leather soles! Your feet would be slipping all over the place!

  • Ahhh, ces sandales, je les adore, chaque fois que je les vois, je bave … c’est moche d’être pauvre :-(

  • La jupe en vélo c’est fatal! Méfie toi également des petites jupes fluides qui t’arrivent aux genoux mais qui volent très bien à vélo…

  • the image of you losing your birkenstocks while biking two miles an hour on fifth avenue is you have to admit, rather humorous. And I only laugh because that very well could have – and will be – me. I love that you brought a Dutch bike to New York, and I JUST literally bought a New York bike (Brooklyn Cruiser) to take to Denmark – now i just have to make sure my shoes will be the right size!

  • Wow! Seriously?? If I wore a crop top and skinny jeans, AND had to bend over to hold the handlebars, I would stop traffic. . .and not in a good way! My muffin tops would cause a commotion! ;)

  • On prend le tout, même sans faire du vélo, surtout les shoes ! Un look réussi

  • J’adore le vélo mais j’avoue qu’il faut parfois faire plus attention à son style qu’à l’habitude pour en faire.

  • Aaaaah mais Garance, enfin, où est passé ton bon sens ?

    1) mate un peu son guidon : elle doit se baisser pour conduire, donc merci le ventre flagada qui va bieeeen ressortir. En plus, techniquement, elle sera pliée en deux, donc imagine combien de centimètres de raie des fesses on va voir, son jean va dégringoler.

    2) Elle porte un jean noir… Ohé ! UN. JEAN. NOIR. On est en été ! En été, c’est la sainte trinité robe/jupe/short. Le reste c’est de l’aberration.

    3) Les cheveux détachés, hmmm une belle nana qui pédale les cheveux au vent, c’est sexy, waouh… NON. Concrètement, tes cheveux ils ne resteront jamais parallèles dans le sens avant-arrière pour te simplifier la vie. Cela peut paraître logique si tu fais abstraction du fait que tu conduis en ville (donc ya plein de courants d’air contraires au tien) et en plus il fait chaud. Donc soit tu attaches tout le bazar en chignon au sommet de ton crâne soit tu dégoulines en 2 minutes.

    Je dis ça, hein, moi je fais 2 touches par kilomètre quand je vais bosser ;-)
    (et j’y vais en B’twin Décathlon. En chignon. Et en jupe/chemisier. )


  • Ah, was that you Garance? ahah, just kidding :)
    I am exactly like you, skirt on a bike, bag on the shoulder. After a few times it rolls :)


  • This photo is perfection. Her look makes me want to wear black all the time, even in the summer. Hot, yet understated. Magic.

  • She looks fantastic and your story is too funny :-) … But honestly I just couldn’t wear Jeans in the heat…and black….too hot! Ahh, yes, these Lim shoes, live them too! xxx

  • C’est drôle :parce que , d’un coté très jolies – la photo et la fille, et de l’autre coté ça fait très années 90 avec ce petit haut (“crop top”)))

  • A bike is SUCH a fantastic accessory. I want one! But the ones I want are a real investment…

    Have you seen the ones by global and public? They are in that classic Dutch design with extra-long splashguards matching the frame, and are ultrachic.

  • Les chaussuuuures!! Sublimes!! Si seulement je pouvais les avoir!

  • All black – it really looks great!
    PS hehe like generally girls on bicycle… :)

  • Sur mon blog je me suis amusée à relooker les coureurs du Tour de France, mais je pense que tu dois toi avoir des idées pour parfaire ton style.

  • LaBouyxonne July, 23 2013, 3:18 / Reply

    Beau beau cliché :)

  • Ah oui j’adore ces shoes Phillip lim… pour le vélo à Paris je passe mon tour…

  • Monika July, 23 2013, 3:48 / Reply

    You don’t really need a helmet. Really. Or to put it differently: you do, but then you also need one as a pedestrian. Pedestrians also have brain injuries from time to time.
    Here is a TED on this subject:
    and a NYT article
    with this sentence: “Statistically, if we wear helmets for cycling, maybe we should wear helmets when we climb ladders or get into a bath, because there are lots more injuries during those activities.”

    On the other hand – stuff like a bag falling off you shoulders is much more dangerous. Please use the basket. Your shoulder will also thank you. (Or a shoulder bag, or a backpack). And then you can also put your Birkenstocks in the basket and wear something that doesn’t fall off. :)
    As for the skirts, I have a “male” bike and for wide, knee-long skirts its perfect.

  • Rebecca July, 24 2013, 1:57

    I agree. A helmet won’t make you safer because riding a bike is already statistically safer than driving, but a wide brim hat will protect your skin and a basket will help with the bag and the sandals. I swapped my bike pedals for old fashioned soft rubber ones so I can ride barefoot. Fun!

  • Great picture, love the wild look in her eyes, and the shoes :)

    New post on my French blog:

    Red Rain boots + Paris tee-shirt


  • Nicolette July, 23 2013, 3:58 / Reply

    Wow, the perfect sexy tomboy look.

  • I’ve just been in Holland, crossed the border just to buy a used Holland bike, they call it Omafiez, I think that’s the way they write it, and it means Granny bike. It’s a blue one, blue like the deep blue sky, and I really feel like a lady on it!! I’ll try it wearing heels, not Birkenstocks!


    Jana h.

  • It’s omafiets :)

  • Anika Zebron July, 23 2013, 5:14 / Reply

    Great story! I can picture the chaos, though it does sounds like there was some cool design and fashion mixed in. :)

  • I ended up ordering this for my folding bike:

    Much less bulky than a basket and does the job. Seems to hold well, even when rolling over pothole-tastic streets of Honolulu.

  • Haha!! Funny story. :) I’m trying to buy some birkenstocks too but now after reading this post I better read sizing reviews very carefully before selecting one!

  • princessglee July, 23 2013, 7:29 / Reply

    Garance please…Birkenstocks on a bike in NYC traffic. I’m no Safety Sam but you”re cruisin’ for a serious bruisin’. Put on some shoes that stay on your feet (and don’t look so ugly). Save your Birks on a bike for Montauk and Bali. I like having you around.

  • carole July, 24 2013, 7:02

    ballet slippers

  • carole July, 23 2013, 7:36 / Reply

    very funny read….i just bought 2 pairs of blk patent leather birkens …they come in N with…u just have to fit into the cup sole…Racheal her beauty her look the clothes shoes bike photo best i seen ps awful feeling trying to hold on a loose shoe lol

  • Yep — Birkenstocks is a bad idea….

    Sad to say…in NYC you probably can’t just put your bag in your basket ‘cuz some crazy will grab it when you are distracted.

    The bike is beautiful — hope you find a way to ride it that gives you all the (safe) joy that you are looking for. Maybe basket with a lid…and some of those beautiful designer sneakers you’ve shown us…

  • I wish I know how to bike.

  • This is so funny….:)
    Garance, any update about your upcoming book? ;)

    (I don’t remember any article talking about your dutch bike. Please share. I am planning to get one too, after visiting Antwerpen, and seeing all the cool ladies in skirts enjoying the city eco-transport , something I can not do right now on my mountain bike!)

  • paulinecd July, 24 2013, 3:58 / Reply

    J’adore le look et j’adore les vélos hollandais pour la ville ! Mais le casque !!! arrrgghhh ! Il FAUT un casque !! Oui ça aplati les cheveux et c’est pas toujours pratique. Oui, parfois on transpire dedans. C’était d’ailleurs ce que mon mari, cycliste qui met toujours un casque en pratique “sportive”, disait pour justifier le fait qu’il n’en mettait jamais sur le trajet maison-boulot… jusqu’à qu’un de ses copains (cycliste lui aussi, qui faisait de la compet’ et en mettait en compet’) se casse la figure sur le chemin du travail (poussé par une voiture ? on ne saura jamais). Ca fera 3 ans en septembre qu’il est dans le coma. Il a 2 petites filles qui ont aujourd’hui 3ans et demi et 5 ans…
    Alors LE CASQUE !!!!!
    Aujourd’hui c’est rabat-joie de dire ça mais comme ça l’était avant de dire d’attacher les enfants en voiture…
    La vie est belle, ne vaut elle pas des “écarts fashion” ??

  • C’est vrai que cette tenue est super, j’adore! Puis, les chaussures, je n’en parle même pas j’ai toujours trouvé ces chaussures complètement dingues tellement elles sont belles!
    Passe une bonne journée, xx de France

  • margaux July, 24 2013, 5:24 / Reply

    Ah ah … en effet ça ne devait pas etre cool! tes articles et leur second degres sont toujours agréables à lire! merci de ta joie de vivre!

  • My shoulders are just the wrong shape for keeping a messenger bag sitting at the back while I cycle. Try as I might to set it just so, and square up my shoulders to anchor it, the darned thing swings forward and risks getting tangled in the spokes. And where the heck does one put a clutch?

  • C’est un chouette look, mais parcontre le jean c’est OUT si tu habites dans une ville chaude et humide (Valencia-Spain) jusqu’au mois de septembre.
    Et pour sortir avec une jupette, c’est mi-cuisse et avec un mini short en coton en dessous


  • I’m from bike country! And yes, you can ride your bike with just one hand on the handlebar. I guess it takes some getting used to.Mini skirts are ok, as long as you wear proper underwear :)

    Over here, hardly anyone wears safety gear, but perhaps it’s wise to do so in NY. Enjoy!

  • Oui, c’est chouette et merci, ça me rappelle que j’ai un vélo depuis 2 ans…. qui reste sans bouger dans un parking…

  • As a warm weather rider for 8 years, I think her style is great but I would be sweating so bad if I wore that mid summer. I prefer a breezy dress, all you need are a pair of really short tights made for yoga and sandals with ankle straps!

    For your bag, take advantage of the rear rack on your (very cute) bike. I know your style is more designer, but there’s a couple companies making bike bags that look like purses instead of sports equipment. I work for the best of them: Po Campo,

  • the style is nice, but i dont like the shoes at all!

  • Cassandra July, 25 2013, 6:10 / Reply

    As a Dutchie I have a tip for you that will eliminate peekaboo skirt and bag woes. Add a basket to the front of your bike! Everyone here does it and it not only does it hold your bag and look really chic, but people won’t be able to look up your skirt anymore! Good luck

  • Maggie Hogan July, 25 2013, 12:26 / Reply

    This girl looks really cute, but she’s dressed almost as impractically as you described yourself! No helmet, seemingly shoulder bag, open shoes??? You couldn’t go more than a few blocks dressed this way.
    As an experienced rider who rides in Brooklyn and Manhattan every day, I can say that you should ABSOLUTELY wear a helmet. I’ve seen too many people end up hospitalized with head trauma because they were too vain to wear a helmet- and now some companies make really cute ones! When I’m trying to look chic on my bike, I wear this leopard print one from Sawako Furuno:
    There are also a ton of NYC-based boutiques targeting chic but functional cycling gear. I LOVE this handlebar bag from Collina Strada- and it detaches with a shoulder strap to turn into a purse after you park your bike!
    I’m ALL about chic cycling- so if you’re looking for more tips, just send me an email!

  • Love biking, but hey, I’m Dutch, of course I do ;). I wrote about a really cool site, pret-a-velo, a while ago on my blog: They have the greatest types of bikes and really pretty pictures on their website. You should check it out. Oh and putting a basket on your bike (as mentioned in one of the comments) is a great idea. It’s true, almost everyone has them here.

  • Ha ha, I loved this! That look above is très cool. Xx

    K a t e C r o s s | Modette

  • Venezia30123 July, 26 2013, 3:50 / Reply

    But Garance, there is nothing supercooler than a dutch bike!!!And you see so much more than the other bikers around you!!!But you need also the dutch cycling bags (from canvas with leather fastenings)for the back to put your bag innit…xxx

  • C’est un peu énervant les filles parfaites, quel que soi la situation, non? ;) Un peu comme celles qui font du ski & qui arrivent quand même à être stylées! Pff, life is unfair.

    See you!

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